This illustrated investigation traces the origins of the New Zealand Government’s elimination strategy, its aspiration for high vaccination uptake and the nation’s embroilment in the World Health Organization’s pandemic trigger mechanisms – back to a 2002 Ministry of Health discussion paper published just as SARS-Cov-1 outbreak began.
As far back as 2005, the United Nations’ World Health Organisation gained the power to construct trigger mechanisms to declare pandemics, that would eventually lead to the health departments across the 196 members nations being reoriented for an over-hyped health crisis.
Doctor Thunk Evil Without Being Evil finds that New Zealand’s Government gained for itself invasive powers to lockdown, search, seize and detain with amendments to the Public Health in 2006. Yet, the Government has exploited the over-hyped Covid-19 hysteria to expand its Medical Martial Law powers.
Moreover, the Ministry of Health’s Influenza Pandemic Plan of 2017 failed to model for the possibility that the nation might be gamed by a transnational criminal Global Health Syndicate in the future.
Indeed, the track record of John Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security for scripting, casting, and hosting pandemic exercises is questionable. Especially, since a pattern of ties to the American Deep State, conflicts of interest and intrigue suggests its first bioterrorism pandemic exercise — which occurred three months prior to the 9/11 Coup D’état — was intended to seed a narrative that Iraq was allied with Al Qaeda.
Ironically, a recent Vaccination Order made it compulsory for most NZ border workers to be vaccinated, and came into effect on 14 July 2021, despite MOH’s 2002 discussion paper envisaging mandatory vaccinations would only be feasible in the event of bioterrorism.
Clarification: This compulsion was mandatory in the sense that classes of affected workers would be stood down if they did not comply with the Vaccination Order and could not obtain an exemption. The compulsion did not extend to forced vaccinations, where people could be held down against their will by force while medical officers injected such ‘affected’ persons by reason of their work group, or other classification. Therefore, New Zealanders were coerced to be vaccinated, rather than forced.
By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards

➼ New Zealand’s Dystopian Pivot to Police State Status
The South Pacific archipelago of New Zealand is in the process of being fully absorbed into an emergent technocratic police state, complete with a bio-security operating system, amid the ‘Great Corona Reset’.
On March 19th 2020, and six days prior to locking down the country with a Covid-death toll of precisely zero, New Zealand’s Prime Minister and Minister for National Security and Intelligence, effectively consigned healthy skepticism to the national memory hole.
Amid rumours that New Zealand’s Government was planning to implement a full lock-down regime at the beginning of the pandemic, NZ’s PM Jacinda Ardern told the assembled media missionaries, “We will continue to be your single source of truth.”[1]

However, the brutal truth is that New Zealanders have been cast as human monkeys whom are being re-coded with new language, images, and metaphors without our conscious consent.
This heist of our free-will occurs amid a totalitarian pivot across Western Civilization, while the world’s three major powers — America, Russia and China — re-forge their empires on a 2D geopolitical chess board.

Meanwhile, scientists, doctors and nurses outside ‘The Covid Club’ were (and continue to be) excluded, ignored, or Ostracised. The Covid Club’s favoured ‘solutions’, such as a global race to develop, deploy and deluge the world with vaccines, contact tracing apps, and ‘immunity passports’ – took on a warped logic belying a planet under siege of mysterious forces skilled in casting spells.

Yet, many human monkeys living in the archipelago of New Zealand scoff at the idea that the nation has been reset on an accelerated track to police state status.
The confusion has to do with misunderstanding the term police state, as well as how pre-set trigger mechanisms work in a ‘wedge of war’ framework within a Fifth Generation Warfare paradigm.
A ‘police state’ conjures the idea of fascist or communist totalitarian regimes with special security forces dressed dapperly in designer uniforms enforcing curfews, rounding up humans from scape-goated groups blamed for a crisis, or shooting dissident citizens after tip-offs from snitching neighbors.
The term police state describes a government that exercises power arbitrarily through the wielding of the police force, armed forces and intelligence agencies, rather than the Rule of Law Doctrine.
The exercise of the Rule of Law Doctrine restrains the abuses of power, but if crimes of power proceed unchecked, they can manifest into a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities, inflicts punishments and controls the captured citizenry through fear. A Police State deploys propaganda to hide its power crimes, exploits news media outlets’ appetite for drama and brain-washes the captive citizenry.

