New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, spins the record claiming her Government has held true to its promise to never mandate vaccinations for all NZers — while The BMJ reveals cover-up in Pfizer vaccine trial breaches.
The record shows that the New Zealand Government made assurances prior to the 2020 election that it would not mandate vaccines at all. This derogation, or severe diminishment in inalienable rights, by the NZ’s Government is consistent with the forging a new class system that appears to privilege the vaccinated — as Ardern admitted recently to The New Zealand Herald.
Moreover, while this Medical Apartheid Biosecurity System is fast-tracked, NZ’s Medsafe is presently considering Pfizer’s application for its paediatric version of its Covid-19 nano-gene injections.
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s approval of the Pfizer shots for 5-to-11 year olds occurred prior to The British Medical Journal’s revelations that the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s vaccine trails were falisified in 2020.
By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards

➼ NZ’s PM Spins Record over Derogation of Inalienable Rights
In a crammed hotel foyer in the river city of Whanganui on 3 November, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern claimed that the Government has held true to an alleged stance that it would never mandate vaccinations for all New Zealanders.
This assertion is untrue, because the NZ Government has, in less than a month, extended vaccine mandates from frontline workers to most businesses, public services and private establishments with customers, clients or club members, as well as begun introducing a vaccine passport regime that also coerces the entire ‘eligible population’ of 12 years and over — to comply.
Ardern claimed that her Government had not over-turned its stance on compulsory vaccinations because she asserted the issue had always been a question about mandating the vaccine for all New Zealanders. With such mental gymnastics, Ardern has spun the assurances made by her Government, including her Health Minister at the time, Chris Hipkins, and herself in September 2020, prior to the Ardern’ Labour Party being re-elected as the dominant political entity.
Since then, increasing numbers of New Zealanders have begun to question whether the broadening vaccine mandates are necessary, and whether the vaccines are effective, safe and why other health options are dismissed, derided or demonized. New Zealanders, whom a year ago voted for the second Ardern Government, are now uneasy about what possible objectives are perhaps served by vaccine passports that appear to be designed to discriminate against those deemed to be non-compliant.

Earlier, on Monday October 11 2021, Ardern’s Government announced mandatory Covid-19 vaccines for health and education sector workers.

Then her Labour-led Coalition Government followed up 11 days later on Friday October 22nd — right before ‘Labour Weekend’ — with a mandate for workers across many workplaces, whose staff are deemed to be in contact with clients, customers or club members.

Moreover, businesses, churches and other venues with ‘foot traffic’ have also been blackmailed with an impending vaccine passport system, which sets restrictive limits on capacity if such venues do not implement this biosecurity surveillance measure.

And presently, the NZ Government is blackmailing residents of New Zealand’s largest city of 1.6 million people to get double jabbed by Christmas, or they will be turned away at the borders over the summer.

Furthermore, Ardern admitted in an October 23 interview with The New Zealand Herald that the vaccine mandate measures, which include an impending vaccine passport system, are creating a new class system where the vaccinated appear to have more privileges or rights than the unvaccinated.
When asked in Whanganui on 3 November, by a reporter if it was fair that so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’ felt her Government had ‘flip-flopped’ on the vaccine mandates issue, NZ’s PM denied the NZ Government had changed its stance.
“Well, I don’t believe we have,” said Ardern, whose facial expressions, body language and voice conveyed a leader unused to having major componentry of the unfolding Covid narrative challenged by N.Z.’s egg-shell walking news media. “Because the question always was”, Ardern added, “would we mandate vaccinations for all New Zealanders and we haven’t.”

However, the record shows that Jacinda Ardern has reframed the issue of vaccine mandates by re-classifying New Zealanders by segments now eligible for compulsion to biosecurity measures.
The Ardern Coalition Government made pre-election assurances to the public in September 2020 that there were no plans for compulsion to be vaccinated and that the government would not make any vaccines compulsory.
On September 3 2020, then-Minister of Health Chris Hipkins actually said the NZ Government would not make vaccinations compulsory. At the pre-election press conference in Auckland, Hipkins stated:
❝The Government is not making COVID-19 or any other vaccinations compulsory. We will … when we have a vaccination available, we will be encouraging people to take the vaccination because it will be helping to keep everybody safe. But, the Government is not going to be making the vaccination compulsory.❞
— Chris Hipkins, N.Z. Minister of Health, 3 September 2020

