A Heretical Dispatch from New Zealand by a former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Exposing the Global Covid Pandemic as a ‘Live Exercise’

By Steve ‘Snoopman Edwards

This exposé shows that the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was treated as a ‘live exercise’ by the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, and the world’s major and significant states. The meta-data of Covid cases, death tolls and key associated events of the Covid-19 Pandemic were encoded with numbers, especially 33, between January 22 and 30 August 30, 2020.

Officials deployed the number 33 to signal collusion in the U.N.’s Corona World Games by chalking up this milestone number as weird as it sounds. The Covid meta-data points to a blueprint designed by a supranational deep state network, or synarchy. This centralized supreme group inflicted the ‘Covid PlanPanic Health Emergency’ as a covert form of bio-terrorism to reset the world with a bio-security system.

Part 1 of this “Corona World Games” series, Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse & the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise, showed that a table-top simulation called, Event 201, that took place in Gotham City on October 18th 2019, was the United Nations’ first global pandemic exercise. In this part, “Dropped Bag of Covid Illuminati 33’s in U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise”, I show how the recurrence of this number was cast as a milestone figure to communicate advancement of the Corona World Games across multiple territories as game theory modelling could predict.

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The Spooky Woo Woo Conspiracy Connection

Amid the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’, the brutal shut-downs of states took on a warped logic belying a planet under siege by mysterious forces skilled in casting spells.

This ‘lock step’ march by which the world’s visible political, military, and corporate leaders imposed Medical Martial Law restrictions such as nationwide house arrests, closed borders, and economic shutdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic revealed an unprecedented unity.

Such unity was weird and played out like a corny Hollywood B-Grade movie.

An ensemble cast of A-Grade celebrities were down-graded to bit-part roles whom tweeted positive to the coronavirus, performed in isolation to a tone deaf re-fried dog’s breakfast of John Lennon’s well-meaning utopian “Imagine”, or streamed from other private rooms including Madonna in a bath-tub, who detected the villainous virus possessed great equalizer powers.

Notwithstanding that we were supposed to get inspired about an impoverished ‘Brotherhood of Man’ whom have no possessions, these posts on ‘social’ media platforms performed the essential ideological function of social integration – whether intended or not. By seeking to re-cast the rarefied celebrities as folksy mortals, these vignettes served the crucial project of identity re-codification for group integration amid a brazen re-engineering of Western Civilization, and all the while, the prize the United States was destabilized.

‘All in this Together Bit-Part Roles’: Whether wittingly or not, an ensemble cast of A-Grade celebrities performed the essential ideological function of social integration, which worked to re-code identity and group integration across Western Civilization.

A-Grade and B-Grade political actors kept to the scripts’ unfolding sub-plots, which riffed off pandemic simulation scenarios. These sub-plots when taken as a whole reinforced an uncanny solidarity between nations, despite those territories being seemingly governed by political actors standing on the platforms of various polarizing ideological persuasions.

In Part 1 of this “Corona World Games” series, entitled Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse & the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise, I showed that a table-top simulation called, Event 201, that took place in Gotham City on October 18th 2019, was actually the United Nations’ first global pandemic exercise.

Jet-setting Bat-Pig Virus: Event 201 was the U.N.’s First Global Pandemic Exercise, which occurred one month after the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s directive for global pandemic exercises and involved a natural outbreak of a coronavirus.

Event 201, which involved a natural outbreak of a species jumping, jet-setting zoonotic bat-pig coronavirus, occurred precisely one month after the U.N.’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), published a report on September 18th 2019 requiring the U.N.’s member nations to participate in at least two global ‘pandemic exercises’.

Crucially, one of those global pandemic exercises had to include the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. The deadline for these pandemic exercises to be ‘conducted’ by was September 2020, and was stipulated in the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s report whose title cast the world’s population as an at risk social group.

Because Event 201 involved a natural outbreak of a species jumping, jet-setting zoonotic bat-pig coronavirus, it could not be counted as a pandemic exercise involving the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

Humanity Cast as an At-Risk Social Group: The September 2019 U.N.-sponsored report “A World at Risk” which features a corona virus on the cover was published the same bat-day as the Wuhan City Airport conducted an emergency exercise featuring a corona virus scenario ahead of the Military World Games in Wuhan, China, where the Covid-19 corona-virus outbreak was reported to have originated in bat-soup at the Huanan Seafood Market.

The epic conspiracy to reset the world with a totalitarian bio-security matrix, under the rubric of the ‘Covid-19 PlanPanic Health Emergency’, actually occurred with a weird pivot of applied game theory. America’s development of game theory occurred during the Cold War to stabilize the power structures of the Russian Empire and the American Empire by mitigating the chances that the world’s two superpowers would engage in nuclear war. Subsequently, the application of game theory migrated to the corporate world, including banking.

The meta-data of Covid cases, death tolls and key associated events of the Covid-19 Pandemic were encoded with numbers, especially Thirty-Three.

Pandemic Narrative Signals: Months before the northern hemisphere’s peak summer happens, The Sun tabloid sign-posts a ‘Second Wave Ahead’ on 18 March 2020 while British health authorities encode the death toll data with increases of 33 deaths, and again three days later, to communicate the U.K. jurisdictions are under the control of the Old Boys’ Network.

The recurrence of the number 33 as a milestone figure in the 1st Wave and 2nd Wave of the 2nd Exercise of the United Nations’ Corona World Games is consistent with game theory.

Officials actually huddled at pressers across the United States of America, across the United Nations of Earth and, in effect, across an Orwellian united ‘Ministry of Truth’ global news-chain using the number 33 to signal collusion in the U.N.’s Corona World Games by chalking up this milestone number.

The Covid meta-data which usually originated from the health authorities or emergency management agencies as well as economic data from national, state and local governments in various jurisdictions, shows witting signalling to advance the Corona World Games.

