Overview: This heretical dispatch presents evidence that convicted terrorist, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, appeared to have on-the-ground help in carrying out his repugnantly horrific carnage of 15 March 2019.
Several patterns indicate the shooter may have been part of a professional hit-team and was perhaps set-up as a patsy to achieve far-reaching political agendas that he did not fully comprehend.
Colour-coded figures, vehicles and a marker at the front entrance — as seen on the shooter’s video — are consistent with symbolism found in US military manuals to designate a lethal operation with a ‘Kill Box’, which reduces the coordination requirements among support crew while preventing fratricide.
Moreover, three Predator-Prey Chase Events suggesting on-the-ground assistance, and also stalled traffic appearing to aid the attacker’s escape — together add weight to the key finding of an emergency response failure, as presented in part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series.
Furthermore, the relationship of these data-points to the training exercises occurring concurrent to the mass shooting as shown in part 2 — as well as the slow response by a ‘thin blue line’ of first responders — appears to betray sinister script elements of a transnational deep state plot.
A further curious pattern is considered with the comparison between the uncanny coincidences of the attacks’ meta-data to the 74th chapter of Islam’s Holy Book, The Koran (Quran), entitled Al-Muddathir (The Cloaked One). Since the terrorist attacks on the two mosques occurred on the 74th day of the year, which was known in the Roman Empire as the ’Ides of March’ and because the attacker justified his horrific terrorism with a 74-page ‘manifesto’ — the events March 15th 2019 deserve a ‘second look’.
Particularly, as it is significant for this ‘murder by numbers’ thesis to note the repetition of three 19-minute milestones in the meta-data; twice for the Police arriving at both mosques, and once for capturing the at-large terrorist in the same minute that Police finally arrived at the second attacked mosque.
And, especially since the number 19 is repeated 19 times in The Koran and is mentioned only once in letter form, in Verse 30 of Chapter 74, which refers to nineteen angels (as wardens over the fire).
Because The Quran is an allegory coded with key words to signify the Metonic Cycle — which reunites the lunar and solar calendars every nineteen years — it would appear “The Cloaked One” chapter has been re-worked for a transnational-state-sponsored terrorism operation.
A national myth of a swift and heroic police response was boasted and upheld by four official proceedings.
Citing significant failures in intelligence, emergency response and investigation by New Zealand’s National Security State in a prior proven terrorism case — the Rainbow Warrior Bombing — former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards presents prima facie evidence of a professional hit-team supporting the clichéd pseudo commando patsy, which is consistent with deep state black operations.
The evidence strongly indicates that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Cabinet was the prime target in a coup d’état with a novel Trojan Horse twist, to alter the trajectory of New Zealand. The course set appears to be to re-forge NZ as the West’s ‘closet’ pivot state, to act as a codified ‘soft power’ influence multiplier.
This hidden pivot state role is potent. Especially, since the event appeared to signal a dark global reset was on the horizon, while NZ was fully integrated back into the US-NATO Military Empire in the 33rd year after the Rainbow Warrior Bombing — on the watch of another Labour Party Prime Minister.
*I have taken care not to include any body shots in my analysis of these evil events.
By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards

Anatomy of a False Flag Black Operation?
Four official reports published in response to the Christchurch Mosques Shootings have all failed to identify patterns crucial to test the dominant narrative that convicted terrorist, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, acted alone.
Moreover, because Mr Tarrant suddenly pleaded guilty on March 26th 2020, there was no trial to test the Crown’s case. This short-circuiting of the criminal trial is critical since it meant the High Court was not presented with primae facie evidence that might have indicated the mass shooter may have had on-the-ground assistance.
This apparent on-the-ground assistance is consistent with the US Department of Defense manuals of simulations, training exercises and war games for drilling live combat operations in which target areas are designated ‘kill box’ zones.
The censored Go-Pro camera footage live-streamed by the mass-shooter reveals several patterns that indicate the shooter may have been part of a professional hit-team.
The apparent patterns appear to include colour-coded figures, vehicles and a marker consistent with US military simulation and training manuals, three Predator-Prey Chase Events suggesting on-the-ground assistance, and stalled traffic appearing to aid the attacker’s escape.
A further curious pattern is revealed in the emergency response meta-data. The relationship of these data-points to the training exercises occurring concurrent to the mass shooting, as well as the slow response by a ‘thin blue line’ of first responders appears to betray sinister script elements of a transnational deep state plot.
‘Top brass’ of New Zealand’s Police bragged that the apprehension of Brenton Tarrant at 13:59pm, was swift since he was caught 19 minutes after the first 111 calls to Police.
However, in part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series, I presented evidence to prove it was possible to find the attack locations within one minute, from the shooter’s ’manifesto’, titled “The Great Replacement” that was sent by email to the Government’s HQ eight minutes prior to the attack commencing.

Moreover, in Part 2, I showed that police and army paramilitary exercises occurring in Christchurch and just outside the city at the time of the shooting, actually impeded a swift emergency response. There appeared to be no contingency planning, including the provision of a chopper, while the paramilitary Police trained at Princess Margaret Hospital in the southern suburb of Cashmere.

Furthermore, New Zealand’s National Security State maintains a contrived ignorance about the pattern of training exercises dove-tailing into terrorist events, including mass shootings — as I showed in Part 2.
The capture of Tarrant at the 19 minute mark was not the only occurrence of the number 19 in the meta-data. Police also arrived at Linwood Mosque at 13:59pm, or 19 minutes after the trumpet was sounded.
Moreover, the first AOS responders to arrive at Al Noor Mosque 19 minutes after the shooter sent his 74-page manifesto via email to the Government’s HQ.
While this ‘19 minute’ meta-data may be merely coincidence, the ‘thin blue line’ emergency response cannot be so easily explained away. The possible embedded symbolism as it appears to relate to the Metonic Cycle Islam’s book of The Koran, is telegraphed in Part 4 — while the spooky recurrence of this prime number is explored in this explosive part 3.
Briefly, the number 19 is a significant since Islam’s Holy book, The Quran, is coded with key words to signify the Metonic Cycle, which reunites the lunar and solar calendars every nineteen years.
In this part, I present counter-evidence that Mr Tarrant may have been cast as a patsy to take the fall.
The live-streamed video was banned in New Zealand by the Chief Censor, Andrew Shanks, of the Classification Office, three days after the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch New Zealand, in which 51 were killed and 49 were injured.
However, despite banning the video, the Classification Office acknowledged the footage may contain evidence, and that the ban did not mean edited clips, screenshots or still images could not be used, so long as they did not depict scenes of violence, injury or death or promote terrorism.
The issues of potential corruption, collusion and conspiracy are important for this investigation of the Christchurch Mosques Massacre, its official narrative, reports and the media coverage. After all, as David Randall stated in his book, The Universal Journalist, investigations into wrongdoing perform a journalistic task that cannot or will not be undertaken by law enforcement authorities.
To detectives familiar in the phenomena of training exercises ‘going live’, I present prima facie evidence of a deep state black op featuring an apparent patsy character, on-the-ground characters and markers to demarcate the ‘kill zone’. Moreover, a pattern of three improvised Predator-Chase Events further corroborates the apparent on-the-ground support.
One pattern shows red-clothed figures appearing to assist in confirmation of timing, of location and of escaping targets to terminate. This assistant together indicates the shooter was part of a professional hit-team, albeit with a B-Grade clichéd pseudo-commando character cast as a patsy to take the fall.
The three events with red-clad figures appear to have been ‘Faker’ or ‘Joker’ characters, whose movements seem to cue Brenton Tarrant about the immediate moves he was required to make to advance the operation’s repugnant, cruel and horrific termination phase.

In the U.S. Department of Defense’s June 2014 manual on “Joint Military Symbology”, the color red is used to codify a hostile force’s military equipment, buildings and even activities or events. This military symbol system standardizes the practice across all branches of the military for use in armed combat, search and rescue, training drills and special operations.
In simulations and exercises, the color red is also used to codify ‘Suspects’, as well as ‘Joker’ and ‘Faker’ characters in operations. Friends are color coded on a spectrum of blues, while greens signify neutral, yellows as ‘unknown’ identity or object whose purpose is ‘pending’, while purples and pinks signify civilians.

Four red vehicles that were parked at locations around the mosque (shown below), may have been markers to designate the Al Noor Mosque as a ‘Kill Box’.
A ‘Kill Box’ reduces the coordination requirements among support crew while preventing fratricide, as this August 2009 U.S. Department of Defense Joint Forces “Kill Box” manual states.

The utility of kill boxes is further explained is an April 2019 publication entitled “Joint Fire Support” produced by the US Joint of Chiefs Staff. Joint Fire Support stated:
“Kill boxes allow lethal attack against surface targets without further coordination with the establishing commander and without the requirement for terminal attack control.”
— US Joint of Chiefs Staff. Joint Fire Support, Joint Publication 3-09, April 10 2019
The Joint Fire Support manual goes on to state that the firing inside a kill box should comply with the Rules of Engagement (ROE) and law-of-war targeting constraints, adding that a kill box designation is not an authorization to fire indiscriminately into the targeted area.
This aerial shot shows Al Noor Mosque, with the positions of the parked red vehicles, which I have marked with red crosses. These vehicles appear to demarcate the property of Al-Noor Mosque as a ‘Kill Box’.
An aerial shot shows Al Noor Mosque [see below], and also the positions of the parked red vehicles observed in the shooter’s livestreamed video, which I have marked with red crosses. These vehicles appear to demarcate the property of Al-Noor Mosque as a ‘Kill Box’.
The 1st Driveway marked with a red dot on Deans Ave (bottom right). The next driveway, neighbouring Al-Noor Mosque (red dot, top right) where Brenton Tarrant parked facing the street for a quick getaway. The red dot at the rear of the property is where some worshippers escaped through the back corner fence (red dot, bottom left), while some escaped at the front entrance (red dot, bottom right).

In the above aerial picture (image capture at a date prior to the shooting), the position of the white van parked in the driveway next to Al Noor Mosque, is marked with a red cross and a red arrow. The white van in the aerial photo faces the prayer room at the rear of the mosque, where most of the Muslim worshippers would be slain by Tarrant.
This white van’s position corresponds with the red car seen in the shooter’s video that was parked facing the mosque in the neighbouring driveway in the picture collage below (top left). The arrow running across the windscreen of Tarrant’s car points to the direction that this park red sedan faces, which is the main prayer room at the back of Al Noor Mosque.
The red hatchback (top right) parked across the street from this driveway where Tarrant parked, appears to be matched by another red hatchback (bottom right) parked opposite the first driveway entrance to Al-Noor Mosque that Tarrant passed as he drove along Deans Ave. A fourth red car, a red hatchback (bottom left) is parked by the second Deans Ave driveway that Tarrant passed just before pulling into the long driveway neighboring the mosque.
A black bicycle parked against the front fence to the mosque may have been a back-up getaway vehicle. The IRA sometimes used such means of transport after bomb attacks.
It isn’t clear from the Go-Pro footage if this bike was locked, or not.

A Second Look: The Unfolding Events of 15 March 2019
According to the Royal Commission, at 1:32PM, two email addresses for the Prime Minister at the Department of Prime and Cabinet and at Prime Minister’s Office received the shooter’s manifesto Parliamentary Services also received the same email at 1:32PM, with the same subject-line — “On the attack in New Zealand today”.
Curiously, at 1:34pm — and after Tarrant sent his email to 34 recipients — he drove away from the Leslie Hill Drive Industrial Estate car-park.
Yet, the Royal Commissioners failed to explain the significance of why Mr Tarrant pulled over for a full minute on Deans Avenue at 1:36pm on his way to his first target, the Masjid an-Nur Mosque, more commonly known as Al Noor Mosque at 101 Deans Ave.
The Royal Commission report states that when Tarrant parked, he took off his helmet, spoke directly to his live-stream audience and then a person walked by without stopping.
Within five seconds of parking, Tarrant took the Go-Pro head camera off and turns the camera on himself. In the video version I have viewed, the sound goes mute for 30 seconds within a few seconds of parking, rendering what Tarrant said as inaudible (which is odd).

