A recent broadcast about the pitfalls, pain and perils of ‘getting lost’ in conspiracy theories on Māori Television has drawn criticism, a warning, and a bill of $1 million from an ex-employee.
The former news, current affairs and program editor, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, pointed out that while the program’s valid concern for people becoming unhinged as a consequence of delving into various ’rabbit holes’ was the focus of the broadcast — this emphasis simultaneously delivered a political hit piece on valid conspiracy research.
More generally, Snoopman claimed, there’s a pattern to such ‘perils of the rabbit holes’ hit-pieces that have become a conspiraphobia genre since the Corona Plandemic became a multi-season psy-op. These include the Dial-a-Psychologist interviews that frame conspiracy research as a mental health issue, which ignores the elephant in the room — junk conspiracy theories get all the attention and discredit legitimate conspiracy research.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards explains how ‘conspiracy phobia’ has taken hold since the JFK Assassination, wherein news outlets, academia and governments don’t properly investigate the big conspiracies.
He traces this failure back to a 1967 CIA memo that directed the Agency’s staff to influence editors and élites to discredit authors, books, and other accounts critical of the Warren Commission’s official JFK lone gunman assassination narrative, as commie conspiracy theories. Consequently, this failure has led Māori Television to an embarrassing public posture where it has been pussy-whipped by the CIA, he says.
Dear Māori TV Complaints Desk,
RE: The Rabbit Hole: The dark side of Conspiracy Theories [Te Ao with Moana, Māori TV, 21 March 2022]
The current affairs episode titled, “The Rabbit Hole: The Dark Side of Conspiracy Theories” featured three interview subjects who had had fallen for junk conspiracy theories, otherwise known as limited hangout theories.
The Te Ao with Moana program also followed up with two psychologists who shed light on the pit-falls of diving into the ‘rabbit holes’, and was pitched at whanau or friends with advice about how to broach their concerns with loved ones who may be näive.
The program’s valid concern for people becoming unhinged as a consequence of delving into various ’rabbit holes’ was the focus of the scripting, the interviews and editing. This focus simultaneously delivered a political hit piece on valid conspiracy research.
The ‘Rabbit Hole’ broadcast of March 21 was biased in its framing with the choices of interview subjects, imagery, and manipulative emotional hijacking that worked to reinforce mainstream media narratives about conspiracy theories.
Moana Maniapoto introduced the broad subject of conspiracy theories as a “parallel universe”. Ironically, the reality that the global media cartel portrays can be reasonably described as a parallel universe.
The global élite have accumulated immense power, wealth, and control as a consequence of multiple conspiracy plots that require deception upon deception to keep the truth out-supplied with myths, cover-ups, and buried corpses.
Or stirred in murky poisoned wells.

The opening montage featured imagery and text referencing conspiracy theories such as the New World Order, pyramid motifs including the US Fed Dollar, George H. W. Bush as a reptilian alien, the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers, Bill Gates and vaccines with microchips, QAnon, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Freemasons and the Apollo moon landing.
The effect, was the current affairs show, Te Ao with Moana, issued itself a ‘Carry-On Card’ to continue broadcasting mainstream media narratives, that are rife with propaganda that support structures of social control which have accumulated power by covering-up conspiracies, including inflicting periodic resets to regain control of structural forces.

For instance, the derisive line aimed at ‘anti-vaxxers’ — who evidently think the vaccine contains micro chips — was delivered like a cowboy strawman firing two six-shooters from the hip in a low-budget Western.
To imply that those who oppose vaccine mandates — and who have been cast with the pejorative label ‘anti-vaxxers’ — believe microchips could pass through a needle is a cheap way to dismiss the counter-evidence regarding the bigger picture of the Great Corona Reset.i
To be so dismissive about listening to their concerns in the aftermath of the Parliament Occupation is a bit like saying in the wake of the first signings of the 1840 Waitangi Treaty that the abstainers believed the Treaty contained a trick to steal land, murder and enslave Māori, while you pretend to comprehend the term pre-emption without knowing of the ‘Discovery Doctrine’.