The weird recidivist appearances of the number ‘33’ indicates that the Western Empire Syndicate’s subsidiary Global Health Syndicate had not only penetrated health departments across the United States. The universal appearances of ‘33’ indicates that the Western Empire Syndicate had either worked in conspiracy with the rulers of China, Russia and Saudi Arabia and other major and significant deep states around the globe, to inflict a ‘health war’. Or, that various rivalrous deep states adapted to the pivot to a forge a Techno-Feudalist World Order with a totalitarian biosecurity operating system.

The ‘PlanPanic’ meta-data reveals synchronized moves to advance the Corona World Games narrative. Coordinated moves by federal, state and county officials across the United Nations system, were performed as ‘Hostage Posting Rituals’ to signal ‘cooperation’ as game theory predicts.

Dark Side of Monopoly: Law scholarship on cartel collusion and political conspiracy model for how secret agreements can be made, why punishments for defections can give away a cartel, and who comprises a conspiracy can be detected from hostage exchanges between colluding players.

Game theory strategies such as ‘Hostage Exchanges’ are used by nation states, international syndicates and monopolistic cartels to stabilize power structures while aggressive rivals seek to construct new areas of market dominance by illegal, fraudulent and repugnant means that harm their more dynamic, innovative smaller and peaceful competitors. In their paper, “Resolving social conflicts through hostage posting: theoretical and empirical considerations,” Gideon Keren and Werner Raub noted that “tacit communications of threats and promises are two major message strategies used to influence the behaviours of others”.

Indeed, on March 20th 2020, ex-CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State said at a White House Press Conference, “we’re in a live exercise here”. Although Pompeo was speaking to the media, regarding how the Chinese Communist Party needed to share their corona-virus outbreak data so that the ‘pandemic’ could be analyzed – there was more underpinning this exchange.

‘Live Exercise: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said China was obligated to share its pandemic data, adding the need was not about “political games or retribution”.

Pompeo’s ‘live exercise’ remark wasn’t an off-the-cuff statement.

President Donald Trump interrupted questions from the press to say that Mike Pompeo had something he needed to say before he returned to work.

Pompeo said China was obligated to share its data-sets and claimed that real-time information sharing wasn’t about “political games or retribution”. Pompeo made these remarks about two thirds of the way into the press conference that ran for one-and-a-half hours, which minimized the numbers of American state citizens with dormant pre-14th Amendment rights who would hear Pompeo refer to the pandemic as a ‘live exercise’.

Pompeo was really communicating to Chinese Communist Party officials – who would be paid to listen to the Trump Administration’s every word as America’s official media channel, C-Span, captured the White House bioterrorism war group, the Coronavirus Taskforce, performing their March 20th 2020 crisis ritual.

‘Live Exercise: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said China was obligated to share its pandemic data, adding the need was not about “political games or retribution”.

Despite this admission by Pompeo toward the end of a long press conference, it became a fleeting moment because the news media did not investigate its significance. The Mockingbird Media Cartel newsrooms hardly reported on Pompeo’s ‘live exercise’ remark, and downplayed its significance, while they emphasized Pompeo had called on China to share its ‘pandemic’ data. Naturally, the Mockingbird Media Cartel did not contextualize such performances as Hostage Exchange Rituals.

The moves of colluding players reveals an incontrovertible pattern of health authorities, emergency management agencies and governments at international, regional, state, provincial, county and city levels across the world’s nations and territories all dropping their ‘Covid-19 bags of Illuminati’.

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1st Wave of the United Nations’ 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise

By mid-March and early April 2020, the Techno-Feudalist Global Élite to drop their Covid-19 bag of Illuminati when numerous states, counties and cities across the mangled Remnant 1st Republic of America and around the world curiously reported their jurisdictions had 33 Covid-19 cases, or 33 new cases, or 33 dead, or otherwise used the number 33 to report Covid-related statistics.

This pattern is not merely the result of cheery-picked headlines by a bat-shit mad conspiracy theorist. Key meta-data of the Covid-19 Pandemic were encoded with the number 33. For example, the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) Chief Executive Officer, Sir Simon Stevens, announced on March 27th that 33,000 hospital beds had been “freed up” across England for coronavirus patients. This wasn’t a one-off event.

Earlier, in late January of 2020, NBC News, Forbes, Metro, Business Insider India and Democracy Now!, all reported 33 million people were locked-down in China.

Associated Press of Pakistan reported China’s Foreign Minister said 33 countries, including New Zealand, sent medical supplies to help China fight the coronavirus.

The U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) Chief Executive Officer, Sir Simon Stevens, announced on March 27th that 33,000 hospital beds had been “freed up” across England for coronavirus patients.

A ghoulish headline about the U.S. coronavirus death toll was reported to have surpassed 33,000 by Reuters, Yahoo News and Anadolu Agency on April 17 2020.

On May 7 2020, the headline “33 million have sought US unemployment aid since coronavirus hit” was more widely reported, while ignoring the economic sabotage.

Less than a month after the U.S., on May 13th 2020, a U.K. Government official announced the United Kingdom’s coronavirus death toll had also passed 33,000 mark.

At the end of June, news of a predictable 33% drop in U.S. economic activity over the quarter (April-June) was widely reported, without framing it as economic sabotage.

On July 28, Russia reported it had sent Covid-19 test kits to 33 countries and its official Tass news agency stated that over 33 million tests had been conducted.

Russia reported it had sent Covid-19 test kits to 33 countries and its official Tass News Agency that over 33 million tests had been conducted.

Magically, the Brookings Institute claimed 33,000 lives were saved amid the lock-downs in the United States, during the first three months of the pandemic to May 31st.

Meanwhile, deaths in Brazilian prisons were alleged to have increased by 33 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic. And, evidently by March 26th, every one of the 33 countries in Romanized Latin America and the Caribbean had confirmed cases of COVID-19, reported the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research. CEPR saw the future lay with “building a greater resilience to pandemics.”

