Liberty Occupation, New Zealand Parliament
The NZ Police breached the peace on Tuesday morning February 22 2022, on the streets adjacent to New Zealand Parliament Grounds to bait the anti-Covid Mandate protesters, as Steve Snoopman proves in this dispatch. The police objective was to produce scenes of violence, with the confidence that the mainstream media would not bother to accurately report the clustered events.
With images taken from his camera — as well as an appraisal of news-gathering footage and some independent media footage — The Snoopman unpacks the propaganda. He demonstrates that Assistance Police Commissioner Richard Chambers emotionally hijacked news audiences when he claimed the actions of protesters were “disgraceful”. NZ’s PM Jacinda Ardern parroted this remark.
Disturbingly, the deployment of police with riot shields has seeded the narrative that the resistance has become more violent. This escalation in bad optics for the occupiers comes two weeks after the police breached the peace on Thursday 10 February, when the Constabulary engineered a confrontation that lasted nine hours inside Parliament Grounds.
The addition of the riot shields to the police command’s siege strategy of the Freedom Occupation does not bode well for the resisters. Such bad optics requires the protest group to upskill in peaceful non-violent resistance tactics, effective communication with the establishment media and defense of their key bargaining chip: the bad optics of tents for the NZ Government.
However, the development of a New Zealand High Judge ruling the vaccine mandates for NZ police and defense forces were unlawful, breached the Bill of Rights and were a coercive measure that infringed upon domestic and international law — is a major chink in the armor of the Government’s Covid Regime.
This dispatch concludes that a major obstacle to building broad-based support is conspiracy denialism, which is the linchpin of Western Elite’s control over conservative liberals of political left politics. Yet, Robert F. Kennedy Jr warns that humanity across the world needs to mobilize effective resistance quick enough to stop the escalating control before the conspirators’ turn-key totalitarianism makes such resistance impossible.
Tuesday 22.02.2022, Wellington NZ: Twenty-five police brandishing riots shields ran at a group of anti-mandate protesters next to the Parliament Grounds in Wellington at 13 minutes to seven in the morning.
As the police ran down the footpath below me from my vantage point of the forecourt at the Archives New Zealand building, I heard the riot-shielded police command provocatively, “Move, move, move,” repeatedly.
A more aggressive team of police surged forward, squeezing protesters against the port-o-loos and nearby vehicles. This action further agitated the protesters.
Within a minute, a fraccus broke out — as the Police intended — when they pushed forward forcing protesters against a cluster of port-o-loos on Molesworth Street outside the north eastern boundary of Parliament Grounds.
The aggressive appearance of the police with riot shields followed a five minute lull.
The riot-shielded police formed a semi-circle.
The palpable anger began when police surged forward, shoving protesters backward.
One police officer appeared to eye gouge a parliamentary protester, Phil Peters, after the same policeman punched him.
To their credit, The Dominion Post followed up with a story the next day featuring parliamentary protester, Phil Peters, who claimed he was punched by police and eye gouged – during the fracas early on Tuesday morning.
The black gloved police officer appeared to use his left thumb at least twice to eye gouge Mr Peters, between punching him with his hand in the face and abdomen.
One policeman was armed with a wooden stick, which he discarded as he moved forward to assist the black-gloved eye-gouger policeman wrestle Phil Peters protester to the ground in front of the port-o-loos.
This brandishing of a stick adds weight to my contention that the police were looking for a fight to make the morning news with propaganda that a riot squad was required to quell aggressive protesters.
Moments before, another totalitarian resister was wrestled to the asphalt.
Earlier, at around 6:35am, a fork-hoist was used to transport the first of two blocks to partially cordon off Molesworth Street and footpath by the Archives New Zealand Building. The first block was placed on the footpath.
Police with riot-shields jogged behind the forklift as it advanced along Molesworth Street.
During the five minute lull, some police moved to the intersection of Molesworth, Hill and Aitken streets where the port-a-loos were located.
Between the first and second concrete block being laid, a white car drove along Molesworth Street toward the frontline as extra police stood at either edge. The white car decelerated, then came to a stop, without injuring anyone.
The driver was handcuffed and taken away.
The widespread consensus around ‘Freedom Village’ is the white car incident appeared to have been a set-up by Police, with the man cast as a patsy to besmirch the public image of the protesters, and justify the deployment of the riot-shield to the scene.
Police have yet to explain how where the driver of the white car came from and whether he had breached the police cordon further down Molesworth Street.
Meanwhile, the Police frontline on Molesworth Street waited. And the 25 police with riot shields were standing by at back end of the Archives New Zealand building [marked with red ring]. These riot police were not used to support the forklift delivering the second bollard.
