Psy-warfare from Zaoui to Iti to Dotcom: Part 2
Tame Iti as the Crown’s new scapegoat to resolve multiple crises The Police dawn raids – code-named Operation Eight – of 15 October 2007 that were inflicted at several locations…
Tame Iti as the Crown’s new scapegoat to resolve multiple crises The Police dawn raids – code-named Operation Eight – of 15 October 2007 that were inflicted at several locations…
Decoding NZ PM John Key’s dirty political tea leaf ritual on 11.11.11; former Police Minister Bro. John Banks cast as naked beggar in ‘political winter’ before pre-Dotcom B-Grade Hollywood summer…
Lt. Colonel Samraoui’s character assassination of Zaoui On 4 December 2002, Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui was detained at New Zealand Customs after he had torn up his passport at 32,000…
Introducing the N.Z. Deep State’s multi-season news specials Three-part investigation on Ahmed Zaoui, Tame Iti and Kim Dotcom In a post-9/11 atmosphere of fear, Western states were pressured to adopt…