Macarbre Death Cult Exhibitionism: 33 countries in Romanized Latin America and the Caribbean report cases of Covid-19.

Billionaire Bill Gates also performed a hostage posting ritual when he brazenly asserted on CNN March 26th 2020, that coronavirus cases would grow exponentially at 33% per day. The predatory philanthropist was, in fact, threatening the political élite to submit to a ‘6 to 10 week shutdown’ of the entire United States.

Trading 33’s: Tech-billionaire Bill Gates claimed a 6-10 week total shut-down across the United States was necessary to avoid an exponential growth of coronavirus cases at 33% per day. Subsequently the U.S. economy shrank by a record-breaking 33%, and 33 million Americans registered for unemployment aid. Gates’ March 26th CNN spot occurred when the U.S. death toll reached 1,194.

Subsequently, the U.S. economy shrank by a record-breaking 33% in the second quarter of 2020.

If all that meta-data were not creepy, spooky, and culty enough, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) published its data for Hispanics, African Americans and American Indian Natives in time for its ‘Weekly Report’ for Friday June 19th, entitled, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 Case Surveillance, United States – January 22-30 May, 2020”.

The death toll for Covid-19 cases known by ethnicity were 33% Hispanics, 22% were African Americans and 1.3% American Indians and Alaskan Natives, meaning these ethnicities were at-risk social groups since they comprise 18%, 13% and 0.7% of the U.S. population, respectively, and were therefore disproportionately represented in the mortality figures.

Potent Timing: The CDC’s case surveillance for the ‘1st Wave’ of the U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise started on January 22nd and ended on May 30th in time for publication on June 19th, an historically potent date that commemorates emancipation from slavery in the United States at the end of the 1st American Civil War.

The CDC start date for its surveillance became the 22nd of January, which was when the first Covid case in the United States was claimed to have been reported, rather than January 20, when this case was alleged to have been confirmed by a laboratory. The meta-data of January 22nd for the start date of the CDC’s Covid-19 case surveillance is intriguing since it was three days after ‘Patient Zero’ arrived at a clinic in a northern suburb of Seattle, feeling sick after a flight from Wuhan.

Because Seattle is the home-town of the front-man for the Global Health Syndicate, Bill Gates, it is especially intriguing when it is recalled that Gates ‘warned’ in 2015 and 2018 that the next pandemic could kill 33 million.

The centi-billionaire predatory philanthropist projected this 33 million toll death threat during his 2015 TedTalk, titled, “The Next Outbreak? We’re Not Ready”. At this TedTalk, Gates lobbied for ‘germ games’ not more war games, after showing his model projecting 33 million deaths by referencing the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic which started toward the end of World War I, a conflict that was engineered by a Secret British Elite.

Wolf in a Sheep’s Fleece: To key insiders familiar with the elites cynical, evil and barbaric geopolitical practice to ‘murder by numbers’, this animated counter clocking up a 33 million death toll during this 2015 TedTalk, signalled the sinister direction the Western Empire Syndicate was headed.

At the widely reported 2018 Shattuck Lecture at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, Boston, Gates also ‘warned’ that in the next pandemic, 33 million people could die worldwide after six months.

The publication of the CDC’s U.S. Corona Case Surveillance report on June 19th was especially potent because it is a public holiday variously known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day to commemorate the emancipation from overt slavery in the United States. The date refers to June 19th 1865 when the proclamation of freedom from slavery in Texas was announced by Union Army General Gordon Granger at the close of the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Because these damning figures in the CDC’s report were published on Emancipation Day amid the spectacle of protests and occupations across America’s cities organized by the Movement for Black Lives Matter Coalition the news resources that had been focussed on the 2nd Pandemic Exercise of the Corona World Games were conveniently drawn away once the George Floyd murder became a catalytic event. With media attention heightened on the Black Lives Matter movement, the CDC could confidently publish this report knowing the ‘devil in the detail’ would be largely overlooked.

Slow Death by Asphyxiation: Was George Floyd [pictured with a Corona Light beer poster] set-up to unwittingly act as a circuit-breaker during the Covid-19 ‘lock-down’ to spark civil unrest before the U.N.s’ 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise ended in September 2020?

In other words, the CDC’s time period January 22-30 May, 2020 for their Coronavirus Case Surveillance report rather neatly captures the day before the Doomsday Clock was moved forward from two minutes to midnight to 100 seconds before midnight at the beginning of the period, and ended the Friday after the George Floyd murder.

This catalytic event switched America’s attention from a health emergency focussed on a respiratory virus, to a story about an African-American security guard alleged to have died from asphyxiation at the knee of a cop, who moonlighted at the same restaurant where Mr Floyd worked.

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➼ The New Zealand Connection: 1st Wave U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise

In the South Pacific archipelago of New Zealand, the Ardern Government also signalled its compliance with the Corona World Games during the 2nd Pandemic Exercise ‘1st Wave’ by maintaining a nationwide house arrest regime with the highest Alert Level 4 ‘lockdown’. The lockdown started at 11:59PM on March 25th, and ended 33 days later.

Lockdown to the Top Master Number: New Zealand’s Government maintained the first lockdown period at Level 4 for 33 days during the ‘1st Wave’ of the 2nd Pandemic Exercise to signal compliance with the Corona World Games.

During this first 33-day nationwide curfew at Level 4, Andrew Coster became the country’s 33rd Police Commissioner on April 4 (4.4.2020). Coster who is the son of Professor Gregor Coster, who at the time was Dean of Victoria University’s Faculty of Health in Wellington oversaw the development of firearms reforms introduced by the Government following the March 2019 Christchurch Mosques Massacre.

