Industrial Sabotage, Ritual Terrorism, and Police State Formation in New Zealand

» » Overview of the heretical dispatches “Terror Archipelago Down Under?” « «

This series sketches 13 crises as ‘jolts’ that seem to be timed to coincide with concurrent or looming events to justify more resources and security, while also compromising a new administration or providing a distraction to maintain power.

Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve Snoopman surveys the curious coincidences of calamities, catastrophes, or crises, that appear to riff off historical events. The history riffs link by thematic elements to the crisis at hand.

Such historical riffings are one striking feature of the tragedies, accidents and shocks associated with New Zealand. However, this pattern is not unique to the South Pacific archipelago. They indicate ritual displays of power by élite networks.

This story starts in 1977, when New Zealand was switched onto a track of police state formation against a backdrop of rising international terrorism in a cruel world.

In that year, the Anti-Terrorism Squads and the NZ Aviation Security Service were formed. And in the same year, Prime Minister Robert Muldoon secretly authorized the establishment of the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB).

The Snoopman applies his ‘thunk evil without being evil’ superpower to make the case that New Zealand was reset two years later with what appeared to be an air disaster, that on closer inspection seems to be a ‘too stupid to be stupid’ calamity.

Snoopman explores the supposition that the crash of an Air New Zealand DC-10 on Mount Erebus in 1979 may have been air terrorism inflicted to scare New Zealand’s ruling families to get on board with the envisioned corporate heist of the economy.

He contends the South Pacific archipelago has been subjected to a secret, sinister ‘strategy of tension’ for over four decades to shift its political center of gravity away from being a centrally-planned democratic socialist state to a centrally-planned technocratic police state, while serving a closet talisman-pivot state function.

Trojan Horse Coup D’état? The crash of an Air New Zealand DC-10 on Mount Erebus in 1979 may have been air terrorism inflicted to scare key insiders of New Zealand’s ruling families to move bureaucratic mountains for the envisioned corporate heist of the economy, since the airline had in effect moved a mountain in front of the aircrew without communicating the flight plan had changed.

Moreover, he also sketches an apparent alchemical psychodrama spanning 29 years to re-wed the moderately-difficult South Pacific archipelago with the Anglo-American Empire, following the chasm that opened up in the aftermath of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing. The starters’ gun for this political marriage seems to have been signalled with the ‘eventless’ Commonwealth Games in early 1990 at a time when the nation’s Anti-Terrorism Squads faced an existential crisis of legitimacy, 13 years after their creation. Many New Zealanders questioned the ATS units’ relevance given it seemed the last time the country had a terrorism attack, it was the French.

And the time before that, the Anti-Terrorism Squads (ATS) ‘failed’ to track down who bombed the Wellington Trades Hall on 27 March 1984. But, the Anti-Terrorism Squads were saved when a lone wolf gunman “went beserk” shooting his neighbours on November 13 1990. A composite 13-member ATS unit supplied “the finale” the next afternoon — by chance on a training day — in time for the six o’clock news.

These dispatches trace 13 crises, revealing previously undetected patterns that indicate the hidden hand of a deep state network appearing to inflict black ops.

Indeed, the numerous shocks surveyed in this series reveal a striking pattern of the metaphor-laden events embedded with codified symbolism to signal authorship, narrative, scapegoats, to warn, telegraph trajectory and to convey psychotic humour.

Over the course of hacked time, each new government administration seems to undergo a reset that alters the mandated political trajectory of New Zealand.

False flag operation elements of resets may include: betrayal, blind alleys, a cover-story, coincidences, contradictions, crisis rituals, errors, excuses, exercises, fore-knowledge, historical riffing, glitches, metaphor-laden symbolism, scape-goats, techno-prowess, tricksters, triggers, trojan horse tactics and a messy aftermath.