The Dominion Post reported on Saturday 16 March 2019, that Tarrant said: “This is [for] some AOSs”. He appeared to say, “Here we go lads”. Tarrant is parked there on Deans Avenue, for one full minute.
In fact, Tarrant appeared to be waiting for cues. Immediately after he replaces his helmet, a white car passed. He checked his driver’s mirror, then looked in the direction of the rear view mirror, watching and waiting.
Then, a turquoise blue sedan passed by and as it began to disappear out of the top of the shot, it slowed down to a crawl. Seven seconds later, a darker toned turquoise blue hatchback passed by and breaked.
Mr Tarrant looks ahead and the second turquoise car can be seen to have caught up with the first turquoise car. Then a third turquoise blue car follows 11 seconds later, albeit less visibly. This succession of turquoise blue cars appear to have indicated a holding pattern of coordinated ‘friend’ players.

Next, as Tarrant shuffled in his seat, a silver car followed and a man with a red jacket and army camouflage pants approached in the distance walking along the pavement. This man appeared to have a black jacket slung over his right shoulder, and perhaps a gun concealed between his left arm and his body and a large white oblong object dangling from neck.
This figure I will refer to as ‘Red Jacketman’. He may have crossed at the pedestrian crossing, causing the first two turquoise cars to stop, thereby functioning as a Simulated Friend signals actor.
As the Red Jacketman approached (see first image, red ring), Tarrant tapped his fingers on the steering wheel twice indicating an involuntary nervous impatience (bottom left image, indicated with red arrow).

As Red Jacketman passed the car’s front-left fender, Tarrant reached down to beside his right boot to turn on the strobe light attached to one of his AR-15 semi-automatic rifles. This strobe light will supply him and his head-mounted Go-Pro camera with a light source inside the Al-Noor Mosque at 101 Deans Ave to assist with the Facebook livestream.

Next, he checked to his left and saw Red Jacketman had passed out of sight. Then the fourth turquoise car passed and Tarrant reached for the gear stick and said, “Time’s up” as he pulled out into the traffic.

As Tarrant speeds downs Deans Avenue, he glances to his left several times as he passes wide driveways, appearing to check if they are an entrance to Al Noor Mosque.

At 1:38pm, the Canterbury CIB Police report stated that Brenton Tarrant was driving his car on Deans Avenue past Mayfair Street. Shortly after, the security camera footage at Al-Nor Mosque captured the moment that Brenton Tarrant passed the driveway in his light-gold colored Toyota Subaru.

A male in red overalls also appeared to mark the driveway that Mr Tarrant needed to pull into, next to the mosque to park for a quick get away.
Conspicuously, Tarrant slightly overshot his entry to this driveway, and he had to reverse back to compensate.
Conspicuously, this Operation Deans Canterbury Police report omits showing frames from the security camera footage of ‘Red Pit-Stopman’ walking by the driveway (or into) the property at Al Nor Mosque.

In addition to marking this crucial driveway for Tarrant to pull into, this Red Pit-Stopman may have also been another visible reminder to stay in the game and take this possible, sinister deep state exercise ‘live’.
Meanwhile, at 1:38pm, a person in the Prime Minister’s Office phoned Parliamentary Service’s Security Team. Yet, the head of Parliamentary Services, which is the bureaucracy that overseas the Parliament Precinct’s Security Team, also received the same email at 1:32PM — the same time as the Department of Prime and Cabinet, according to the Royal Commission report. The head of Parliamentary Services is the Speaker of the House, who at the time of shooting was Trevor Mallard, a Labour Party MP.
The mysterious red-clothed figure is momentarily captured in the front yard of Al Noor Mosque, in the shooter’s head-cam footage during the third of three Predator Chase Events. ‘Red Pit-Stopman’ appears to have been Tarrant’s on-the-ground handler.

Suspiciously, the NZ Police, Australian Police and the FBI don’t appear to have noticed this red-clad figure in the front-yard, whose height is consistent with that of ‘Red Pit-Stopman’. (The frames where the figure appears to be black is due to the low-quality frame-rate).
Curiously, the Royal Commission said they reviewed CCTV footage of Al Noor Mosque from the day of the attack, and established that Tarrant had no onsite help. There is, however, a remarkable vagueness in crucial details of the Royal Commission report regarding the CCTV footage.
Therefore, there are three instances of figures wearing red in the mass shooter’s livestream video, and yet the four publicly released reports fail to make specific to any red-clad figures. As such, this pattern is rendered ‘invisible’.

Conspicuously, the same minute that Tarrant opened fire at 1:40pm, Parliament’s Security sounded the trumpet to the Police. This time, 1:40 pm, is also when the some worshippers fled from the prayer room to the garden and rang 111.
Police Commissioner Bush stated that at 13:40:44 Parliamentary Security called South Comms, which is the South Island’s regional headquarters based in Christchurch. This indicates that someone in the Prime Minister’s Office knew that the attack was taking place (or about to take place) in Christchurch.
As I’ve stated previously in part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series, the manifesto mentions Christchurch at the top of page 11, and then near the top of the following page, the mosques in Christchurch and Linwood are specified, despite the claims made by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on March 17 2019.
Therefore, the call from Parliamentary Security to Police South Comms center in Christchurch at 13:40:44 indicates that the PM’s Office likely knew the locations by 1:38pm, which is the time the Security Team within Parliamentary Services was phoned by the PM’s office. At 1:39pm, the PM’s office forwarded the email and manifesto to the Parliamentary Security Team, the Royal Commission stated.
Police Commissioner Bush weirdly made a point of the precision clockwork, when he claimed Police were called 44 seconds after the attack started at 1:40PM.
Therefore, the alarm of “terror” was trumpeted to Police 1:40:44pm, which the Royal Commission rounded to 1:41pm, via the emergency number 111 for a shooting taking place at 101 Deans Avenue.

Following the Parliamentary Security Team calling the Police at 1:40pm, Parliamentary Security forwarded the email to the N.Z. Police’s National Command and Coordination Center at 1:41pm.
As the shooter approached the mosque driveway on foot — while music plays from a speaker mounted to his vest — an elderly man, Mr Mohamed Jama, dressed in a white-suit standing by the red-colored hatchback turned to face him, and the elderly lady next to him also looked his way.
The elderly pair did not appear to flinch, despite Tarrant wearing military fatigues with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder and carrying a shotgun is right hand. This may have been the effect of the strobe light on his helmet fulfilling one of its purposes, to distract attention from the weapons and confuse. Or simply the slow reaction of an old man.
In sparing the elderly pair, Tarrant may have been fulfilling ‘rules of engagement’ to avoid open fire until he reached the front entrance. Unfortunately Mr Jama did not appear to call out to his fellow Muslims brothers standing the doorway to warn them of an armed man approaching.
Mr Jama, who was the former President of the Muslim Association of Canterbury, had just attended a leadership vote meeting in Al Noor Mosque. He would soon be an early eye-witness source on RNZ’s Checkpoint program claiming he called to gunman, “Hey, who are you, what, what do you want?”
This eye-witness account of the former President of the Muslim Association of Canterbury revealed that he saw a short white man in military clothing, with a helmet and big black gun, who opened fire as he passed through the mosque gates. Mr Jama was widely reported as the eyewitness source who said he saw the gunman open fire everywhere at Al Noor Mosque at approximately at 1:40pm. (The Muslim Association of Canterbury is the governance body that oversees the mosque).

And, possibly because they recognized him, since Mr Tarrant had attended Friday prayers to gain familiarity with Al Noor Mosque.
Unharried, Tarrant approached the entrance to Al Noor Mosque, turning his head to the left noticing a man who walked across the car-park away from the mosque entrance. A small red piece of cloth appeared to be attached by wire to the chain fence by the garden to the left of the entrance. The red cloth may have been a confirmation sign to commence his carnage in the designated Kill Box zone.
Yet, the news media universally overlooked the possibility that the red rag in the garden may have been a flag to signify a Hostile Event.

It is, however, unfortunate that in these moments Mr Jama did not appear to yell out to the men at the front doorway, including Mr Haji Daoud Nabi, who turned at the last moment and greeted Mr Tarrant.
Haji Daoud Nabi (71) can be seen turning around to see Brenton Tarrant, and his voice heard from the doorway, calling out “Hello brother!” before he realized the social interloper was fixated on massacring Muslims and became the first victim.
A moment later, Tarrant raised his shotgun and open fired with a volley of nine shotgun rounds. Tarrant discarded his shotgun and aimed his AR-15 as he advanced toward the front door. He fired three bullets at a man crawling on the floor in the front hallway, and then turned to his immediate right and fired four rounds into the female prayer room as a figure scrambled through the doorway toward at the opposite side of the room.

As Mr Tarrant fired four more shots down the hallway toward the male prayer room at the rear of the mosque at two men, one crawling, the other running — he dropped a magazine on the carpet below the notice board. Tarrant followed its descent with his strobe light.
Tarrant walked into the male prayer room, spraying bullets as he advanced and firing at both corners at worshippers, who were unable to escape in time.
A male made a run for the hallway but bumped into Tarrant as they both converged.
This collision causes a second AR-15 clip to fall to the floor.
The man who made a run for the hallway — and who slipped in his socks and lay un-moving on the floor — was shot again by Tarrant who had walked up the halfway, and stood just past the fire extinguisher alcove.
There, he dropped his empty magazine and reloaded his AR-15 for the first time.
Tarrant returned to the male prayer room, and fired into the left corner as one crawling man escaped through a broken window. Mr Tarrant fired into the other side corner and then discarded his magazine.
A further pattern that occurred at Al-Noor Mosque, begins at his point.
This is a pattern of three Predator-Chase Events that indicate someone was communicating with the gunman, perhaps through a head-phone set mounted in the helmet.
These ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events are described as they come up in the sequence of events that unfolded. (I have taken care not to include any body shots).
Beyond the importance of showing the callousness of murdering defence-less religious people in cold blood, these ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events reveal a consistent pattern. The ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events appear to belie a modus operandi to kill Muslims attempting to escape the kill-box.
Despite this behaviour involving the gunman expending limited ammunition resource, and while whittling away time and without apparent worry that the Police might arrive before he left for the second mosque, Tarrant appeared to be fulfilling ‘rules of engagement’.
In each instance, Tarrant ran and shot at people whom were out of his eyesight and beyond his hearing range. This ‘on the ground handler’ appears to have been the figure clad in red overalls, who can be seen momentarily, in the footage broadcast online, standing against the garden wall in the front yard.
Tarrant picked up the magazine that dropped to the floor in the collision that occurred at the doorway to the male prayer room. He returned to the male prayer room, fired briefly to the left side corner, then at the back door, then into the right corner, again into the left corner, and then he changed magazines. He fired again into the left corner. He turned to his right and amid a magazine jamming, he saw a figure in the adjoining female prayer room make a run for the doorway that led to the hallway near the front of the mosque.
The figure appeared briefly in the hallway, and Tarrant ruthlessly fired three shots up the hallway, before advancing to the right corner where he fired eight more shots. He was about to fire again into the left corner, when he suddenly breaks from his aim and ran up the hallway, picks up the magazine he had dropped under the noticeboard and he made for the front doorway. As he runs up to the front entrance, it can be seen had dropped a man who was making a run for his life just moments before.
This is the first of the ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events.
Tarrant ran outside, aimed above a silver Toyota to his right, looking out across the car-park. In the foreground could be seen the red flag rag attached to the chain fence in the garden, and a small table with what appears to be white linen.
He sighted no movement, so as he ran to the street entrance, he glanced to his left at the lawn and then at the pavement.
He immediately turned to his right and fired about 25 rounds in quick rapidity down the footpath, killing Mohammad Faruk as he attempted to flee down the street. Wasseim Daragmih and his four-year-old daughter received life-threatening wounds. Then Tarrant fired three shots in the other direction down the footpath, hitting Sazada Akhter in the spine.
During sentencing in the case of THE QUEEN v BRENTON HARRISON TARRANT, Justice Cameron Mander remarked on Sazada Akhter’s fate, saying, “She will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.”
After shooting Sazada Akhter, Tarrant was out of ammunition and ran for his car, discarded the AR-15, and collected another AR-15 from the boot, after picking up a red petrol container and discarding it — evidently on realizing he had forgotten to bring a lighter. Tarrant can be heard saying, “Oh shit! Son of a bitch”.