The unexpected massacre may have served as a deus ex machina plot device, to resolve an impossible impassé whose narrative roots extended back to the 1980s. As I noted in my Darkest Day Deception series, the Ides of March Mosque Massacre occurred in the 33rd year after the 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing, and therefore appeared to signal a full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government. A full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government some 33 years after the 1985 bombing of Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior presented ‘bad optics’ — absent a crisis to win mass acclaim. 

Talisman Tower? In the first of his Christchurch mosques shootings series, Snoopman asked whether the symbolism of Jacinda Ardern projected onto the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai signalled a Dark Global Reset? [See: Christchurch Decoded? A ‘Lone Gunman’ – or a Stealthy Coup D’état in Slow Motion? May 9th 2019].

The Christchurch Ides of March Mosque Massacre also seemed to signal that a dark global reset was on the horizon. In my first Christchurch mosques shootings series, Christchurch Decoded? (May 9th 2019), I asked whether the symbolism of Jacinda Ardern projected onto the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai signalled a Dark Global Reset?

When the nation had been at Alert Level 3 for 33 days, ‘Sensitive’ Cabinet Papers were ‘leaked’ to the newspaper consortia called, Stuff (yes, its a news outlet that advertises wares), showing that N.Z.’s National Crisis Management Centre believed the country could have been at Alert Level 1. That thinking was contingent upon no community transmissions in 28 days, and on confidence in the border restrictions regime that took advantage of the far-flung archipelago’s natural moat, the South Pacific Ocean. This strategic leak provided some controversy, while also working to signal that New Zealand was adhering to the forces governing Corona World Games by maintaining this second 33-day lock-down period.

Staying the Course: New Zealand’s Government maintained the second lockdown period at Level 3 for 33 days during the ‘1st Wave’ of the U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise to further signal compliance with the Corona World Games.

Amid these devious game moves, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health reported 33 cases at the Rosewood Rest-home in Christchurch on April 13th, where 13 of the cases were said to be residents of the nursing home. To create this fiction of exactly 13 residents, at least one resident of the eventual 12 whom died in the Rosewood Cluster, was counted as a Covid death even though the elderly woman was not tested, as The New Zealand Herald reported in “Covid 19 coronavirus: One new virus death, six additional cases, PM gives update on level 3”, on 22 April 2020.

Covid 33 and 13 make ‘the News’: NZ’s Ministry of Defence announces 13 cases; Flight Centre announces 33 stores to close; and Ministry of Health announces on 13th April that 13 of the 33 Covid cases in the Rosewood Resthome Cluster are residents of the aged care facility.

The official story goes that as the case numbers rose, the Rosewood Resthome was taken over by the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB). This reporting of a Covid death in the absence of scientific medical tests on the April 22nd may be significant, because another rest-home death in Auckland one month later, became the 22nd Covid death, despite the elderly woman recovering from the Covid and returning two negative tests.

With the recurring appearance of the prime number 13 in the Rosewood Resthome Cluster, it is intriguing to note that the first confirmed case of Covid-19 in the Southern District Health Board area was reportedly occurred on March 13th according to Ministry of Health data.

Codified Collusion: The practice of embedding events with the number 13 to symbolize a financial oligarchy, was first expressed by Simon Johnson and James Kwak in their book, 13 Bankers.

The intriguing practice of Western élites embedding events with the number 13 was noticed by economist Simon Johnson and historian James Kwak, while researching their 2010 book, 13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown. However, Johnson and Kwak did not explicitly state why exactly élites embed events with this recidivist prime number, but just noted its curious recurrence during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, the ensuing Bank Bailouts, as well as the crisis-past when the Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) faced imminent collapse in 1998.

Weirdly, the curious appearance of the recidivist primary number Thirteen has been deployed for millennia as a signal for ‘procuring marriage agreements’, as W. Wynn Westcott asserted in his work, Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues. Occultist Aleister Crowley stated in his book, Liber 777, the prime number 13 symbolizes ‘unity and fraternal love’ among a Brotherhood. In Doctor Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’s study of power crimes such as the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, and the pile-up of machinations since, the deployment of ‘Thirteen’ and its ‘Accomplices’ signifies unity with promises, telegraphs caution with threats and cues for scape-goats to de-escalate the inevitable scandals from snowballing into uncontrollable crises.

In this case study of the Corona World Games, the prime number 13 has often been used in the reporting dates to signal caution to protect the engineering of the escalation of existing morbidities. This engineering underpinning the escalation of existing morbidities was perpetrated to create a global health crisis as a cover-story to re-forge Western Civilization to better compete with Chinese and Russian empires.

Meanwhile, the world is stealthily transitioned to a universal digital enslavement transaction regime that is intended to position the dynastic banking families, royal houses and assorted billionaires as the human collateral-owning Techno-Feudalist slave-owners. Therefore, through the lens of game theory the unfolding power crimes can be viewed with a sharpened focus.

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➼ 2nd Wave of the United Nations’ 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise

Cute with Collusion: WBKN-27 News plays cute by selecting a shot of the Cleveland City Hall clock at 3:30PM as the city clocks up 33 more Covid cases on August 13th to signal compliance to the ‘2nd Wave’.

After a month of media coverage of the riots, protests and occupations across U.S. cities following the ‘George Floyd Event’, the media programmed news audiences to expect a ‘second wave’, which was ‘Morse Code’ for extending the 2nd system-wide pandemic exercise out to its deadline before September 2020 (in keeping with U.N.’s directive of September 18th 2019).

This 2nd Wave meta-data also featured the recidivist number 33.

Counties, cities or states that clocked up 33 new cases included: West Virginia, Monroe County in New York State, Pasco County in Florida, and the City of Cleveland, Ohio, with an accompanying photograph of a clock tower taken at 3:30PM. The Cleveland news story was reported August 13th 2020, further signalling to the Old Boys’ Network with this codified deployment of the recidivist prime number 13 to avoid investigating too hard.

State jurisdictions that reported tallies of 33 deaths were: Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, as well as Jackson County in Michigan, and Monroe County in New York State – among numerous others.