The captured political space succumbs to a consolidation of power, wealth and control as various actors steer the crisis rituals toward desired ‘solutions’, while shocked communities reel, in accordance with a Shock Doctrine identified by Naomi Klein. In this detectable subversive low-grade war, a striking pattern emerges from the features of a proven state-sponsored terrorist event, the Rainbow Warrior Bombing of 10 July 1985. In all of the other crises sketched in this dispatch, many have most of the features revealed by investigations into Opération Sataniqué, the mission to sink the Rainbow Warrior, that was carried out by the French DGSE.

The common understanding is the mission to sink Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, was bungled due to rushed planning, the ‘tyranny of distance’ between France and New Zealand, and the helpfulness of Hobbits to serve up clues.

While this is true as far as it goes, this narrative masks the fact the planners behind Opération Sataniqué intended for then-Prime Minister David Lange — as well as other Western leaders — to get the message that there was a price to pay for defecting from the Western Alliance. The DGSE, who have a specialist economic intelligence section, stayed at a motel unit that Lange owned as an investment property. The Hinemoa Motel served as the location to transfer the Zodiac, the dive gear and the Limpet mines to the bomb team. While the agents comprising the three main teams made mistakes, it is clear the mission planners also intended that they left a trail of clues; they just didn’t expect that their agents would get caught.

Out of Service: On 10 July 1985, French DGSE agents sank Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship, the Rainbow Warrior at Marsden Wharf in Auckland, in a mission code-named Opération Sataniqué, which was embedded with metaphor-laden symbolism.

Consequently, the rift in the ANZUS military alliance over the Lange Government’s accommodation of the anti-nuclear movement widened into a chasm in the aftermath of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing in Auckland in 1985. Lange noticed that neither Margaret Thatcher, the United Kingdom’s prime minister, nor U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and nor the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, rebuked France.

The radio silence reached the ‘politically deaf community’ occupying the Beehive, in the far-flung outpost of the Empire: count on ‘no reliance for defiance of the alliance’.

In this perceivable low-grade war, a stealthy ‘strategy of tension’ is detectable that shifted the political center of gravity to accept a technocratic totalitarian police state with periodic jolts, skilled crisis management and by incrementalism.

Just as the Rainbow Warrior Bombing worked as a trojan horse mechanism to bind officials of New Zealand closer with France, I contend the long re-integration of New Zealand back into the Anglo-American Empire required innovative trojan horse plots.

Moreover, some of the crisis events have the characteristics of deus ex machina narrative devices, that burst ‘out of the blue’ to resolve an impossible impassé in a bigger meta-conflict to achieve over-arching meta-objectives.

Thus, it appears each of the 13 crises were inflicted to resolve, or were an attempt to resolve, a looming crisis either for the sitting government, the Crown or the national security state, or New Zealand’s oligarchy, or for a foreign government or oligarchy. The 13 crises that get a second look in this series are: Erebus Disaster, 28 November 1979; Springbok Tour, 1981; Trades Hall Bombing, 27 March 1984; Rainbow Warrior Bombing, 10 July 1985; Aramoana Massacre, 13 November 1990; Waitara Shooting, 30 April 2000; Operation Eight Raids, 15 October 2007; Pike River Mine Disaster, 19 November 2010; Christchurch Earthquake, 22 February 2011; Megaupload Raids, 20 January 2012; Kaikōura Earthquake, 14 November 2016; Christchurch Mosques Massacre, 15 March 2019; Corona Hostage Crisis, 2020-2022.

In other words, as trigger events, engineered ‘false flags’ always direct the blame elsewhere, and are designed to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture public state authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged police state path and beyond. The coincidences of drills, exercises and war-games that coincide with a terrorist shooting, bombing or a hijacked plane smashing into a building are actually the key sign of a state-sponsored false flag black operation.

While it is prudent for emergency services to train, the capacity for ‘bad actors’ to glean knowledge about institutional processes, practices and personnel is usually overlooked. Such blindspots expose ‘gaps’ to take exercise scenarios ‘live’.

