The far-flung South Pacific Tax Farm of New Zealand is regarded as a bolt-hole for billionaires, a safe haven for capital and an ideal moated laboratory to test technologies. But, New Zealand is also a crisis-ridden society, beset with a housing affordability crisis, a poverty crisis and a debt crisis – among many others.

Here – for the very first time – the phenomena of Auckland as a Global City, the curious recurrence of Thirteen in the housing crisis data, the bankers’ stealthy debt enslavement system and the epic $250 trillion global credit bubble, are explored as crisis mechanisms.

 Auckland: A World City for the ‘Have-Mores’

At a time when The Economist magazine reports New Zealand is ranked as the most unaffordable place to live in the world,[1] New Zealand’s total debt also topped half a trillion dollars.[2]

New Zealand’s housing unaffordability ranking is the result of a drive for wealth accumulation and a search for bolt-holes, led by a Neo-Colonialist Sect of Rich-Listers – both foreign and domestic.[3] Neo-Colonialism is the hidden construction of vast monopolistic transnational consortiums owned by super-wealthy people who are positioned atop the Transnational Capitalist Class to control whole economies.[4] The Rich-Listers’ avarice has embroiled Auckland City in a ‘Global Cities Movement’ project, wherein such world-cities are serviced by public debt-funded infrastructure, Neo-Colonial institutions favouring high capital mobility, and large pools of excess labour to support the huge geographically dispersed transnational corporations that seek to accumulate capital faster and faster.[5] Structural pressures are intensified to construct huge cities in a Neo-Colonial Capitalist system – where fast capital flows and systemic unemployment are in-built. Such structural pressures serve the aggressive logic of yield-seeking capital that drives wealth accumulators to keep zombie capital ‘alive’ with new growth opportunities. Consequently, New Zealand is a crisis-ridden society beset with a ‘Shock Doctrine’ economic warfare framework.[6]

Global Cities Survey: Auckland is ranked in 37th place, with 557 UHNIs with investible assets of more than $30m. [Knight Frank Wealth Report 2015]
In this way, Auckland City is cast as a safe-haven for 557 Ultra High Net-Worth Individuals with investible wealth of $30 million or more, and is ranked as a ‘Global City’ in 37th place.[7] Curiously, Auckland’s former mayor Len Brown stated the blueprint to accommodate an extra one million more people by 2040, dubbed the ‘Unitary Plan’, “was the last piece on the jigsaw puzzle for the amalgamation of the Super City”, which involved rolling 13 plans from 13 previous councils.[8] Therefore, the transformation of Auckland’s 13 council wards into one ‘Supercity’ was a Global Cities move.

Housing Unaffordability as a Brotherly Crisis Mechanism of Change      

The data on Auckland’s house prices shows the bubble inflated at an exponential rate of 7% per year over a decade.[21] In the 10-year period between August 2006 and August 2016, the ‘City of Sails’ recorded a jump in average house prices from $500,000 to $1,000,000. This jump means that the doubling in value of Auckland’s house market bubble is at a rate that fits perfectly the mathematical phenomena known as the ‘doubling time’.[22] Applying the doubling time concept at the 7% annual growth rate, Auckland’s average house price would double again in just 5 years, reaching $2m in August 2021, and $8m in May 2025 – if all underlying factors remained constant.

The housing affordability crisis occurs amid a housing supply crisis. To alleviate the housing shortage, an ‘Auckland Housing Accord’ was signed between the Auckland Supercity Council and the New Zealand Central Government in October 2013, that set a target for building 39,000 houses over 3 years, or an average of 13,000 houses per year.[9] The Auckland Council’s ‘Housing Action Plan’ also set this arbitrary target of 13,000 houses to be built every year for 30 years, or 390,000 houses, evidently to meet estimates of Auckland population growth.[10] Here, a curious recurring phenomenon emerges. The number 13 is embedded in the housing crisis, signaling ‘unity’ and ‘fraternal love’ among a brotherhood.[11]

Encoded Symbolism: A Brotherhood signals its presence in data. Here, property accounts for 13% of GDP . [NZ Herald]

The planting of Thirteen and its multiples as mundane data into events, signifies the presence of an oligarchic Brotherhood that are advancing a game together – as weird as it sounds.[12] (This occult practice was embedded in New Zealand during the colonial era).[13] Because oligarchs are super-rich people who can only exist in societies of extreme material inequality, they use their enormous economic resources to steer the political trajectory of whole societies for self-preservation – as scholar Jeffrey Winters argues compellingly in his book, Oligarchy.[14] Furthermore, oligarchs thrive in crises-ridden societies and it is ‘they’ that are the root cause of multiple crises.[15] Thus, the real reason that former Prime Minister John Key would not admit that New Zealand had a housing crisis,[16] and why he avoided addressing the child poverty crisis[17] – which has embroiled one third of New Zealand children, or 300,000 tamariki[18] – was because he is a member of the New Zealand’s Neo-Colonial Civil Oligarchy.[19] As crisis expert Paul ’t Hart wrote in the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management in 1993, crisis actors who can control the ritualized symbolic actions in the midst of a crisis can constrain its meanings and gain from the calamity.[20]