In the interview of September 22nd 2020, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern downplayed the concerns that the Government would inflict sanctions, or penalties to coerce people to submit to mass vaccination programmes.
Host of the The AM Show, Duncan Garner, read out a question from a viewer, who asked whether or not people would be banned from travelling internationally or face tax penalities.
Ardern’s replied:
“No, No, And we haven’t for any vaccination in New Zealand applied penalties in that way. But I would say … for anyone who doesn’t take up an effective and tested and safe vaccine when it’s available, that will come at a risk to them.”
When pressed for comment about whether there would any form of sanctions by then-media missionary host of The AM Show, Duncan Garner, Ardern astutely answered in past-tense. Ardern referred to the levels of vaccination that she claimed had been high prior to Covid-19, and asserted that such vaccine uptake had been consistently well over 90%.
Ardern then deflected away from talk of possible plans to mandate vaccines and claimed that ‘vaccine hesitancy’ was the bigger issue, rather than concerns about so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’ or any strong moral opposition.
In this way, Ardern signalled the Government’s objective to reach a 90% vaccination target through persuasion, rather than exercising the state’s edict-making coercion powers.

Yet, Newshub’s accompanying article, written by reporter Dan Satherley, omitted the specific question posed by a viewer on Channel Three’s morning news and current affairs programme, The AM Show.
In reporting for Newshub, it was not Ardern exact words, but Satherley who wrote that Ardern promised:
“not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt-out won’t face any penalties at all.”

By this editorializing, Newshub made it seem the Prime Minister had ruled out “tax penalties or other sanctions for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine”. When, in fact, she had only said “No” to state-mandated international travel bans and tax penalties, and had answered in the past tense.
The Prime Minister was skilful in her communications to avoid making any assurances regarding actually ruling out coercive vaccination measures. Given that Ardern was awarded her communications degree from Waikato University, and that it was funded by New Zealand’s subversive order of Freemasonry, and that Ardern was selected as a Young Global Leader in 2014 by the World Economic Forum prior to being catapulted to power in just seven weeks in 2017 – it should not be surprising that it was her long-time friend, Health Minister Chris Hipkins, who explicitly stated the Government was not making vaccinations compulsory.

Because Duncan Garner left the topic of Covid-19 vaccinations until near the end of the interview, he left himself and Newshub, The Am Show, and Channel Three off the hook to grill the Prime Minister on the issue of body autonomy, the right to make a living without coercion and the threat to human freedom wrought by the planned vaccine passports.
Therefore, it’s clear that the then-MediaWorks-owned Newshub pulled its punches from challenging Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to categorically rule out state coercion against New Zealanders to submit to jabs of the experimental Covid-19 nano-gene fluids.
Pertinently, at the time of the pre-election vaccine mandate controversy – Newshub’s owner MediaWorks was negotiating to sell its loss-making television operations with an American-based media corporation Discovery Inc, which owns CNN.
Crucially, Discovery Inc. is owned by one of the big US media market monopolizing corporations, AT&T, whose top owners are Blackrock and Vanguard, that in turn are the top shareholders of pharmaceutical manufacturer, Pfizer, as Snoopman News reported October 26 in, Pfizer’s top owners — Blackrock & Vanguard — are top shareholders of parent companies that own The New Zealand Herald, Newshub & Newstalk ZB on ❛NZ Monopoly Game❜ board.

The New York-based pharmaceutical conglomerate, Pfizer, partnered with German drug manufacturer, BioNTech, to produce its experimental nano-gene Covid-19 vaccine.
Subsequently, Pfizer has marketed its mRNA nanogene therapy as a vaccine with the brand name, Cominarty – worldwide and is the currently holds the monopoly over Covid-19 vaccine market deployment in the South Pacific archipelago of New Zealand.

BMJ Reveals Pfizer Vaccine Trial Cover-up
Revelations of poor practices, including falsified data, at a contract research company carrying out Pfizer’s pivotal Covid-19 vaccine trial have been reported by the prestigious peer-reviewed British Medical Journal — Tuesday November 2nd 2021.
The BMJ article, entitled — “Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial” — raises questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.
Indeed, speed appears to have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety, wrote journalist, Paul D Thacker, who was formerly employed by Slate Magazine.

