This investigation shows that New Zealand’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic was (and remains) disproportionate to the threat because the Government failed to model for the United Nation’s Second Global Pandemic Exercise being taken ‘live’ — amid a planned media hype strategy. This failure was ‘too stupid to be stupid’.
The latest Covid-19 lockdown of the entire nation — which was announced on August 17 and was initially justified on the basis of just one suspected Delta variant case — actually followed a government commissioned report released the previous week that warned of the impacts of the Delta variant spreading from other countries, including Australia.
However, this investigation finds that despite the media hype of the Delta variant mortality, the figures from overseas do not wear the fear.
Australia’s Department of Health appears to have switched its influenza deaths data for Covid-19. England’s deaths from the 743 Delta variant corresponds to 0.00635% England’s total Covid-19 deaths of 117,000. And in India, the overall Covid-19 death toll of 440,000 out of 1.395 billion, corresponds to only 0.000315% of the population, meaning the mortality rate is one full decimal place less than that for a severe flu season
Moreover, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health data shows that of the 26 whose deaths are attributed to Covid-19, all were 50 or over, and had co-morbidities. This means a more targeted response for the unhealthy, the sick, and the old could have been pursued, rather than causing more harm to the entire civilization of New Zealand through strategic economic sabotage, otherwise known more generally as the Shock Doctrine.
This essay also sketches the media propaganda to convince New Zealanders that the nation was not ready for a pandemic, while the health sector conspicuously avoided emphasizing the U.N.’s call for at least two global pandemic exercises to occur by September 2020. Doctor Thunk Evil Without Being Evil finds that pandemic preparedness was consistent with an asymmetric bio-warfare apparatus wielded by a Bio-Industrial Covid Cartel or Global Health Syndicate, identified by Dr David E Martin, Catherine Austin-Fitts and James Corbett – among others.
Evidence tracing the development of coronavirus patents, outsourcing of banned gain-of-function research to Wuhan and a racketeering Bio-Industrial Covid Cartel planning pandemic exercises suggestsbio-warfare was inflicted with the deliberate release of the patented SARS-COV-2 coronavirus.
By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards
[Editor’s Note: All data as at 11:59PM 3 September 2021 NZT, or prior].
➼ Lying by Numbers to Cast New Zealanders as Covid Suspects
The entire nation of New Zealand was thrown into an initial 72-hour lockdown, with six hours warning, due to just one suspected case of the Delta variant of Covid-19 on Tuesday 17 August 2021.
At the time of the sudden lockdown, there had been no cases of the Delta variant in the community and the nation’s total death toll stood at 26 in a country populated with five million people, whom have been cast as human monkeys.

The government announced that all human monkeys were required by law to wear the bandit masks when out shopping for food, fuel and medical supplies, as well as to either manually sign in or use contact tracing apps via mobile-phone tracking devices to enter stores. The NZ government also announced it was illegal to protest, travel beyond the neighborhood or visit friends, family and or to keep businesses open if they were not deemed essential services.
Since that sudden sharp shut-down of the economy, the lockdown has predictably been extended, due to more cases have emerging from ‘tests’ that don’t actually measure whether a person is infectious, sick or diseased.
This initial 72-hour lockdown came six days after the government reported that the Delta variant requires high vaccine uptake. That government announcement on 17 August 2021 followed a government commissioned report, dated 11 June, that was only released six days earlier, on 11 August, that warned of the Delta variant.

This move for a sudden lockdown was signalled by Otago University Professor Nick Wilson on 8 August, who advocated “fast and hard and quick” lockdowns if just one community case of the Delta variant emerged outside the Isolation and Quarantine Facilities managed by the New Zealand Government.

The 11 June report, entitled “Future of the Elimination Strategy”, was produced by the Strategic COVID-19 Public Health Advisory Group, and had been shelved for two months. The Elimination Strategy report mentioned the threat of the Delta variant coming from New Zealand’s closest neighbour, Australia. The Advisory Group concluded that NZ’s elimination strategy — to stamp out Covid Clusters when they emerge — was still viable.
An epidemiologist, Dr David Skegg, from the University of Otago’s Department of Medicine led this Advisory Group. Its advise is used by the Covid-19 Group — which is one of several Business Units within the Department Prime Minister and Cabinet within the Beehive — that “mobilise[s] the collective capacity of government to eliminate COVID-19 while [evidently] sustaining [NZ’s] economy and social cohesion”.

In a follow-up letter dated 27 July 2021, the Strategic COVID-19 Public Health Advisory Group, in essence, cued the N.Z. Government’s Covid-19 Group to shutdown the country if a single case of Delta variant emerged in the community. The Strategic COVID-19 Public Health Advisory Group stated it was “sobering” that major outbreaks of the Delta variant emerged in Sydney from a single person. This letter was attached to the end of the June 11 Elimination Strategy report.

As I showed in “Part 1: The Origins of NZ’s Covid Elimination Strategy, Lockdown Laws and Mass Vaccination Drive”, New Zealand’s elimination strategy had been incubating ever since it was tabled as an idea in a 2002 Ministry of health discussion paper. The authors of this Public Health Legislation discussion paper considered New Zealand’s immunization coverage rates to be “low” and envisaged being able to eliminate some vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, in New Zealand by achieving 95% or more vaccine ‘coverage’.
Ironically, the 2002 Ministry of Health discussion paper envisaged that only extreme threats, such as smallpox re-introduced by bioterrorism, was the only conceivable circumstance to make vaccines mandatory.

Yet, on midnight on 14 July 2021, the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 came into effect making it compulsory for most border workers to be vaccinated.

The Strategic COVID-19 Public Health Advisory Group’s 27 July letter entitled — “Timing of Next Phase of Re-opening” — which was authored by Dr David Skegg et al, mentioned a recent Chinese study that allegedly suggested that the Delta replicates faster and is more infectious during early stages of infection than previous variants. This un-cited paper was used to justify continued border controls until as many New Zealanders as possible are vaccinated, in conjunction with testing and contact tracing.
Given that fears of the Delta variant migrating to New Zealand from countries such as Australia, it is fascinating to note that Australia’s total Covid-19 death toll to date is 991 [as at Friday 27 August 2021]. It would appear that Australia’s influenza deaths for 2020 and 2021 have migrated over to the country’s Covid-19 death toll.

In 2019 influenza season, the number of influenza deaths for all of Australia was 812.

In 2020, Australia flu death toll was just 37.

In 2021, the Australian flu death toll plummeted to precisely zero – for a population of 25.8 million [as at 20 August 2021].

Yes, naught. Nil. Zilch.
The tyranny of Medical Martial Law in Australia continues despite the death toll attributed to Covid-19 being 1032 lives as of September 3 2021.
The hard lockdowns in the State of Victoria spread to New South Wales, for a so-called pandemic with an overall death rate of 0.0000399%, in effect, reflect the weaponised irony underpinning the scripting of this Plandemic.
Australia has returned to its traditional roots as a penal colony of the British Masonic Empire.

Ironically, the percentage of Delta variant deaths across England’s regions from all variants of Covid-19 is 17.3%, for the period 1 February 2021 to 2 August 2021. Out of the 5059 Covid-19 deaths, 743 were attributed to the Delta variant, while 4284 were attributed to the Alpha variant, according to Public Health England’s Technical briefing Report No. 20, entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England”.

England’s total Covid-19 death count is 117,000, which for a population of 56 million corresponds to a mortality rate of 0.0021% . The 743 Delta variants deaths corresponds to 0.00635% England’s total Covid-19 deaths of 117,000 for the period 1 February 2021 to 2 August 2021.
Meanwhile, in India — where the Delta variant emerged — and was hyped in the media, the Covid-19 death toll stands at 440,000 out of a population of 1.395 billion, meaning the mortality rate is 0.000315%.