Given that Māori Television does have not a clue about how the 1840 Waitangi Treaty was a red herring literary device to distract from the Colonial Law Track by which paper sovereignty was actually swindled — I suggest the station be more circumspect about being a vector for Mockingbird propaganda tactics.
After-all, it has been 182 years since the first Treaty signings occurred and the evidence of this historical power crime has been starring everyone in the face for decades.
Furthermore, that the essay “Deep History of Waitangi” has been laid bear as a theater usurp d’état and that this conspiracy is being pointed out to Māori Television by an ex-employee in a complaint about a hit piece on conspiracy theories, will become a watershed moment for the Crown-owned station.ii
Is there not a parallel to what happened to the original Treaty drafts and copies, and the NZ Government’s secret contract with Pfizer over the Cominarty ‘vaccine’? Did the Finance Minister, Grant Robertson, refuse the ‘anti-vaxxer’ lawyer-at-large Sue Grey’s OIA request to publicly release the Pfizer contract? Why the political caginess?

And is there not a historical precedence of both National and Labour coalition governments entering into contracts with a manufacturer to protect proprietary information, whereby ‘commercial sensitivity’, economic calculus and political egos were deemed more important than public and environmental health? Recall the controversy of the painted apple moth aerial spraying over Auckland’s Eastern suburbs in 1996 and the Western suburbs in 2002?

It was subsequently shown the science was not settled because the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) scientists had a poor understanding of the life cycle of the apple moth, which made the spraying ineffective. Consequently, MAF shifted course to release sterile males in 2003 to interfere with the breeding process.iii
What makes Māori Television’s vast research department so sure the Government’s public stance on the Corona Plandemic is correct?
Because the biased coverage of the Corona Plandemic presumed the accuracy of official sources, the narrative constructed essentially said public health is the only sector immune from corruption, connivance and collusion — globally.
How did a virus develop the super-power to pitch comic book stories on ‘the news’?
The global military-grade psychological operation to censor counter-evidence — that was justified on the basis of mitigating harmful effects of rumours, misinformation and disinformation — has actually blind-sided the capacity of dissenting scientists, doctors and nurses to present counter-factuals. Credible counter-evidence supports a counter-narrative that a global conspiracy to over-hype an engineered pandemic was inflicted in order the reset the structural forces, including technological innovations, in a desired direction — as I presented in “How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket”.iv

Rabbit Hole Conspiraphobia Genre
More generally, there’s a pattern to these ‘perils of the rabbit holes’ hit-pieces that have become a conspiraphobia genre since the Corona Plandemic became a multi-season psy-op gas-lighting mass populaces with weaponized ironic humor, while re-coding humans like monkeys with new behavorial modifications, unsound beliefs and cult symbols.
The Rabbit Hole Conspiraphobia format presents a list or imagery of well-known conspiracies and mixes them with junk conspiracy theories without actually engaging in any of the literature, interviews or documentaries that examine the counter-evidence.v
The format can also include a presentation of interview subjects who fit the ‘gullible’ stereo-types falling for the junk conspiracy theories. These Dial-a-Former Conspiracy-Theorist presentations recount recollections of the commonplace messy, perilous and sometimes harrowing awakening stage and follows-up with the Dial-a-Psychologist interview, or some psychiatric study that locates the phenomena as a mental health issue.vi

In this case, all three interview subjects admit they were näive. Sisiao said there is spectrum of conspiracy theories, some of which range into the ludicrous.
‘Heeni’ recalled falling for a MK-ULTRA conspiracy theory that evidently claimed a secret society was kidnapping children, abusing them and transforming them into super-spies. She also recollected another about Star-seed’ beings who were claimed to be formerly famous historical figures that reincarnated in the present.