Conveniently, several news cameramen, or freelance stringers, were spotted filming in the early morning light gathering images for the hungry breakfast news programming.
The previous morning — during which 300 police managed a siege operation, which began minutes before 4am, to cordon off five access points of streets surrounding the Parliament Occupation, including Molesworth Street — there were no news cameras.
The use of the riot police was construed by the news media to make it appear that the protesters had instigated the violence. Prominent brands of New Zealand’s media cartel, such as The New Zealand Herald, The Dominion Post, 1News, Newshub, NewsTalkZB and Radio NZ failed to accurately describe the cluster of events at Molesworth Street, and in doing so, they served as platforms for the police propaganda to re-win control over the battle of the narrative.
However, the five minute lull during which the positioning of some police at the intersection where the port-o-loos were located, and then the sudden rush of the riot police into position — indicates that the police commanders’ objective was to incite violence.
More police rushed forward as the clash erupted.
A sanctimonious Assistant Police Commissioner Richard Chambers positioned police as doing their best to maintain the peace.
With such a fraudulent posture — that was a breach of section 240 of the Crimes Act which deals with crimes of deceit — Assistant Commissioner Chambers claimed the protesters’ behavior was “disgraceful”. New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern also framed the protesters’ actions as disgraceful.
Because the NZ Police command, the government executive and Wellington’s political élite could be confident that New Zealand’s media missionaries would again fail to truthfully report the clustered events as they had actually unfolded — such élites were able to extend their control over the occupation narrative.
In this way, Assistant Police Commissioner Richard Chambers — who wore a street operations vest — emotionally hijacked news audiences when he claimed the actions of protesters were “disgraceful”.
This state-sponsored subversion of the occupation — which is the key bargaining chip of the protesters — is a continuation of the baiting, violence and breach of peace inflicted by police the previous morning, when the bollards were placed to choke access points, as well as the arrests of Day 3, Thursday 10 February.
Media Missionaries Repeat Evidence Laundering of Thursday 10 February 2022
In my first Liberty Occupation dispatch, Rhythm and Crimes, I showed how the NZ Police were the primary perpetrators of the aggression, violence and abusiveness, while the protesters were remarkably restrained.
The news media played along, claiming the Police were attempting to ‘hold a line’, thereby implying the occupation group were attempting to storm Parliament.
However, the photographic and video evidence shows that police pursued a strategy to bait protesters, pick-off the weakest links in the human chain and exaggerate the number of arrests to produce propaganda to fracture public support. The protesters were not trying to storm Parliament House.
They were protecting the tents behind them as the ‘frontline’ police shoved forward, while body snatch teams beat up their victims before making their sanctimonious arrests while the accredited media missionaries watched from the balconies of Parliament House — without a genuine eye for the brave free range humans below.
In retrospect, I can see the Police breached the peace on Thursday 10 February to construct a cause célèbre to build-up reinforcements, divide the public and set the stage for a siege of the Parliament Occupation.
Many who came to reinforce the occupation cited the police brutality of 10 February as their decisive moment to join the occupation.
Observations and Conclusions
In a similar way to the Police instigated violence of Thursday 10 February, the occupiers were not trying to provoke the Constabulary. It was the Police who breached the peace, to bait protesters who were shoved backward against the port-o-loos, the nearby vehicles and one another.
The Police command well know that five percent of the occupation group lack the ability at present to maintain control of their emotions, and instead can be easily baited to re-act out old scenes of personal crisis in these newly plotted scenes.
There was no strategic value for the Police to push forward to win control of the port-o-loos at that time. The police would have looked like assholes if they had won and cordoned off the portable toilets.
In the morning light, at 6:45am, the purpose was to bait protesters to produce shoot-able images of violence for the breakfast news.
Because the public figures, influencers and the main groups of NZ’s Liberty Movement have failed to become strategically organized, be inclusive of broader group and workshop peaceful non-violent resistance — the NZ State is able to easily exploit the key weakness of the occupation.
The various occupation groups, and the broader NZ Freedom Movement appear to be proceeding with their strategic fox-hole mindsets.
Whether through inexperience, egos, or the embarrassment of being publicly vulnerable — given the complexity of achieving even the basic, significant objective of ending the Covid-Mandates — let alone addressing the broader hybrid war inflicted by the Totalitarians, the NZ Freedom Movement will need to address the bad optics quickly and effectively by speaking to the media.
Ironically, maintaining the appearance of a leaderless movement out of a fear of being picked off for scapegoating, or a smug idea of frustrating the police and political leadership, is in fact exposing the occupation group’s key bargaining chip for attack.
The Police command, the Executive Branch of Government and the Wellington Political Elite are exploiting their strength as official sources, and who the Establishment Media confer with the idea of presumptive accuracy especially in times of crisis.