In his article for The BMJ, journalist Paul D. Thacker reported that Brook Jackson, a now-fired regional director at Ventavia Research Group, revealed to The BMJ that vaccine trials at several sites in Texas last year had major problems. Jackson said Ventavia broke fundamental trial rules, including falsifying data, unblinding patients, employing inadequately trained vaccinators, and were ‘slow’ to report adverse reactions reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.
The BMJ’s top story for November 2 reported Ventavia staff “who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”
As the new regional director at Ventavia, Jackson repeatedly notified her employer of the trial problems. When she emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2020, Ventavia fired her later the same day.
Jackson, who is a trained clinical trial auditor with more than 15 years’ experience, told Thacker she repeatedly warned her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues. After she was ignored, she started documenting problems with the camera on her mobile phone.

Thacker disclosed that Jackson provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.
Jackson recorded a September 2020 meeting with two Ventavia directors, at which an executive can be heard saying that the company couldn’t quantify the types and number of errors with their testing.
“In my mind, it’s something new every day,” they said, adding “We know that it’s significant.”
The BMJ reported that Jackson’s email to the FDA included the following concerns:
• Participants placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff;
• Lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events;
• Protocol deviations not being reported;
• Vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures;
• Mislabelled laboratory specimens, and;
• Targeting of Ventavia staff for reporting these types of problems.
The unblinding was potentially far more severe as well.
Per the trial’s design, unblinded staff prepared and administered either Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine or a placebo. This was done to preserve the blinding of trial participants and other staff – including the principal investigator.
At Ventavia, however, Jackson says that drug assignments were left in participants’ charts and accessible to blinded personnel. The breach was corrected last September, two months into the trial at which point there were around 1,000 participants already enrolled.
According to The BMJ report, Ventavia also failed to keep up with data entry – as a September 2020 email from Pfizer partner ICON reveals.

Since Jackson reported problems with Ventavia to the FDA in September 2020, Pfizer has hired Ventavia as a research subcontractor on four other vaccine clinical trials for the Covid-19 vaccine in children and young adults, pregnant women, and a booster dose.
The advisory committee for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to discuss the Covid-19 paediatric vaccine trial on 2 November.

NZ Government Doubles Down on Pfizer Jabs
Unwisely, the government has purchased another 4.7 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for use in New Zealand over the next year, Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has revealed.

On October 27, Hispkins said at a press conference that the US FDA to authorisation of the Pfizer vaccine for emergency use jabs of 5-11 year old children in the United States, was the first hurdle for New Zealand’s approval processes.
“I know that Medsafe are ready to move quickly on an application”, Hipkins said to reporters on October 27.
On October 29th, the US FDA authorised for emergency use the vaccine for 5-11 year old children. The FDA claimed the approval was “based on the FDA’s thorough and transparent evaluation of the data that included input from independent advisory committee experts.”
The FDA’s October 29th Media Release stated:
“Based on the totality of scientific evidence available, the known and potential benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in individuals down to 5 years of age outweigh the known and potential risks.”

Given that the New Zealand Government has reneged on its pre-election ‘no vaccine mandate’, it is disconcerting that New Zealand’s Prime Minister also attempted to reassure New Zealanders that her government will never restrict the non-vaccinated from access to food, health services, and other government support.
Disconcerting – because Ardern blatantly lied to the NZ’s journalistic egg-shell walkers, and, therefore, to the good people of New Zealand — whether two-shot or one-shot vaccinated — or not.
Particularly, since JACINDA KATE LAURELL ARDERN cannot credibly claim that her government’s stance on ‘vaccine’ mandates had always been about ensuring that New Zealnders were, in essence, protected from a totalitarian police state smothering blanket of 100% compulsion coverage. Especially, since I have already traced the Origins of the NZ Government’s Covid Elimination Strategy, Lockdown Laws and Mass Vaccination Drive back to a 2002 Ministry of Health discussion paper published just as SARS-Cov-1 outbreak began.