It did not help India that half a million more tuberculosis deaths occurred in 2020 due to lockdowns and other disruptions caused by the government’s reactions to the WHO’s Covid-19 pandemic trigger mechanisms.
Moreover, this mega-fraud occurs amid a ‘global pandemic’ psychological operation in which 4,557,100 deaths are attributed to Covid-19. This total world death toll translates to an overall death rate of 0.00058% across the world’s population of 7.89 billion humans.
And this global fear porn psychological operation has worked with the manipulation of statistics. For instance, widely circulated animated graph inviting humans to “Watch: global deaths from Covid-19 overtake all other causes of death in 2020” omitted heart conditions, cancers and diabetes. The graph also excluded the biggest cause of death, abortions, which numbered 42.6 million in 2020.
The Weekly Source legitimised its manipulative presentation by stating the animated graphic traced the global causes of deaths including COVID-19 between January and May of 2020 sourced from data from the Global Burden of Disease study, Worldometers populations and the Johns Hopkins COVID repository.

The hysterical media fear porn spread as an emotional contagion through the global news-chain has also hyped the delta variant, reportedly because it is more contagious than the original Alpha variant.

Furthermore, the Covid hysteria has been used justify a sudden and severe lockdown that the NZ Government estimated would cost the economy $1.7 billion a week, and while full border quarantine controls are stepped up. The hysteria continues unabated in New Zealand in spite of the fact that the death toll attributed to Covid-19 is just 26 people.

In a letter dated 7 May 2021, the Manager OIA Services from the Ministry of Health’s Office of the Director-General Covid-19 Health System Response Manager, provided a breakdown of the 26 “Covid-19 Deaths by Comorbidity” for New Zealand.

In an earlier letter, dated 30 July 2020, which was back when New Zealand’s total death toll attributed to Covid-19 was 22, the Covid-19 Health System Response Director, stated 17 had tested positive, four tested negative and one was never tested.

Covid-19 Health System Response Director, Natalie Richardson, wrote that these five cases were counted as Covid-19 deaths because they were classified as “probable cases”.
Fascinatingly, in a letter dated 18 June 2020 and in answer to a question about whether negative tested deaths are reported to the World Health Organization, Richardson answered, “yes”, because of the probable cause classification.

Since this admission by NZ’s Covid-19 Health System Response Director that the Ministry of Health reports negative tested deaths to the World Health Organization, this letter appears to have been removed from the web-page for the Ministry of Health’s Responses to Official Information Act requests for 2020.
In a subsequent letter dated 1 September 2020, a new Director, Jane Kelley, explained that the Ministry of Healths guidelines includes guidance developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO), which is evidently applicable to all countries. Kelley explained to the correspondent that the WHO had directed that the new coronavirus strain be recorded as the underlying cause of death when it has contributed to or caused the death. Such a classification meant that the five probable cause deaths in question were included in the New Zealand tally of Covid-19 deaths.

The deceased untested individual was one resident of the eventual 12 whom died in the Rosewood Cluster, a nursing home in Christchurch. Of the 56 reported cases associated with the Rosewood Resthome Cluster, 12 deaths were attributed to Covid-19, according to a Stuff newspapers article of June 11 2020.
The official story goes that as the case numbers rose, the Rosewood Rest Home was taken over by the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB).

The elderly woman who was counted as a Covid death – even though she was not tested, as The New Zealand Herald reported in “Covid 19 coronavirus: One new virus death, six additional cases, PM gives update on level 3”, on 22 April 2020.
Another rest home death — in Auckland — tallied up New Zealand’s 22nd Covid death, despite the elderly woman recovering from the Covid and returning two negative tests.

On May 24th, Eileen Hunter, a 96-year old resident from St Margaret’s Hospital & Rest Home, Te Atatu Peninsula Auckland passed away. Ministry of Health officials regarded Hunter as having recovered from Covid-19, and that Covid-19 was not recorded as the primary cause of death.

However, on May 28th, the Ministry of Health counted the death as “covid-19 related … consistent with our inclusive approach”. Ironically, this “inclusive approach” was consistent with the probable case definition and it was consistent with a family death notice that had been published saying Hunter’s passing was “due to Covid-19”.
➼ Deja Voodoo: Casting the ‘Single Source of Truth’ Spell
Similarly, the first time that New Zealand was thrown into a full Alert Level 4 lockdown at 11:59pm on March 25 2020 for a period of 33 days, there had not been one single death attributed to Covid-19. A State of Emergency was declared earlier that day.
On March 19th 2020, and six days prior to locking down the country with a Covid-death toll of precisely zero, New Zealand’s Prime Minister and Minister for National Security and Intelligence, effectively consigned healthy skepticism to the national memory hole.
Amid rumours that New Zealand’s Government was planning to implement a full lock-down regime, Ardern told media missionaries, “We will continue to be your single source of truth.”

According to the New Zealand-based Stuff News, Ardern emphasized the public trust to official Government sources because misinformation produced fear-fuelled reactions. On March 19th 2020, Jacinda Ardern said:
“I cannot go round and dismiss every rumour I see on social media, as much as I’d like to. When you see those messages, remember that unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth. Everything else you see, a grain of salt. We will continue to be your single source of truth.”
In the same news article, Coronavirus: Countrywide lockdown speculation dismissed by Prime Minister, Stuff News reported that the Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said he had not heard anything like a lock-down being discussed by New Zealand’s Government.
However, New Zealanders found out from The Washington Post in early April that on March 22 2020 — the Sunday before that lockdown — several New Zealand businessmen met with NZ’s PM and Deputy PM, supposedly to persuade them to move to Alert Level 4 as quickly as possible.
The businessmen — Warehouse founder Stephen Tindall, former Air NZ CEO Rob Fyfe and Trade ME founder Sam Morgan — assisted the New Zealand Government by organizing procurement of ventilators, masks and contact tracing capabilities. Such moves, under the guise of public spiritedness, demonstrate compliance to decisions made at pay-grades well above and out of sight of those whose puppet strings have been pulled.

In 2018, Tindall had publicly claimed he found the philanthropy initiatives of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett inspiring. The media story failed to locate such apparent generosity as — predatory philanthropy. At the World Economic Forum in January 2020, Bill Gates bragged that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made a 20 to 2 return from investments in the pharmaceuticals industry.
As I showed in “Part 1: The Origins of NZ’s Covid Elimination Strategy, Lockdown Laws and Mass Vaccination Drive”, New Zealand’s pandemic response plan was triggered when the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11th 2020 at a moment that the death toll for Covid-19 was just 4697 people.
Two days before WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic, on March 9 2020, the Dean of the University of Otago, Christchurch, and infectious disease specialist Professor David Murdoch led a panel of experts to discuss Covid-19. Professor David Murdoch is part of ‘The Infection Group’, at the University of Otago’s Christchurch franchise.
Among The Infection Group’s funders are the Canterbury District Health Board, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the GAVI vaccine alliance, which itself was sponsored by the Gates Foundation with $750 million in seed funding in 2010 and has subsequently made $4.1 billion in funding commitments to the GAVI umbrella group.

On March 23 2020 — or the day after NZ’s top businessmen descended on the Beehive — NZ’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, received a letter from the WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The WHO Director-General ‘asked’ the country’s political, intelligence and national security leader to re-orient resources across the board with a ‘whole of government’ approach to mitigate the crisis .

Tedious Ghebreyesus claimed the outbreak would become a global crisis that would define “our generation” and emphasized Ardern’s role on fostering for solidarity across nations. Evidently, scientific, political and philosophical scepticism would be viewed as politicization and complacency.