Meanwhile, the media missionaries adopt of a posture of neutral bystanders.
The bad optics for the government — which are the images of the tents, vehicles and working class New Zealanders of all walks of life freedom camping on the front-lawn of a Westminster-style Parliament — has the potential to drive the Ardern Government’s political capital to zero.
Political capital is the notion that political elites have pubic image credit to spend, which affords them the capacity to pursue unpopular policies, plans or projects. This political capital is vulnerable to attack, if groups can expose the ‘chinks in armor’ by showing the damage that such policies, plans or projects as it continues to be inflicted upon society.
During the New Zealand GE-Free campaign against the release of novel genetically engineered organisms into foods, the environment and humans, a media tent was erected in Albert Park across from Auckland University following a large march in 2003. Key people, each with on-point messages, spoke to the media about the issues, the core objective and the groundswell of support to counter the propaganda. This tactic proved effective to achieve the objective of Keep it in the Lab.
If the police aggression of Thursday 10 February at Parliament Grounds was the strategic error many thought it to be, then the current siege of the Freedom Encampment indicates the police — along with the Officials Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination (ODESC) operating out of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet — have formulated a siege strategy to retake control of Parliament Grounds and the surrounding streets.
As the Stuff newspapers reported February 17 National security crisis group meets as Parliament protests continues ODESC is headed by government chief executives and is the primary committee of the National Security System, which swings into action during crises that threaten New Zealand’s security, sovereignty or economy.
It is, therefore, relevant to note that representative democracy, or limited democracy, that is based on the Westminster parliamentary system, was spread around the western world as a strategy to protect the extremely wealthy from the riskiness of “pure” or participatory democracy.
Broadly, the condition for allowing representative or limited democracy is that the democratic society does not bother the super-rich oligarchy, as Jeffrey Winters stated in his seminal 2011 book, Oligarchy.
Conspicuously, an opinion editorial appeared with convenient speed in The Dominion Post the day after the sudden appearance of riot shield-wielding police that justified the coercive power of the state to use force to put down political dissent. The opinion piece, entitled Peace, order and disorder, and penned by former Deputy Prime Minister in the Lange Government (1894-1989), Geoffrey Palmer wrote that New Zealand as a sovereign state possesses “a monopoly over the legitimate use of physical force within its territory.”
Palmer’s piece assumed the Covid-19 pandemic was not engineered and therefore failed to consider that New Zealand has been played in geopolitical chess game, that has embroiled the good people of New Zealand in an economic, psychological and medical warfare.
Given that Palmer has fulfilled the role of performing an Official from Crisis-Past Ritual to legitimize decisions already taken to escalate the use of state’s coercive power, it is critical to recall his role in limiting the fall-out with the French Government over the bombing of Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, in 1985. At the time, Palmer was Attorney General, and he participated in the reduction of charges against two French DGSE secret service agents who were caught two days after the terrorist attack of 10/7 1985.
As I showed in my investigation The Police 10/7 Crime N.Z.’s Cops ‘failed’ to fully nail in 1985 & the Neo-Feudal Crown’s corny cover-up to consolidate power an ‘orgie of evidence’ was designed into the Rainbow Warrior Bombing clustered events that were intended for decoding by ruling class élites throughout the Western Alliance. The codified meta-data of the French Secret Service mission’s code-name ‘Opération Sataniqué’, were left as ‘Morse Code’ to send a signal to élites of the Western Alliance to get their anti-nuclear protestors in line.
The ‘Morse Code’ communicated a theme of accommodation which had been scripted into ‘Opération Sataniqué’ such that New Zealand’s prime minister had accommodated the French DGSE agents’ clandestine activities — before and after the 10/7 bombing of the Rainbow Warrior. The United Nations also adopted the same accommodating attitude toward state-sponsored terrorism that Western countries showed toward France in the aftermath — particularly the other Five Eyes Echelon Alliance nations, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Canada.
If the Ardern Administration were to buckle to the demands of the NZ Freedom Movement to end the Covid Mandates, the biosecurity system that has been implemented under the rubric of the engineered Great Corona Reset mandate would actually collapse.
As The Snoopman showed in his first Letter to the Future from the Time of The Crazy, which was titled How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket, the Totalitarians engineered a reset of the structural forces of the planet onto a Techno-Feudal trajectory to reassert control over humanity. Those structural forces include technological innovation, rising wealth among mass populations, and longer life expectancies, that together have the potential to free humanity from the over-bearing control of the Totalitarians.
The Great Corona Reset measures that were inflicted have set in motion the conditions for an ongoing hybrid war that most do not yet comprehend, and which has inbuilt escalating crises with which to accumulate more power, wealth and control for the global élite.