The uncertainty about NZ’s status as a police state is also due to a widespread lack of comprehension about how pre-set trigger mechanisms work once an engineered crisis approaches the thin end of the wedge.
Skepticism also persists because each of us human monkeys have to overcome obstacles to see a big picture view of the broader ‘wedge of war’ that led to those trigger mechanisms being set-off like an automated trap.
These pre-set trigger mechanisms short-circuited a considered rational response and occurred within a Fifth Generation Warfare paradigm, as I show in the sub-section, “Medical Martial Law Trigger Mechanisms with a Voodoo Magic Spell”.
Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) attacks a culture at an unconscious level by manipulating perceptions to steal the identity of adversaries and, also the unwitting hosts who cheer-lead the reforms. In the process, 5GW reconstructs the identity of an entire class, or culture, or civilization – as Waseem Qureshi wrote (more generally) in his 2019 paper, “Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare: Technology and Perceptions”.[2]
Because the violence is so discreetly dispersed, the victims are unaware they are in a war and, therefore, remain oblivious they are losing a war. Indeed, the more dispersed the warfare is in its actions, the more effective and immune the clandestine operation becomes. Therefore, Fifth Generation Warfare is the most dangerous of all time, because the wars themselves work best when they remain unidentified.

In this way, New Zealand morphed more fully into an emergent police state and Kiwis are expected to continue to cheerfully accept house arrest, expanded Medical Martial Laws and submit to being re-trained as human forms of Pavlov’s dogs coerced into a dystopian bio-security operating system.
The rest of this illustrated documentary essay traces the regulatory steps that resulted in New Zealand moving in lockstep with the World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration, amid a contagion of orchestrated fear-porn that was spread through the global news-chain to frighten the world into submission.

➼ Medical Martial Law Trigger Mechanisms with a Voodoo Magic Spell
Around the world, a series of bio-security mechanisms were triggered when the United Nation’s World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a global ‘pandemic’ on March 11th 2020, despite the total world death toll being only 4697 people.[3]

These bio-security mechanisms were set in place with a series of bio-terrorism scares, outbreaks and much media hype starting with the anthrax scare in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 Coup D’état – as James Corbett chronicled in his video report, COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity, on the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks of 2001.

Internationally, these bio-security mechanisms include:
(1) The Medical State Emergency Health Powers Act drafted in December 2001 by John Hopkins University Center for Public Health and Georgetown University’s Center for Public Law, in the aftermath of the Anthrax attacks following the 9/11 terror attacks. This Act — which was written for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) — and was subsequently adopted by 40 American states to isolate or quarantine amid declared health emergencies, to implement mass vaccination programs and enter public and private properties;
(2) The International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2005, was adopted by the WHO during the Avian Flu Pandemic, and contained mechanisms triggering responses to declared pandemics, among 196 members nations and thereby placed nation states under the edicts of the United Nations; and
(3) Operations Plan for Pandemic Response US Customs and Border Protection — drafted during the Avian Flu pandemic of 2007 — that conferred the power to surveil and detain individuals suspected of carrying a communicable disease.[4]

In New Zealand, the creation of special powers for medical health officers to be activated during infectious disease outbreaks actually occurred via the mechanisms of the Epidemic Preparedness Act,[5] and the Health Amendment Act[6] – that were both passed in 2006.
These moves followed a November 2002 N.Z. Ministry of Health discussion paper, “Public Health Legislation Promoting public health, preventing ill health and managing communicable diseases”, that proposed the insertion of emergency powers to immunize children; implementation of contact tracing regimes, and expanded border control and quarantine capacities into a revised public health law.[7]

The publication of this 2002 discussion paper coincided with the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that started November 16th 2002, and originated in the Guangdong province in southern China.[8]
This Ministry of Health discussion paper biased vaccines as the most effective modality to treat or prevent infectious diseases. The authors of this Public Health Legislation discussion paper considered New Zealand’s immunization coverage rates to be “low” and envisaged being able to eliminate some vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, in New Zealand by achieving 95% or more ‘coverage’.

In other words, the sudden germination of New Zealand’s elimination strategy that was pursued in the aftermath WHO’s pandemic designation for Covid-19, had actually been incubating for 17 years.