Remarkably, at the time of the WHO Director-General’s March 23 2020 letter to NZ’s Prime Minister, the total world death toll attributed to Covid-19 was just 16, 964. It would appear Tedros Ghebreyesus possessed remarkable foresight to call this outbreak a global pandemic.

Among the many omissions of key evidence in the WHO Director-General’s letter to Ardern, the most glaring one was a ‘failure’ to mention the U.N.’s directive for a global pandemic exercise simulating the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen — before September 2020.
Until this call by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), there had never been a system-wide health emergency exercise across the U.N.’s 195 member countries.

One of those global pandemic exercises took place in Gotham City on October 18th 2019, or precisely one month after the U.N.’s GPMB aptly titled report, “A World at Risk” was published. The U.N.’s first global pandemic exercises was a ‘tabletop’ simulation called ‘Event 201’.

Because Event 201 involved a natural outbreak of a species jumping, jet-setting zoonotic bat-pig coronavirus, it could not be counted as a pandemic exercise involving the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.
While this pandemic exercise was acknowledged in the public media after the onset of Covid-19 – and often with disparaging headlines about conspiracy theories — news reportage omitted the fact that Event 201 was the U.N.’s first global pandemic exercise.
This omission is crucial, because if the world’s public had become widely aware that the U.N. had issued a directive for a global pandemic exercise, and it had taken place prior to Covid-19 — the narrative about a lack of preparedness would have become shaky.

If such an admission had occurred, the shakiness of this narrative would have quickly intensified because the U.N. had actually called for at least two pandemic exercises to occur by September 2020. Intense questions might have been leveled at the U.N. because the pandemic preparedness appears to have been asymmetric.

Indeed, Dr David E Martin, is adamant that a racketeering Bio-Industrial Covid Cartel, inflicted bio-warfare with the deliberate release of the patented SARS-COV-2 coronavirus.
The founder of Mosaic Technologies, Dr David E. Martin says the World Health Organization has been captured by the Global Health Syndicate and that the deep states of the U.S. and China both inflicted a deliberate release of the corona-virus as a “joint exercise”. Mosaic Technologies maintains surveillance across 168 countries of individuals, institutions and entities that blur the line of chemical and biological weapons, or crosses that line. He stated his company viewed the WHO’s September 2018 report, “A World at Risk”, as a red-flag, including it’s language about a “deliberate release” of a lethal respiratory.

If that proposition seems too woo-woo conspiracy theory, consider the following scenario which Dr David E. Martin stated in an interview with German litigator, Reiner Fuellmich, is clear evidence of racketeering to benefit from an engineered public health crisis.
➼ The Wuhan Connection
In 2015, at a ‘workshop’ – “Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases” – the CEO of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, talked about how the media hype in the next ‘disease outbreak’ could be used to convince the public of the need for a pan-global vaccine. Such media hype, Daszak added, would create the market that would attract investors to fund the mass development of vaccines, as the favoured medical countermeasure (MCM).

At the time, Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – had become the funding conduit for ‘gain of function’ research for biological pathogens between Dr Anthony Fauci’s NAIID and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s first level 4 biological military lab.
In 2014, the closet-eugenicists suffered a set-back.
President Barack Hussein Obama banned ‘Gain of Function’ research on potential pandemic viruses such as avian flu, SARS and MERS amid concerns from scientists. This research could be dual purposed, to make vaccines or to weaponize pathogens, as Dr David Martin pointed out in Plandemic InDoctorNation.

It turns out, Dr Anthony Fauci and his team of scientists had partnered with a team of Chinese scientists to study bat coronaviruses and their effects on human cells after the SARS outbreak in 2002. They not only created pandemic ‘superbugs’ more virulent than the strains found in nature.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually came to control the money flow from the patents on the corona virus, the disease, the detection and all of the measures.

Moreover, Dr David E. Martin, states that Professor Ralph S. Baric of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was at the forefront of patenting the coronavirus. On 19th April 2002, Baric was among three inventors who patented techniques for producing recombinant coronavirus, and was awarded Patent US 7279327, which recognized that with the creation of helper RNA cells, the replicon RNA becomes infectious because it is able to complete viral replication.

EcoHealth Alliance was awarded $3.3 million for the project, called — “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” between 2014 and 2019 — according to data supplied by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Federal Drug Agency (FDA).
Dr Fauci funded this ‘Gain of Function’ research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in two installments of $3.7 million for three-year terms, the first beginning in 2014 under Obama’s watch, and the second in 2017 under Trump’s watch.

Thus, in 2014 and 2015, when public debate over the riskiness of the engineered coronavirus, the research was off-shored to Wuhan China.
Wuhan’s Bioweapons Lab is one of 54 known BSL-4 laboratories worldwide, is located about 30 kilometers from the Huanan Seafood Market, where it was initially claimed the corona-virus made the species-jump from bat-soup to a human.
The EcoHealth Alliance’s extensive partners include: the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, the United Nations (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization and Johnson & Johnson. Among the science advisors to the EcoHealth Alliance are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Deputy Director for Surveillance and Epidemiology, Dr. Scott Dowell, and Biosurveillance Coordinator, Captain Jason Thomas at the CDC’s Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (CSELS).

The subversive media hype idea suggested by EcoHealth Alliance Peter Daszak at the 2016 ‘workshop’ — “Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases” — clearly penetrated the Global Health Security ‘community’. Daszak’s subversive penetration ritual became the ‘flood the zone’ media strategy three years later at the UN’s first global pandemic exercise, Event 201, which took place in Gotham, one month before the coronavirus outbreak was attributed to Wuhan City.
The central irony was that simulated newscasts were played at Event 201 that prepared participants to shut-down whole economies. The Event 201 tabletop exercise attributed blame for financial market crashes, widespread business failures and mass unemployment, to the coronavirus pandemic called Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome (CAPS). Meanwhile, the Pandemic Emergency Board discussed the need to get vaccine stockpiles, supply chains and other medical infrastructure financed, built and pandemic ready to mitigate economic mayhem!
In the next section, I show evidence that the New Zealand’s lockstep march to the World Health Organization’s Medical Martial Law regime in effect meant that the South Pacific archipelago participated in the United Nation’s 2nd Global Exercise, which appears to have been ‘taken live’.
➼ NZ as a Global Exemplar Pandemic Response Jurisdiction?
Strangely, the South Pacific Archipelago of New Zealand was stealthily cast as a Covid data-exporting facility to fulfil the role of a global exemplar” pandemic response jurisdiction.
New Zealand’s exemplar casting appeared to originally come from WHO’s Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who praised New Zealand as an exemplary pandemic response country for being free of new Covid-19 cases in the community for 102 days. Ironically, this 102-day run ended the next morning, on August 11 2020.

In their May 25th 2020 news bulletin, the UK Column reported the British media had been brainwashing the public with the idea that Britain could adopt the New Zealand bubble model.

It turns out, Melinda Gates applied this ‘exemplar’ descriptor almost two months before WHO’s Director-General praised New Zealand. According toThe New Zealand Herald’s report of official records pertaining to a June 17 2020 conference call, “[Melinda] Gates said the US, and the world, saw New Zealand’s response and PM Ardern’s leadership as an exemplar”, or a leading model to emulate.

Earlier, Bill and Melinda Gates met with Jacinda Ardern on September 25th 2019 at the Goalkeepers Summit in Gotham, exactly seven days after the U.N’s Global Policy Monitoring Board published its directive for at least two global pandemic exercises to be conducted by September 2020.