Izzy dived into conspiracy theories on Freemasonry, the pyramids and how civilization started on Earth. She pointed out that confirmation bias is a big issue because it is easy to find posts on the internet that confirm your beliefs.
Each spoke of the perils of such full immersion at the nutty end of conspiracy theories, especially when one’s life is out of balance. Their lived experiences are valid, but they served the narrow framing of the program that reinforced the dominant narratives borne of a conspiracy denialism that serves the oligarchic machinations of the aggressive, factional global élite.
The genre also frequently deploys the requisite reference to a ‘cabal’ that is usually dismissed out-of hand without bothering to cite counter-examples in the interests of objective balance. Literature such as from the burgeoning field of capital as power theory, proves dominant capitalist coalitions periodically inflict strategic sabotages of industries at moments when mass populaces have accumulated too much wealth and are on the verge of forging their independence with parallel structures.vii
For example, the ‘Globalization Reset’ was triggered by the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, that was inflicted to engineer the 1973-74 Oil Price Shocks, which were designed to reinvigorate the global hegemonic order of the US FED dollar. The Yom Kippur War, which was the brainchild of then-US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, predictably set off the OPEC oil embargo, which in turn caused a world economic slump. This ‘Oil Price Shocks Reset’ created a Petro-Dollar boom that set a new world price for oil, which in turn reinvigorated the ‘US Dollar’, and made a fortune for one of the big owners of the Federal Reserve, the Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank.viii

Amid the economic slump, panicked governments borrowed heavily from the UN’s IMF, who subsequently pressured nation states to forge market economies for unbridled ‘crony capitalism’. Such economic reforms, later identified as the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, were meted out in accordance with a blueprint called the ‘1980s Project’ that was worked upon throughout 1970s at the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations under the chairmanship of oil and banking magnate, David Rockefeller.ix
New Zealand became embroiled in this reset as a consequence of Anglo-American plotting with a domestic ‘cabal’, which included officials at the Reserve Bank, Treasury, and in Lange’s Cabinet, as well capitalists such as Michael Faye, Ron Trotter, Douglas Myers, Alan Gibbs, David Richwhite, and Ron Brierley — as I have shown.x

Dial-a-Psychologist Interview
The Dial-a-Psychologist interviews infer ‘conspiracy theorists’ have become unhinged.
Some do, especially in the messy awakening stage.
But, the Dial-a-Psychologist interview with Dr Matt Williams is biased, unbalanced and condescending, not matter how much the politically hygienic glossy lipstick rhetoric you smudge it in. For one thing, he was part of a study group funded by the Classification Office, an agency of the Government of New Zealand, that assumed all of its profiled 15 conspiracies have no credible counter-evidence.

The study entitled, “The Edge of the Infodemic: Challenging Misinformation in Aotearoa” only lists eight: Covid-19, Vaccines, 5G wireless communications, The March 15 terrorist attacks, Climate change, 1080, September 11, 2001 attacks, and QAnon. The study frequently deflects conspiracy topics to the junk conspiracy theories that are readily identifiable as strawman arguments. Absent, is a focus on the serious counter-narratives supported by credible counter-evidence.

The Dial-a-Psychologist interview with Dr Ainsleigh Cribb-Su’A came off better because she wasn’t part of a Crown-funded group doing a hatchet job on real conspiracies — mixed with, for example, the blind alleys thrown up by the creators of QAnon.
Dr Cribb-Su’A gave sound advise particularly as there are junk conspiracy tropes like reptilian shape-shifting élites, aliens interfering in Earth’s geopolitics, and even competing Flat and Hollow Earth tales alleged to have been suppressed. And spiritual ‘channels’, ex-secret ‘agents‘ and former government ‘insiders‘ and that regale subscribers with an airport fantasy, spy, political thriller novel backstory to sell bunk, vague political analysis, predictions and hopium to guide followers through perilous times. Or, the space cadet Corey Goode telling subscribers to Gaia TV — in serialized installments — of time-travelling adventures that include encounters with a ‘blue avian alien species’ that look like space chickens drawn by someone whose mediocre art skills were truncated at 14 years of age in a state-funded indoctrination camp euphemistically called ‘school‘.
But these expert psychologist interviews fail to address the elephant in the room.

The junk conspiracy theories exist so that if Aunty or Uncle ever make the mistake of talking about them at say, Kirihimete, no one in the whānau will ever look at the real conspiracies inflicted by powerful oligarchic syndicates that have accumulated so much power, wealth and control over the last 150 years, or more, of imperial rivalries.xi In other words, many are likely produced by intelligence agencies. Or, they are produced by entrepreneurial narcissistic sociopaths who get off on making a living, or destabilizing communities, by confusing people.
These Conspiraphobia hit-pieces let the media off the hook to actually conduct serious sustained investigations to check the counter-evidence, and to avoid presenting articles, books and documentaries that credibly dissect the official narratives. Such hit-pieces also allow newsrooms to forgo interviewing professional dissident journalists, whose body of work have helped prove the official stories about the JFK Coup D’état, the 9/11 Coup D’état and the Corona Coup D’état — do not add up.