The MOH authors stated, “the re-emergence of such an extreme threat as terrorist-introduced smallpox could justify compulsory vaccination”.
However, the discussion document – which was signed off the then-Health Minister Annette King, who subsequently became the Police Minister – envisaged bioterrorism would be the only plausible scenario to mandate vaccinations for the entire New Zealand population.
The specter, or prospect, of compulsory vaccination, or forced medical treatment or being coerced to submit to an experimental drug program, would be a roll-back of the Nuremburg Code written in the aftermath of World War II, when the horrific ‘science’ experiments on humans were exposed during the Nuremburg Trials.
The 2002 Public Health Discussion Paper considered that compulsion powers impacted directly on peoples’ personal freedoms, and proffered questions about what conditions would trigger the application of such powers, who decides, and the possible decision making processes.

But, nowhere in this discussion paper was the possibility raised that the Ministry of Health, the New Zealand Government and New Zealanders might actually become the target of a highly resourced criminal syndicate pretending to be promoters of ‘Global Health’.
Among the omissions in the Immunisation chapter in the MOH’s 2002 discussion paper was an ideological blindness about why exactly the MOH framed diseases, such as measles, as a vaccine-preventable illness that could be eliminated with 95 percent or more immunisation coverage? There was no detail about how exactly disease can be prevented with good health based on nutrition, exercise and supplements. Moreover, there was no discussion about who exactly was behind vaccine safety being compromised by Big Pharma’s capture of regulatory regimes.

As I show in “Part 2: Lying by Numbers, Pandemic Exercises and Media Hype”, and “Part 3: The Covid Cartel’s Bio-Industrial Complex” the Government failed to perform due diligence to check if one of the United Nation’s global pandemic exercises had been taken ‘live’, especially since the WHO had issued a directive for at least two such exercises to be conducted by September 2020.[9]
It is therefore curious to note that, while the MOHs Public Health Legislation discussion document of 2002 spoke of persuasion as the best compliance strategy, it was blinkered when it came to modelling how a bio-warfare plan might work most effectively by coercive mechanisms aimed at the New Zealand and other nations states.
Especially, since the Public Health Legislation discussion document did envisage that it was possible that a pandemic could spread as a consequence of bioterrorism.

➼ New Zealand’s Hype-Prone Health Surveillance System gets Triggered
This failure to model meant the Ministry of Health overlooked the possibility that a global pandemic might be accompanied by a ‘communicable disease’ transmitted through the airwaves, the internet and the printing presses and that re-programmes brains to submit to a new bio-security operational matrix – without comprehending such brainwashing is even happening.
The blinkered attitude at the Ministry of Health is detectable in the framing of a person’s rights when they are deemed to have the communicable condition, including the right to full information.
But, because this 2002 discussion document – as well as the subsequent amendments to the Public Health Act in 2006 and the Influenza Pandemic Plan of 2017 – all ‘failed’ to model for pandemic exercises being taken ‘live’, the Health Ministry presumed to build a metaphorical ‘one-way road’ for communications traffic.
This was somehow deemed as progress in public health.

Moreover, the Health Ministry expressed its arrogance further with a preference for the Family Court system over the District Courts as a mechanism for people to fight to regain their rights once they were impacted upon, even as the Ministry was calling for submissions!
Evidently, the Family Court jurisdiction idea was scuttled. ‘Breaches’ to N.Z.’s Medical Martial Law are to be directed to the District Courts, which lack the jurisdiction powers to consider the big picture issues.
The Health Ministry assumed it would have a monopoly on knowledge to educate citizens, residents and travellers amid outbreaks of communicable diseases.
The Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006 was vetted for consistency with the Bill of Rights Act 1990 by the Ministry of Justice and addressed to an un-named Attorney-General in a report that carried neither signatures, seals or signs of any sovereign authority.
Crucially, this report “Legal Advice Advice Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990: Law Reform (Epidemic Preparedness) Bill” stated it authors followed the World Health Organization’s call for better pandemic preparedness after the avian influenza outbreak of 2003.[10] (That avian influenza outbreak was one of a series of outbreaks that had been over-hyped in the media, as shown in “Part 2: Lying by Numbers, Pandemic Exercises and Media Hype”).
However, New Zealand’s Ministry of Justice report prepared by Jeff Orr and Stuart Beresford, failed to consider whether New Zealanders could lose freedoms because of ‘regulatory capture’ of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the other watchdog institutions, such as the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) – by vested Big Pharma interests.