The unfolding official Covid narrative gets ‘curiouser and curiouser’.
Curious — because on April 12 2020, Bill Gates told the BBC there was no simulation or practice to deal with a global pandemic, adding the world was in unchartered territory. Gates said:
“Very few countries are going to get an A grade for that scrambling. And now here we are, we didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and the economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”
Where most news outlets avoided challenging Gates for spreading disinformation, an Indian newspaper, The National Herald, ran the headline, “Why is Bill Gates denying Event 201?”, in early May 2020.

Curious — because Doctor Chris Elias, who is President of Global Development at the Gates Foundation, is not only on the advisory board of Exemplars in Global Health. Dr Elias is also a director on the U.N’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.

Dr Elias was also a player at the U.N.’s first ‘global pandemic exercise’, Event 201, that took place in Gotham City on October 18th, at the Gates Foundation-sponsored John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health Security. The linkage of Dr Chris Elias is crucial because the reach of the Gates Foundation into ‘Global Health’ is extensive. Indeed, it turns that the Gates Foundation has supplied over $870 million in funding to John Hopkins University.

This capture of public health is, I contend, due in no small part, due to the programming of participants in the U.N.’s first directed global pandemic exercise, Event 201.
Conformity to a ‘flood the zone’ media strategy was drilled into the participants and audience at Event 201. This media flooding strategy emphasized control over the uniformity of communications to out-supply and discriminate against counter-narratives that would be deemed as misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, or fake news.

In a recent pod-cast — Session 3: First Do No Harm at the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium — hosted by the independent news platform, UK Column, Professor of Communication at the University of Munich, Michael Meyen, observed that governments have gained the support of the establishment media as powerful allies. Meanwhile, the key news media outlets have regained audiences they lost to the ‘independent media’. Professor Meyen stated that if the establishment media did their jobs properly, there would be no pandemic since it has been state and corporate owned media around the planet that has determined the over-hyped reality of the pandemic.
A coordinated global policy, propaganda and de-platforming has occurred with a weaponisation of institutional resources to marginalize political dissent on an epic unprecedented scale, had also occurred according to Patrick Henningsen of 21Century Wire said in the same pod-cast symposium.

Not surprisingly, the media capture by the Global Health Syndicate is apparent in the South Pacific archipelago of New Zealand too.
The ‘flood the zone’ media strategy was also detectable in the public communications of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Advisory Group, One Health Aotearoa, and NZ Doctors. These three groups avoided pointing out that the Event 201 corona-virus outbreak simulation of October 2019 in Gotham was the first such global pandemic exercise.
On their Public health Expert blog, Otago University professors Michael Baker and Nick Wilson and Dr Matt Boyd emphasized the new Global Health Security Index, while failing to point out that U.N’s new Global Preparedness Monitoring Boards’ seventh recommendation included the directive for at least two global pandemic exercises to be conducted by September 2020.

Despite his failure to communicate to New Zealanders that this little known United Nations’ body called for at least one of these global pandemic exercises to include the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen, Professor Michael Baker was awarded the Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize in April of 2021.
This failure is crucial, because level-headed New Zealanders might have asked as the pandemic alert levels were rising in March of 2020 whether Covid-19 was treated being as a live exercise for fulfil the pre-Wuhan outbreak directive issued by the United Nations.

Crucially, in 2020, the public health association, One Health Aotearoa, became the leading conduit for supplying its members from various disciplines of science to contributed expert opinion in news media coronavirus pandemic coverage.

One Health Aotearoa displays a long-list across 2020 of Covid-19 news coverage that bragged that its science experts had been highly sought after as opinion leaders on the COVID-19 pandemic by various authorities and the media.
Among the members of One Health Aotearoa is Professor Michael Baker, who has been a member of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group throughout the ‘pandemic’.

Earlier, in mid-November 2019, Professor Baker co-wrote a blog article, “New Zealand’s Poor Pandemic Preparedness according to the Global Health Security Index”, with two other academics from Otago University’s Department of Public Health, which is based in New Zealand’s capital city, Wellington. In this article, they mentioned the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s “A World at Risk” report.
Curiously, while the three academics pointed out that this U.N. board was set up in response to the Ebola out-break of 2014-16, and that it urged political action in seven recommendations because the world was deemed to be at risk – Baker, Wilson and Boyd failed to spell out the recommendations, including the crucial last recommendation.
This seventh recommendation, titled “The United Nations must strengthen coordination mechanisms” was the crucial one that outlined four “Progress indicator(s) by September 2020” that evidently needed to occur. The seventh recommendation of this Global Health Syndicate-aligned board called for:
(1) The Secretary-General of the United Nations, with the Director-General of WHO and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs “identify … timely triggers for a coordinated United Nations systemwide response for health emergencies”;
(2) The United Nations (including WHO) to conduct at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen;
(3) WHO to develop intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral action early in outbreaks, to compliment existing mechanisms developed under the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2005; and
(4) The Secretary General of the United Nations to convene a high-level dialogue with health, security and foreign affairs officials to meet the threat of a lethal respiratory pathogen pandemic, among other disease outbreaks in complex, insecure contexts.

This key omission regarding the seventh recommendation for at least two global pandemic exercises to occur by September 2020 is crucial and cannot be over-emphasized.
Did any New Zealand officials in health, foreign affairs and trade ministries, talk to the United Nations’ Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), or the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), or the United Nations’ World Bank Group, or the United Nations’ Global Policy Monitoring Board – whom all have the report loaded on their websites?

appears on just four United Nations’ websites; the United Nations’ Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the United Nations’ World Bank Group, and the U.N.’s Global Policy Monitoring Board website.
Similarly, in their article entitled — “New Zealand’s Poor Pandemic Preparedness According to the Health Security Index” — Baker, Wilson and Boyd deflected attention to the newly launched Global Health Security (GHS) Index.
The Global Health Security (GHS) Index was a three-year project and was launched by the Center for Health Security (JHU) of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on October 23 2019, or five days after Event 201. The Global Health Security (GHS) Index provides a public bench-marking of health security and related capabilities across the 195 countries that make up the States Parties to International Health Regulations.

The project was developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), with research by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), of the Economist Group, whose flagship publication is The Economist magazine, which is a mouthpiece for the Bilderberg Foundation, a key global-policy shaping group for the Western Empire Syndicate. Crucially, the Economist Group is part-owned through a Netherlands-based holding company, Exor, belonging to the Italian Fiat industrialist family, Agnelli, as well as stock-holdings owned by the Rothschild, Cadbury, and Schroder dynasties.

These omissions were crucial because the ‘public health experts’ emphasized the new Global Health Security Index as if it were an objective tool of analysis instead of presenting skepticism about the vested interests behind the funding, architecture and biases of this project.
Indeed, if Otago University’s ‘public health experts’ had have pointed out that the Global Health Security Index was funded by the Open Philanthropy Project, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Robertson Foundation, and delved into the web of ‘global health’ funding grants, New Zealand public might have been more skeptical about the unfolding events.
Among Open Philanthrophy’s backers is billionaire, Dustin Morkowitz, who helped Mark Zuckerberg launch Facebook from his Harvard dorm in 2004 — according to heart-warming tech-billionaire mythology. Founding Facebook investor, Peter Thiel, who initially stumped up $500,000, in turn, received $2 million from the CIA’s investment arm In-Q-Tel in 2005, for his big data start-up, Palantir, to build a surveillance computer called Gotham.
In 2017, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation were ranked as the WHO’s second largest funder between the United States and the United Kingdom. This situation meant that a tech-billionaire was in a central position to influence WHO to declare Covid-19 a pandemic two days after gifting another $50 million to the conflicted U.N. institution headed by ‘Dr Tedros’.
By overlooking the financial spider-web behind the Global Health Security Index, Otago University’s ‘Public Heath Experts’ took at face value the obvious coordinated moves taken by the U.N.’s World Health Organization to be thorough in their preparations for measuring a pandemic.
The New Zealand Doctor website tested negative for the U.N.’s “A World at Risk”, despite having loaded Otago University’s Public Heath Experts’ blog article “New Zealand’s Poor Pandemic Preparedness according to the Global Health Security Index”, in which they mentioned the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s “A World at Risk” report.
This Public Heath Experts’ blog article was loaded November 11 2019 with Otago University’s brand, or six days before Patient Zero was attributed to Wuhan on November 17 2019.
However, the NZ Doctor website tested positive for international transmission for the GPMB 2020 report “A World in Disorder”, which was uploaded at 8:59AM 15 September 2020, the same day it was published by the World Health Organization. This means the New Zealand Doctor organization was aware of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s work.