To his credit, Dr Matt Williams did say it was crucial not to discount everything a ‘conspiracy theorist’ presents and consider their counter-factuals.
However, Dr Williams did not emphasize that official narratives produced by conniving big governments, interlocked transnational corporations, belligerent military forces, myth-infused religious institutions, dogma-producing think-tanks, predatory philanthropist foundations and their astro-turfed activist NGOs — can be located as conspiracy theories to explain away culpability or to deflect blame elsewhere. He led viewers to believe that there isn’t a group of people seeking to control humanity.
Dr Williams’ näive perspective ignores the fact that our so-called independent governments lack the sovereign power to issue money debt-free. Instead, governments actually borrow currency into existence as loans from the international banking cartel, which also maintains a scarcity of cash to structurally coerce mass populations to borrow credit into existence.xii
Because interest is the fee for supplying manufactured credit, rather than the ‘price of money’ as many Tax Cattle believe, the banking industry’s windfall profits accumulated off the interest is extortionist. The artificial scarcity of cash and abundance of privately manufactured credit, supports Crony Techno-Feudal Capitalism’s hidden purpose of making land scarce to as many Tax Cattle as possible.xiii

Nor did Dr Williams clearly delineate between credible conspiracy research that produces solid counter-evidence narratives that frequently gets marginalized, especially by the mass production of junk conspiracy theories, otherwise known as limited hangout conspiracy theories.
Therefore, I don’t rate his expertise, and other psychologists and social scientists, and the Crown-funded studies of The Disinformation Project, in their capacity to fully discern the complex power crimes of élite criminal groups.

The tele-interview with Dr Williams was also lent an air of authoritative objectivity because it was conducted by Cameron Bennett, since he used to report for the Crown-owned One Network News. Ironically, Bennett will be most remembered for his Arnett-Lite style hot-spot correspondence that never nailed the root causes of the crises — unless he re-examines the record. That the interview was conducted in two locations reinforced the unquestioned gas-lighting inbuilt into the Corona Plandemic.
In short, Dial-a-Psychologist interviews were the logical fallacy of an Appeal to the Wrong Authority, as anyone familiar with Professor T Edward Damer’s textbook, Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments could readily identify.
Because these Rabbit Hole Conspiraphobia studies, news stories and opinion pieces do not actually engage with the counter-evidence, and fail to cite credible counter-studies such as articles, books or documentaries, and also avoid interviewing such authors, researchers and documentarians — such dogma-ridden hit-jobs commit several logical fallacies.xiv A few commonplace logically fallacious propositions in such hit-pieces are: arguing from ignorance, omissions of key evidence and strawman arguments, as Professor Damer’s textbook, Attacking Faulty Reasoning, describes more generally.
Because their key weakness is the Appeal to the Wrong Authority, the expert psychologists, psychiatrists or counsellors frequently fail to point out that their professions can only assist their clients to function in a sick dysfunctional world.
When they venture into expert opinion on legitimate conspiracy research, they are out-of their depth.

The American Deep State Rabbit Hole
For example, the study that Dr Williams referred to — “The Edge of the Infodemic: Challenging Misinformation in Aotearoa” — dismissed the idea that elements of the US Government were behind the “September 11, 2001 attacks” as unsubstantiated conspiracy theory.xv

Yet, the study did not cite any credible 9/11 conspiracy literature despite, for example, Swiss historian Dr Daniele Ganser teaching his history students, and open-minded grown-ups, to reconsider 9/11 because the official narrative is not plausible.xvi
Ganser points out that physicists have measured the near free-fall collapse of WTC Building 7, and found that the during the first two seconds the building fell with no resistance. Such a collapse is a physical impossibility without the planting of computer-controlled demolition explosives, the cutting of structural columns and months of preparation.
Like all complex criminal plots, not everything goes according to plan. Often there are glitches that give the game away.
BBC journalist Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC-7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building, some 20 minutes before its demise, while the building was still standing in the background shot.
How did Osama bin Laden’s men organize the rather symbolic take-down of the entire World Trade Center, by the end of the business day, and make sure it never occurred to any of authorities to follow the law and forensically test the steel, concrete and dust for traces of explosives in the rubble of seven buildings?