Plandemic InDoctorNation, Dr Martin says key U.S. public health officials, corporate executives and philanthropists have breached anti-trust laws designed to prevent cartel syndicates forming combinations to control markets.
The MOJ authors wrote vaguely that they considered it reasonable to remove people “suffering from a quarantinable disease … and receive appropriate medical treatment”.
Not surprisingly, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health’s Influenza Pandemic Response blueprint of 2017 lacked plans for a proportionate response to isolate or quarantine only the sick while distributing immune boosting supplements to the healthy, and it failed to model for the possibility of geo-political machinations embedded in pandemic exercises, outbreaks and the global health architecture.
Ironically, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health’s Influenza Pandemic Response Plan of 2017 reveals three key flaws linked to three key areas of risk that were overlooked by an “intelligence system” that unwisely relied on data from corrupt international institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Pandemic Response Plan shows the Ministry of Health’s approach was to take their cues from overseas – by relying on the World Health Organization to announce a healthy emergency as a pandemic. The Pandemic Response Plan states:
“Overseas trends must be monitored and analysed and surveillance systems in New Zealand maintained to enable the early detection of a novel influenza virus following announcements by WHO [the World Health Organization], and these systems must be capable of tracking the progress of a pandemic in New Zealand. Information from the intelligence system will play a key role in guiding actions throughout all the phases of a pandemic.” [Emphasis added].
— NZ MOH Influenza Pandemic Response Plan of 2017[11]
The authors of Influenza Pandemic Response Plan of 2017 clearly held the World Health Organization in high regard, when it states:
“The WHO phases provide international consistency at a high level, reflecting pandemic risk and the observable epidemiological situation internationally.”
Yet, the lockstep mechanisms in New Zealand’s “Influenza Pandemic Response Plan of 2017” were triggered when the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic at a moment that the death toll for Covid-19 was just 4697 people.
It turns out, the World Health Organisation (WHO) dismissed criticisms about it’s conflicts of interests with pharmaceutical industry ties as “conspiracies”, following its pandemic declaration for the H1N1 Avian Flu outbreak of 2009 which triggered contracts for vaccine development.[12]
Yet, WHO have also dismissed counter-factuals about a global pandemic exercise called Event 201 that took place in New York featuring a natural outbreak of the coronavirus just one month before Patient Zero was attributed to Wuhan City, China.
And exactly one month prior to Event 201, on September 18th 2019, a directive was issued by this Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), requiring the U.N.’s member nations to participate in at least two global ‘pandemic exercises’.

Crucially, one of those global pandemic exercises had to include the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. The deadline for these pandemic exercises to be ‘conducted’ by was September 2020, and was stipulated in the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s report – “A World at Risk” – whose title cast the world’s population as an at risk social group.

➼ All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’
This out of hand dismissal by the WHO demonstrates that the intelligence system of this UN health regulator is poor – if its public health marketing is to be believed.
Because – Event 201 was hosted by John Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security whose track record for scripting, casting, and hosting pandemic exercises reveals a pattern of ties to the American Deep State, conflicts of interest and intrigue.

For example, in June 2001 John Hopkins University ran a pandemic exercise script called “Dark Winter”, which was America’s first biological weapons viral outbreak exercise with a scenario of national scale. Dark Winter envisaged a weaponized smallpox outbreak originating in Oklahoma, and included sub-script scenario that imagined Saddam Hussein’s Iraq threatening to release a weaponized anthrax virus.

Aspects of the fictional scenarios in Dark Winter were used as propaganda by its participants to justify inflicting the 9/11 Wars, as The Last American Vagabond reported in All Roads Lead to Dark Winter. For instance, one such Dark Winter participant was former CIA Director from 1993 to 1995, James Woolsey, who flew to London to “firm up” the ‘evidence’ that Iraq was involved in 9/11, as The Guardian newspaper reported in “Iraq ‘behind anthrax outbreaks’ ” on 14 October 2001.