But, like so many other public health associations, clinics, and departments in New Zealand and around a world deemed to have been at-risk and now deemed to be in disorder — ‘New Zealand Doctor’ failed to upload the 2019 “A World at Risk” report and flag the U.N.’s directive for mandatory global pandemic exercise simulations.
The website for One Health Aotearoa also tested negative for the U.N.’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s all important “A World at Risk” report, despite boasting to aspire to be the national leader in infectious diseases research, education and advocacy.

These omissions by the members of New Zealand Doctor and the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group demonstrates the field of expert disciplines whom advised the Ministry of Health was too slim.
This criticism even extends to the World Health Organization Special Envoy on Covid-19, David Nabarro, regarding the World Health Organization’s directive for global pandemic exercises to be conducted by September 2020. Nabarro judged that it was obscene that countries had treated the Covid-19 pandemic like a competition, without explaining that the WHO had called for such exercises.

Because when Newsroom interviewed WHO’s Special Envoy on Covid-19, David Nabarro, in early September 2020, he was, in essence, managing the narrative of what is really an epic, brazen and evil global gas-lighting operation. Nabarro activated the ideological ‘enemy image’ function to claim the coronavirus was the “common enemy” of the planet’s entire human population — rather than the super-rich and their armies of professional functional psychopaths orchestrating (or complicit with) a global heist.
Brazen, because the World Health Organization is a captured institution of the Global Health Syndicate — which is acting as a subsidiary of the Western Empire Syndicate — whom had all of humanity cast as ‘covid suspects’.

Indeed, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease and the U.S. National Institutes for Health (NIH) — are all entwined with Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Brother, as proven by the documentaries — The New Normal, ‘Plandemic InDoctorNation’, and Who is Bill Gates? Two of the GHS funders were the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Open Philanthropy Project.
In his op-ed piece head-lined – “The Pandemic winner: Will it be Sweden or New Zealand?”– former CDC epidemiologist and pandemic preparedness practitioner, Dr Steve Phillips, provocatively wrote of Covid-19 as a “pandemic World Cup” with nations pursuing variants of “two unproven strategies based on contradictory hypotheses of virus behavior.” These two main approaches are the “elimination hypothesis” and “herd immunity hypothesis”.

The “elimination hypothesis” promotes the assumption that a virus can be eliminated via a two-pronged approach: strict border control quarantine, testing and isolation, along with sanitizing of imported goods, and the mitigating domestic outbreaks with stringent containment measures. Counties in a position to pursue this approach due to their physical or virtual islands, include Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Iceland, and New Zealand.
The “herd immunity hypothesis” presumes a virus cannot be sealed off or contained and best managed by progressively acquired immunity through population. The “herd immunity hypothesis” has been pursued in Sweden, Mexico, and Belarus. These countries pursuing the “herd immunity hypothesis” have not shut-down their economies.
Towards the end of his piece, Dr Steve Phillips’ purpose becomes clear. He calls for cooperation of all countries to supply Big Data, accompanied with their assumptions, and strategies, as “these grand experiments play out”.
Since Dr Steven Phillips is a former CDC epidemiologist and pandemic preparedness practitioner, it’s fascinating to note that he avoids mentioning that the U.N.’s Global Policy Monitoring Board called for two system-wide pandemic exercise to be conducted by September 2020, with one including the deliberate release of a respiratory pathogen. Because – if Dr Phillips is a “pandemic preparedness practitioner” — wouldn’t he know about this directive for two system-wide pandemic exercises?
It was, therefore, predictable that as “these grand experiments play out” amid the contagion of fear-porn transmitted through the global newschain, a considerable number of opinion pieces were written by bigoted journalists, public intellectuals and scientists that were dismissive of credible counter-voices who dared to challenge the Covid narrative.
One example of such cockatoo Medical Martial Law bigotry was Auckland University microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles who became one of New Zealand’s media missionaries’ favorite Dial-a-Scientist. Dr Wiles is also a member of the management group at One Health Aotearoa.

In her October 2020 opinion piece, “Don’t fall for the Covid contrarians”, for the tribally leftist publication The Spinoff, Dr Wiles derided the Great Barrington Declaration as the work of “a small number of contrarian or fringe academics”. Wiles compared the Great Barrington Declaration to New Zealand’s Covid Plan B group who were opposed to the NZ Government’s “extreme ‘elimination’ and lockdown strategy”. Dr Wiles not only slandered the Covid Plan B group — which was founded by Dr Simon Thornley, a senior lecturer of epidemiology at Auckland University.

But, also the Swedes.
As a barometer of the kind of flak that got a pass by The Spinoff editor’s desk, Wiles typed:
“[Covid Plan B’s] premise is simple: the cost of “lockdowns” is too high so we should protect the vulnerable and learn to “live with the virus”. It’s an unethical, eugenicist, have-your-Swedish-cake-and-eat-it-too sort of model.
— Dr Siouxsie Wiles
The last I checked, the eugenics movement advanced the degenerate idea of ‘hereditary hygiene’, or eliminating groups of people considered genetically inferior. Indeed, the founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Margaret Sanger, lobbied in 1932 for a Population Congress to decide on the segregation or sterilization of classes of people she labelled “morons, mental defectives, epileptics, illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends”.

Back in 1957, and when the news media would scrutinize public figure in long form interviews, Sanger told Mike Wallace she was a humanitarian.
Sanger’s name is now infamous among the Black Lives Matter movement for conceiving of the ‘Negro Project’, whose objective was the eventual extermination of African Americans through family planning birth control technologies, techniques and tactics.

Ironically — Wiles runs Auckland University’s Bioluminescent Superbugs Lab, which received in 2010 a three-year funding grant from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to “used bioluminescence to develop rapid and cost-effective methods to screen for compounds and vaccines to beat TB.” Wiles works with Luciferase, which is the name of the enzymes that bioluminescent creatures use to make light, by exciting oxyluciferin molecule or a luciferin, that emits light.
In the atmosphere of Covid hysteria, media bigotry, and Government influence over the media, Wiles became a lightening-rod for attack on social media. Wiles sarcastically derided a junk, conspiracy theory to do with her research to claim she was part of a Bill Gates’ Satanic plot. In the process she stepped out of her area of expertise and into commentary touching upon geopolitics, human psychology and anti-vaxxer rhetoric.

Ironic, because the Gates family’s connections to eugenicists, the eugenics movement and its institutions of genocide are in the public record for any academy willing to look.
Bill Gates forged his fortune developing software for IBM, since IBM was prevented by anti-trust cartel inhibiting laws from manufacturing its own software at a time when the mainframe computing manufacture wanted to move into the personal computer market.