Ganser is no conspiracy theory flake.
He showed in his 2005 book, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, that every NATO country had inflicted false flag terrorism on their populations — starting with Italy in 1947 through to the exposure of Operation Gladio in 1990.xvii In asymmetric Fourth Generation Warfare, a state-sponsored terrorist attack is carried out by security services, intelligence agents or special force units, or ex-personnel from such units, and is blamed on a terrorist group or patsies.xviii The purpose of the ‘strategy of tension’ underpinning the low-grade Gladio war was to shift the political gravity to the ‘right’, by blaming ‘left’ wing communist groups for the carnage and away from socialism by associating capitalism with ‘violence-free’ freedom and democracy.

Among the many ignored dissident voices who have chronicled the clandestine activities of the American Deep State is Professor Peter Dale Scott, who described the ‘deep state’ as a private parallel government. Scott popularized the term long before Trump hijacked its meaning to assert the deep state was a Democrat Party phenomena. The former University of California professor stated the hidden network can be observed on the surface, in the background and amid the subsequent cover-ups of deep events from the JFK Coup D’état to the 9/11 Coup D’état — in his 2015 book, The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on U.S. Democracy.xix

It is, therefore, ironic that Māori TV would stoop to a Rabbit Hole Conspiraphobia hit-piece featuring a montage that included George H. W. Bush as a shape-shifting lizard creature, the New World Order on the US Fed Dollar and the Twin Towers on 9/11.
For one thing, it was Bush I who made the term New World Order world famous, which is a referent to the oligarchic world domination ideology to forge a universal empire.xx The attempt to manifest this repugnant vision has involved the epic conspiracy of the present Third Hundred Years’ War, which began with the Boer War (1899-1902), and sought to destroy nation state autonomy and now seeks to wreck household autonomy, free enterprise and forge regional technocratic governance systems.xxi
Moreover, it was Bush I who, as CIA Director (1976-77), was tasked with persuading the Saudi Royal Family to join the Safari Club, and take over a large chunk of covert intelligence financing for the American Deep State. The ‘Safari Club’ was a transnational intelligence, terrorism and narcotics network established to circumvent the prying scrutiny of the U.S. Congress.xxii
During the Frank Church Senate Committee probes of 1975-77 into the activities of the FBI, CIA and NSA that underpinned Watergate, COINTELPRO, MK-ULTRA, Project Mockingbird and the JFK Assassination — the machinations of an out-of-control US National Security State was evident.

The credibility of the intelligence, security and criminal investigation agencies‘ in the eyes of the American people was diminished as a consequence of the Senate probes, and the CIA, NSA and FBI ‘suffered‘ from the retrenchment that ensued to reign in their unbridled, unconstitutional and unconscionable plots, practices and powers.
Senator Frank Church warned of the dangers regarding unchecked power wielded by the National Security State. Senator Church stated:
— Senator Frank Church, 1975. Quoted in: The American Deep State, Peter Dale Scott 2015.
“I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”
To circumvent this retrenchment of the CIA, the Safari Club was founded by two of the Vatican’s Maltese Knights, Count Alexandre de Marenches, the director of the French Service de Documentation Exterieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE) (1970-1981); and the Jesuit-educated U.S. Army General, Vernon Walters. The alliance formed between the heads of American, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistani intelligence agencies and bound France, Egypt, Iran and Pakistan into a supranational deep state private intelligence network. This marked the exponential rise of Islamic terrorism, which is ironic given that Bush II was president at the time of the 9/11 Coup D’état.