The Return of Bat Signal-33: As the long-signalled ‘2nd Wave’ reached various American states, counties or cities, the milestone Covid cases and deaths figure 33 was announced to signal compliance with the U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise.

Where the Brookings Institute had magically found that 33,000 lives were saved in the United States during the first three months of the pandemic to May 31st, due to measures such as ‘stay at home orders’, the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) produced a model ‘proving’ that if 95% of the U.S. population wore masks in public, 33,000 lives could be saved over a three month period to October 1st 2020. Seattle-based newscaster Kiro 7 neglected to mention that the IHME received $279 million from the Gates Foundation in 2017 to produce models and collect health data.

During the ‘2nd Wave’, or the 2nd Pandemic Exercise of the Corona World Games, the international jurisdictions beyond the United States that seemed to signal with the number 33 that they were moving in Covid lock-step included: Bangladesh, Morocco, Hong Kong, Quebec and Ontario provinces in Canada, Gujarat state in India, Kuwait, Malaysia, Phillipines, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Nigeria and the Commonwealth State of Victoria in Australia, while New South Wales reportedly had 33 times the number of active cases compared to Queensland.

Meanwhile, India’s Border Defense Forces were also reported on June 24th to have 33 cases in a 24-hour period. Like the nursing home scandal in Park Ridge, New Jersey, The Sun newspaper of London reported in an exclusive on June 13th 2020, there were also 33 deaths at the Westerton Care Home in Bearsden, Scotland, where evidently bosses had confirmed 13 deaths overnight.

On July 28th, U.S. President Donald Trump bragged that a $765 million loan to Kodak to launch Kodak Pharmaceutics at its Rochester Plant to manufacture active ingredients to produce generic drugs was the 33rd use of the Defence Production Act, evidently invoked because of the ‘China virus’.

Sabotage by Numbers: On July 28th Trump White House signalled the advancement of the ‘Great Corona Reset’ when the president named Kodak as the 33rd recipient of a tax-funded loan to establish Kodak Pharmaceuticals, thereby referencing the value of 33 as a milestone figure.

To convey a sense of this ‘Covid PlanPanic’ experiment, on the very last day of August 2020 – and before the all important September 2020 deadline stipulated by the United Nations – New York State clocked up 33,000 deaths with the John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center Covid-19 tracker.

Curiously, the news media avoided making this death toll part of the headlines once it was reached just in time for the all-important deadline for the U.N.’s global pandemic exercises to be conducted by September 2020.

In effect, key New York State officials were demonstrating they were the most daring players by reaching the milestone Covid death toll of 33,000 first. By clocking up this milestone figure, New York State health and emergency, county and state, as well as hospital, nursing home and clinic officials were boasting they had supreme control of the Covid-19 data out of all jurisdictions in the United States.

Who Dares Wins: New York State was the first jurisdiction within a country to clock up the milestone figure of 33,000 deaths on 31st August 2020, just in time for the United Nations’ deadline (to complete at least two global pandemic exercise by September 2020). [Source: John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center Covid-19 tracker shows].

On 8 September 2020, New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo and Republican President Donald Trump played along by supplying political puppetry to make dramatic headlines.

Cuomo asserted Trump was “actively trying to kill to New York City”, and blamed Trump for causing “the Covid outbreak in New York”. Whitehouse spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement to CNBC, “Gov. Cuomo seems paranoid.”

Oddly, the next day, September 9 2020, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the Covid-19 infection rate was below one percent for the 33rd straight day.

This feud between Cuomo and Trump continued into October 2020. Meanwhile, the Establishment News Media continually mentioned the 33,000 milestone death count in the articles.

Make Headlines Hate Again: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Donald Trump play the blame game after the 1st United Nations Corona World Games ended, as witting political theater to keep the American people, distracted, divided and defeated.

And perhaps, the news media did not make headlines out of New York State’s 33,000 milestone death count because it coincided with the end of 1st United Nations Corona World Games. To be more exact, New York State reached its milestone death toll of 33,000 on Friday August 28th, which just happened to coincide precisely with the CDC’s report for the week ended August 29th.

Gold Medal Winner: In effect, New York State ‘won’ the gold medal in the 1st United Nations Corona World Games for ‘First State Territory within a Nation State Jurisdiction to reach the Milestone Covid Death Toll of 33,000.

Crucially, this was the CDC’s last report before the all important September 2020 cut-off, that effectively demarcated the end of ‘2nd Wave’ within 1st United Nations 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise. In essence, New York State ‘won’ the gold medal in the 1st United Nations Corona World Games for a State Territory within a Nation State Jurisdiction to reach the milestone Covid death toll of 33,000 first.

This control of data is crucial to bear in mind.

Because when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published its Provisional COVID-19 Death Counts for the United States at this time (for the week-ended Saturday August 29 2020), the results showed that 94% of patients whom were counted as Covid deaths had other morbidities, or serious health conditions.

Obscuring Pandemic’s End: News outlets reported the CDC’s data showed that 94% of patients who were counted as Covid deaths had serious health conditions, but failed to report that New York State reached its milestone death toll of 33,000 on Friday August 28th, which just happened to coincide precisely with the CDC’s report for the week ended August 29th.

Curiously, the CDC report did not actually state the 94 percent figure of Covid deaths that occurred with co-morbidities. Instead, the CDC merely stated that for six percent of all deaths, Covid-19 was listed as the only cause of death.

In other words, the insider gate-keeping editors, producers and news anchors, as well as fact-checkers, were cued by the CDC’s opaque filter approach, to perform their own simple math and work out that the U.S. Center for Disease Control was communicating the subtle message to apply caution.

Uncanny Timing: New York State passes the milestone figure of 33,000 deaths on the last business day of August 2020, just in time for the CDC’s last report before September 2020, which demarcated the end of the U.N.’s 1st Corona World Games.