Indeed, one ‘Dark Winter’ fictional news reportstated that“Iraq might have provided the technology behind the (biological) attacks to terrorist groups based in Afghanistan.” In other words, Woolsey, who played the Director of Central Intelligence, mimicked his real life stint as CIA Director and, in effect, took the anthrax narrative beyond the confines of simulation and made it a ‘live exercise’.
Robert Kadlec – who co-authored the script with Thomas Inglesby and Tara O’Toole of John Hopkins Center for Health Security – got to speak the line that leant the exercise its bleak name. In a mock news report, ‘Biodefense Expert’ Kadlec stated that the lack of smallpox vaccines for the U.S. populace meant that “it could be a very dark winter for America” – as citizen journalist James Corbett’s report, COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity, deftly shows.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, when military-grade anthrax outbreaks were inflicted upon Florida and New York, it was Kadlec who led the Department of Health and Human Services and contributed to the FBI’s investigation of the anthrax attacks. Kadlec, who had been a physician with the U.S. Air Force, also helped draft the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act 2006, which among other things, created the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, an office that Trump appointed Kadlec to lead in 2017.

Kadlec was also on hand to lead the Trump Administration’s 2019 Crimson Contagion exercise, which involved the Department of Homeland Security, the National Security Council, and the Pentagon. Like Dark Winter, Crimson Contagion simulated an outbreak scenario months before it played out in the Make Real World. Uncannily, Crimson Contagion envisaged a pandemic influenza outbreak in the U.S. that originated in China and spread rapidly around the globe.
Therefore, because these counterfactuals have been kept out of the official narrative of the WHO’s Covid-19 Pandemic Timeline as well as New Zealand’s Covid-19 Pandemic Timeline, I believe a reintroduction of healthy skepticism into public discourses is vital to the maintenance of free, open and self-determining civilizations.
Especially, since the Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) theoretical framework has recognized the most effective 5G wars are never identified, and therefore the victims do not comprehend they are victims of war.

In “Part 2: Lying by Numbers, Pandemic Exercises and Media Hype”, shows that New Zealand’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic was (and remains) disproportionate to the threat, because the Government failed to model for the United Nation’s Second Global Pandemic Exercise being taken ‘live’, amid a planned media hype strategy.

➼ Warrant-less Entry — A New Playbook or a Revised Edition?
In the Covid Universe of New Zealand, the hastily passed the Covid-19 Health Response Act 2020, which gained Royal Assent on May 13th in under two days after the bill’s introduction, appeared to confer new warrant-less entry authority into homes, marae, and any other premises, land, vehicle, and craft.
As word spread that the Covid-19 Health Response Bill actually specifically named indigenous ancestral ‘marae’ bases of community as places that Police could make warrantless incursions into, a Māori–driven backlash erupted. In response, Minister for Māori Crown Relations Kelvin Davis claimed the word marae had been removed from the bill.[13]
In the Covid Universe of New Zealand, this was not true.
Under section 20 Enforcement Powers of Entry – the word “marae” was shifted from subsection 3 in the Bill to subsection 8 in the Act, stating that if a marae is entered under subsection 1, a copy of the report must be sent to the committee of the relevant marae. This move would appear to be a political strategy to make it seem like the Māori Labour Caucus, which includes Minister Davis, has done right by Māori in seemingly difficult circumstances.[14]

It would appear that the Police or other enforcement officers have no power to enter a marae if they believe people have gathered there in contravention of a Covid-19 order in the same way that Police cannot enter a private dwellinghouse without a warrant.
It is only in reading subsection 8 together with subsection 1 that it becomes apparent that a constable or enforcement officer can enter a marae without a warrant on the belief that a person is breaching a section 11 Covid order. Such a situation could potentially turn all gathered at a marae into Covid suspects.

However, these authorities were also merely made more explicit, since these powers were inserted in the 2006 amendments to the Health Act of 1956, as well as the 2008 amendments to the Policing Act, made during the Clark Administration.
Sections 71A (1) and (2) of the Health Act 1956 authorizes constables to do any thing including: the use of force to enter and inspect any land, building, aircraft, ship, vehicle or anything in or on it, to assist medical health officers or anyone authorized by medical health officers. This provision extends to whether or not the particular actions have been requested in the exercise of functions permitted under section 70 and 71, including the restriction of movement, to remain in quarantine and the power to requisition any property.
However, a constables’ protection from liability is by acting in good faith.