Furthermore, it is ironic that the term New World Order was superimposed over the US Fed Dollar with its pyramid and ’All Seeing Eye’ in the opening montage. It turns out that what has backed the ‘US Dollar’ as the world’s de-facto world currency since WWII — is the U.S. military.xxiii This means the windfall six percent annual dividend paid to the dynastic banking families that own stock in the Federal Reserve cartel — really is blood money.xxiv And it goes long to explaining why Professor Peter Phillips made the observation in Giants: The Global Power Elite, that the US-NATO Military Empire inflicts regime changes because the ‘needs’ of super-rich to continue to accumulate wealth are immense.xxv

Conspiracy Theory Theory
Law scholarship on political conspiracy models for how secret agreements can be made, who comprises a conspiracy and why unlikely actors collude to construct new areas of market dominance by illegal, fraudulent and repugnant means to out-compete their rival nation states, international syndicates and secret brotherhoods, or confederacies.
In his 2002 scholarly Yale Law Journal article entitled, “Conspiracy Theory” Neal Katyal emphasized that conspiracies may appear legal, particularly in their elemental parts, but because case law recognizes the dangerous harms that colluding criminal groups can pose to society, the threshold for adding witting participants to a criminal investigation is lowered once a conspiracy is identified.xxvi

In his 2017 paper, “The Conspiracy Theory Meme as a Tool of Cultural Hegemony: A critical discourse analysis”, Ed Rankin stated that the widespread pejorative use of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ was fulfilling its hegemonic goal to make the derision a common stance. This widespread derision occurred regardless of whether those whom repeated the Project Mockingbird jargon were aware of the underlying machinations of power, or not. Rankin said suspicions about conspiracies are often simply dismissed by applying the label ‘conspiracy theory’, rather than interrogating the evidence. Rankin wrote:
This conspiracy theory meme has been used to shut down critical thinking and analysis to control public debate about actions of those in power. Stated simply, the terms have taken on such negative connotations that some people will repress their own conspiracy suspicions and accept the official account for fear of being stuck with the label”.xxvii
In a 2018 podcast entitled, “Mockingbird 2.0: Propaganda, Fake News, and Censorship”, then-New York University media Professor Mark Crispin Miller stated that liberal intellectuals have shied away from investigating deep state events within America since the JFK assassination. Miller says the genius of the conspiracy’s planners was that they cleverly cast Lee Harvey Oswald as a deranged communist killer acting alone, which was designed to scare the political left away from investigating the flimsy cover-story at a time when liberal public intellectuals were still traumatized by the McCarthy-era hunt for communists in Cold War America.xxviii
This is how the right-wing nut-bar conspiracy theorist trope was borne.

Miller pointed out that a left-liberal ideological no-go zone to call-out U.S. home-grown terrorism from the JFK Assassination onward, has meant the American Deep State remains at-large, and could confidently rely on liberal public intellectuals, such as Noam Chomsky, to steer clear of investigating the 9/11 Coup D’état.
It turns out, the CIA was extremely concerned about genuine investigations into the JFK Assassination and directed its existing Establishment Media propaganda assets — recruited earlier in the 1950s under Project Mockingbird — to discredit such efforts as wild conspiracy theories.xxx
In 1967, the CIA sent out a memorandum detailing techniques to counter and discredit the claims of the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ who were challenging the official narrative of the JFK Assassination. For instance, CIA Memorandum 1035-960 encouraged its staff to employ propaganda assets to steer the production of book reviews and feature articles that [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics as “conspiracy theorists”.

Using the frequency of the terms such as conspiracy theory in American books as a proxy, it can be seen that its use steadily grew steeply over the 1960s and peaked around 1972 in this Nagram Viewer sample from 1950-1980.