The CDC’s 94% figure proves that the nationwide, statewide and countrywide house arrest decrees were tyrannical impositions to quarantine healthy people, while inflicting massive damage to the economic well-being of regular folk. This is so, because the CDC data shows that nearly all Covid classified deaths happened to people who had serious health conditions, meaning that a rational response would have been to focus health resources, support and isolation for the most vulnerable.

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➼ The New Zealand Connection: 2nd Wave U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise

New Zealand also appeared to signal its compliance with the Corona World Games during the 2nd Wave of 2nd Pandemic Exercise when the city of Auckland was suddenly locked-down, at Alert level Three, on August 11th for a second time on the basis of just four people from one household whom had tested positive to Covid-19.

When the New Zealand Government announced the emergence of these cases on August 11th, this ‘lockdown-triggering’ event occurred after New Zealand had gone 102 days without any community transmissions.

It turns out, that the names ‘Jacinda Ardern’ and ‘Ardern’ also equate to 102 in the English Ordinal and English Reverse Ordinal ciphers, respectively.

This 102-day run occurred while the nation had 1220 active cases, and while the death toll had stabilized at 22.

Of the 56 reported cases associated with Rosewood Resthome Cluster, in Christchurch, 12 deaths were attributed to Covid-19, according to a Stuff newspapers article of June 11 2020.

When it is recalled that at least one death at the Rosewood Resthome was deemed a Covid case without any scientific testing but was counted by the WHO, and that this anomaly was reported on April 22nd, this interference by WHO officials stabilized death tally at 22, which signalled the inherent fiction underpinning the Corona World Games.

The date that this run ended on was 11th of August. As such, the outbreak that broke New Zealand’s 102-day run occurred in Auckland.

Death Toll Climbs to 22 by Medical Rort: The Ministry of Health counted the death of 96-year old, Eileen Hunter, a resident at St Margaret’s Hospital & Rest Home, Te Atatu Peninsula in Auckland as a Covid death after she recovered, and also returned two negative Covid tests and after her death notice was published saying Hunter’s passing was “due to Covid-19”.

In this way, the metadata seems to show that New Zealand’s technocratic health authorities were signalling the direction they were headed with the next outbreak, by fixing and holding the remnant nation’s Covid death toll constant at 22. And by demonstrating control over the all important 102-day stretch, New Zealand’s Prime Minster, Jacinda Ardern, won kudos from the World Health Organization’s Director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who praised New Zealand as an exemplary pandemic response country the night before 102-day run ended.

Thus, the answer to question posed by the Auckland-based NZ Herald on April 30th, “NZ out of lockdown, but where to now?” was answered on May 24th when Eileen Hunter, a 96-year old resident from St Margaret’s Hospital & Rest Home, Te Atatu Peninsula Auckland passed away. Or was that May 28th, when the Ministry of Health counted the death as a “covid-19 related … consistent with our inclusive approach” – after family death notice was published saying Hunter’s passing was “due to Covid-19”?

The World Health Organization fudged the figures to include Eileen Hunter in the New Zealand coronavirus tally, to get the Covid-19 death toll to 22, even though they acknowledge the elderly woman had recovered from Covid and returned two negative tests.

It soon followed that on August 13th, the Ministry of Health reported there were were 13 new cases. The next day, another 13 cases were reported and then two further ‘13 cases’ events were staggered a day apart, on August 16th and again on August 18th spaced perhaps to appear random, while communicating a full house of ‘Covid-compliant cards’.

The Return of Bat-Signal 13: The day after 1.6 million Aucklanders were suddenly told they were to be locked down again due to four Covid cases from one household, the curious reappearance of the recidivist prime suspect number, Thirteen, found new purpose in the Covid metadata.

After 13 days, the ‘Auckland Cluster’ reached 101 cases, and eclipsed the previous largest cluster that emerged from a wedding in the southern port city of Bluff.

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➼ Behind the ‘Covid Curtain’

The officials across numerous jurisdictions whom publicly posted themselves as hostages actually raised the stakes of the ‘Great Corona Reset’ story, because the pattern of 33 in the news headlines means it is possible to perform ‘contact tracing’ to reveal the hidden élite network connected to the Global Health Syndicate. As I showed in part 1 of this Corona World Games series, Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse & the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise, an engineered bio-terrorist crisis deployed with the cover-story of a planetary threatening pandemic worked to conveniently deflect attention from “the imperial scale expansion of the manufactured credit to reforge Western Civilization with a totalitarian bio-security matrix.”

Therefore this ‘number games’ finding leads to the intriguing question of whom comprises the ‘supreme control group’ across Western Civilization a term used by historian Carroll Quigley in his 1961 book, The Evolution of Civilizations An Introduction to Historical Analysis.

The fixing of 33’s in the metadata across the United States and the world, actually represents an exhibition of spectacular power.

Spectacular Power: False flag deep events are designed to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture Public State authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged Police State path and beyond.

In his book, The Spectacle of the False Flag: Parapolitics from JFK to Watergate, Monash University lecturer in international law, Dr. Eric Wilson states the spectacular power of a false flag deep event is used to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture Public State authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged Police State path and beyond. A false flag is an attack carried out by a Deep State network that produces the evidence to lay blame either on an enemy state, or unwitting patsies, or witting suicidal psychopaths to construct a new state enemy or escalate a conflict. The purpose is to achieve hidden objectives that reset the political trajectory of a society, and sometimes, the world.

In conventional warfare, a belligerent state conducting a ‘false flag’ terror operation uses another country’s ‘flag’ to carry out an attack with the intention to frame the enemy as the perpetrator. In asymmetric Fourth Generation Warfare, a state-sponsored terrorist attack is carried out by security services, intelligence agents or special force units, or ex-personnel from such units, and is blamed on a terrorist group or patsies, as historian Daniele Ganser showed in his book, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe and as well as Richard Cottrell’s book, GLADIO: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis.