If the occupation group were to be successful in winning the battle of optics — or how the image of ‘Freedom Village’ looks, behaves and communicates in the public mind — then they will have defended their key bargaining chip by performing such peacefully offensive political chess moves.
If the Police were to be successful in driving out the occupiers from the Parliament Grounds and surrounding streets, then the NZ Liberty Movement will be faced with addressing its own weaknesses, and turning such shortcomings into strengths, to exploit the strengths of its enemies and transform such strengths into weaknesses.
Disturbingly, the deployment of police with riot shields has seeded the narrative that the resistance has become more violent. This escalation in bad optics for the occupiers comes two weeks after the police breached the peace on Thursday 10 February, when the Constabulary engineered a confrontation that lasted nine hours inside Parliament Grounds.
The addition of the riot shields to the police command’s siege strategy of the Freedom Occupation does not bode well for the resisters.
Such bad optics requires the protest group to upskill in peaceful non-violent resistance tactics, effective communication with the establishment media and defense of their key bargaining chip: the bad optics provides for the NZ Government.
Therefore, the narrative seeding of riot police, the timely Official from Crisis-Past Ritual, and the establishment media’s complicity in the state’s breaching of the peace to maintain the hidden rule over what is in fact a civil oligarchy infers the National Security State’s siege strategy will climax with a staged assault on the occupiers.
This assault may come as early as late Sunday evening of February 27th with the beginning of the night shift at the 11 the hour, or in the wee hours of Monday morning, February 28th. A staged provocation to justify the full use of the paramilitary police squads, the Special Tactics Groups and the Armed Offenders Squads AOS, in conjunction with the Army possibly using water canons would be consistent with the totalitarian machinations that have occurred in Australia, Canada, England, France and Germany — among other nations of the Western Alliance.
If the Freedom Resistance in Wellington can hold out to Saturday March 5, with new reinforcements following such a possible assault, the Ardern Government may be forced to parlay the week beginning Monday March 6th.
Crucially, it is pertinent to recall that New Zealand has not been this divided since the 1981 Springbok Tour when various groups clashed with the Police paramilitary Red Squads to draw international attention to Afrikaner Broederbond’s cruel Apartheid Regime. The Afrikaner Broederbond acted as a secret power structure and was based on British Freemasonry, as the ground-breaking book Super-Afrikaners by Ivor Wilkins and Hans Strydom revealed.
New Zealand’s stand in 1981 was instrumental in bringing international pressure to bear, that led to the collapse of the Afrikaner Broederbond’s cruel Apartheid Regime.
Ironically, many left liberal political public figures have been blind-sided by the gas-lighting propaganda in-built in the engineered Great Corona Reset and therefore have failed to comprehend the Medical Apartheid regime inflicted upon humanity.
Because the linchpin of the dogma of political left liberals is a conspiracy denialism that extends back to the JFK Coup D’état, Western Elites are able to continue to peddle the trope of right-wing nut-bar conspiracy theories to divide humanity, as an interview titled, Propaganda in the Covid Era with Mark Crispin Miller produced by dissident journalist, Whitney Webb explains.
The linchpin of conspiracy denialism was a switch mechanism constructed by the CIA and their media assets in the aftermath of the JFK Assassination, to short-circuit the political left public figures from seeing the obvious scripting of a commie patsy who shot a Democrat President. Essentially, the official position of the US Government’s Warren Commission report was that the world’s first and only use of a magic bullet was fired and lethally wounded President John F. Kennedy — as the epic 2014 documentary, JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick.
If left liberal political public figures come to see conspiracy denialism as the linchpin of conservative liberalism, then the political left will be able to see how their liberal conservative counterparts have been cast as right-wing nutbars, in a long-game of divide and conquer stretching all way back to JFK. The confluence of totalitarian forces that President John F. Kennedy threatened, are outlined by historian Antony Chaitkin an interview entitled, JFK vs Empire.
As I sketched in How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket, the planet’s trajectory the planet has been reset to construct a dystopian Techno-Feudal future. The totalitarians envisage a hi-tech re-engineering of Western Civilization, amid a collapse of household autonomy, free enterprises and technocracy displacing democracy so that the West is transformed to be more like totalitarian China.
Therefore, it is imperative that the political left liberals comprehend that humanity has been played in a long-game and focus on common needs, problems and aspirations to reach bona solutions with groups that they have been conditioned to see as ill-fit to forge alliances with.
If we are not quick and effective enough to counter the immense control over technologies, wealth and deep state networks, the global elites’ turn-key totalitarianism will result in a permanent enslavement of humanity — as Robert F. Kennedy stated in a recent interview.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programmes. He forged his ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ super-power while writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact our administrator, Steve Edwards, with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]