The March 11 2020 reprint of the Public Health Act 1956 shows that ‘Medical Officers’ gained the power on December 19th 2006 to make people take tests, medical examinations and remain in place undergo preventative treatment.
As with the more explicit provisions in the Covid-19 Health Response Act 2020 regarding warrant-less entry, the 2006 amendments to the Public Health Act of 1956 appears to have also conferred the power for medical officers to order people to remain in isolation or quarantined until they have taken prescribed treatments. Such treatments would likely be therapeutics, anti-biotics and vaccines.

In the Health Act 1956, section 70 “Special powers of medical officer of health” pertaining to “Infectious and notifiable disease” subsection (2), Medical and Environmental Health Officers and other authorised persons can enter properties and carry out any act action deemed by opinion to be necessary to prevent or stop an infectious disease outbreak occurring or spreading. Subsection (3) protects such officers and authorised persons from incurring liability for whatever actions are carried out by reason of acting lawfully under the special powers conferred in Section 70. These powers in subsection (2) and (3) were conferred on the watch of Prime Minister David Lange via the Health Amendment Act 1988.

The Health Act’s Special Powers under Section 70 subsection (1) were, in part, conferred via the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 passed on 17 October 2002, and with the Policing Act 2008, as well as the Health Amendment Act 2006. The Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 conferred powers for Controllers, or any other authorised persons to enter or break into any premises or places in district declared to be under a State of Emergency. Constables appeared to gain this power with the passage of the Policing Act on 1 October 2008 – in the midst of the 2008 election campaign
With this Civil Defence Emergency Management Act, Controllers, constables or any other authorised persons also gained the power to direct owners or persons in control of any land, building, vehicle, animal, vehicle, machinery, materials, supplies, including food, medicine and medical devices to place such requisitioned property under the control and direction of such authorised persons.

Given that the definition of emergency in the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 includes epidemics, it is noteworthy that this act was passed on October 1 2002, and one month before the Public Health Legislation Discussion Paper was published by the Ministry of Health.

In the Public Health Act 1956, section 70 “Special powers of medical officer of health” pertaining to “Infectious and notifiable disease” subsection (1)(h) states:
“For the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of any infectious disease, the medical officer of health may from time to time, if authorised to do so by the Minister or if a state of emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 or while an epidemic notice is in force,— (h) require people to remain in the health district or the place in which they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as he may in any such case prescribe”.[16]

These broad sweeping powers for Medical Health, Environmental Health and Police Officers were added to the Health Act 1956 were passed under the Health Amendment Act 2006 and the Policing Act 2008 – on the watch of Prime Minister Helen Clark.

Therefore, it would appear that the purpose behind Covid-19 Health Response Act 2020 was to trick law enforcement officers, manufacture consent of the governed, and fool indigenous Māori into believing these powers were necessary because of ‘Covid-19’, rather than a wedge of war strategy fore-shadowed by the Dark Winter Exercise three months prior to the 9/11 Coup D’état.
Then on August 6th 2020, the New Zealand Government passed the COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Act, which appeared to only deal with the managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) system that at present mostly deals with citizens, immigrants and travellers crossing into New Zealand’s borders.
In a Parliamentary House that was nearly empty, Erica Stanford, the National MP for East Coast Bays, made an astute point that forced an admission about how broad the Government new border powers were becoming. Stanford pointed out the amended section 11 was so broadly written that the phrase “satisfy any specified criteria” could indeed mean the N.Z. Government could require people to be vaccinated before returning to New Zealand at some future time, in addition to requiring people to pre-register with the MIQ system quarantined and tested.[17]
Indeed, section 11 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Act states that the Health Minister or Director-General of Health may order people “satisfy any specified criteria before entering New Zealand from a place outside New Zealand.”

When pressed for clarification in the House of Representatives, the Minister of Housing, Megan Woods – who is the minister in charge of the managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) system – she admitted that the new legislation could allow for requiring people to be vaccinated before they entered the country – in the future.
In a series of queries, and answers, the Housing Minister Megan Woods explained the government provided a framework for this Amendment Act to work in conjunction with future Amendments to other statute law.[18]

Woods added that there was the potential to – mandate that people coming into the country to get vaccinated.
This provision not only creates the latent capacity to create coercion through travel restriction. By outsourcing the vaccination to other jurisdictions, it also raises questions about liability for possible vaccine injuries and deaths.
Then-Advance Party leader MP Jami-Lee Ross expressed concern that the Minister of Health gets to decide whether or not peoples’ human rights under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 were being breached or not with the broad powers expressed so broadly by section 11, subsection 10.[19]
Mr Ross said his constituents in Botany, Auckland, had expressed concerns that vaccines would be forced on them.