For, the amateur DJ was — from that corner in that cramped hotel foyer, actually trying to spin the record — and play her Covid Monopoly ‘Get out of Jail Free’ board game pass card to wriggle out through the media scrum without being completely unbraided.
In other words, Ardern subversively sought to convince, more or less, the entire paternalistically-cast ‘team of 5 million’ that it was just a tiny minority whom are morally opposed to vaccine mandates. And, therefore, the subtext of this subversive rhetoric subtly communciated to those elites most attuned to manipulative PR dog-whistling, that the team of five millions’ memories were suffering from a Seven Sharp-esque induced ‘type one Crown-sponsored dementia’, as the broadcasted HD film-tapes incontrovertibly demonstrate.
And, disconcerting because, as New Zealand’s top political lawmaker, Ardern signed off on an amendment to legislation in May 2021 after a High Court decision found that Government’s mass administering of Pfizer’s vaccines breached the emergency use requirement of an experimental vaccine because it was not limited in scope of deployment.
Amidst this mass psychotic ‘All of Government’ headlong course to establish a full-blown biosecurity state — that is merely governed under the rubric of a contagious fear-porn spectacle of emergency, The BMJ’s article shows, the Covid-19 vaccine trials for Pfizer-BioNTech seriously breach scientific protocols. And, yet the US FDA approved the Cominarty vaccine despite Brook Jackson’s complaint as regional director at Ventavia.

“It’s a Crazy Mess” says former Pfizer employee after Fired Regional Director Blows Whistle on Pfizer’s Vaccine Trial Data — The British Medical Journal, November 2 2021
Despite Jackson reporting problems with Ventavia to the FDA in September 2020, Pfizer has hired Ventavia as a research subcontractor on four other vaccine clinical trials: the Covid-19 vaccine in children and young adults, pregnant women, and a booster dose.
The advisory committee for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to discuss the Covid-19 paediatric vaccine trial on 2 November.
If Medsafe approves the paediatric version of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, then New Zealand Medsafe staff responsible for that decision actually run the risk of being held personally liable — along with other New Zealand health and government officials — for any subsequent injuries, illnesses and deaths of children aged 5 to 11 years old whom were subsequently administered the jabs.
With The BMJ’s revelations of a systemic cover-up of Pfizer’s falsified data, flawed protocols and fraudulent vax trial presentations that occurred in a conspiracy with its contracted research company, Ventavia, and the US FDA, it would be unwise, unsound and unlawful for the NZ’s health authorities to ignore The British Medical Journal’s findings.

Especially, because New Zealand’s Health Act requires all who have authority during an infectious disease outbreak to act in good faith.
If the principle of sound scientific data is applied to criticisms over a vaccine’s safety once it is mass deployed, then that same ‘sound scientific data’ principle ought to hold true for the same vaccine during its safety testing trials — should it not?
The BMJ’s findings of the Pfizer vaccine trial cover-up, therefore, means groups such as Doctors for Covid Ethics, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out for Science and Covid Plan B (among others) — whom have been slandered by the NZ media egg shell walking cohort as ‘anti-vaxxers’ — were actually right to question the rush to inject whole populations.
Indeed, the United Nations’ member governments are worsening the real emergency, which involves the dismissal of known therapeutics, biasing mass deployment of poorly-tested harmful experimental nano-gene injections, and fostering a politicization of medicine, public health and personal health choices — as a Covid Pandemic Panel of scientists and doctors stated recently in San Juan Puerto Rico.
Such groups, forums and symposiums that have been ignored, stigmatized or slandered, include — Doctors for COVID Ethics, America’s Frontline Doctors, Covid Medical Network, Great Barrington Declaration, Vaccine Choice Canada, Children’s Health Defense, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, Voices for Freedom, Covid Plan B and New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science — actually now need to be formally interviewed by New Zealand’s Health Authorities.
Because, to date, the New Zealand Governemnt’s health authorities, national security state intelligence agencies and the executive branch of government have not performed the due dilligence required to provide substantive evidence, logical reasoning and over-arching objectives to prove that the measures taken and sign-posted are actually proportional, essential and the only course possible. In the absence of ths due dilligence, 20 months after the World Health Organization’s curius deisgnation of Covid-19 as a pandemic — with less than 4700 total deaths worldwide clocked-up — Ardern’s Governemnt is yet to prove that they have not criminally-breached their obligations by imposing Medical Martial Law, since they hav supplied no evidence they have not encroached long-standing common law courtroom decisions, post-war elite-mass settlement treaties and the inalienable rights of the human animal.