Tarrant commenced a second ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ event.
He ran to the far driveway entrance, took aim at the rear corner of the Al Noor Mosque property, firing eleven shots in the direction of the back fence, murdering Muse Awale and a 16-year-old boy, Hamza Alhaj Mustafa, who had escaped from the main prayer room and was sheltering behind vehicles. Another man, Mohammad Shamim Siddiqui, was critically wounded.
Tarrant paused to catch his breath, checking both directions along the street and then he fired five more shots. Tarrant says, “Looks like we won’t get to burn it today boys.”

As Tarrant ran back into the car-park from this entrance, he seemed to notice the small abandoned table, which appears to have white linen cloth lying upon it, which may have been forgetfully abandoned amid the commotion to make Friday prayers on time.
Or, this abandoned table, covered with white linen, may have been an ‘Easter Egg’ left by ‘Deep State Easter Bunnies’ to symbolically communicate that a laundering of evidence would be required to cover-up a terrorist attack taken live.
After-all, a joint Police-SIS table-top simulation exercise featuring a vehicle ramming Muslim worshippers coming out of the [an-Nur] Mosque adjacent to Hagley Park, had occurred back in October 2018.

To Tarrant’s left, the red cloth sticking up from the chain fence can be seen in the Go-Pro helmet footage.
The silver Toyota sedan that he aimed above as he came out of the mosque was gone by this time.
Tarrant returned inside, looking at the bodies in the hallway as he made his way to the male prayer room.
He turned to his right, discharged shots at close range into several bodies piled in the corner of the male prayer room, before glancing in the female prayer room.
He reloaded, fired a shot through a man’s upper body, causing his blood to splatter across the carpet. Tarrant fired more rounds at the bodies in the left corner, where people had died in the tragic panic to escape through a window that Tariq Chenafa had dived through minutes earlier.
Tarrant checked across the room and as he reached center, he suddenly made a run for the front door.
This is the Third ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ event.
As he came out in the daylight, Ansi Alibava and another woman, Husna Ahmed, were running through a small gateway at the northern corner of the mosque grounds, next to where Tarrant’s car was parked. He fired two shots at the pair as they slipped through the gate.
Tarrant ran up the driveway toward the front entrance.

Like all big criminal plots, not everything unfolded according to plan.
As Tarrant slowed his run to the front of the driveway, his head-mounted camera momentarily captured frames of the red-clad figure standing against the garden wall. It would seem this figure is the same person as the Red Pit-Stopman, who was walking across the driveway next to Al Noor Mosque at the exact moment that Tarrant approached this point. It would appear he had run silmultaneous to Tarrant, and froze still in an attempt to not be caught in the head-cam footage, as the shooter turned at the gate.

Tarrant ran to the front gate, where he paused and in the distance a women can be seen and heard crying for help as she lay injured in the gutter at the alley driveway. He fired two shots. Tarrant advanced — stood over the woman, Ansi Alibava, who lay face down in the gutter in the alley driveway, evidently unable to even crawl — and fired two brutal shots as she called repeatedly, “Help me, help me”.
One shot was fatal.
At this point, Tarrant walked somewhat out of breath, to his light gold colored Subaru sedan which he parked in the alley-way to face the street for a quick get-away. He closed the boot just as the soundtrack played the lyric, “I am the god of hellfire”.
He got in and drove away, running over the Alibava, whom he had just murdered, and sped off en-route to Linwood Mosque, where he murdered seven more people.
This Police Timeline released on April 17 2019 stated that at 1:45:58PM, the shooter left Masjid Al Noor Mosque.
One minute later he reached the intersection of Riccarton Road and Deans Avenue. According to the Police Timeline, we are to believe that two seconds later, the first Armed Offender Squad (AOS) car reached this intersection.
It turns out that the first Armed Offender Squad parked near the intersection of Deans Ave and Riccarton Road and actually missed Tarrant as he swerved around a bus and through the intersection. This close encounter occurred because the Police parked up to radio their position and to say they were going to proceed on foot for the last 450 meters.
The bus that Tarrant swerved around can be seen in the Go-Pro footage from Tarrant’s head-camera, and also momentarily, the red AOS squad car in the distance [ringed in red]. As he drove, Tarrant held a shotgun pointed in the direction of the squad car.

The “Operation Deans: Evidential Overview” report, which was also published by the Corona Services in mid-February 2021, stated that two Armed Offender’s Squad members parked near the corner of Deans Ave and Riccarton Avenue at 1.46pm. In the same minute, the two AOS members confirmed over the radio they were making an approach to Masjid an-Nur, or Al Noor Mosque.
Police Commissioner Mike Bush created the impression that the first armed Police arrived at Al Noor Mosque, six minutes after the attack. At a press conference on March 17 2019, Commissioner Bush said:
“Within six minutes of police being called on 111 … armed police staff were on the scene.”
— Police Commissioner Mike Bush, 17 March 2019
The false impression of a swift response spread throughout the local and global newschains.
However, according to the Police Timeline, in the Appendices of the same report, it states that at 1:47:18pm, Armed Offender Squad members confirmed over the radio they were making an approach on Deans Avenue. By this description, it was meant the two AOS cops were going to make their way on foot.

This report, published 17 February 2021 entitled “Operation Deans: Evidential Overview 15 March 2019”, produced by the Canterbury Police Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB), claimed that the reason this squad car did not see the mass shooter was because he was obscured by the bus.
In his press conference of April 17 2019, Police Commissioner Mike Bush also stated that a parked bus obscured the view of the fleeing gunman. Bush failed to explain that the squad car actually parked up before the mass shooter reached the intersection, and that the officers radioed their position before running on foot, evidently in the interests of safety.

The Police Timeline, which was originally release on 17 April 2019, is not only vague about what time precisely this AOS car reached Masjid Al Noor Mosque.
The Police Timeline was also vague about how many armed Police were in a red squad car and what they did, and how quickly they gleaned from witnesses what direction the gunman left. The only detail provided about this squad car is at 1:48:28pm, when an Armed Offenders Squad member evidently administered first aid to a gunshot victim.
Curiously, the bus stayed relatively stationary, and its CCTV captured images of two Police officers running toward the intersection, on their pedestrian way to the Al-Noor Mosque. The bus appeared to be held up three stationary cars.

In other words, it was not the bus that obscured the view of the car that was the cause of the AOS squad members failing to see Tarrant escaping. They would have seen him shooting at people a hundred meters along Deans Ave just 15 seconds prior to him reaching the intersection, if they hadn’t opted to approach the scene on foot!
At 1:49pm, a second AOS squad car left the Police Station. And at 1:51pm, or 10 minutes after the first calls to Police, the first New Zealand Police arrived at Masjid Al Noor Mosque.
This means nineteen minutes had lapsed since the shooter’s email was sent to 34 recipients, including the New Zealand Government’s HQ, at 1:32pm, to time Police reached Masjid Al Noor Mosque.

Between 1:52pm and 1:55pm, the alleged sole shooter inflicted carnage at the Linwood Islamic Centre. Brenton Tarrant was chased away by Muslim worshippers before he could reload.

At 1:56pm, gunshots were reported to have been fired at Christchurch Hospital Emergency Department. The same minute, gunfire at Linwood Islamic Centre was reported to Police when they were ‘flagged down’ by a member of the public.
In the same minute that the mass shooter was apprehended at 13:59pm, the first Police arrived at Linwood Islamic Center. This means the active shooter was stopped at 13:59pm, or nineteen minutes after the Police were rung at 13:40:44 by Parliamentary Security, and it also took Police nineteen minutes to reach the second mosque, after Police were rung.
The slow response indicates a National Security State apparatus acting like synchronized swimmers to withhold security for maximum mayhem.
Indeed, it is clear from the fact that the Police Southern Communications Centre was rung 44 seconds after the shooting started, that Parliamentary Services Security knew the attacker was targeting mosques Christchurch, of which there were only three.
Amid the confusion out over Police radio system, Tarrant had left the second mosque location, and his apprehension at 13:59p.m. occurred on Brougham Street en route to leave Christchurch and head to his third target, a mosque in Ashburton.

Subsequently, two car bombs were defused around the corner in Strickland St (and a man was arrested on Harrow Street in Christchurch).
Not surprisingly, the subsequent reports of multiple shooters, gunshots at Christchurch Hospital, bomb scares in three cities, and three additional armed people in custody were not properly investigated by the Royal Commission, because that inquiry was structured to be a cover-up of the emergency response failure — at the very least.
This ‘messy aftermath’ of clustered events suggest an orchestrated Deep State false flag operation.
The reports of gunshots may have been designed to ensure a lock-down in the ‘emergency precinct’ to keep the media at a distance, while providing cover for the perpetrators.
To be super-clear, I’m not saying that those who put up a brave fight at Linwood Mosque were actors in a deep state plot. And nor am I saying that all of the people involved in the emergency response and investigations were privy to a possible transnational deep state plot.
I’m saying that all big criminal plots never go completely according to plan.
It is in the uncontrollable events, as well as public quarrels that surface prior to, at the time and in the aftermath, and the actions of élite actors, and in the omissions of key evidence – that the most revealing truths can be coded, analyzed and deciphered.
The bombs scares — which occurred in three cities at two airports, a train station and a CBD bus shelter — all happened while he was in custody. These bomb scares may have been designed as threats of escalating calamity if the New Zealand Government did not capitulate, while creating a nationwide contagion of fear, chewing up police resources and providing a ‘fog of war’ for a deep state criminal network.

➼ Anatomy of a Whitewash: A Deus Ex Machina plot device?
As I stated in part 1, the mass shooting appeared to have served as a deus ex machina plot device, to resolve an impossible impassé whose narrative roots extended back to the 1980s. A full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government some 33 years after the 1985 bombing of Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior presented ‘bad optics’ or the awkwardness of failing to pass the ‘political hygiene test’ — absent popular acclaim.
Derived from Greek and Roman theater, a Deus Ex Machina (or god from the machine) is a plot device that unexpectedly resolves a deadlocked conflict, by the sudden appearance of an implausible character, object, event, power or action. The contrived solution to a problem relies on an agent external to the situation, jolts the narrative’s internal logic, and challenges suspension of disbelief — without breaking that suspension for naïve audiences.
Where the Rainbow Warrior Bombing was intentionally designed with an ‘orgie of evidence’ to be found by NZ Police after the French DGSE agents skipped the country, the Ides of March Massacre appears to have been planned to look like this false flag black op only had one perpetrator.
Not surprisingly then, the visual evidence in the shooter’s footage appears to show sophisticated operational support on the ground.
The color-coded turquoise cars seem to show that the timing of Tarrant’s arriving at the mosque would coincide with most-everyone having settled in to the mosque.

The Royal Commission did not explain the anomaly of why Brenton Tarrant would pull over and stop for one full minute at about the halfway mark along Deans Avenue — after he had alerted Government HQ that an attack in New Zealand was imminent.
It wasn‘t simply to brag.
I believe the soon-to-be mass shooter was waiting for his cue of the Red Jacketman and then the torquoise cars. After all, Tarrant said “Time’s up” after a fourth turquoise blue car passed him.
The coincidence of Red Pit-Stopman of walking across the driveway to the neighbouring property just as Tarrant arrived appeared to be timed to mark the location where he needed to park for a quick get-a-way.
The mysterious red-clothed figure standing in the front yard of Al Noor Mosque, momentarily captured by the shooter’s head-cam footage, during the Third Predator-Chase Event at Al Noor Mosque, appears to have revealed Tarrant’s on-the-ground handler: ‘Red Pit-Stopman’.