IBM, in turn, had made their fortune supplying demographic metadata, logistics solutions and analog computing technology to the Nazis.
As Edwin Black proves compellingly in his book, IBM and the Holocaust, the solutions company also maintained its own leased machines, constantly redesigned the punch cards in full knowledge of their customers’ purposes, and collected on the profits, as per arrangement, after World War II and the ‘Final Solution’.

In other words, IBM’s punch card machines were an efficient data collecting mass surveillance tool for storing, organizing and communicating metadata to prosecute the Holocaust.

It turns out that it was America’s eugenics sterilization laws that were used as the model for Germany’s 1933 sterilization law. The sterilization laws adopted by 33 states across the United States were initially written by the superintendent’ of Eugenics Records Office — which was a department of the Carnegie Institute of Washington Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor New York. The Rockefeller Foundation, Mrs E. H. Harriman, widow of railroad baron E. H. Harriman, and George Eastman of Eastman Kodak, were among the wealthy who bankrolled the Eugenics Records Office in 1910.
Cunningly, the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil invested in American I.G. Farben as a means to transfer technologies, patents and investment to Nazi Germany to build up the Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie (I.G. Farben) chemical and pharmaceutical cartel that would manufacture chemicals for explosives, engines to run in freezing temperatures, and the Zyclon B gas to poison spent slave labour. With such material help, the I.G. Farben comprising six companies — BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm — were supplied with the most advanced fuels, anti-knocking products, and oil additives vital for Germany to run a viable mechanized air force, army and navy.
As Francis Richard Conolly shows in his documentary JFK to 9/11: Everythingis a Rich Man’s Trick, America’s industrial and banking dynastic families conspired with the wealthy of Europe, including the British and Dutch Royal Families to build up the Nazi War Machine.
The American ‘Fraternity’ — as Charles Higham dubbed them in his seminal book Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 — conspired to head the world’s dominant military and financial empire, centered on the control of oil. In his documentary, Why Big Oil Conquered the World, James Corbett shows that the ‘Oilygarchs’, whom also control banking, forged an empire to control humanity with eugenics, pharmaceuticals and genetic engineering.
In 1968, when IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson Jr. was on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation — the Rockefeller’s used their Foundation to recommit to their eugenicist utopian vision. The Rockefeller Foundation’s 1968 annual report spoke about the ‘need’ for research to produce vaccines with an infertility function as a solution for population control.

The Rockefeller President’s Review & Annual Report 1968 blamed the poor for perpetuating their problems by breeding too much, and signalled its commitment to birth control strategies as a necessary condition to improve the conditions of the destitute.

In his 2010 book, titled with weaponized irony, Showing up for Life, Bill Gates Senior bragged, “Every corner we turned in the field of global health, we’ve found the Rockefellers were already there and had been there for years.”
The American Eugenics Society — which was founded in 1926 and produced the Eugenics Quarterly — was renamed the Journal of Social Biology in 1969, was directed by Alan Frank Guttmacher, who also simultaneously served as head of Planned Parenthood, before William Gates Sr became the chairman in 1974.

The dark history of Planned Parenthood and its horrific institutionalization of genocide on America’s African and/or Hispanic communities was laid bare in a 2017 report “The Effects of Abortion on the Black Community”. The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) noted in this report that almost 80% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities were strategically located within walking distance of African and/or Hispanic communities. CURE estimated that more than 19 million black babies had been aborted since 1973.

In that year, the US Supreme Court ruled in case called Roe v. Wade that laws banning abortion violated the US Constitution. Since that decision, the lives of nearly 57 million pre-born babies have been extinguished in the United States to the year 2020.
Due to her apparent ignorance of the individual, institutional and ideological interests connected to eugenics, Dr Siouxsie Wiles lacked the circumspection that an open-minded debating society such as academia is supposed to facilitate.

In such a polarized climate — amid a mass formation phenomena of blindly adhering to a new global hegemonic bloc, which could be described as the Great Reset dogma — Siouxsie Wiles made the BBC’s 100 influential women of 2020 list, and was awarded New Zealander of the Year in 2021.
➼ Behind the ‘Covid Curtain’: a Planned Contagion of Fear-Porn
Moreover, the choice of image for Newsroom’s article is fascinating, given that Chatham House, where the Royal Institute of International Affairs is based at Oxford University, is well-known among the ruling class for popularizing the ‘Chatham House rules’, which is the élite etiquette of holding off-the-record discussions, with no name attribution or institutional disclosures.
Élite consenus-shaping public and private governance institutions throughout the world use the Chatham House rule. This rule enables ample opportunity for cartel collusion, political conspiracy and cover-ups of such power crimes – as the books Wall Street’s Think Tank, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order – each show.
Chatham House was among the institutions commissioned by the Global Policy Monitoring Board (GPMB), that were called upon to write background reports that would culminate in the “A World at Risk: Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies”. Chatham House is the home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which was established in 1919, to work in cahoots with the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations, established in 1921, to foment the conditions for another second global war in order to forge the solution of a global government to prevent such epic conflicts arising gain.

These contributing institutions were: the World Bank Group; the World Health Organization; the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee (IOAC) for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme; Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security; University of Oxford & Chatham House; the Wellcome Trust; and Anthrologica & the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Global Policy Monitoring Board report was funded by: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, Resolve to Save Lives and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Because – in their report “Supporting the Covid-9 pandemic response: Surveillance and Outbreak Analytics” – the ‘Public Health Experts’ of Otago University, professors Michael Baker and Nick Wilson, failed to inform the Ministry of Health that the Covid-19 pandemic coincided with a call for at least two pandemic exercises to occur across the U.N. system by September 2020.
Perhaps senior officials at New Zealand’s Ministry of Health had read the United Nation’s A World at Risk” report. Perhaps officials from NZ’s Government had also talked to the United Nations United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), or the United Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), or the United Nations World Bank Group, or the United Nations Global Policy Monitoring Board – whom all had the report loaded on their websites.
Still more curious, the ‘Public Health Experts’ of Otago University also have neglected to publicly spell out to the New Zealand public what recommendation seven of the United Nation’s A World at Risk” was about – let alone specifically mention it.
Therefore, it is odd that the New Zealand Government and its various authorities, especially the Ministry of Health and the 20 District Health Boards (DHBs), do not appear to know the United Nations’ Global Policy Monitoring Board (GPMB) called for two system-wide pandemic exercises to take place by September 2020. Because, New Zealand officials have not mentioned this call by extremely well-connected players in Global Health for at least global pandemic exercises to be conducted by the United Nations, including WHO, by September 2020.

Particularly odd, because one of those Otago University ‘public health experts’ – Professor Michael Baker – has been a member of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group throughout the pandemic. It is, therefore, rather odd that Professor Baker and Professor Nick Wilson have not mentioned this call for two system-wide pandemic exercises to take place by September 2020 – in any of their media appearances given their incomes are derived from New Zealand taxpayers.
The narrative seeds sown by the public health experts who wrote the article “New Zealand’s Poor Pandemic Preparedness According to the Health Security Index” became a cluster of news stories in late April and early May of 2020, claiming New Zealand was not pandemic prepared.
This media case cluster included: “Coronavirus: Government adviser says NZ wasn’t ready for Covid-19”; (21 April, Radio NZ); “Coronavirus: New Zealand wasn’t ready for a pandemic(Stuff, 29 April); “NZ wasn’t ready for a pandemic” published on April 29th 2020 (Newsroom, 29 April); “Covid 19 coronavirus: Top academic says, “NZ wasn’t ready for Covid-19 and was caught ‘with our pants down’” (NZ Herald, 29 April); and followed up by a story featuring Professor Michael Baker, head-lined, “Epidemiologist says New Zealand isn’t ready for COVID-19 alert level 2” (8 May, Newshub). This cluster followed an earlier report by TVNZ’s One News “PM says NZ was prepared for Covid-19 despite Kiwi expert saying world wasn’t taking pandemic threat seriously”.