The Central Intelligence Agency could not publicly attack authors — such as Mark Lane for his 1966 book Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J.D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald — because that would have drawn suspicion.
It turned out President Kennedy had fired CIA Director, Allen Dulles, in 1962 for supporting a false flag terrorism plan called Operation Northwoods that would kill US citizens, or fake such events, and finger blame on Fidel Castro, to justify invading Cuba. Incredibly, Dulles was appointed as one of seven commissioners to the Warren Commission.
However, because the American people did not learn of the CIA’s secret mind-control, brainwashing and indoctrination experiments, code-named MK-ULTRA, until 1975, they had no idea that the Agency wielded enormous technical power to produce propaganda through paid media assets recruited under Project Mockingbird to cover-up the JFK Assassination.
The horrific, cruel and illegal MK-ULTRA mind control experiments, which involved at least 149 sub-projects, were conducted on vulnerable humans, monkeys and rats, at over 130 institutions including hospitals, medical schools, universities, mental asylums, military facilities, and prisons across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The MK-ULTRA experiments sought to unlock the secrets of human physiology, psychology and the inner workings of the human mind in order to scientifically direct societies by weaponizing science, psychology and cutting edge inventions. Under the rubric of cybernetics, MK-ULTRA technocratic planners, scientists, and psychiatrists worked to develop technical systems that would merge the control of humans with machines via the creation of communications networks, dubbed ‘the matrix’ — as the epic 2018 documentary The Minds of Men proves.
The MK-ULTRA experiments, which were officially conducted from 1953 to 1964, before being re-designated to MKSEARCH until 1972, included sensory torture, deprivation in isolation and re-programing of the mind, experimental psychotropic drugs, allergens and electric shock treatments, as well as mapping the human bio-electric circuitry, behavioral studies with remote control devices, and social conditioning with applied game theory.
Crucially, one of the far-reaching consequences of the top secret MK-ULTRA experiments was the finding that the subjects in a closed system could only exert feedback ‘responses‘ and were powerless to changed the design.
In other words, the MK-ULTRA experiments were not about developing behavioral modification techniques to help the mentally sick people in asylums, or sociopaths in prisons. The underlying purpose of Project MK-ULTRA was a systematic study of how to reduce humans into fully manipulated goal-seeking devices who would act against their own best interests to assist in the development of a sustainable system of social control across the globe.
Gradually, such a system of permanent enslavement would involve the creeping displacement of democratic administrative systems with technocracy, which is a totalitarian form of government managed by technicians, engineers and scientists brainwashed to believe they are building unbiased equality-enhancing governance infrastructure, as the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Patrick Wood, described. When, in fact, technocracy transforms imperfect mechanisms of social control into turn-key totalitarianism for the benefit of unseen, super-rich oligarchies.
Not surprisingly — given the forgoing — former Professor Mark Crispin Miller, whose expertise is propaganda, is among numerous public figures who have stated that a coordinated global policy, propaganda and de-platforming has occurred with a weaponization of institutional resources to marginalize political dissent on an epic unprecedented scale during the ‘Corona Reset’. Such public figures include Professor of Communication at the University of Munich, Michael Meyen, Patrick Henningsen of 21Century Wire, and Iain Davis, who is the author of the Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy.xxix

This is especially ironic when the impacts of such an ideological no-go zone are unpacked. Particularly, when it is recalled that left liberals often accuse the conservative right of being racist. Yet, left liberal public figures are essentially saying white Western élites attack black, brown and yellow people abroad, but would definitely not attack white Americans at home.
Because many journalists, academics and public figures in the center of the political left and conservative right avoid investigating home-grown American Deep State events inflicted at the empire’s core, they fail to see the official narratives as ‘cover stories’ and the subsequent accounts — as more subterfuge.
In this way, the CIA institutionalized and weaponized the term “conspiracy theory”.xxxi A distinct rise in the terms ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’ occurred from 1967 onward as a consequence of the CIA memorandum to discredit credible criticisms of the Warren Commission’s into the JFK Assassination. The CIA’s institutionalization and weaponization of the terms ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’, shows the pejorative terms have become normalized.xxxii

And, why as a consequence of the JFK Coup D’état, left liberals in particular have been gas-lighted into developing a hardened mental condition I call conspiracy phobia. In other words, the world has not yet recovered from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Mass populaces of the so-called liberal democracies across Western Civilization have failed to have a collective paradigm shifting epiphany that because elements of the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, the Dallas Police, the Joints Chiefs of Staff and the White House were able to successfully covered-up the assassination of the president of the Western Empire’s core nation state — this deep state network comprised powerful transnational interests.