In addition to the incontrovertible fact that it was possible to figure out where exactly the attacks were to occur in one minute flat, it is also incontrovertible that Tarrant broke from what he doing three times at Al Noor Mosque to run and shoot at people — who were out of his eyesight and beyond hearing range.
I have described these three instances as Predator-Chase Events, because he hunted down escaping Muslim worshippers that he could not have otherwise observed. This pattern is strong circumstantial evidence that someone was communicating to him with an ear-piece.
I believe this someone was ‘Red Pit-Stopman’.
Although Tarrant’s car was filmed passing the Al Noor Mosque, the Canterbury Police did not release images from the security camera, to show whether the man dressed in red mechanics overalls continued walking along the pavement or whether he entered the mosque grounds.
The mysterious figure seen standing against the garden wall at Al Noor Mosque is one of three red-clad figures appearing to assist in confirmation of timing, of location and of escaping ‘targets’ for slaughter.
The pattern of ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events suggests that either Tarrant possessed an uncanny sixth sense to break off from his methodical slaying and re-arming, to terminate escaping people in three different directions. Or, someone was communicating with him via a headset built into his helmet.
Tarrant’s apparent compliance to cues during these ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events is telling, because while he was inside he shot with a callous calmness, to slay those in close proximity that he could sight with his own eyes. Whereas, for people beyond his sight-range and earshot, he broke from those methodical movements into a run to fire at human beings like they were merely pixelated figures in an urban warfare video game.
Together with what appears to be color-coded turquoise and red cars — these patterns strongly suggest the shooter was part of a professional hit-team, albeit with a B-Grade clichéd pseudo-commando character to take the fall.
By the time Tarrant left the mosque on Deans Avenue, almost 15 minutes had passed since he sent his email, subject-lined “On the attack in New Zealand today”, with its attached manifesto, to the Beehive.
In spite of the possibility that the attack locations could have been found within one minute of focussed attention — as I have shown in part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series — Tarrant’s attack on Al-Noor Mosque played out like a ritual display of over-kill.
And this slaughter occurred despite that fact the trumpet could have been sounded in the next minute, and the paramilitary Police training at Princess Margaret Hospital could have been dispatched in that same next minute.

Moreover, that he was able to shoot at people on Deans Ave, en route to Linwood, seemed to further indicate the at-large active shooter could inflict collateral damage while the first responding Police parked up, and whom essentially became pedestrians who ran the last 450 metres.
Associated Press reported that an electrical lock system had been fitted to an exit door at the left side of the men’s prayer room of Al-Noor Mosque, in the week leading up to the mass shooting. Shooting survivor, Khaled Alnobani, told Associated Press on 28 March 2019 that he thought at least 17 people died because vital seconds were lost trying get the exit door to open. Although people to the right of the room were also shot, the point is that two people tried to open the exit door to the left.

Shagaf Khan, who is President of the Muslim Association of Canterbury, which oversees the mosque, said the door was closed and latched much like the front door of a house. Khan said an electrician had tested the new electric locking system on Thursday 14th March 2019, and then disengaged the locking system of March 15th for Friday prayers.
Thus, the terrorist, whose first name is Brenton, opened fire on the 74th day of the year at 1:40pm, which is the same minute that Parliament’s Security sounded the trumpet to the Police, via 111 (44 seconds after Parliamentary Services rang their security team), as people from the right side of the men’s prayer room fled to the garden.
It is, therefore, uncanny that a new electric lock system had been installed in the last week leading up to the Ides of March Massacre.
The presence of a red figure, walking past the driveway and standing against the garden wall at Al Noor Mosque suggests that Tarrant had assistance on the ground.
The video evidence suggests that someone seemed to have been communicating to Tarrant with an earpiece, since there were three occurrences when Tarrant broke into a run and shot at people whom were out of his eyesight and beyond hearing range.

The locations of perimeter points from where Tarrant shot at people, or that he ran to shoot at people, after breaking from what he was doing, are marked with three red dots on an aerial shot of Al Noor Mosque.
Predictably, surviving believers at the 101 Deans Avenue mosque rang Police about a mass murder in progress, it was at 1:41PM. This corresponds with the time that Parliamentary Services Security Team forwarded the email — with the 74-page manifesto attached — to Police National Command and Coordination Center.
Furthermore, this metadata serves as strong circumstantial evidence that a coordinated threat had been communicated to the New Zealand Government, especially the Ardern Administration and in particular, the Labour Party Cabinet Leadership, whom appeared to comprise a politically ‘deaf community’ that did not heed numerous warnings — as I shall show in part 4.
Conspicuously, the apparent ‘blindness’ of the Police, the SIS and the Royal Commission to these patterns suggests a systematic contrived ignorance game was practiced.
Can it be merely coincidence that in the aftermath of the massacre, Al Noor Mosque, received security upgrade from a Texas security company, called Athena Security?
Recall that in the story of the Trojan War, the Greek Army appeared to gift a wooden horse to the City of Troy evidently as an atonement for the desecration of the temple of Athena, the Goddess of War, and therefore, as a peace-offering to end their ten-year siege of the city? And, a note was left with the Trojan Horse as part of the trickery?
Given that one key sign of a false flag is a fraudulent communique, and it would appear the shooter’s email was a Trojan Horse mechanism to deliver a weaponized manifesto as a cyber siege device, the coincidence of a security firm whose name riffs off the Trojan War, that gains access to the very mosque that was under siege two months prior — you have wonder if there were hidden hands moving chess pieces.
Especially, when it becomes apparent from news reports there was the new electrical lock system installed in Al Nor Mosque in the week leading up to the shooting.
The day after the massacre, a van and ute with Phased Electrical Solutions branding were parked within the Police cordoned area surrounding Al-Noor Mosque on Deans Avenue, as seen in photographs.

In the following screenshot taken from the shooter’s helmet camera, a white van with plastic tubing attached to its roof-rack can be seen parked directly across from the entrance leading directly to the front doorway of Al-Noor Mosque.

In August of 2018, three vehicles, two vans and a ute displaying Phased Electrical branding were captured by Google New Zealand, parked out-side Al-Noor Mosque. The roof-rack of the van had plastic tubing attached, which are used by electricians to carry long lengths of plastic fittings to encase wiring and aerials.

And you have to wonder if hidden hands were moving chess pieces, because Tarrant was familiar with Al Noor Mosque, as Iman Gamal Fouda told Newshub, whose owner at the time was MediaWorks .
Conspicuously, Newshub was among five N.Z. news outlets — Radio NZ, TVNZ, Newshub NZ Herald owner NZME and Fairfax’s Stuff that formed a ‘press cartel’ agreement to restrict supply of news on the trial — as Politico magazine put it in “Why New Zealand’s Press Just Put on Blinders for Its Biggest Story”.
When it is recalled that 28 of the 34 shooter email recipients were either news people or media organizations, you have to wonder about their competency to ‘know the signs’ of a deep state black operation. Because, any cool-headed smart nine year-old who knows the official 9/11 story reads like a corny graphic novel, could have worked out in one minute where the shooter was headed upon receiving the gunman’s email.
In early 2019, Tarrant had visited the mosque three consecutive Fridays to check the layout of the building, become familiar with its schedule and to play the role of an interloper by dressing in traditional Pakistani clothes.
According to the Royal Commission report, Tarrant carried out a drone reconnaissance mission on January 8th 2019, flying a drone by remote control from Hagley Park over the site Al-Noor Mosque, to become familiar with the location he would target. Tarrant’s plan was to park in a driveway next door to Al Noor Mosque.
On April 12 2020, Newshub reported that survivors of the Al-Noor Mosque shooting believed Brenton Tarrant had visited the mosque several times to familiarize himself. But, Newshub claimed they could not report this information while trial proceedings were still occurring because such reporting would have jeopardized a fair trial.
However, the news media’s skepticism of the official narrative actually enabled an efficient, comprehensive cover-up.
Newshub’s Patrick Gower also failed to acknowledge that Tarrant’s sudden guilty plea meant the evidence from either side of the case was not publicly scrutinized, tested in court and, therefore, the Crown avoided broad public exposure of its exemplary emergency response myth.
Crucially, it was almost 13 months before the public learned from an Iman of Al-Noor Mosque in Christchurch, Gamal Fouda, that Tarrant had visited the mosque three consecutive Fridays to check the layout of the building, become familiar with its schedule and that he also dressed in traditional Pakistani clothes. Fouda told Newshub that by wearing Pakistani clothes, Tarrant drew attention and people felt he was strange.
Tarrant was playing role of a social interloper, according to a sinister plot that appeared to involve a conspiracy that crossed the state apparatus of New Zealand, Australia and the United States and others.
As Fouda said,
“If you look at the way he behaved in here. He knew the place like his house — he did not try to open any door. He knew beforehand where to stand. If you look, if you study where he was standing, if you analyse it you will know this man has studied the place carefully. He did not give any chance for anyone to attack him.”
Newshub reported that Canterbury Police District Commander Superintendent, John Price, said that detectives had extensively reviewed CCTV footage as part of the investigation, and had found Tarrant had parked across the street before the March 15th 2019 attack. Curiously, Newshub’s Patrick Gower reported John Price said despite this extensive investigation, police could not find evidence to corroborate the Imam’s belief that the gunman entered the Al Noor Mosque, or its grounds prior to the March 15 attack.

Gower’s Newshub report is also vague in this regard, which is strange given that he shared the 2012 New Zealand Television Award for Best News Reporting with Duncan Garner for their coverage of Teapot Tape Scandal. As I showed in my report Play Punch Journalism Gower, Garner and Herald on Sunday reporters, David Fisher, Jonathan Milne and Deputy-Editor Bryce Johns participated in the cover-up of John Key’s dirty politics attack machine to save the National Party from losing the 2011 general election.
Therefore, Gower’s journalistic integrity is questionable.
This seems to create a contradictory situation.
The Police evidently claimed they were not able to establish Tarrant had entered the grounds at Al Noor Mosque, while the people from the mosque were adamant he had. The only surveillance camera position revealed in the three public reports cited, is the one mounted about the front doorway.
Meanwhile, the Royal Commission stated they established there was no one on the property prior to the attack who could not be accounted for. No information is supplied about the locations of the cameras, their coverage, footage storage, who supplied the surveillance equipment and when the system was installed, and how far back in time did the storage of the image data-set extend, and who had control over the backups, maintenance and upgrades. The Royal Commission report did not make clear whether, or not, the camera surveillance system was connected to the internet and vulnerable to hacking.
The presence of two Phased Electrical Solutions vehicles within the Police Cordon raises questions about whether New Zealand Police had properly secured the crime scene from evidence laundering.

Furthermore, because the N.Z. Police, the Royal Commission and, indeed, New Zealand’s news media do not appear to have laid any importance on the pattern of three ‘Red Figure’ events, you have to wonder if their ‘investigations’ got sucked in a centrifugal force down an imperial drain-hole. Because, although a shooter waiting for one full minute on the side of the road on his last leg before he inflicted his mayhem at the first of his targets — at a location that was indicated in the manifesto sent to the Beehive four minutes prior — might just seem like a nervous pause.
But, then switching on his strobe as the Red Jacketman figure passes the shooter’s car, and then pulling out into the traffic saying, “Time’s up” after a fourth turquoise blue car passes — might also be credible circumstantial evidence of a calculated stop. This one minute pause looks like evidence of coordinated help between the two locations, to get his arrival timing right to sync up with an impending attack.
Because, when another red figure appears in the Go-Pro video, this time walking by the very driveway that the shooter pulls into park next to the first target mosque, a cool-headed and sharp-witted news editor should, surely, have begun to wonder if that second Red Figure Event was merely a coincidence.
Given that 28 recipients of the shooter’s email and manifesto sent eight minutes before the attack started, were either media organizations, or individuals who worked for news organizations — their across-the-board failure to maintain skepticism about the official narrative, may also belie a possible Trojan Horse-esque capture of news organizations. After all, the public media has failed to report what actions those media institutions and individuals took in those eight ticking countdown minutes.
In any case, to build a water-tight legal case, finding out who those red figures were, would have been crucial to the Crown prosecutors. Yet strangely, the N.Z. Police did not put out calls to the public with descriptions of the red figures to appeal for eye witnesses. Instead, the Police decided the same day that Mr Tarrant had acted alone and persuaded him they did not believe his story of others involved.
It helped that the news media seemed to pretend they did not notice the pattern of three events featuring red-clothed figures in the shooter’s footage.
It is, therefore, remarkable that the news media showed zero interest in establishing the identity of those characters.
Usually, the Police use the news media to put out descriptions, with selected images from video or photographs to prompt the public’s memory. It’s hard to believe that Police detectives missed the ‘red figure’ standing against wall on the front lawn of the Al-Noor Mosque. I believe this red figure was ‘Red Pit-Stopman’.

This Police Timeline released on April 17 2019 was vague about when exactly the first Armed Offender Squad entered the first mosque to be attacked, the Masjid Al Noor Mosque on Deans Ave.