In his 2007 book, Legal Ethics and Human Dignity, and in his paper “Contrived Ignorance”, published in The Georgetown Law Journal in 1999, U.S. litigator David Luban modelled the “Structure of Contrived Ignorance”. He saw screening actions and so-called unwitting misdeeds as a unitary whole rather than separated by time-frames.
Luban proposed viewing the version of the self that wittingly performed screening actions to preserve his own oblivion as the principle actor, while the agent is the later self at the time of the unwitting misdeed, who effectively ratifies the earlier self’s choice to compartmentalize or screen off potential knowledge of wrong-doing. In making his point that “in criminal law, wilful ignorance is grounds for conviction, rather than acquittal,” Luban was in essence, laying out the gaps in catching and convicting group enterprises that contrive ignorance.

In his 2002 scholarly Yale Law Journal article entitled, “Conspiracy Theory”, Neal Katyal emphasizes that conspiracies may appear legal, particularly in their elemental parts. But, because case law recognizes the dangerous harms that colluding criminal groups can pose to society, the threshold for adding witting participants to a criminal investigation is lowered once a conspiracy is identified.
Law scholarship on political conspiracy models for how secret agreements can be made, who comprises a conspiracy and why unlikely actors collude to construct new areas of market dominance by illegal, fraudulent and repugnant means to out-compete their rival nation states, international syndicates and secret brotherhoods, or confederacies.

As Snoopman News reported in August 29 2021, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health’s Influenza Pandemic Response blueprint of 2017 lacked plans for a proportionate response to isolate or quarantine only the sick while distributing immune boosting supplements to the healthy, and it failed to model for the possibility of geo-political machinations embedded in pandemic exercises, outbreaks and the global health architecture.
Most New Zealanders have yet to grasp the fact that the coming vaccine passports are the entry point to fuse a social credit scoring system — like totalitarian China — with a carbon tax transactions system and a new digital global monetary system interfacing with mobile phones.
The behavior modifications that have occurred so far — such as submitting to QR-code mass surveillance, swab testing, nationwide house arrest, social distancing, long queues for food, watching daily advisories and mass vaccinations — have presaged the objective to segregate society with a stealthy medical apartheid system.
Recently, Medsafe NZ approved provisional emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine for a further a two years for the eligible population of 12 years old and over.
As has been reported, Medsafe is expected to move quickly to approve the Pfizer vaccine under emergency use provisions for children aged 5 to 11 years old in New Zealand in early November.

The director of the US incorporation society, Children’s Health Defense, Robert F Kennedy Jr said that in the United States, the critical reason for the emergency use approval for children is that such a move protects the pharmaceutical companies from being directly sued for vaccine injuries, illnesses and deaths – across all age groups.

Kennedy stated that since the Covid-19 pandemic, every amendment to the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution had been seriously breached, except the Second Amendement, which acknowledges the right of communities to form armed militias for the defence of a free and open society.
It was therefore potent that the Whanganui Chroncile’s November 5th lead-story, “Wartime Battle” — and sub-headed, “Military-style mangaement evoked to lift Covid-19 vaccination rate in local Māori” — was published on the 140th anniversary of the Colonial Constabulary’s invasion of the peaceful, self reliant village of Parihaka.
The “Wartime Battle” story quoted chairman or kaiwhakahaere of Whanagui tribe, Te Kāhui o Rauru, Victor Goldsmith, who told the Whanganui Chronicle that former military personnel would co-ordinate the Covid-19 jab operation for over a dozen Whanganui iwi.
Data from the Whanganui DHB would be part of a GIS (Geographic Information System) database used to capture more information in the field, which evidently would lead to improved decisions.
“With our crisis management tool working with ex-military guys, I think that’s going to be a gamechanger for us,” Goldsmith said.

This multi-million dollar operation, which is targeting iwi acoss Taranaki and Whanganui regions, was preceded by Exercise Golden Gauntlet which was a communications focussed training exercise that took place between 11 and 15 October. Public notices for Exercise Golden Gauntlet appeared on the Whanganui Council’s website and also in the Whanganui Midweek in the Kinesiology, Fitness and Health Living Section.