The catalytic events that coincided with training exercises either taking place at the time, or were scheduled to, or that occurred in the recent past, include: The Mount Erebus Disaster, November 28 1979; Springbok Tour, 1981; Aramoana Massacre, 13 November 1990; Waitara Shooting, 30 April 2000, Pike River, November 19 2010; Christchurch Earthquake, 22 February 2011; Kaikōura Earthquake, 14 November 2016; Christchurch Mosques Massacre, 15 March 2019, and the Corona Hostage Crisis, 2020-2022. Each of these crises had features consistent with a coup détat or a staged shock: a trigger event to capture the state, or to create a collective citizen catharsis.

Additionally, the timing of three of these events coincided with domestic or foreign legislation: Operation Eight Raids, 15 October 2007; Megaupload Raids, 20 January 2012; Christchurch Mosques Massacre, 15 March 2019. Moreover, two terror events occurred while security apparatus were in transition: the Rainbow Warrior Bombing, 10 July 1985; Christchurch Mosques Massacre, 15 March 2019. The mass shooting won the police public acclaim and the police gained more resources. Coincidentally, the Christchurch Shooting appeared like a deus ex machina device to close the chasm opened up by the infliction of Opération Sataniqué on 10 July 1985. The Corona Hostage Crisis of 2020 to 2022, saw widespread public acceptance of trialling what had previously been ‘limited’ to people in state care: a gulag archipelago.

The conversion of hotels and motels into quarantine detention centers during the over-hyped corona plague in effect were a trial run for a global pandemic industry.

Such events trigger damage control by an administration’s authorities, including the police, following a disaster, a bungled operation, or an emergency response failure, or as a result of attempts to contain resistance ‘from below’. The sitting governments that are embroiled in the cover-ups, conflicts or clashes — become vulnerable to exploitation by élite criminal networks, provided they can control the crisis rituals.

And all of these crises have logical incoherencies that reveal why the key evidence had been covered-up. During the crisis rituals, at least one crisis actor will perform an inoculation ritual, which is a public relations (PR) tactic that attempts to smooth over the weakness of the matter at hand with an acknowledgement, and then quickly brush aside the shortcoming, or vulnerability or drawback. The intention is that the news audience will think nothing more of it, satisfied that there is not anything under-handed to see, as the documentary The Hollow Men showed more generally.


Naomi Klein’s 2007 book The Shock Doctrine showed how elite criminal groups exploit or stage crises across the the world, while Naomi Wolf made the case in her 2006 book, The End of America, that the United States was becoming a police state.

Strikingly, in all of the crises that get a second look, the climatic crisis itself seems to riff off an historical event usually by the date it occurs, or by the location, and sometimes by key events in the cover-up, including the ‘investigations’ as damage control exercises. This finding indicates that symbolic signalling occurs as a means of codified communication to Establishment insiders and to foreign counterparts, about a black operation, requiring skilled steerage, sly support, and solemn spin.

Ergo, these enmeshed machinations indicate historical riffing off events entwined with territorial claims over the South Pacific archipelago, including royal landlord visits, as well as anniversaries of disasters, police operations and political chess moves and their associated event clusters — as this navy seal snoop-dive illustrates.

By riffing off historic dates, key players may be signalling they are advancing a plot toward its trigger moment, and to signal on the chosen day that the trap has been set, as well as codify their moves during the cover-up stage that they remain loyal.

Criminal coalitions embed events with encoded metadata to communicate unity that they are advancing a syndicate game to signal promises and threats, to telegraph caution and control in the inevitable scandals, while exploiting crises. If other players are not seen to be posting themselves as ‘hostages’ with such encoded signalling — defections can be expected on the next moves, as game theory predicts.

When gathered together, the metaphor-laden meta-data in these crises seem to show skillful subtext to hide each plot, that on the surface looks like an unexpected disaster that was ‘waiting to happen’, or was natural, or it was a crisis that errupted out of the blue, or they were acts of rage or rebellion that needed to be ‘put down’.