Moreover, the “Christchurch Mosque Shootings: timeline of events 15 March 2019”, published by NZ Police April 17 2019, states that Police first responders arrive at Al Nor Mosque at 13:51 p.m., which was 19 minutes after the gunman is alleged to have sent the email and manifesto to the Government’s HQ.
et, two days after the mass shooting, during a 5:30pm media briefing dated March 17 2019, then-Police Commissioner Mike Bush was asked by a reporter when did the Police receive the gunman’s email that was sent to the Prime Minister’s office and other locations. And Commissioner Bush was asked was there enough time for the police to respond. Commissioner Bush answered:
“No, by the time, um, we were advised of that email, this attack had taken place.”
— Police Commissioner Mike Bush, Media Briefing, 5:30pm March 17 2019

The moment Bush finished answering, his personal assistant called an end to the presser.
Since the trumpet was sounded — via a direct dial call to South Comms and via the emergency number 111 — eight minutes after the mass shooter sent his email to the NZ Government’s HQ, the timing of the alarm being razed indicates the exemplary emergency response narrative is a cover-up of an actual failure.
Given that the Royal Commission covered-up the central fact that there was a paramilitary training exercise taking place in a hospital in Cashmere, Christchurch, the possibility that a transnational deep state network took the unfolding paramilitary exercise ‘live’ remained in the realm of ‘rabbit hole’ conspiracy theory.
The Royal Commissioners had also downplayed the table-top exercise of October 2018 featuring Al-Noor Mosque, stating it was a “striking coincidence”, while omitting to mention the three training exercises occurring as the mass shooting commenced. The fictional scenario featuring Al-Noor Mosque envisaged an extreme right-wing terrorist driving a vehicle into Muslims while they left the mosque, as I mentioned earlier.
Spookily, because Al-Noor Mosque on Deans Avenue was featured in an emergency response table-top simulation conducted by New Zealand’s SIS and Police in October 2018, or five months prior to the attack— the site of an abandoned small table, which appears to have white cloth lying upon it, seems as incongruous as the official narrative.

The irony of a small table laden with what appears to be white linen on top, left abandoned in the carpark of the first mosque to be attacked six months after Police and the SIS conducted a tabletop simulation exercise is so very Shakespearean.
Particularly, as the Police would take 19 minutes to reach Al-Noor Mosque after the gunman’s manifesto was sent to the Government’s HQ. And it would take Police 19 minutes from the time they were rung at 1:40pm to catch arrive at the second mosque, and in the same minute catch the gunman several miles away as he sped en route toward his third target.

Odd, is it not, that the three most important ‘moments’ in this tragedy clocked up the milestone time of 19 minutes?
Especially, since the number nineteen is so critical in the Quran, and is most potent in chapter 74: The Clocked One/Al-Muddathir.
Strangely, in the subsequent investigations into what occurred on that dark ‘Ides of March’ day, somehow all of the Queen’s horsemen and all of the Queen’s men couldn’t put the Humpty-Dumpty broken egg facts back together again.
If I’m right, the deep state script writers anticipated one of NZ’s “darkest days”.
And also, a great emotional roil for non-Muslim New Zealanders, whom are for the most-part only accustomed to seeing such violence on the Bubble Gum TV News.
After all, in the report, “Operation Deans: The First 48 Hours”, the authors stated that “within 10 minutes of the first (emergency) call, Commissioner Mike Bush made the decision to establish a command cadre”.
The use of the word cadre is intriguing, because it is derived from the French expression en cadre, which refers to a complement of commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers of a military unit responsible for training the rest of the unit, or the permanent staff of a regiment who train the conscripts assigned to it, or who train cadets at formal training schools. A cadre can also be a small group of activists in a community or other revolutionary organization.

❛Ides of March❜ Massacre — A Symbol-Laden False Flag Black Op?
Given the emergency response failure proven in part 1, and the contrived ignorance about th coincidences of training exercises ‘going live’, as demonstrated in part 2, a whole clustered sets of facts about the ‘Ides of March’ Christchurch Massacre 2019 either become shaky, or collapse, or can only be sustained by deception upon deception.
A spectacular pile-up of coincidences are presented as evidence that the Christchurch Ides of March Massacre bear the hallmarks of a state-sponsored ritual slaying.
The mayhem on the 74th day of 2019, appeared to unfold with synchronized moves between the mass shooter, on the ground help, and a conspicuous withdrawal of state security.
The date, March 15th, is known as the Ides of March, which falls on the 74th day in the Roman calendar (except in a leap year), and was notable in the Roman Empire as the deadline for settling debts.
The Ides of March became a potent date throughout Western Civilization, because of the cultural legacy of the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15th 44BC, particularly because it was famously dramatised by William Shakespeare in his play, Julius Caesar.
Historian Cassius Dio characterised the slaughter as a religious sacrifice.
The assassination of Caesar by dozens of senators triggered decades of civil wars, the fall of the Roman Republic and the forging of the Roman Empire. The Ides of March has, therefore, become a cultural talisman that can be potentially activated each year to target high value chess pieces and emotionally hijack mass populaces, while inflicting mayhem on pawns.
In Shakespeare’s play, which was first performed at The Globe theatre in 1599, a soothsayer character warns Caesar to “Beware the ides of March”. Throughout the play, Caesar receives warnings about his impending doom. His friend, Brutus, is persuaded to join the plot on the basis of reading forged letters that had been tossed into the senator’s garden. However, the leading conspirator, Cassius, wrote the letters to look like they were written by the citizens of Rome, whom appeared to support the assassination of Caesar. Through such machinations, Brutus becomes convinced that the only way to save Rome, the republic, from becoming a monarchical empire, was to kill Caesar.
Significantly, at the time of the first performances of Shakespeare’s play in 1599, Protestant Elizabethan England continued to live in “Caesar’s time” of the Julian Calendar. Meanwhile, Catholic Europe observed the Gregorian calendar after the Papal Monarch Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar in October 1582, by decree.

In his piece, “How ill this taper burns! The dramaturgy of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar at the Globe”, Alexander M. Gross noted Brutus’s confusion about the timing of the impending assassination.
Shakespeare has Brutus think the following day will be the 1st of March.
But, soon the audience learns from the character Lucius, that “March is wasted fifteen days” meaning that it is the 15th, and that Brutus’s perception of time was out by a fortnight. The implication was that Brutus resolved to participate in Caesar’s murder on the very same morning that the ritual slaying would occur, the Ides of March. The joke about discordant calendars would not have been lost of the Elizabethan audience.
Thus, Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, with its epic assassination, struck a cultural nerve.
In effect, the famous bard wrote a play that involved the device of fake letters to trick a senator to betray his friend.
And, this famous play — in which language was the predominant reminder of time and place for the audience, rather than props, scenery and lighting — was in essence set against the geopolitical backdrop of the dominant rival Vatican Empire’s Gregorian Calendar spreading across continental Europe.
As such, “Julius Caesar“ touched upon the underlying rivalry between Protestant Elizabethan England and the Vatican Empire at the beginning of the First British Empire.
Evidently, the Jesuits were behind the standardization of the English alphabet with 26 letters, which happened towards the end of the 16th century following the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar . Soon after, the English language began its foray as a global language through trade, migration and conquest.
Therefore, the horrific massacre occuring in two Muslim mosques in Christchurch on the Ides of March is super potent, given that the Venetian-sponsored Crusades, which targeted the ‘Holy Lands’ between 1096 and 1271, in which Muslim Saracens were cast as ‘Infidels’.

This Venetian oligarchic imperial vision encouraged the Vatican to assert a worldwide papal jurisdiction. Christians could ‘legally’ reconquer their lands by divine mandate, which limited the property rights and self-government of non-Christian peoples, to serve the diabolical ambition to forge a universal Christian empire. The ‘Holy War‘ were fought by the Knights Hospitallers, the Knights Templars, and the Teutonic Knights, and was an attempt by the Vatican to forge a Second Roman Empire.
Thus, the prima facie evidence of a transnational deep state black op as presented in this “Darkest Day Deception“ series, indicates that potent metaphors seem to have been embedded in the Ides of March Christchurch Massacre of 2019, for ready deciphering by Western intelligence agents.
The arrival of manifesto in the in-boxes at the NZ Government’s headquarters on the Ides of March was stacked incendiary symbolic value. The racist rhetoric that cast modern Muslims as invaders for migrating into white Christian lands was spread over 74 pages. Yet, many of the pages were sparsely filled with text, which indicates conscious decisions to embed the attacks with historically potent symbolism.
A spooky ‘Murder by Numbers’ modus operandi seemed to riff off The Koran’s 74th chapter, “The Cloaked One”, after the 74-page shooter’s manifesto was sent to the N.Z. Government’s HQ eight minutes prior to the carnage commencing.
This terror event — which involved the 74-page manifesto being sent on the 74th day of 2019, or ‘the Ides of March’ — appeared to riff-off verses in chapter 74 of The Koran.

Furthermore, because The Quran is coded with key words to signify the Metonic Cycle, which reunites the lunar and solar calendars every nineteen years — the clockwork timing of the unfolding terror event indicates a ritual slaying that was stopped at nineteen minutes after the Police were rang.
Moreover, the official Police timeline states that New Zealand Police arrived at Masjid Al Noor at 13:51, meaning nineteen minutes had lapsed since the shooters email was sent to 34 recipients, including the New Zealand Government’s HQ.
Chapter 74 of The Koran, which is entitled, “The Cloaked One”, speaks of nineteen angels as guardians over Hell, or as wardens over the Fire, and they were specifically chosen as a trial for the ‘unbelievers’.
Those uncanny coincidences in the meta-data, I shall show, are like viewing the trail of synchronized swimmers using prism devices to match each others moves.
The spike of the active noun “attack”, repeated 14 times in “The Great Replacement”, where Christchurch is mentioned for the first time, on page 11. In other words, the spike of 14-repetitions of the word “attack” occurs on the page where Christchurch is named as the location to target – and was, therefore, a clear ‘test’ for a sharp mind. Especially, since the very next page contained specific enough details to determine the locations of the two mosques targetted in Christchurch.
The 14-repetitions of the word “attack” on page 11, seem to signal the manifesto was part of a symbol-laden deep event. Likewise, the gematria-encoded metadata in the Ides of March Massacre appear to be the ‘Easter Eggs’ displaying a spectacular exhibition of ‘live terror theatre’ to unfold in Christchurch.
The metadata was, I contend, readily viewable to ‘Celestial Astrologers’ in the world’s intelligence agencies, counter-terrorism units and special forces.
Three days after the Christchurch massacre, Police Association President, Chris Cahill, claimed it was a “hell of a coincidence” that Brenton Tarrant was caught by two Police who had broken from a training exercise. However, the fact that Brenton Tarrant was caught by two Police from Ashburton, who had broken from a training exercise, while the shooter was en route to Ashburton to attack a third mosque — breaches a key rule of story architecture.

While a story may begin with a coincidence, a story never ends with one.
A new national myth was clearly in formation, since the Crown Police, the N.Z. Government and and the news media were all complicit in masking over the fact it was possible to work out where the mass shooter was headed – in one minute flat.
This national myth formation was potent because in Islam, the number 19 is a significant number, despite its mention in letter form only once in The Koran in Chapter 74, Verse 30. Number 19 is the numerical value of the word ‘ONE’ in the Semitic scriptural languages, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic, according to the “Why 19?” Islamic blog, Submission.
It encompasses the first numeral (1) and the last numeral (9), and therefore, the significance of this prime number being spelt out as “nineteen” only in the 74th chapter may have been inspiration, potentially, for the planning of the carnage.
The apparent synchronized timing with verses The Koran’s 74th chapter indicates a spooky ‘Murder by Numbers’ modus operandi.
Verses 1 and 2 have an uncanny correspondence with the timing of Tarrant’s communications as he sat in a car-park before driving the final leg to 101 Dean Avenue, his first target.
The first verse of “The Cloaked One” identifies a character “who covers himself [with a garment]” and is called upon to “arise and warn” in the second verse.