This particular amendment would be inserted into the pre-existing COVID-19 Public Health Response Act that had also been rail-roaded through parliament, gaining Royal Assent on May 13th – as mentioned previously. The Covid-19 Health Response Act applies to New Zealand citizens, residents, and also travellers already in New Zealand on travellers visas.
Its Section 11(1) (a) contains a concerning catch-all phrase “without limitation” to require persons comply with any specified measures or to take any specified actions to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The Section 11(1) orders outline a series of powers with the preposition “including” for the authority to enforce physical distancing, restrictions on travel, limits of association, restrict activities, enforce quarantine or isolation, require medical examination or testing, enforce contact tracing and with the recent addition, satisfy any specified criteria before entering New Zealand.

In other words, there is a vagueness in this section that could mean that Medical Health Officers have now a latent power to vaccinate adults, or their children, already in New Zealand against their will.
These developments appear to be disturbing incremental steps, because the managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) system is also being used to hold some people who have tested positive, during the present lock-down at Alert Level 4 over New Zealand, which began at 11:59PM on August 17th as a result of just one person suspected of ‘contracting’ the Delta variant through community transmission.
Moreover, in section 12 “Prospective modification of statutory requirements and restrictions to enable compliance during epidemic” of the Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006, this legislation states that the Governor General may, by Order in Council made on the recommendation of the Health Minister modify any requirement or restriction imposed by the enactment. Including extending detention of persons by changing procedures or restriction requirements.
Unfortunately, Erica Stanford and Jami-Lee Ross lacked the forthrightness, confidence and insight to make clear objections that New Zealand’s ‘Covid Regime’ was serving far-reaching geo-political agendas – that are traced in the rest of this series.

On midnight on 14 July 2021, an expanded Vaccination Order came into effect making it mandatory, not compulsory, for most border workers to be vaccinated. This COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 reflects the increasing economic coercion being exerted on New Zealand’s workers amid an over-hyped pandemic.

New Zealanders became confused about the mandatory, compulsory, and essential requirements and consequently conflated the noun coercion with force. This led to widespread poor use of grammar, whereby people claimed they were being forced to get vaccinated. The Covid Cult came packaged with coercion that targetted every demographic. While people would under immense professional, financial, psychological, medical, institutional, cultural, racial, religious group pressure to get vaccinated, they wouldn’t be forced. People wouldn’t be held down to be injected.
Recall the 2002 Ministry of Health discussion paper envisaged that only extreme threats such as smallpox re-introduced by bioterrorism was the only conceivable circumstance that mandated vaccines would be compulsory? And neither did the Ministry of Justice’s 2006 report — “Legal Advice Advice Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990: Law Reform (Epidemic Preparedness) Bill” — envisage making it compulsory for workers at borders quarantine, frontline staff serving the public with food, fuel and medical supplies to keep their jobs.
But, because the MOJ failed to do due diligence on the shifts occurring in the United Nations’ member country health regulatory regimes, they failed to anticipate that an inappropriate testing technology would be chosen to create the spectacle of high case numbers as a proxy measure for a global contagion, as the documentaries — The New Normal, Plandemic IndoctorNation and Who is Bill Gates? — clearly show.
The MOJ’s Legal Advice report of 2006 seemed to assume that those controlling the health system would work in good faith. The report did not mention the need to ensure robust modelling to prevent New Zealanders being gamed by a criminal syndicate for geo-political purposes.
The Health Act 1956 provides remedy for actions, failures, refusals made in bad faith provided substantial grounds for such contentions are made to a High Court Judge. Such proceedings need to be made within six months after an act, failure, or refusal to act, has allegedly occurred in bad faith or without reasonable care – as outlined in Section 129.


