An Investigation into the Cover-up of the Christchurch Mosques Massacres 2019

This series explores the supposition that the 2019 Ides of March Mosques Massacre was inflicted as a deus ex machina plot device, in part to resolve an impossible impassé whose narrative roots extended back to the 1980s. A full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government in the 33rd year after the 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing appears to have also signalled to the Global Élites that a dark world reset was on the horizon.

*Care has been taken to avoid using violent images and the articles do not contain links to the banned video. However, New Zealand readers may find it prudent to view these articles via a VPN ap, since screen shots from the shooter’s banned video appear in part 3. While the gunmans video is banned in NZ, the use of screen shots, or excerpts of video for evidential purposes — without glorifying cruelty — is legal.

Cover-up of the 2019 ‘Ides of March Christchurch Mosques Massacre

The Christchurch Mosques Massacre of Friday March 15 2019 was the world’s fourth deadliest, first live-streamed civilian mass shooting. And, as New Zealand’s largest peace-time massacre — it came with a twist.

With prima facie evidence, former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards proves it was possible to find the attack locations within one minute. By using the active noun “attack” from the shooter’s email subject-lined — “On the attack in New Zealand today” — that was sent to the Government’s HQ eight minutes before the gunman commenced his mayhem, Mr Edwards immediately found a spike revealing the attack locations in the attached ‘manifesto’.

In part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series, entitled Emergency Response Failure Cover-up of the New Zealand Ides of March Mosques Massacre 2019, shows the Government, the Police and the NZ Security Intelligence Service covered-up the emergency response failure at Government Headquarters.

Trojan Mail? Warning of the mosque attacks arrived with an email subject-lined — “On the attack in New Zealand today” eight minutes before the shooter commenced his mayhem, which contained a PDF attachment for ‘manifesto’ entitled, “The Great Replacement”, as well as links to the manifesto on file-sharing websites. A quick search for the active noun “attack” reveals a spike of 14 repetitions on page 11, and the following page identifies the mosques Brenton Tarrant intended to target, which were readily searchable on Google Maps.

In part 2, Cover-up of Training Exercises Occurring Simultaneously to 2019 ‘Ides of March’ Mosques Mass Shooting, the Government, the Police and the NZ Security Intelligence Service are shown to have covered-up the fact that the multinational training exercises occurring concurrent to the shooting, exacerbated the the emergency response failure at Government Headquarters. Such coincidences are actually the key sign of a false flag black op.

Mr Edwards draws upon several examples of high-profile mass shootings, bombings and hijackings, that occurred concurrent to the training scenarios that appear to have been hacked, hijacked and taken ‘live’.

Moreover, the slow emergency response escalated a failure to integrate multi-agency emergency planning that had taken place in the US to deal with highly mobile, well-armed mass shooters.

Exemplary Emergency Response Myth: In spite of a Police exercise taking place in Christchurch, the fully kitted-up paramilitary squads were unable to stop the mayhem at two mosques, even with the NZ Government HQ being gifted an eight minute warning.

In part 3, A ‘Thin Blue Line’ Emergency Response Failure Amid the 2019 ‘Ides of March‘ Christchurch Mosques Massacre, the ‘Snoopman’ presents prima facie evidence of a professional hit-team supporting the clichéd pseudo commando patsy, which is consistent with deep state black operations and the Pentagon’s “Kill Box” manuals.

A further curious pattern is considered with the comparison between the uncanny coincidences of the attacks’ meta-data to the 74th chapter of Islam’s Holy Book, The Koran (Quran), entitled Al-Muddathir (The Cloaked One).

The Cloaked One: The meta-data of the ❛Ides of March❜ Massacre — which occurred on the 74th day of 2019 — reveals spooky coincidences indicating a horrific ritual slaying inflicted with clockwork timing and seemingly in accordance with Chapter 74 of The Koran, following the transmittal of the 74-page manifesto to the Prime Minister eight minutes before the first attack commenced.

Since the terrorist attacks on the two mosques occurred on the 74th day of the year, which was known in the Roman Empire as the ’Ides of March’ and because the attacker justified his horrific terrorism with a sparsely-filled 74-page ‘manifesto’ — the deeply dark events March 15th 2019 deserve a ‘second look’.

Citing significant failures in intelligence, emergency response and investigation by New Zealand’s National Security State in a prior proven terrorism case — the Rainbow Warrior Bombing — Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards shows the NZ’s National Security Group is either poorly advised about false flag black ops.

Or, it maintains a contrived ignorance game, lest swift punishments follow defections for supplying full disclosures to hood-winked Kiwis.

In any case, the fact that NZ’s National Security Group, the Ardern Government, the Canterbury CIB, the Parliamentary Security Team and the Royal Commission covered up the emergency response failure  is a serious breach of section 240 of the Crimes Act 1961, which deals with crimes of deceit.

The evidence strongly indicates that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Cabinet was the prime target in a coup d’état with a novel Trojan Horse twist, to alter the trajectory of New Zealand. The course set appears to be to re-forge NZ as the West’s ‘closet’ pivot state, to act as a codified ‘soft power’ influence multiplier.

This detectable hidden pivot state role is potent. Especially, since the event appeared to signal a dark global reset was on the horizon, while NZ was fully integrated back into the US-NATO Military Empire.

The unexpected massacre may have served as a deus ex machina plot device, to resolve an impossible impassé whose narrative roots extended back to the 1980s. A full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government some 33 years after the 1985 bombing of Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior presented ‘bad optics’ — absent a crisis to win mass acclaim.

The convicted gunman, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, shot 100 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch New Zealand, killing 51 and injuring 49, applied to appeal the conviction in late 2022. Mr Tarrant has claimed Police tortured him in jail, to coerce him into making a guilty plea, which meant a trial was short-circuited.

Therefore, the evidence casting Tarrant as a sole perpetrator was never tested in court. Moreover, the Royal Commission of Inquiry and two Police-commissioned reports released after Royal Commission report was published — and a June 2019 SIS review, each avoided examining the ‘elephant in the security room’: the email’s subject-line offered the search terms for immediate identification of the target locations.

Furthermore, Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, had became very familiar with the wide-ranging Royal Commission into the ‘Erebus Disaster’, ostensibly in preparation for the 40th anniversary of an Air NZ DC-10 crashing on Mt Erebus, Ross Island, Antarctica in 1979. This familiarity meant Ms Ardern, as the Minister of National Security and Intelligence, knew how to control probes. Thus, when in late November of 2019, Ardern apologized before the ‘Erebus Families’ who had lost loved ones — for the Government’s lack of compassion, the negligence of Air New Zealand and by implication, the cover-up, since the airline was 100% state-owned at the time — her performance was an encoded ritual.

The ‘Mosque Massacre Families’ were being played.

The Royal Commission was part of the cover-up — on Ardern’s watch. 

N.B. Although I have used screen shots [exterior images only] from the shooter’s banned video, I have taken care not to include any victim shots in my analysis of these horrific events. New Zealand readers may find it prudent to view these articles via a VPN ap, although no links to the classified video are contained in the articles. The video classification allows for use of images for the purposes of evidence. 

Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled  “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.

Editor’s Note: See also The Snoopman Files on Substack. If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]