At 1:31PM, Tarrant sent final messages to his mother and sister via Facebook messenger, while he was wearing military fatigues. At 1:32PM, he sent his email to 34 recipients, including the N.Z. Government’s HQ, and, therefore, warning of his impending attack.
Then, verse 8, which reads “And, when the trumpet is blown”, appears to correspond with 1:40PM, which is the time the Royal Commission the Parliamentary Service’s Security Team phoned the NZ Police.
Yet, Parliamentary Services also received the same email at 1:32PM — the same time as the Department of Prime and Cabinet and the Prime Minister’s Office.
Since the trumpet was sounded via the emergency number 111 eight minutes after the mass shooter sent his email to the NZ Government HQ, the timing of the alarm being razed adds weight to my supposition that a state-sponsored ‘murder by numbers’ modus operandi was in motion.
Verse nine of “The Cloaked One” anticipates a “difficult day” following the sounding of the trumpet, followed by verse 10, which states the “disbelievers” will find the day hard. If I’m right, the deep state script writers anticipated one of New Zealand’s “darkest days”. And also, a great emotional roil for non-Muslim New Zealanders, whom are for the most-part only accustomed to seeing this kind of violence on the Bubble Gum TV News.
Verse eleven of chapter 74 of The Koran appears to get a spooky re-interpretation, because it states, “Leave Me with the one I created alone”. While verse 14 speaks of making the subject’s life easy. There is a suspicion that when Tarrant travelled much of the world, he was schooled in paramilitary tactics.

Perhaps Verse 18 and 19 apply to the mission to persuade Tarrant to be the mass shooter, and perhaps his hesitancy. He may have been told he wasn’ t going to be patsy and perhaps he was promised more money than he ever possibly earn and maybe even rescued after deportation to Australia.
The Department of Internal Affairs’, which controls gambling and gaming machines, is also responsible for Royal Commissions. In turn, the Royal Commission suppressed the identity of ‘Gaming Friend’ and that of his family, who Tarrant had formed a relationship with in 2013. This official censorship adds to the suspicion that Tarrant may have been recruited with the Department of Internal Affairs’ complicity.

The pedestrian arrival of the Police at Masjid Al Noor at 13:51pm was 19 minutes after the shooter’s email was sent to 34 recipients, including two for the Prime Minister, at 1:32pm.
This means nineteen minutes had lapsed since the shooter’s email was sent to half a dozen at the New Zealand Government’s HQ, to the time Police reached Masjid Al Noor Mosque.
But this time-period of nineteen minutes having lapsed since the shooter’s email was sent to the New Zealand Government’s HQ, to the Police arriving at Masjid Al Noor at 13:51, was not the only 19 milestone figure.
Uncannily, the active shooter was stopped at 13:59, or nineteen minutes after the Police were rang. In the same minute that the mass shooter was apprehended, the first Police arrived at Linwood Islamic Center.
This means it also took Police nineteen minutes to reach the second mosque, after Police were rung at 13:40:44 by Parliamentary Security.
Since “The Cloaked One” chapter of The Koran speaks of nineteen angels as guardians over Hell, or as wardens over the Fire, and they were specifically chosen as a trial for the ‘unbelievers’ it would appear that elements of NZ’s National Security State were performing to a clock-work exhibition of terror theater.

Because The Quran is an allegory coded with key words to signify the Metonic Cycle, which reunites the lunar and solar calendars every nineteen years, it would appear “The Cloaked One” chapter has been re-worked for a transnational-state-sponsored terrorism.
Since the number 19 is repeated 19 times in The Koran and is mentioned only once in letter form, in Verse 30 of Chapter 74, it is significant for my ‘murder by numbers’ thesis to note the repetition of 19-minutes milestone in the meta-data for the Police arriving at both mosques, an capturing the at-large terrorist.

Given that the Royal Commission covered-up the central fact that there was a paramilitary training exercise taking place in a hospital in Cashmere, Christchurch, the longest verses, 30 and 31, of The Cloaked One appear to synchronize the unfolding ‘live’ paramilitary exercise.
Verse 30 and 31 — which explain the nineteen angels as guardians over Hell, or as wardens over the Fire, and they were specifically chosen as a trial for the ‘unbelievers’ — and appear like a synchronized soliloquy, corresponding with 1:30PM and 1:31PM, just before Tarrant sent his warning email at 1:32PM.

It is, therefore, uncanny a contributing factor in worsening the body count was the new electric lock system that had been installed in the last week of the Ides of March. Uncanny, because those souls on the left side perished. And although souls on the right side of the room died too; the point here is that worshippers on the left could not get the exit door to open, which aligns with the narrative elements in verses 38-41).
In Verse 38 of “The Cloaked One”, it reads, “Every soul, for what it has earned will be retained”. In Verse 39, “Except, the companions on the right”.
Uncannily, it was the on the left side of the male prayer room, that the exit door was jammed, while on the right the nearest exit door was through the adjoining female prayer room.

Given this left-side exit door failure, it is intriguing to note that verses 39, 40, and 41 of “The Cloaked One”, predicts the “companions of the right” will be in the gardens questioning one other about the criminals.
Thus, the terrorist opened fire on the 74th day of the year at 1:40PM as people from the right side of the men’s prayer room fled to the garden.
This corresponds with the time that Parliament’s Security sounded the trumpet to the Police South Comms direct dial line (44 seconds after Parliamentary Services rang their security team). And, in the same minute, Parliamentary Services Security Team forwarded the email — with the 74-page manifesto attached — to Police National Command and Coordination Center.
Predictably, surviving believers at the 101 Deans Avenue mosque rang Police about a mass murder in progress, it was at 1:41PM.
Thus, with uncanny prowess, a white supremacist lone gunman — who made the unexpected leap from the fictional online gaming universe to the real-world, amid three multi-national state-sponsored exercises, with a clichéd pseudo-commando character casting — played the catalytic role that the Crown Police exploited to forge the mythology of an ‘exemplary emergency response’.
In the next section, ‘Know the Signs’ — A Thin Blue Line or a Deep State Black Op?, I chronicle the sketchiness underpinning the failures in intelligence, emergency response or investigation such as: the This chronicle is located in a deep state black ops thesis and draws upon investigations of US-NATO terrorism, as well as critiques of mass shootings that highlight the legacy of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program, the prevalence of psychotropic drugs, and the failure of obtuse psychiatrists, authorities and the media to ‘Know the Signs’.

‘Know the Signs’ — A Thin Blue Line or a Deep State Black Op?
This presentation of evidence shows that the prima facie evidence of apparrant on-the-ground support was not tested in the Christchurch High Court.
On March 26th 2020, Brenton Tarrant entered a guilty plea, which meant a court trial was short-circuited.
Mr Tarrant was served a full life imprisonment term for killing 51 humans and maiming 49, with no chance of parole by Justice Mander in late August of 2020.
In late 2022, the convicted terrorist applied for a Court of Appeal trial. The terrorist lodged an application to the court of appeal. Tarrant claims he was tortured by Police, who evidently sought to scare him into pleading guilty.
This move will likely be hotly contested by vested interests within NZ’s National Security State.
Particularly, since the Police Special Tactics Groups have yet to publicly explain that their counter-terrorism training with the Armed Offenders Squads on the day of the massacre actually exacerbated the slow response inside the Government’s headquarters.
Indeed, the evidence of what really happened on the Ides of March 2019 has been suppressed until the year 2050, and Tarrant’s testimony to the Royal Commission has been censored forever — which is a period equivalent to the British Monarchy’s hereditary sovereign claim over New Zealand.
The only government agency that came within the scope of the Royal Commission’s inquiry was the parliamentary Service and its Security Team, who were given responsibility for dealing with threatening emails and phone-calls just two months prior to the attacks.
Unfortunately, New Zealand lacks the kind of rigorous constitution that France developed after the French Revolution. Magistrates in the French Republic were empowered to lead their own investigations, since the two-sides of adversarial proceedings can manipulate the body of evidence to hide deeper corruption, collusion and conspiracies.
For example, the authorship of the ‘manifesto’ attributed to Tarrant was not tested.
Crucially, a manifesto usually fixes the assailant’s worldview, like cement for the official story.
The official narrative would have the world believe that “The Great Replacement” manifesto was the sole work of an ex-gm instructor-turned moonlighting gamer-turned globe-trotting racist sociopath with a pseudo-commando persona.
Yet, the white supremacist ideology affixed to the alleged lone gunman also came packaged with geopolitical objectives that read like they were written by intelligence agencies operatives.
Evidently, Tarrant sought to:
“create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United states [sic]. This conflict over the 2nd amendment [to form militias and bear arms] and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.”
Perhaps Mr Tarrant had plagiarized such material from American think-tanks, who employ well-paid professionals with PhD’s in political sciences working on behalf the America’s oligarchy.
This terrorist shooter’s ‘manifesto’ also described New Zealand as a “target rich environment”, meaning it has sizeable diasporas of non-white immigrants, including Muslims, whom he deemed as high fertility ‘invaders’ occupying white ‘European’ Christian lands. His attack, he wrote, would amplify the message that nowhere was safe from mass immigration.
But, the violent attack also sent a message that nowhere is safe from terrorism.
Therefore, the drawn-out 74-page ‘manifesto’ implied that a mass shooting of scale in a peaceful country would make world news, especially as ‘he‘ planned to make ‘his‘ epic slaughter the world’s first live-streamed civilian mass shooting.
As I stated in part 1 — Emergency Response Failure Cover-up of the New Zealand ‘Ides of March’ Mosques Massacres 2019 — the tradition of a gunman leaving a ‘manifesto’ is one sign of a false flag black operation.
In conventional warfare, a belligerent state conducting a ‘false flag’ terror operation uses another country’s ‘flag’ to carry out an attack with the intention to frame the enemy as the perpetrator. In asymmetric warfare, a state-sponsored terrorist attack is carried out by security services, intelligence agents or special force units, or ex-personnel from such units, and is blamed on a terrorist group or patsies, as historian Daniele Ganser showed in his book, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe.
Because the world’s intelligence agencies, secret services and special force units play a contrived ignorance game about one another’s deep state machinations, the visible Public State is largely clueless about the prevalence of Deep State-sponsored terrorism and the codified communications embedded into such events. This clueless-ness means that the earnest, decent citizens who work in the visible government can be blind to how exactly a stealthy coup d’état can be set in motion.
A false flag black op does not need to involve several thousand people across the state-corporate apparatus of a country. The less in the compartmentalized loop the better the chances such an orchestrated conspiracy can be successfully covered-up — particularly in a small country with a population of five million, such as New Zealand.
The spectacle of a false flag of a false flag deep event is used to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture Public State authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged Police State path and beyond.