➼ Conclusion: ‘Good Faith’ Based on Absence of Full Disclosure
To sum-up, the New Zealand Government’s health surveillance system automatically dismissed out-of-hand counter-arguments presented by scientists, doctors and nurses on the so-called ‘free’ and increasingly censored Internet.
Along with most other governments – New Zealand’s Government avoids full disclosure about the machinations underpinning the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’.

Instead, New Zealand’s Government is manufacturing consent based on scientific fraud, in-explicitly stated medical martial law and secret geo-political objectives.

Because – the Ministry of Health’s discussion paper of November 2002 did anticipate that the only conditions under which it may be credible to force vaccinate people, would be during a bio-terrorist attack, such as with a smallpox virus pandemic. This smallpox virus was declared by WHO as eradicated in 1979, and stocks were kept in bio-labs.
Therefore, it’s intriguing to look back at the MOH’s 2002 discussion paper theorizing that the only likely conditions under which emergency powers could be activated to make vaccinations mandatory, would be during a bio-terrorist driven outbreak with an infectious virus such as smallpox.

Such an eventuality would therefore over-ride parental consent issues, as well capture unwilling adults – to achieve 95% or more vaccine coverage of the mass population outside the Pākehā-dominated Ruling Class.
Yet, in recent weeks, NZ’s Government has lowered the age that a person can consent to their own vaccination, to as young as 12 years.

It is therefore, ironic, that on 14 July 2021, an expanded Vaccinations Order passed by NZ’s Cabinet came into effect making it compulsory for most border workers to be vaccinated.

Ironic – because the authors of the MOH’s 2002 Public Health Legislation discussion paper had envisaged mandating vaccines would only be possible in an emergency triggered by a bioterrorism event involving a weaponized infectious disease, such as smallpox.
In other words, New Zealand’s elimination strategy — which was fresh from a 17 year-long incubation, and was pursued in the aftermath WHO’s pandemic designation for Covid-19 — looks more like a coercive measure justified by the bioterrorism of state propaganda. People are not going to be physically forced, held down and injected.
Therefore, there is a slippery slide from compulsion envisaged in the Ministry of Health Discussion Paper of 2002, whereby a compulsory vaccination regime with physical force was only be conceivable in bioterrorism scenarios.
The New Zealand Government is using the noun ‘compulsory’ in the present corona vaccine programme to mean that classes of workers will be stood down if they do not get vaccinated.

This brazen move occurred in spite of the fact that the New Zealand Government’s ‘good faith’ stance is based on an absence of full disclosure. The nation state appeared to lack an intelligence system to detect whether or not it was being played in an epic geo-political ‘wedge of war’ game. Such a position is consistent with the public posturing across the world and is only plausible if news audiences remain oblivious to the cartelization of major industries, including Big Pharma, and their capture of governments across the world.
As I show in — Part 2: Lying by Numbers, Hyped Fear-Porn News and the U.N.’s 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise, starring ❛Covid-19❜ — this Covid-19 pandemic has all the hallmarks of bioterrorism event many years in making. This public health emergency crisis looks like it has been inflicted to reset the world onto a totalitarian trajectory to ensure continued accumulation of wealth, power and control for the world’s rulers.
Therefore, the casting of New Zealand’s population as “a team of five million” across an emergent Techno-Feudal Plantation Economy is relative to the weird transformation of Puppet Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, into a Covid Tele-Bubble Leader during the ‘Great Corona Reset’.

Ardern’s posturing that the New Zealand Government is the “single source of truth” and is, therefore, worthy of the country’s trust – actually has the hallmarks of a propagandist scripted line.
The Ardern Administration’s failure to do due diligence in light of concerns about the efficacy of lockdowns, the PCR testing regime and mass vaccinations amid a pandemic — and amid the increasing economic coercion to submit to vaccinations, the lowering of the age of consent, and the suppression of counter-arguments — does not bode well for New Zealand civilisation.
This lack of due diligence to check that powers being accumulated — amid widespread economic shocks — are not the result of a sophisticated geo-political plot, is the focus of the rest of this series: “New Zealand’s Stealthy Pivot to Police State Status”.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He forged his ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ super-power while writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact our administrator, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com
See Also:
Coming Soon:
“Part 3: Gaslight My Nation: Behaviour Modification, Data-Harvesting and Border Control to Re-fence Human Herds with a Bio-Security Operating System”

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