This coconut shell-like psychological disorder leads to unchecked conspiracy denialism, with the effect that huge cohorts across Western Civilization are ‘flying blind’.
And, in effect, this hegemonic conspiracy phobia means Māori Television has been pussy-whipped by the CIA.
Like so many media outlets, whose newsrooms fail to safeguard against the five news filtering mechanisms of the Propaganda Model described by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their 1988 book, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media — Māori Television has neglected to critically question the influence of its funder, the New Zealand Government, as an official source.
Moreover, the indigenous broadcaster had also neglected to discern the new hegemonic ideology whispering into its dogmatic ‘institutional ear’, scaremongering the TV station with the fear of flak if its newsroom ventured beyond the acceptable news framing. In this way, Māori Television has become a vector for spreading a contagion of fear-porn news, without questioning why many of the world’s major transnational corporations would virtue signal their agreement to government shutdown edicts.
Given that every major industry is controlled by market-dominating cartels, isn’t the absence of transnational CEOs fighting the imposition of lockstep citywide, statewide and nationwide house arrests, not suspicious? Especially when such measures adversely impacted their smaller competitors?
And — we have all been played by a factional, aggressive global élite who have reset the structural forces — once again with a manufactured over-hyped ‘global pandemic’.

To sum up, I have argued that a ‘conspiracy phobia’ has taken hold since the JFK Assassination, wherein academia, news outlets, and authorities have increasingly failed to properly investigate the big conspiracies across Western Civilization.
Therefore, the broadcast in question conveyed a biased, inaccurate, unbalanced and unfair portrayal of valid conspiracy research, and created the impression that there is little worth, and much danger to well-being.
When, in fact, free and open societies are actually under attack, and the self-censoring media should know better than be a vector for fear-porn military-grade propaganda while Western Civilization is destabilized. By designating the ‘rabbit hole’ as an off-limits forbidden place, Māori TV is unwittingly advancing the gas-lighting games of the global élite.
The breakdown of the symbolic invoice is as follows: $72,000 viewing fee; and the remainder, $928,000, for my knowledge, time and prowess, which makes up the round figure of $1 million to hook human attention to the punchline about Māori Television having been pussy-whipped by the CIA.
A $72,000 viewing fee because in Māori creation mythology, Ranginui and Papatūānuku were evidently “blessed with 72 children, all of whom lived in the confined space between them in darkness. Each time their parents moved, a glimpse of light came through but the darkness always returned” — as Donny Riki Tuakiritetangata and Alicia Ibarra-Lemay stated in their June 2021 article, “A Māori Perspective of Healing and Well-Being through Ongoing and Regained Connection to Self, Culture, Kin, Land and Sky” in the MDPI Journal of Genealogy.
Because the CIA & Deep State Associates are able to sponsor conspiracy plots with the confidence that media outlets all operate with the same flawed newsroom model, such deep state networks are able to periodically reset the world with cover-stories that produce new hegemonic metaphor laden-myths.
Confirmation bias is not a one-way street.
Without prejudice and with grace,
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards.

Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
Related: NZ Newsrooms Cover-up Police Breaches of Peace at Parliament Occupation — Wellington Dispatch No. 008

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xxix Whitney Webb. (3 September 2021). Propaganda in the Covid Era with Mark Crispin Miller. Episode#22. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/propaganda-in-the-covid-era-with-mark-crispin-miller/id1551492441?i=1000534589193; Corbett Report. (10/18/2021). Interview 1668 – Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic https://www.corbettreport.com/interview1668/; Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium – Session 3: First Do No Harm >> https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/doctors-for-covid-ethics-symposium-session-3-first-do-no-harm
xxx Francis Richard Conolly. (2014). JFK to 911: Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick. Retrieved from: https://odysee.com/@TimelessTruths:3/Everything-Is-A-Rich-Man-s-Trick:e; Operation Mockingbird. Spartucus Educational. https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmockingbird.htm
xxxi COUNTERING CRITICISM OF THE WARREN REPORT. MARY FERRELL FOUNDATION. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=53510#relPageId=2; Dr. Gary G. Kohls. (September 28, 2020). Weaponizing the Term “Conspiracy Theory”: Disinformation Agents and the CIA. Global Research. https://www.globalresearch.ca/weaponizing-the-term-conspiracy-theory-disinformation-agents-and-the-cia/5524552; Aaron & Melissa Dykes. (2018). The Minds of Men. Truthstream Media. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQucESRF3Sg
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