It would appear this gambit to forge a totalitarian bio-security operating system was a long-range decision arrived at by a supra-national synarchy. The dominant group appears to be the Western Empire Syndicate, that is comprised of aggressive, factional and colluding a cartels that dominate every industry, and whom conspire as coalitions of super-rich oligarchs to accumulate capital at faster rates than their rivals in the Chinese and Russian empires. This Western supra-national synarchy appears to be working in conspiracy with the upper echelon of the Chinese Communist Party, and a Russian Deep State faction, among other deep states around the world.

Since so many health officials, governors and mayors clambered to post themselves as hostages at press conferences, while deploying the number 33 attention to the narratives under construction is warranted. Especially, since California’s Governor Gavin Newsom described the 33 cases tally as a ‘turning point’ on February 27 2020, which was two weeks prior to WHO declaring Covid-19 a pandemic.

In the classic Three-Act story structure, the first turning point in ACT I is an incident or an event that grabs the story, turns it around and catapults it in a new direction by setting up a problem that the protagonist must resolve over the course of the screenplay as Ray Frensham described in Teach Yourself Screenwriting.

Because Turning Point 1 (TP1) pushes the story forward towards the the ACT climax, TP1 raises the stakes of the story, increases momentum and spins the narrative in a dangerous direction by making the achievement of the goal more uncertain. It dramatically alters the protagonist’s motivation, creates a dramatic need, goal or outer motivation, and typically happens at a point when the story seems to be over because of the apparent success of the protagonist.

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s description of the Western state’s tally reaching the milestone figure of 33 was indeed a turning point, because by performing such Hostage Posting Rituals, he and other officials were consciously being seen to advance the Corona World Games. The officials across numerous jurisdictions whom publicly posted themselves as hostages actually raised the stakes of the Great Corona Reset story, because the pattern of 33 in the news headlines means it is possible to perform ‘contact tracing’ to reveal the hidden élite network connected to the Global Health Syndicate.

Other B-Grade, as well as A-Grade political actors also kept to the scripts’ unfolding sub-plots, which riffed off pandemic simulation scenarios. These sub-plots when taken as a whole reinforced an uncanny solidarity between nations, despite those territories being seemingly governed by political actors standing on the platforms of various ideological persuasions.

So, it is noteworthy, the Economist, estimated that the upper limit of excess deaths caused by ‘covid’ stood at 33.5 million, as at 18 November 2023, like Bill Gates’ warning was a prediction.

The meta-data of Covid cases, death tolls and key associated events that were encoded with numbers, especially 33, is also prima facie evidence of furtherance of conspiracy.

Reading the runes, ‘Covid PlanPanic Health Emergency’ was treated as a ‘live exercise’ by the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, and the world’s major and significant states, in accordance to a blueprint designed by a supranational deep state network, with a centralized control group.

In other words, Fifth Generation Warfare tactics are detectable, and the evidence points to a supranational deep state network that has inflicted a ‘Covid PlanPanic Health Emergency’ as a covert form of bio-terrorism.

Crucially, Fifth Generation Warfare attacks a culture at an unconscious level by manipulating perceptions to steal the identity of adversaries and also the unwitting hosts who cheer-lead the reforms, and in the process reconstructs the identity of an entire class, or culture, or civilization.

The most successful Fifth Generation Warfare is never identified, partly because the violence is so discreetly dispersed that the victims are unaware they are in a war and therefore are oblivious they are losing a war. Indeed, the more dispersed the warfare is in its actions, the more effective and immune the clandestine operation becomes. Therefore, Doctor Thunk Evil Without Being Evil believes that the Corona World Games was a form of Fifth Generation Warfare. By deflecting blame to nature, the global news-chain also deflected from the staple modus operandi of the world’s rivalrous synarchies: inflicting false flag black ops.

The Perfect Wars: Where Fourth Generation Warfare covertly used non-state actors to fight destabilizing civil wars, inflict terrorism and coup d’etats Fifth Generation Warfare is the most dangerous of all time, because the wars themselves work best when they remain unidentified.

Critically, the spectacle of a false flag is unifying, yet totalitarian in nature, as Monash University lecturer in international public law Dr. Eric Wilson explained in his book The Spectacle of the False Flag. Large scale sophisticated power crimes always generate rabbit droppings that lead to the deep state rabbit holes. Rabbit droppings are produced, or rather, plopped, when Deep State Bunnies make errors, either through nervousness, sloppiness, or evasiveness, or in exquisite moments of panic.

The rabbit droppings left by Covid Bunnies across the world reveals they have scampered the same “unified” track, as do their numerous Easter Eggs laid like they were sloppy gloveless and bootless Easter Bunnies. With the application of contact tracing apps, network analysis software and universal surveillance cameras, Covid Bunnies are traceable through their contact with the Easter Eggs they laid to signal deep state authorship, as well as their rabbit droppings. Numbers such as 33 and 13 are Easter Eggs that link to leading to a large rabbit warren of unprecedented scale.

As I stated in Part 1 of this “Corona World Games” series, Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse & the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise:

The imposition of Medical Martial Law by the world’s visible political, military, and corporate leaders following the U.N.’s World Health Organization declaration of Covid-19 as a pandemic is unprecedented.

The unfolding corona-virus narrative is also unprecedented, in the sense that the Covid-19 Pandemic Event would be the first time in world history that all major and significant governments, including the Vatican’s Holy See, are telling the truth about the threat posed by a novel ‘common enemy’.

The novel SARS-COV-2 virus was, in effect, cast as an evil villain character and the new common enemy of all of humanity, while non-élite folk were subtly cast as ‘Covid-suspects’.”

Under the ruse of blaming nature, a supranational deep state engineered as a false flag operation, while operationalizing global economic warfare.