In the immediate aftermath of the shocking massacre on the 74th day of 2019, much was made in the media coverage that Brenton Tarrant was inspired by the Oslo and Utøya Island terrorist attacks of 22/7/2011 in Norway. It is, therefore, crucial to know to note that the striking coincidence of a five-day counter-terrorism exercise scheduled to end that very day, as I stated in part 2 of this series.
In his book, GLADIO: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe — The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis, Richard Cottrell traces the atrocities of Operation Gladio through the years.
Crucially, Cottrell suggests that the training exercise that occurred just prior to the 22/7/2011 Oslo and Utøya Island terrorist attacks in Norway, place the massacres committed by Anders Behring Breivik in the same territory as the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the London 7/7 bombings, since those deep events were also marked by terrorism drills scheduled the same day that appeared to have been taken ‘live’.
As I mentioned in part 2, Webster Griffin Tarpley found while researching his book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in America, that there were 45 exercises, war-games and drills prior to or occurring on September 11 2001 that envisaged aspects of what occurred on 9/11.
Cottrell’s book developed upon the groundbreaking study, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation and Terrorism in Western Europe, by Swiss historian Daniel Ganser, who showed the subversion of Western Europe by the fascist Gladio network. Perhaps more shocking, Paul L. Williams traced the history of Vatican-CIA-sponsored terrorism, drug-running and arms trafficking since World War II, in his 2015 book, Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia.
Given that Breivik is said to have claimed he was inspired by the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995, it is crucial to note that University of California Professor Peter Dale Scott located that terrorist event within his American Deep State thesis. Professor Scott, who popularized the term deep state, located the phenomena in an American context in his 2015 book, The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on U.S. Democracy.
Professor Scott described the deep state network as a private parallel government, who can be observed on the surface, in the background and the subsequent cover-ups of structural deep events from the JFK Coup D’état, Watergate, the October Surprise, the Iran-Contra scandal, BCCI, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 9/11 Coup.
Furthermore, ex-CIA contractor and a chemical weapons engineer Robert ’Cody’ Snodgres claimed he was asked to oversee the blowing up of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City where the FBI’s Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) investigation records were housed. Snodgres claims the FBI’s investigation found GWS was a combination of the health impacts from a rushed anthrax vaccine and exposure to depleted uranium (baked into the anti-tank bullets, shells, and other ordnance).
Snodgres states that because Saddam Hussein was a CIA asset, and Iran had a 10:1 inventory advantage in the Iran-Iraq War, the Iraqi dictator-president was supplied with weaponized anthrax. But when Hussein invaded Kuwait, an untested anthrax vaccine was rushed into deployed American Forces and it caused auto-immune disorders. The radioactive contamination effects from inhaling the uranium dioxide produced in the hot explosions of depleted uranium, impacts thyroid glands. The Gulf War Syndrome from combined impacts of uranium dioxide poisoning and the auto-immune deficiency impacted veterans’ semen, impaired ovaries and caused abnormalities in offspring.
Timothy McVeigh — who was also a veteran of the Gulf War (1990-1991) — was framed with a corny graphic novel story of driving a truck loaded with a fertiliser bomb. He allegedly asked for directions despite having supposedly scoped out the Murrah Building. McVeigh had also witnessed the Siege of Waco, including the use of sound and light weapons as the same kind of destabilizing torture inflicted by US forces in Iraq. Snodgres said the Murrah Building was supposed to completely destroyed by three bombs made of C4 and nano-thermite explosives. However, only one of the building bombs detonated after the truck bomb blew.
Mr Snodgres claimed that 400,000 Gulf War veterans were effected with Gulf War Syndrome, meaning the Pentagon was facing hundreds of billions in lawsuits, health care and a damaged reputation.
The depth of epic criminality can be mind-blowing for humans who diet on the naive mainstream news buffet.
In his book American Exception: Empire and the Deep State, Aaron Good describes a tripartite state to account for the democratic public state, the security state comprising the CIA, the Pentagon and the NSA and other actors who represent a deep political top-down veto power on democratic, legal and transparent processes. Such deep state networks penetrate the government administration, the national security state, the corporate world and beyond, to exert a hyper-power outside and above government.
Therefore, an observation made some years ago by Professor Scott is now profoundly relevant. Scott observed that every decade there is a ‘deep event’ that resets the political trajectory of the United States, and by consequence the rest of the world, and as such, resets are perpetrated by the deep state network.
And, in spite of the numerous books, documentaries and articles published about the many deep state terrorist events involving the CIA, MI6 and NATO from the time of the JFK Coup D’état to the 9/11 Coup D’état and the 9/11 Wars since, New Zealand’s National Security State continues to play dumb.
The over-arching meta-objective underpinning the Christchurch Mosques Massacre appears to have been to signal a dark global reset was on the horizon. Because, the apparent Trojan Horse cyber attack seemed to demonstrate to Western Élites how easy it was to politically capture a government by coercing elements of the executive to enjoin themselves in a cover-up of the brutal truth.
The Royal Commission’s inquiry in the Christchurch Terrorist Attacks maintained this play dumb obtuse affectation by accepting a contrived ignorance model structured into the Royal Warrant’s terms of reference or scope. The only Government Agency that came under the purview of its investigation was the Parliamentary Service, which is a bureaucracy charged with overseeing the Parliamentary ’precinct’, and is part of the State Services Commission. The Minister responsible for the Parliamentary Service and its Security Team is the Speaker of House, who at the time of the massacre was Trevor Mallard.
In January of 2019, oversight of threatening emails shifted from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) to Parliamentary Services Security Team. New standard operating procedures were drafted that outlined the assessment and escalation procedures for responding to threatening calls and emails to the New Zealand Parliament. And, a new Security Operations Room was being built at the time of the massacre, which opened in May 2019.
The Royal Commission noted with whitewashing economy that:
“Once alerted to the individual’s email, the Parliamentary Service responded in accordance with this operating procedure by alerting the correct authorities.“
When it is recalled that it was a Labour Party election promise to investigate over-reach of the Police, SIS and GCSB as well as their use of private investigators to spy on New Zealanders, the fact of the manifesto sent to two email addresses of the Prime Minister, as well as Trevor Mallard becomes potent.
After-all, the State Services Commission review in 2018 of such over-reach would have stuck in the graw of the top brass of NZ’s National Security State. Conspicuously, in the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch Mosques Massacre, all was forgiven from ’Camp Labour Party Caucus’.
Spookily, this transition in responsibilities from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to Parliamentary Services Security Team in January 2019, is like an echo of the transfer of counter-terrorism oversight that coincided with the Rainbow Warrior Bombing of 10 July 1985.

A Blast from the Past — The 10/7 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing
If the Ides of March Mosques Massacre was a spectacular exhibition of ‘live terror theatre’, it was not for the time that an act of spectacular power had been inflicted.
One officially recognized terrorist event in New Zealand is the 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing, which provides a historical precedent showing codified metadata scripted into the ‘orgie of evidence’.
For example, in timing the “sabotage mission” to occur on 10/7 in 1985, the bomb plot planners wittingly embedded the Rainbow Warrior Bombing with the numeric call sign 10/7 used by New Zealand Police to communicate “unit arrived at job” over emergency radio frequencies.

And the Rainbow Warrior bomb plot — code-named Opération Sataniqué — was likely to have been intended to have a higher death count than one; it was by sheer luck that a birthday party aboard Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship seahorse migrated to Piha since Split Enz were in town. The powerful first of two bombs blew a hole in the hull directly below the noun “peace” in the environmental organization’s name, “Greenpeace”.
And the French DGSE agents driving around in a Newmans campervan who stayed at motel accommodation owned by David Lange three times, thereby evidently signalling that New Zealand’s Prime Minister had been very ‘accommodating’ for the French DGSE. Ironically, the United States had been ‘accommodating’ of France tricky situation during the Presidency of Charles De Gaulle (1959-1969), who had expelled NATO’s headquarters from Paris after he learned that the CIA had conspired with NATO’s secret units to assassinate him.
The Newman’s rental van used by the fake-Swiss honey-mooners signalled to New Zealand’s political elite, national security state and ruling class to decode the deep event’s meaning. The Newman’s logo features the Pegasus symbol, a mythical winged divine horse from Greek mythology that is usually depicted in pure white, while celestial cartographers depict Pegasus as half of a horse, rising out of the ocean. The Greek God, Zeus, transformed Pegasus into the constellation visible in the northern sky with the brightest star being an orange super-giant, Epsilon Pegasi, also known as Enif, which marks the horse’s muzzle.

Therefore, the choice of a Newman’s rental van suggests the French DGSE agents were signalling a white horse with magical powers had inflicted friendly fire to make the Greenpeace ocean-going horse became half submerged at Marsden Wharf. In effect, the Opération Sataniqué mission script-writers were saying the brightest ‘celestial astrologers’ or ‘horoscope readers’ in the land could decipher the symbolic meanings of the attack. Because it had occurred on the watch of the rotund Prime Minister, the French appeared to signal by reference to the super-giant, Epsilon Pegasi, that silence about the operation’s true meaning was required by New Zealand’s ‘celestial astrologers’. The super-giant charismatic political star of the Southern Hemisphere, David Lange, required careful management from a discerning voice.
Because the mission went awry when two French DGSE agents were caught, the chairman of New Zealand’s Intelligence Council, Gerald Hensley, who also just happened to be the Chairman of the Officials Terrorism Committee, was very ‘accommodating’ to constrain the scope of the investigation. Such constraint meant the DGSE combat dive team were able to ski at Mt Cook/Aoraki, and fly out of Auckland on July 26th 1985, without the SIS, the Police or the Aviation Security Service catching them in spite of the PM’s assurance that no effort would be spared.
Intriguingly, in 1993, Buckingham Palace approved the Pegasus symbol to become the coat of arms for New Zealand’s Aviation Security Service.

The ‘orgie of evidence’ in the Rainbow Warrior Bombing clustered events was designed for decoding. The A ‘Morse Code’ message was signalled to Western Alliance élites: assert dominance over domestic activists.
Therefore, the Rainbow Warrior Bombing is a proven case of metaphor-laden state-sponsored terrorism.
In the immediate aftermath of the sinking of Greenpeace’s flagship seahorse at Marsden Wharf, Auckland, the Officials Terrorism Committee constrained the investigations as damage control to limit fall-out with the Western Alliance over the bombing. An SIS executive — who represented the NZ Security Intelligence Service at the meetings — said the Officials Terrorism Committee decided to merely to seek their prosecution, rather than coordinate efforts to uncover the dimensions of the attack to catch other DGSE agents in New Zealand, as well as probe the extent of the French state’s involvement.

It turns out, the event that triggered the Chairman of the New Zealand’s Intelligence Council to convene the Officials Terrorism Committee was the apprehension of DGSE agents Major Mafart and Captain Dominique Prieur at a Newman’s rental Depot in Mt Wellington, Auckland, on the morning of Friday 12 July.
Thus, it was not the obvious event of the terrorism that triggered the chairman of New Zealand’s Intelligence Council, Gerald Hensley, who also just happened to be the Chairman of the Officials Terrorism Committee, to convene the Committee. It was the capture of the French DGSE agents.
Hensley claimed in a speech performed at the Stout Research Centre at Victoria University in 2004, that an Officials Terrorism Committee was established in 1983 that brought the departmental ministers and senior officials into a single body that would deal with any such crisis.

In May and June of 1985, the Officials Terrorism Committee met, and around July 2 of 1985 this Committee submitted a paper to the Cabinet Committee on Terrorism that recommended the establishment of a Terrorism Emergency Group (TEG). This Terrorism Emergency Group would be chaired by the Prime Minister, and would include Cabinet and Officials, and meet in the Civil Defence Command Headquarters.
Evidently, the cabinet was due to meet on July 17th to make a decision before intelligence support staff were moved from the Police Headquarters to the Government’s Headquarters at the Beehive in Wellington.
Therefore, the Rainbow Warrior Bombing and the Christchurch Mosques Massacre share the common theme of a transition.
According to Hensley, David Lange avoided chairing the new TEG machinery, and was merely briefed because evidently his preference was to “drop in”. (Years later, Lange’s speech writer, Margaret Pope said that the Prime Minister never trusted Hensley). Instead of the new Terrorism Emergency Group structure being activated, the prior Officials Terrorism Committee was used, which meant Hensley chaired the meetings.

Therefore, it would appear that when Hensley stated the Officials Terrorism Committee met 17 times over the course of the Rainbow Warrior affair, he was bragging about his role in the post-bombing cover-up. Indeed, the SIS stated there was no final report produced by this Officials Terrorism Committee.
Later, N.Z. Police claimed the SIS knew that French agents were active in the North Island of New Zealand, but that this information was not passed on to Police.
Since Hensley also chaired the New Zealand Intelligence Council, it is suspicious that somehow minutes went missing at the GCSB, the state communications security bureau that received weekly intelligence from Whitehall, London. The weekly Whitehall meeting — which included officials from the Five Eyes nations, USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — had learned of a French ‘Sting Operation’ soon to occur in New Zealand. The attention-attracting purchase of a Zodiac in London by DGSE agent Petty Officer Gerald Andries, who couldn’t speak English, was a call-sign to their intelligence counterparts at MI5 and MI6 that some friendly fire between allied nations was being foreshadowed by French ‘horoscope readers’. After all, Andries had trained with British Special Ops divers.
NZ’s SIS was evidently not been informed and found out about the bomb plot from intercepting radio messages broadcast to the nation on the Crown-owned Radio NZ.
SIS officials claim they argued to the Officials Terrorism Committee for a counter terrorism operation to establish the dimensions of the bomb plot. Especially, since there was the possibly that French DGSE agents were laying low in New Zealand — as the drama unfolded.

