By Snoopman
Snapshot: The rebuild data reveals the ‘hand’ of the Old Boys’ Network whom codified their communications to signify solidarity, cue caution and gazette scape-goating rituals with the prime number - 13.
A Christchurch Construction Cartel codified their communications to signify unity, caution and cues for scape-goating to resolve the inevitable scandals with a prime number – 13 – as weird as that sounds.
By encoding ‘Thirteen’ and its multiples and variants into the key figures of rebuild projects, associated dates and economic data – New Zealand’s Neo-Feudal Old Boys’ Network were able to locate one another across public and private sector institutions, communicate the advancement of ‘the game’ and inflict a Shock Doctrine cartel business model – with impunity, as “Codified Collusion by Christchurch Construction Cartel” revealed.

This case study – “Codified Collusion by Christchurch Construction Cartel” – smashes the default position, or null hypothesis, of coincidence theorists whom would hold that the arbitrary appearances of the number 13 in the Christchurch rebuild metadata is mere chance.
Key meta-data in the Christchurch and Canterbury Rebuild was encoded with the Thirteen, its multiples and variants to telegraph collusion, caution and cover-up. Such key data, which was sometimes provisional, included:
(1) 13 key Anchor Projects for Ōtākaro Limited’s 13 Precincts in the Christchurch Central Business District;
(2) the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) signalling 1300 commercial buildings might be demolished; and issuing a notice that 13,000 commercial and industrial buildings in the greater Christchurch area would be surveyed;
(3) EarthQuake Commission paying out $13 billion for commercial construction;
(4) Fletcher Building estimated a $13 billion bill to repair houses, 13,000 homes evidently needed repair and subsequently were repaired, and 13,000 new homes were required and 13,000 residential building consents were issued;
(5) 13,000 contractors were inducted, which doubled the construction industry workforce to 26,000;
(6) the EarthQuake Commission paying out $1.3bn in the first six months following the M6.3 Christchurch Aftershock, and AMI doubling down on its insurance cover of $1.3 billion;
(7) 1.3 million square metres of roads that took up to 13 weeks per kilometre to lay;
(8) 1300 kilometres of ultra fast broadband cable reported yet to be laid;
(9) planning 13 major cycleways, followed by a budget blow-out extending the costs to $252million – that rendered down to 13 by dividing this full deck of cards number – 52 – in 2 to yield 26, which is a multiple of 13.
(10) Education Minister Hekia Parata proposing – on September 13th 2012 – the closure and merger of 13 schools into one Year 1-13 mega-school;
(11) the 2013 New Zealand Index of Deprivation Index (NZDep2013) finding the population of Christchurch’s wealthiest suburbs had grown by nearly 13,000, while the poorest suburbs had declined by about 13,000 people;
(12) the Christchurch Integrated Government Accommodation Project including a goal to return 13 government departments and agencies to the CBD – and four state entities approving a $13 million fit-out of the Grand Central building;
(13) 130 projects overseen by CERA during its lifespan, amid the widespread and prolonged regurgitation of GeoNet’s 13,000 Earthquakes figure.

Conclusion: Cohesive Christchurch Construction Cartel
In the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes and aftershocks, New Zealand’s Old Boys’ Network took graft to the next level. The Neo-Feudal Patriarchy encoded their communications to signify unity, caution and cues for scape-goating using the prime number 13. The mostly-Pākehā Patriarchy and their Foreign Fraternal Friends used 13, its multiples and variants to locate one another across public and private sector institutions, communicate the advancement of ‘the game’ and buy-in to inflict a Shock Doctrine cartel business model, as the case study – “Codified Collusion by Christchurch Construction Cartel” – found.

The deployment of ‘Thirteen’ and its ‘Accomplices’ advanced the cartel game by staging Brotherhood Bonding Rituals to signal promises and threats, telegraph caution and control the inevitable scandals while exploiting the disaster. The codified communications in government, corporate and media reports – as well as at public and private events – worked as hostage posting mechanisms to stabilize the shifting power structures for those seeking to capitalize on the crisis. If other players were not seen to be posting themselves as ‘hostages’ – defections could be expected on the next moves, as game theory predicts.
The Christchurch Construction Cartel exploited speed, suddenness and scope to overwhelm, wear down and outrun opposition. The true nature of the key perpetrators’ occult hostage-posting rituals remained obscure to the good people of Christchurch, Canterbury and the rest of New Zealand.

The cohesion of this Pākehā-dominated Patriarchy was robust enough to withstand even well reasoned critiques that tabled examples of cronyism, collusion and corruption. This was due – in no small part – to the fact that the cartel crossed the government and corporate apparatus and was, in effect, a Deep State network operating like a parallel Shadow Government to the visible Public State. Absent a tectonic exposure of the Pākehā-dominated Brotherhood, the recidivist character ‘Thirteen’ and its Accomplices will likely remain at-large, free to continue re-offending.
Key Finding: Amid the tectonic shakes, a meta-message was communicated in the Christchurch Rebuild Bonanza meta-data: Don’t mention the Neo-Feudal Patriarchy and their recidivist occult character – Thirteen.

SEE Full Story: Codified Collusion by Christchurch Construction Cartel [Snoopman 13 July 2019] << https://snoopman.net.nz/2019/07/13/codified-collusion-by-christchurch-construction-cartel/ >>