Amid the fear, panic and calamity that such imperial scale crises deliver, it is possible to transform the investments made in stealthy bio-warfare capabilities over the past few decades into the dystopian sustainable development paradigm, with totalitarian bio-security operating systems for permanent social control globally.

False Flag Play-Book: Conspiracy theorist James Corbett’s report, COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity, deftly shows how the security apparatus justified by the 9/11 Coup D’état has now been upgraded to a bio-security apparatus justified by the Covid Coup D’état.

Since the military might of the world’s great powers such as America, Russia, China, Germany, France, and Britain are dependent on their economic dynamism their weird submission to the bio-terrorist demands of the SARS-COV-2 virus has bamboozled many.

However, the huge narrative flaw in the ‘Great Corona Reset’ plot becomes obvious when it is realized that the novel SARS-COV-2 virus has been, essentially, cast as an evil villain mastermind. The world’s newest super-villain, SARS-COV-2, was universally reported to have manifested the Covid-19 disease, orchestrated a global pandemic and cunningly planned to frame the world’s unhygienic non-VIPs as ‘Covid suspects’.

This casting of the novel SARS-COV-2 virus as a existential threat to the entire human race worked according to a pre-planned ‘flooding’ media strategy to out-supply skeptical counter-voices. The flood the zone strategy was repeated like a mantra by players in Event 201, the UN’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise held in Gotham City on October 18th 2019.

During the “Corona World Games”, the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, along with major and significant states, pursued a tiered, asymmetric information dissemination strategy to control the Covid narrative to coerce community capitulation, economic collusion, and political conspiracy.

The ensuing contagion of fear-porn news was an orchestrated emotional hijacking operation through the syndicated cartelized global news-chain, which served the ideological function of activation to face the threat of a common enemy.

‘The Great Reset’ triggered by the WHO’s Covid-19 Pandemic Declaration of March 11 2020, set in train the consolidation stage of a revolution triggered by the 9/11 Coup D’état. As conspiracy theorist James Corbett’s report, COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity, deftly shows, the security apparatus justified by the 9/11 Coup D’état has now been upgraded to a bio-security apparatus justified by the Covid Coup D’état.

Indeed, the linchpin common narrative element central to the 9/11 Coup D’état, and what is more accurately a theatrical Covid Usurp D’état, is the Deus Ex Machina plot device from Greek and Roman theater. A Deus Ex Machina (or god from the machine) unexpectedly resolves a seemingly impossible impassé, checkmated crisis or deadlocked conflict, by the sudden appearance of an implausible character, object, event, power or action. The contrived solution to a problem relies on an agent external to the situation, jolts the narrative’s internal logic, and challenges suspension of disbelief. Each Deus Ex Machina plot device resolved intractable deadlocks, required Orwellian-Huxleyan definitions and mandated Ministry of Truth-esque erasures of history.

Naturally, amid the Covid Usurp D’état, the scientists, doctors and nurses who might have questioned the necessity, science and wisdom of shutting down one-third-to-half of the world were universally excluded from the outset, or selected for Ostracism if they spoke out.

This exclusion was consistent with the scripting decision that underpinned Event 201, which cue players to repeat the ‘flood the zone’ media strategy as a mantra.

The consequent universal application of this ‘flood’ strategy mantra and implied a centralized mechanism of communication across the globalized market economies. Indeed, the ideological function of legitimacy was served by front-footing the ‘crisis’ with biased ‘expert voices’ whom supported the narrative’s definitions, problems, and solutions. In this way, the activation of the ideological legitimation function supported the power of authority by masking over the cracks in the narrative myth-making.

Not So Bat-Shit Mad: In his 2002 scholarly article entitled, “Conspiracy Theory” Neal Katyal emphasizes that conspiracies may appear legal, particularly in their elemental parts, but because case law recognizes the dangerous harms that colluding criminal groups can pose to society, the threshold for adding witting participants to a criminal investigation is lowered once a conspiracy is identified. [Source: Yale Law Journal]

In this devious way, the world’s un-hygienic Covid suspects whom tuned into the unfolding narrative, were expected to suspend their disbelief, rather like movie audiences watching a Hollywood blockbuster that relies too much on A-Grade Special FX. Indeed, the attitude of the Mockingbird Media newsrooms can be likened to the Hollywood Studios that produce A-Grade Special FX-laden B-Grade scripts that leaves movie audiences dissatisfied that the studios don’t care for quality stories woven with essential truths. The world’s Mockingbird Media have shown that their adherence to fear-porn scripts is more important than reporting the sources of this epic ‘PlanPanic’ as organized crime.

The fear-porn news spectacle of élites performing crisis rituals across multiple jurisdictions, along with biased models of projected pandemic deaths tolls, and health officials re-enforcing the favoured remedy of inflicting nationwide house arrests all worked to emotionally hijack whole populations. Consequently, these crisis spectacle elements such as hostage posting rituals, worse case scenario models and expert calls for lock-downs actually served the ideological function of distortion, which created a warped copy of reality.

Masking over Ideological Cracks: The sudden pivot across the globe to a totalitarian bio-security operating system belies a geopolitical agenda that originated from a pay-grade well above the level of the presidents, prime ministers, premiers, governors and mayors.

Ironically, this warped copy of reality masked the gambit to re-forge Western Civilization with a totalitarian bio-security operating system is detectable in the moves made by the Western Empire Syndicate’s subsidiary Global Health Syndicate.

The public record of collusion detectable in the Covid-metadata actually increases the risk that the Global Health Syndicate and their ‘parent’ organization, the Western Empire Syndicate, will wind up with their ‘heads on sticks’, metaphorically speaking.


Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled  “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.

Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com

Corona World Games Part 1:

Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse & the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise

Part 3: All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War, reveals the sketchy track record of John Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security in hosting pandemic exercises since June 2001, with players whose links to the American Deep State suggests the Great Corona Reset is the consolidation of a revolution whose opening salvo was the 9/11 Coup D’état.