Debt Enslavement: The Secrets of Conjuring Zombie Capital

As brainwashed Tax Herds, we have been tricked to think that banks simply loan out the deposits of other savers. However, banks use most of the money they receive to buy interest-bearing treasury securities, corporate bonds and other financial instruments.[23]  Indeed, the dirty secret of banking is that bank ‘loans’ are actually manufactured credit funds borrowed into existence.[24] Through their structural alignments, the world’s largely unseen dynastic bankers ensure that actual cash is scarce. This scarcity compels families and businesses and governments to ‘borrow’ the bankers’ manufactured credit to build homes, enterprises or hospitals, respectively, and compete for scarce cash to ‘repay’ the privately conjured credit [25]

Biggest Scam: 92-96% of currency is created as commercial bank credit. [The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind].
When new ‘loans’ are made, the manufactured credit funds are deposited into the cheque accounts of ‘borrowers’. Each time the proceeds from the sale of property are re-deposited, the banks have new funds that add to the deposit base to make new ‘loans’. In other words, banks need only hold reserves that equate to a fraction of the actual deposit claims on their books in a fractional reserve banking system. In addition to earning profits off income-generating financial instruments, banks build up reserves by using some of the proceeds from the interest they charge for ‘loans’.[26] In this way, interest is not “the price of money” – since no money that previously existed is lent. Rather, interest represents a rent on the amount of funds fraudulently marketed as ‘loans’.[27]

Debt Bondage: Tax Cattle are cast as borrowers because cash is kept scarce by banking cartels. [Spinfluence: The Hardcore Propaganda Manual]
Therefore, each generation are cast as borrowers who are compelled to sell their homes and businesses at ever higher values just to break even because of the ‘rent’ banks charge for their manufactured credit, as English economist Michael Rowbotham stated in his book, The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery and Destructive Economics. Despite central banks’ ability to manufacture and obliterate “unlimited supplies of money and credit,” as former chairman of Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan put it,[28] most credit is created by commercial banks through this ‘multiplier effect’ of ballooning credit bubbles. Debt-based currency systems are mechanisms of present and future social control, since the Global Tax Herds’ time, creativity and resources are wasted, as investor Mike Maloney states in his documentary series, The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind. Therefore, C.O.W.S. work witlessly to build-out the new hi-tech fencing systems and toll booths of corporatized Global Tax Farms. Since Crony Capitalism’s hidden purpose is to make land scarce to as many Tax Cattle as possible,[29] global scale emancipatory moves to dismantle debt-based currencies, implement interest-free positive money economies and spearhead land redistribution are needed. [30]

A Make-over of the Great Boom-Bust-Bailout Formula 

The next global financial crisis will likely be a triple crash as investors scurry out of traditional assets such as stocks, real estate, and corporate and government bonds.[31] Most currencies are heavily burdened with debt ‘owed’ to super-wealthy oligarchs. The key symptoms of an impending currency collapse or ‘debt decay’ are the prolific speculative bubbles across numerous asset classes, as James Rickards pointed out in Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.[32] The US Federal Reserve’s recent ratcheting up of credit rates is a rework of the pre-Global Financial Crisis playbook to puncture over-inflated assets.[33] As multiple market booms bust simultaneously, banks and other financial institutions will rapidly become insolvent amid asset deflation.

Mutually Assured Destruction: If all scarce currency were used to ‘repay’ credit ‘loaned’ simultaneously, debt dominoes would implode. [The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind]
The roughly 8500 global super-class – who rule the world[34] – mean to stay in control of the next financial crash, which will be bigger and more brutal.[35] To this end, the governments and financial authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, and other European Union nations have colluded with the criminal transnational banking cartels to reset the Western world’s financial systems during the next global financial crisis – with bail-ins.[36] Instead of tax-funded bail-outs, the plan is to convert peoples’ savings into stocks by whatever fraction is deemed ‘necessary’, to recapitalize distressed banks and other financial institutions. This bail-ins savings conversion scheme is brazen because the share prices of embattled financial institutions will likely be plummeting on news of such sly wealth transfers.[37]

Phoenix as a Global Currency? The Economist suggested to readers in 1988 to “pencil in the phoenix for around 2018”.

The global super-class has expanded the cheap central bank credit since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2007-2008, to advance the Neo-Colonial Game. The race is on between and within rival oligarchic-elite coalitions to control the world’s resources, infrastructure and new technologies. The Neo-Colonialists’ end-game is to capitalize on controlled collapses of bubbles, such as the $250 trillion credit and $1.5 quadrillion derivatives markets.[38] A global bust is a mathematical certainty. While one wing of the Zombie Phoenix intends to seize control of the underlying assets in epic foreclosures, mergers, state asset privatizations and bank auctions[39] – the other wing will attempt to roll-out a privacy-destroying, centralized digital global currency.

The Neo-Colonialists’ end-game is to capitalize on the global bubbles of $250 trillion in credit and $1.5 quadrillion in derivatives – amid an engineered financial collapse. While one wing of the Zombie Phoenix intends to seize control of the underlying assets in epic foreclosures, mergers, state asset privatizations and bank auctions – the other wing will attempt to roll-out a privacy-destroying, centralized digital global currency.[40]

[Editor’s Note: The practice of embedding events with the number 13 to symbolize a financial oligarchy, was first expressed by Simon Johnson and James Kwak in their book, 13 Bankers. It is more explicitly explored in,It’s the Financial Oligarchy, Stupid“. The appearances of number 13 in institutional data does not necessarily mean that the nominal head of the institution is a member of the Fraternity, or that everyone who reproduces such data belongs to the Brotherhood].

Part 1: New Zealand as a Crisis-Ridden Theme Park
Part 2: New Zealand as an Economic War Zone
Part 3: A Secret Brotherhood in GodZone 13
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