This Pandemic Ill-Preparedness News Cluster meant that the news outlets across television, print, radio and the internet had, in effect, tested positive to the Covid Pandemic official narrative. The essential element of flak was limited to the ‘error’ of a lack of preparedness, as if the world should have listened to the infallibly wise, scientifically robust and corruption-free voices of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (among other public health organizations) – as well as the Global Health Syndicate that has captured them.
Even Dr Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance was spinning the narrative that no one was ready for a coronavirus pandemic.

Brazenly, John Hopkins University’s Centre for Health Security spun the narrative of a pandemic preparedness gap despite its key role in asymmetric biological warfare preparedness. In an article posted on 7 November 2019, entitled – Pandemic simulation exercise spotlights massive preparedness gap – stated ominously that:
“With each fictional pandemic Johns Hopkins experts have designed, the takeaway lesson is the same: We are nowhere near prepared.”

Ominous because the article opened by recalling that in 2001 John Hopkins hosted a pandemic exercise featuring a bio-terrorist scenario with a smallpox outbreak. As I showed in Part 1: The Origins of the NZ Government’s Covid Elimination Strategy, Lockdown Laws and Mass Vaccination Drive the narrative elements of the first pandemic exercise hosted by John Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security were taken live by at least one of its participants.
Former CIA Director Jame Woolsey (1993 to 1995), flew to London to “firm up” the ‘evidence’ that Iraq was involved in 9/11, as The Guardian newspaper reported in “Iraq ‘behind anthrax outbreaks’ ” on 14 October 2001.

Strikingly, the Dark Winter Exercise of June 2001 had envisaged a weaponized smallpox outbreak originating in Oklahoma, and included sub-script scenario that imagined Saddam Hussein’s Iraq threatening to release a weaponized anthrax virus.
The John Hopkins University article finished with a promotion for the Health Security Center’s new Global Health Security Index, hyped as the first-ever comprehensive ranking of countries on their pandemic preparedness. Evidently, the average score, across 195 countries, was 40 out of a possible 100.
The central irony of the U.N.’s First Pandemic Exercise was that Event 201 prepared participants to shut-down whole economies – and that such shut-downs were acknowledged would cause markets to crash, widespread business failures and mass unemployment.
The simulation’s ‘Pandemic Emergency Board’ discussed the need to get vaccine stockpiles, supply chains and other medical infrastructure financed, built and pandemic ready to mitigate economic mayhem!

These totalitarian glimpses behind the ‘Covid Curtain’ reveal a ‘PlanPanic’, meaning that key players in the world’s leading health regulatory institutions such as the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the U.S. and China Centers for Disease Control were well-prepared to reproduce élite-mass hysteria when a coronavirus outbreak occurred right on cue.

Plandemic Indoctornation, Dr Martin says key U.S. public health officials, corporate executives and philanthropists have breached anti-trust laws designed to prevent cartel syndicates forming combinations to control markets.
Leading health departments, medical research centers, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies and major Mockingbird Media corporations, were also embroiled in this PlanPanic, or a pre-meditated scheme to spread a contagion of fear-porn — as will become apparent in the Corona World Order.
Despite Newsroom and Stuff Newspapers mentioning the Global Policy Monitoring Board’s annual report of September 2019 in late April, neither of these news outlets delved deep into the activities of this ‘independent board’. Instead, the emphasis was on the newly launched Global Health Security Index (GHSI), which ranked New Zealand 35th out of 195 countries for pandemic preparedness. Similarly, the New Zealand Herald and Radio New Zealand reports claiming NZ wasn’t ready for a pandemic were part of slurry of news reports around the world that framed the situation as a lack of pandemic preparedness.

As I showed in Part 1: The Origins of the NZ Government’s Covid Elimination Strategy, Lockdown Laws and Mass Vaccination Drive – New Zealand’s 2017 Pandemic Response Plan lacked the foresight to model for the possibility that the nation might be gamed in a future hostile geo-political strategy. Indeed, NZ’s Ministry of Health Pandemic Response Plan placed its trust in the World Health Organization to announce a healthy emergency as a pandemic. The Pandemic Response Plan states:
“Overseas trends must be monitored and analysed and surveillance systems in New Zealand maintained to enable the early detection of a novel influenza virus following announcements by WHO [the World Health Organization], and these systems must be capable of tracking the progress of a pandemic in New Zealand. Information from the intelligence system will play a key role in guiding actions throughout all the phases of a pandemic.” [Emphasis added].
— NZ MOH Influenza Pandemic Response Plan of 2017
As such, the New Zealand Government’s health surveillance system automatically dismissed out-of-hand counter-arguments presented by scientists, doctors and nurses on the so-called ‘free’ and increasingly censored Internet.
➼ The U.N.’s Corona World Games
The imposition of Medical Martial Law by the world’s visible political, military, and corporate leaders following the U.N.’s World Health Organization declaration of Covid-19 as a pandemic – is unprecedented.

The unfolding corona-virus narrative is also unprecedented, in the sense that the Covid-19 pandemic would be the first time in world history that all major and significant governments are telling the truth about the threat posed by a novel ‘common enemy’.
To pull off this global psychological warfare operation, or psy-op, the advancement of the ‘Corona World Games’ narrative in the time of Covid-19 occurred in coordinated moves by federal, state and county officials across the United Nations system, and were performed as ‘Hostage Posting Rituals’ to signal ‘cooperation’, as game theory predicts.
Game theory strategies such as ‘Hostage Exchanges’ are used by nation states, international syndicates and monopolistic cartels to stabilize power structures while aggressive colluding rivals seek to construct new areas of market dominance by illegal, fraudulent and repugnant means that harm their more dynamic, innovative smaller and peaceful competitors.

Intriguingly, the number 33 became the lead-starring milestone figure deployed by huddling officials at press conferences throughout jurisdictions across the world, to signal these Hostage Exchanges – lest punishments were inflicted for defections on subsequent moves.
An incontrovertible pattern is detected. Health authorities, emergency management agencies and governments at international, regional, state, provincial, county and city levels across the world’s nations and territories reported their jurisdictions had 33 Covid-19 cases, or 33 new cases, or 33 dead, or otherwise used the number 33 to report Covid-related statistics.

This pattern is not merely the result of cheery-picked headlines by a bat-shit mad conspiracy theorist.
The U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) Chief Executive Officer, Sir Simon Stevens, announced on March 27th that 33,000 hospital beds had been “freed up” across England for coronavirus patients. On May 13th, a U.K. Government official announced that the United Kingdom’s coronavirus death toll had passed 33,000 mark. Russia reported it had sent Covid-19 test kits to 33 countries and its official Tass News Agency that over 33 million tests had been conducted. Metro and Forbes reported 33 million people were locked-down in China. The Chinese Foreign Minister reported that 33 countries including Pakistan had sent medical supplies to help China fight the coronavirus. On April 17 2020, the Turkey’s Anadolu Agency cited John Hopkins University data in a report headlined, “US coronavirus death toll exceeds 33,000 – study”. Subsequently, 33 million Americans registered for unemployment aid by 7 May 2020, and the U.S. economy shrank by a record-breaking 33% in the second quarter of 2020.

