Psy-warfare from Zaoui to Iti to Dotcom: Part 2
Tame Iti as the Crown’s new scapegoat to resolve multiple crises The Police dawn raids – code-named Operation Eight – of 15 October 2007 that were inflicted at several locations…
The world system is rapidly being transformed by a transnational capitalist class into a new world technocratic order. Mass state surveillance, police state enforcement and war capabilities are vital elements to this transformation. Powerful vested economic and political interests need strong states and private sector institutions to maintain and exacerbate huge material inequalities, lest people rise up to take their rights to self-determination.
Tame Iti as the Crown’s new scapegoat to resolve multiple crises The Police dawn raids – code-named Operation Eight – of 15 October 2007 that were inflicted at several locations…
Lt. Colonel Samraoui’s character assassination of Zaoui On 4 December 2002, Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui was detained at New Zealand Customs after he had torn up his passport at 32,000…
Introducing the N.Z. Deep State’s multi-season news specials Three-part investigation on Ahmed Zaoui, Tame Iti and Kim Dotcom In a post-9/11 atmosphere of fear, Western states were pressured to adopt…
USA. Its propaganda was always slicker than the Nazi’s. It has decades more experience in terrorism than Al Qaeda. And now it comes first in the world for state mass…
The Governor-General of New Zealand has reserve powers that can be exercised to decline accent to legislation, dismiss a prime minister and force a dissolution of Parliament and call new…
By Steve Edwards AKA Snoopman August 19 2013 Powerful economic and political interests plan to heavily restrict democratic participation in New Zealand by legalising mass surveillance via the state apparatus.…