But, on closer examination of the elements, inconsistencies arise that demonstrate the official narrative cannot be true, and that the ‘grammar’ has been skillfully re-arranged. And like syntax, which is the branch of linguistics that focuses on arranging words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language — the crises re-examined here have features that in effect don’t adhere to the equivalent of the rules of the road for language construction, as if they happened by design with a trojan horse plot twist. N.Z.’s role as a test facility for new technologies, social engineering and political strategies may extend to the geographically-isolated South Pacific archipelago being a staging ground for novel trojan horse black operations.

New Zealand’s closest international neighbour, Australia is identified as a pivot state for its ‘military strategic goods’. Pivot states are located at the seams of the international system sandwiched between the rival great powers and super powers. Since the Anglo-American Empire remains in the closet about the fact that it is an expansionist imperial project, the Snoopman reasons a closet empire needs a closet pivot state to act an ‘influence-multiplier’. As such, he explores a creepy logic that such an oceanic power alliance would require a closet pivot state to fulfil a trojan horse function, by acting as its lightening-rod, its lab-facility and its light-house.

These findings suggest that behind closed doors, key players in the national security state either meet with key officials of the new government or they talk via secure phonelines, to communicate that a coup has been inflicted to achieve certain aims.

In his book, Spyhunter: The Secret History of German Intelligence, Michael Shrimpton argued that a small German intelligence ring stationed in Wellington had penetrated N.Z’.s state bureaucracy. Shrimpton says West German military intelligence, the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), penetrated the CIA and MI6, and had been carrying out industrial espionage, sabotage, and air terrorism to financially attack jet manufacturers, airliners and state treasuries in an undeclared war targetting civilians.

In any case, the Snoopman observes a rollout of componentry characterizing a ‘Police State’, that are deployed to shut-down popular political participation, as identified in an American context by Naomi Wolf in 2007 book, The End of America.

The cummulative effect over the course of hacked time and captured political space, is that the ten features of police state formation are either present with varying degrees of advancement, or are of sporadic deployment, or they have reverted to a latent mode awaiting the right crisis for permanent roll-out. If unchecked, police state formation can manifest into a totalitarian state controlled by a politicized police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities, inflicts punishments and controls the captured citizenry through fear and tightly regulated hope, for sinister ends. Moreover, if my thesis is correct, such black operations will continue unless their stealthy, clandestine nature is exposed and becomes common knowledge.

Since many of these catalytic events coincided with training exercises at the time or in the very recent past, this is a key sign of a potential looming black op. Exercises can program monkeys with a scenario to accept a cover-story, once under-cover operatives take a false flag attack ‘live’ and signal a looming season of skullduggery.

Amid widespread symbol illiteracy that besets the planet, transnational networks have cast themselves as like dark wizards and witches practicing symbol sorcery.

Ergo, the planet’s Overlords and their well-resourced highly paid armies of professionals treat the vast swathes of humanity as like muggles, ignorant of their ‘magical powers’ to stage creepy, spooky events to achieve far-reaching objectives.

Key Findings: This second look at 13 crises reveals an uncanny exploitation by the national security state to capture or catapult the government, to accumulate more power, and to steer the archipelago further along the twisting road to a police state.

Many shock news events seem to comprise a low-grade war of trauma programming, economic warfare and ritual terrorism, in a ‘strategy of tension’ paradigm to forge a police state, while teethering the ‘ship of state’ to the Anglo-American Empire.

Strikingly, the key dates associated with every crisis are embued with the potency of economic, political or sovereignty-themed historical riffs. This synchronicity appears to be deliberately encoded into the timing of 13 crises and indicates an over-arching meta-level conflict to teether New Zealand to the global ‘super economy’, as well as to the Empire, and to signal the archipelago’s influence-multiplier role.

Full Part 1 article also the Snoopman News series: “Terror Archipelago Down Under?”

Back when Steve Snoopman was ‘Snoopboy’, he delivered the Auckland Star during the dark days of the Reagan White House. Later he forged his superpower to ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ while writing a thesis on the Global Financial Crisis. Upon quipping that Batman failed to bust any Gotham banker balls since his ass is owned by DC Comics he consequently realised New Zealand needed a Snoopman.

Steve Snoopman also posts on The Snoopman Files [at]