These brazen Hostage Posting Rituals raised the stakes of the ‘Corona World Games’ plot narrative, as law scholarship in crisis management, cartels, and conspiracy theory models could predict.
The word Corōna is derived from Latin via Ancient Greek to denote the Crown of a king, pope or emperor, or a garland, laurel or wreath presented to athletes, gods or the dead, and also refers to a circle of people or an assembly.
Because — the pattern of 33 in the news headlines reveals the hidden élite network connected to the Global Health Syndicate that is playing the lead role in the global takeover of public health, this key finding means it is possible to perform ‘contact tracing’ to locate the factional ‘synarchy’, or the ‘supreme group’ of the Western Empire. In short, the meta-data reveals the Global Health Syndicate, and their conspiring partners, all dropped their ‘Covid-19 bags of Illuminati’.
In New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern’s Government also signalled its compliance with the Corona World Games during the 2nd Pandemic Exercise ‘1st Wave’ by maintaining a nationwide house arrest regime with the highest Alert Level 4 ‘lockdown’. The lock-down started at 11:59PM on March 25th, and ended 33 days later.

When the nation had been at Alert Level 3 for 33 days, ‘Sensitive’ Cabinet Papers were ‘leaked’ to the newspaper consortia called, Stuff*, showing that N.Z.’s National Crisis Management Centre believed the country could have been at Alert Level 1. That thinking was contingent upon no community transmissions in 28 days, and on confidence in the border restrictions regime that took advantage of the far-flung archipelago’s natural moat, the South Pacific Ocean. This strategic leak provided some controversy, while also working to signal that New Zealand was adhering to the forces governing Corona World Games by maintaining this second 33-day lock-down period.

Coincidentally, the WHO’s designation of Covid-19 as a global pandemic on March 11th 2020 at a moment that the death toll for Covid-19 was just 4697 people — was timely given that the U.N.’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board had instructed its member nations to conduct at least two pandemic exercises by September 2020.
As with the news and current affairs coverage of Global Financial Crisis, the news media failed to investigate the rivalrous manifestations of game theory that underpinned the intensified market turmoil, which occurred as the bat-virus became a jet-setting tourist.
Wittingly or not, the Establishment Media act as ‘vectors’ or transmitters of ‘emotional contagion’, assisting such ‘speed-politics’ of fast-moving engineered events that underpin ‘crises’ and over-ride slower deliberative processes.
Thus, with stories of élites such as Tom Hanks, Boris Johnson and Prince Charles tweeting positive in March 2020 — amid frequently repeated reminders that all the world’s grannies were under threat unless whole nations were subjected to house arrest — the global fear-porn news-chain created the brazen cover-story that masked the central truth of Covid-19: the pandemic was a ‘live exercise’.

Celia Farber who co-hosts “The Whistleblower Newsroom” with Kristina Borjesson on PRN and is editor of The Truth Barrier — ventured that the advent of famous people, from Tom Hanks and his wife, to Sophie Trudeau, to Prince Charles announcing they had “tested positive” for COVID-19 and were self-quarantining might be a communication rite between élites. Farber quipped:
“Maybe in their elite and esoteric language, it means some kind of prestige, or sacrament to a Pagan Virus Deity.”
The Western Empire Syndicate had spoken.
Conclusions: Applied Game Theory, Media Hype & Statistical Voodoo
Following the World Health Organization’s declaration of Covid-19 as a global pandemic on March 11 2020, counties, states and countries across the planet inflicted near simultaneous economic sabotage that were proportional to the over-hyped universal fear-porn news death threats.
This sudden pivot to a bio-security operating system belies a geopolitical agenda that originated from a pay-grade well above the level of the presidents, prime ministers, premiers, governors and mayors.

While many have said the house arrests mitigated a pandemic that could have been more horrific – it needs to borne in mind that Covid-19 is only lethal to people with other morbidities, or due to poor treatment and mostly impacts the elderly.

New Zealand’s managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) system, as well as the national-wide, or regional-wide, or district-wide house arrests actually breach freedom of movement, freedom of association and freedom to live with dignity. These infringements have been imposed over a pandemic with a crude mortality rate estimated by the CDC in July to be approximately 0.65%, up from an earlier estimate of 0.26%.
Yet, New Zealand’s death count of 26 out of the so-called ‘team of 5 million’ is 0.0000052%, which is close to the statistically insignificant number of 0.0000002% when the first Covid death occurred on March 29th 2020.
Therefore, there is no ‘proportionality’ to an alleged ‘health crisis’ that has been amplified in the ‘public mind’, due to the hysteria spread in the absence of airing the concerns of dissenting scientists, doctors and nurses.

Likewise, there can no claimed application of the ‘precautionary principle’ – as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has unwisely, unsoundly and unlawfully claimed to repeatedly justify measures of incremental tyranny implemented for a so-called ‘public health emergency’ that would not even qualify as an epidemic in New Zealand.
In other words, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health conspicuously failed to model for how a bio-terrorist attack might start first with a mass exercise that ‘goes live’ in order to create a public health crisis. Such an engineered crisis could be expected to generate sufficient cooperation, resources and funds to advance a global superstructure to benefit a Global Health Syndicate seeking to forge a global market, ahead of a truly horrific weaponized pandemic.

The evidence presented by Dr David E. Martin that a racketeering Bio-Industrial Covid Cartel, inflicted bio-warfare with the deliberate release of the patented SARS-COV-2 coronavirus is compelling.
The development of coronavirus patents, the outsourcing of banned gain-of-function research to Wuhan and the networked activities of Bio-Industrial Covid Cartel planning pandemic exercises strongly suggests a racketeering game-play to exploit a deliberate release of the patented SARS-COV-2 coronavirus in accordance with the U.N.’s September 2020 deadline.
The flood the zone media strategy to out supply, or drown out, counter-narratives involved marginalising dissenting scientists, doctors and nurses whom were labelled as conspiracy theorists, or censored and censured with pejorative label, ‘fringe’, in New Zealand and around the world.
The uncritical reporting continued as the hegemonic Covid narrative unfolded like a drawn-out B-Grade movie that switch between genres such as dystopian sci-fi, twisty political drama and reality horror. New Zealand’s newsrooms found local examples to scapegoat with labels such as lockdown flouters, while being respectful of Black Lives Matters demonstrators, and continued to divide the mass populace with labels, such as anti maskers, anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists — with little reflection.
Ironically, the Crown-owned TVOne news show, One News, reproduced the ‘Dark Winter’ trope in pandemic story focussed on Britain. Because One News, like its TV3 rival Newshub, does not critically research or edit satellite-fed news stories from international establishment media newsrooms, the news bulletins become vectors for the US-NATO Military Empire’s emotionally laden propaganda.

One News anchor Simon Dallow announced that Britain was braced for a Dark Winter as new measures were deployed to steam a new surge of coronavirus. Because news anchors such as Dallow believe the narratives they are spinning and because they are trusted by their audiences who think such newsrooms practice rigorous research, they become conduits for contagions of fear.
Yet, Dallow and other nice-guy news anchors like him, are hardly aware of the John Hopkins University’s track record for scripting, casting and hosting pandemic exercises that feature participants with sketchy roles in the American Deep State Complex — as I will show in All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War, which will be Part 3 of an upcoming series entitled, Corona World War.
A hegemonic block of scientism has taken hold with a polarising effect on public discourses, the international medical profession and the private lives of humans cast as human monkeys in an epic global experiment.

The stifling of dissent has created widespread public, professional and policy perception that the science is right.
In this way, the hegemonic block of scientism stealthily works as a screening action for public health officials police and political law-makers to contrive their ignorance about the absence of robust checks in the health surveillance system to safeguard against hostile geo-political game strategies.
All data as at 11:59PM 3 September 2021 NZT, or prior.
*Stuff: yes, a newspaper chain that sounds like it advertises storage space for hoarders.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact our administrator, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com
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