This fusion of the military and health authorities was consistent with the subversive idea to merge medical and military personnel under the rubric of pandemic preparednes and was presented by predatory philanthropist, Bill Gates, during his 2015 TedTalk titled, “The Next Outbreak? We’re Not Ready”.
The centi-billionaire predatory philanthropist projected a 33 million toll death threat during this 2015 TedTalk, which in effect meant he signalling he was advancing the Global Health Syndicate’s plans to take their germ games ‘live’ — and which eventuated with Covid-19.

Numerous dissenting voices — such as Dr David Martin, Catherine Austin Fitts, Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Cory Morningstar, Denis Rancourt, Iain Davis, Alison Hawver McDowell, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Vandana Shiva, Derrick Broze and Corey Lynn — have provided evidence that is contrary to the Covid narrative, which holds that the world was unprepared for a global pandemic.
It turns out that pandemic preparedness was consistent with an asymmetric bio-warfare apparatus wielded by a Bio-Industrial Covid Cartel or Global Health Syndicate, as I showed in Lying by Numbers, Hyped Fear-Porn News and the U.N.’s 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise, starring ❛Covid-19❜.
Ironically, the Neo-Feudal Crown’s buy-in of Māori leadership across the Southern Taranaki and Whanganui can only continue to occur if whānau, hapū, marae and rohe in those districts remain unaware of the militay grade global psychological warfare that underpins the official Covid narrative.
It is therefore, especially potent that the Whanganui Chronicle’s “Wartime Battle” was printed for it’s November 5th edition, or precisly 140 years 1600 Armed Constabulary troops and a volunteer militia lead by Native Minister Bryce Johns.
In a recent interview with the author of a new book, Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy, Iain Davis told journalist James Corbett, that a totalitarian technocratic architecture has been built over the past two decades to consolidate power amid an engineered bio-terrorist crisis deployed with the cover-story of a planetary threatening pandemic.

It is now almost 20 months since the of World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration of 11 March 2020, and yet the New Zealand Government has failed to do due diligence to check whether or not the nation — along with other member states of the United Nations — is being gamed.
The New Zealand Government, including its officials, have persistently ignored, dismissed or stigmatized dissenting voices, including the views of scientists, doctors and nurses, as well as those with valuable knowledge from the general population, in order to maintain a structure of contrived ignorance and therefore attempt to remain protected by the ‘good faith’ provisions of the Health Act 1956.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a Pākehā independent journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programmes. He forged his ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ super-power while writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled – “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid”– to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact our intern, Steve Edwards, with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com

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BMJ INVESTIGATIONCovid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial >> https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/375/bmj.n2635.full.pdf
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Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium – Session 2: The Going
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MORE Public Health Mafia Connections ~ Amazing Polly >> https://brandnewtube.com/watch/more-public-health-mafia-connections-amazing-polly_rdq9vSosezgnMDm.html
The New Normal Documentary by Happen Network >> https://www.thriveon.com/media/the-new-normal-documentary-by-happen-network
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COVID-19 and the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative”How it Methodically
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Catherine Austin Fitts: The (Covid) Pandemic is a Front for a Global Financial Coup that Needs “Vaccine Passports” to Implement the New Digital “Currency” >> https://thereisnopandemic.net/…/catherine-austin-fitts…/
Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Series by Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs [Sept 1 2021] >> https://home.solari.com/global-landscape-on-vaccine-id…/
Alison Hawver McDowell October 14, 2021 COVID-19 as a Weapon. The
Crushing of the Disposable Working Class – by Design
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COVID-19 as a Weapon. The Crushing of the Disposable Working Class – by Design https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2020/04/13/covid-19-as-a-weapon-the-crushing-of-the-disposable-working-class-by-design/?fbclid=IwAR0dNQVP1NURJ8xdsBOD3UICrLIhdRi59w9EODkJYtneA8jAkqo6MBO5TeI
The Pandemic Response as Contemporary Imperialism >> https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/…/the-pandemic…/
Derrick Broze. (October 28, 2020). The Darkest Winter (2020) https://theconsciousresistance.com/the-darkest-winter-2020/
James Corbett. (09/13/2020). COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity https://www.corbettreport.com/covid-911-from-homeland-security-to-biosecurity/
MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL >> https://odysee.com/@True.Earth.Archive:d/MASSPSYCHOSIS:5
Brave Vandana Shiva Speaks Out Against the Great Reset https://truthpeep.com/brave-vandana-shiva-speaks-out-against-the-great-reset/26/11/2020/