Due to this constriction over the investigation, the DGSE dive team, comprising Colonel Kister, Jean Cammas, and Gerard Royal were able to ski at Mount Cook/Aoraki amid the country’s biggest ever ‘manhunt’.
Suspiciously, it took months to ‘discover’ that the DGSE dive team had crossed the Cook Strait on 11 July 1985, to lay low in the South Island, despite their aliases appearing on the Cook Strait Ferry passenger manifest. Then, on July 26th Colonel Kister and Cammas flew out of Auckland.
Following the Rainbow Warrior attack, former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating said reflectively, “the centre of gravity had shifted” and the perceived need for anti-nuclear legislation became inevitable. This ‘centre of gravity’ terminology is the language of geopolitics, which is the struggle over space and power. It is the langauge of Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare that harness the concept of a ‘strategy a tension’ usually inflicted by a false flag black operation. Keating made the observation that ‘the goal in the end had been to produce legislation that would allow a framework for negotiating the issue with the Americans “as well as something transparent for the public of New Zealand to see” — and on both scores the government delivered’.

In other words, the ‘strategy of tension’ had worked because the radicalized political left of the Labour Party were delivered a cause célèbre on a French platter, to distract them from the economic warfare inflicted by a confederacy with the incoming Lange Government which would financially discipline the entire population which would financially discipline the entire population. The ‘strategy of tension’ also worked as warning to Western élites, who were being sent a stiff message since the terrorist attack was alleged to have been the first (in modern times) in a relatively peaceful Allied Nation.
Therefore, amid the de-stabilizing effects of the anti-nuclear movement, it would appear the French timed their attack to signal a threat to NZ’s national security state., while simultaneously inflicting a deus ex machina event to magically resolve the deadlock over the threesome ‘marriage arrangement’: the ANZUS military alliance.
Derived from Greek and Roman theater, a Deus Ex Machina (or god from the machine) is a plot device that unexpectedly resolves a deadlocked conflict, by the sudden appearance of an implausible character, object, event, power or action. The contrived solution to a problem relies on an agent external to the situation, jolts the narrative’s internal logic, and challenges suspension of disbelief — without breaking that suspension for naïve audiences.
A full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government presented ‘bad optics’, or the awkwardness of failing to pass the ‘political hygiene test’ — absent popular acclaim.

In other words, if we are to take the Royal Commission’s report at face value, the top brass of NZ’s SIS, Police and Defence Forces do not appear to know the signs that should be red flags for possible looming terrorism events.
In his report, Royal Commissioner Justice Young, noted that the Government’s Counter-Terrorism Playbook recognized the Police as the lead agency for a terrorist response. Justice William Gillow Gibbes Austen Young wrote:
New Zealand Police are “the designated lead agency, providing command and control of the multi-agency response to any [terrorism] event in New Zealand”. The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has publicly stated that “New Zealand Police are well prepared and exercised to lead the response to a terrorism incident”. So the lead agency for Response to a terrorism terrorist event incident is clear.
Despite the Royal Commission finding that the Police were considered the clear agency for response to a terrorism incident, and that there was some lack of clarity over roles in detecting security threats, the carefully constricted inquiry failed to heed the lesson from the Rainbow Warrior Bombing. The counter-terrorism intelligence failure, emergency response failure and the cover-up associated with the 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing showed how a Labour-led New Zealand Government was politically compromised to achieve political goals beyond merely taking out Greenpeace’s Pacific Ocean flagship.
Thus, New Zealand’s Police and SIS were kept out of the intelligence loop that the French were planning a sting operation in New Zealand, which was really a codified communication that a bomb plot was in motion. Where NZ Police were called to respond on 10/7 in 1985 to a blast at the wharves, and radioed in with the numeric call sign 10/7 to communicate “unit arrived at job” over their emergency frequency, the radio silence of being left out of the Five Eyes intelligence loop — as a result of the ANZUS rift — was in effect communicated to NZ SIS when they first heard of the Rainbow Warrior’s sinking on Radio New Zealand.

Whereas, in the curious case of the Christchurch Ides of March Massacre, the key three meta-data points of 19 minutes in the Police emergency response times, uncannily match up with the metonic cycle encoded in the The Koran. Despite the attack locations being easily decipherable in one minute flat — and that any smart nine year-old with a laptop and internet connect could have worked out upon receiving the email — the repetition of 19 minutes in the metadata for the emergency response times proves the systemic failure. This repetition indicates either the advancement of the Police was controlled by procedural orders, and/or the possible fudging of the times, to yield the neat pattern of 19 minutes for each of the response events.
And, ironically, the striking coincidence of the NZ Police and NZ SIS holding a tabletop simulation in October 2018 — featuring a driver running over Muslims outside Al Noor Mosque — was ostensibly an opportunity for each agency to gauge how their counterparts would respond to a terrorist attack. Given that the Royal Commission mentioned this October 2018 exercise as a striking coincidence, while omitting to mention the striking coincidence of a multinational paramilitary police room clearances exercise taking place in a Christchurch hospital, as the first attack commenced — this omission is a striking one.
Because — the Royal Commission advanced the game of failing to call out these striking coincidences.
As Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, became very familiar with the wide-ranging Royal Commission into the ‘Erebus Disaster’, ostensibly in preparation for the 40th anniversary of an Air NZ DC-10 crashing on Mt Erebus, Antarctica in 1979. On becoming Prime Minister, Ardern met with the ‘Erebus families’, and in 2018 she also studied the archived evidence, and testimonies, as well as read the reports. In other words, Ms Ardern, as the Minister of National Security and Intelligence, knew how to control a probe.

As I stated in part 1, on the 40th anniversary of an Air NZ DC-10 crashing on Mt Erebus, Antarctica in 1979, Prime Minister Ardern apologized to the families of those who had lost loved ones, for the Government’s lack of compassion, since the airline was 100% state-owned at the time.
Ergo, while Ardern was performing an acceptance ritual before the ‘Erebus Families’, the ‘Mosque Massacre Families’ were being played — since the Royal Commission was part of the cover-up — on her watch.
And if that abysmal record isn’t bad enough, the shutdown of the Police investigation into possible criminal behaviours at Air New Zealand in the aftermath of the airline’s DC-10 crash into Mt Erebus by Police counsel, speaks of a Police leadership who will cover-up wrongdoing, even when the death toll is 257.

Ironically, the excellent Erebus Disaster inquiry was the last New Zealand Royal Commission to be conducted in a timely fashion in which the commissioner and his team actually did their job’s properly — and to the disdain of the Muldoon Government. Justice Peter Mahon found the crash was the result of “a series of disastrous administrative blunders”.
In his adversarial inquiry into the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 aircraft collision with Mt Erebus, Justice Mahon challenged the evasiveness of Air N.Z. officials, as well as culpability of the Civil Aviation officials and the poor chain of custody over evidence by Police at the crash site and elsewhere. Crucially, the crash site was treated as an air accident and body recovery operation, rather than a crime scene. As Mahon pointed out in his subsequent book, Verdict on Erebus, a contemporary author and pilot, Gordon Vette, found over five hundred omissions, errors and in-actions had occurred that led to the crash, while researching his 1983 book, Impact Erebus.
Crucially, Air New Zealand’s navigation section inserted a flight path change into the McDonnell Douglas DC-10’s navigation computer the night before the fatal flight. The airliners’ navigation section then escalated their ‘incompetency’ to ‘negligence’ when they neglected to tell the pilots of the change. Vette told The Listener in 1987 that the airliner, in essence, moved a mountain in front of the flight crew.
At the time, the Erebus crash was rated the world’s fourth deadliest civilian airliner disaster.
In other words, what I’m driving home here is that unless investigations are broad in scope, such probes are unlikely to join-the-dots in the available evidence, and may indeed miss the parallel construction of evidence to hide the origins of epic crimes that are beyond reasonable negligence.

‘Terrorism is Theater’
It is therefore embarrassing for the NZ Government that not all Muslims impacted by the Ides of March horrors are buying the excuses of a slow emergency response. Some complained that the victims bled to death inside the NZ Police cordon.
On April 4th 2019, Christchurch general and trauma surgeon and intensive care specialist, James McKay, testified at Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Select Committee, that some of rounds were hollow point bullets. McKay said to Parliamentarians who were hearing submissions on a new gun law:
“They are designed to fragment on impact and cause maximum tissue injury. It appears that these bullets were also were part of the attacks on March 15.”
And not all Muslims impacted by the massacre believe the shaky official story.
On August 24 2020, Omar Nabi, the son of Haji Daoud Nabi who was killed at the front door of Al Noor Mosque, was photographed outside the front of Christchurch High Court during the sentencing hearing of Brenton Harrison Tarrant. Omar Nabi appears to hold a dissenting view about the mosque shooting, indicating that he believes Mr Tarrant had assistance during the massacre.
One of the posters reads: “International Trick of the Trade. Tarrant was armed and accompanied by marked men helping him. Who is the red herring?”

Omar Nabi’s protest was on point, particularly because the timing of Tarrant’s arrival at Al Noor Mosque was intended to maximize the carnage.
This arrival timing seems to have been regulated by the passerby, Red Jacketman, and perhaps the passing four torquoise-colored cars during his one minute stop on Deans Avenue, as well as by Red Pit-Stopman at the entrance beside Al Noor Mosque.
And the three Predator-Chase Events that indicate that Mr Tarrant on-the-ground support further maximized the carnage.
Perhaps the attack on the Deans Avenue mosque was designed to drive home to the New Zealand Government, and to other governments of the Western Empire, that even with this over-kill, the patsy was pulled out just before the first Police units approached.
And, that he was able to inflict his second intended attack with more reckless abandon than the first, since he shot at Muslim worshippers in the carpark at Linwood Islamic Centre, before entering the mosque.
In spite of the possibility that the attack locations could have been found with one minute of focussed attention, and that the trumpet could have been sounded in the next minute, and the paramilitary Police training at Princess Margaret Hospital could have been dispatched in the following minute — Tarrant’s attack on Al-Noor Mosque played out like a ritual display of over-kill.

This pattern of ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events suggests that either Tarrant possessed an uncanny sixth sense to break off from his methodical slaying and re-arming, to terminate escaping people in three different directions. Or, someone was communicating with him via a headset built into his helmet.
Tarrant’s apparent compliance to cues during these ‘Predator-Prey Chase’ events is telling, because while he was inside he shot with a callous calmness, to slay those in close proximity that he could sight with his own eyes.
Whereas, for people beyond his sight-range and earshot, he broke from those methodical movements into a run to fire at human beings like they were just pixelated figures in an urban warfare video game. By the time Tarrant left the mosque on Deans Avenue, almost 15 minutes had passed since he sent his email, subject-lined “On the attack in New Zealand today”, with its attached manifesto, to the Beehive.
Moreover, the Royal Commission Report made nothing thing of the uncanny circumstance of a new electric lock system installed in the last week leading up to the Ides of March Massacre. Because Justice Young submitted to the highly constrained scope of the Royal probe — where Justice Mahon wouldn’t have — the Mosques Massacre Royal Commission did not reveal Al Noor Mosque’s dealings over the installation of its security cameras, locking systems and surveillance alarms prior to and in the aftermath of the mass shooting.
Ironically, Mohamed Jama posed for photos during the first day of Tarrant’s sentencing hearing.
In one shot, Mr Jama — who was re-instated as President of the Islamic Muslim Association of Canterbury — is pictured reading the Quran while seated in male prayer room of Al Noor Mosque where most of the carnage took place. Because the Royal Commission did not model for the possibility of a false flag black operation with a terrorist cast as a patsy, the irony of Mr Jama silently reading sentences in The Quran, in the newly refurbished Al Noor Mosque — was lost on the news media.

Mr Jama — who had claimed in the immediate aftermath that he had called out to the shooter to question what he was doing — appeared pleased with the result that Brenton Tarrant would never be released from jail, when photographed outside the Christchurch High Court in late August of 2020.
To be super-clear, I’m not saying that Mohamed Jama, or anyone else from the Al Noor or Linwood mosques had anything to do with the planning of the attacks. I’m saying that the systematic cover-up of what occurred on the Ides of March 2019 was so comprehensive, that the cathartic aftermath events were predictable.
The Muslim community of Christchurch, as well as New Zealanders in general, and the world have been played. While I have not proven definitively that the Christchurch Mosque Massacre was a deep state black op, I have proven that a cover-up of the emergency response failure occurred. And that cover-up extended to a cover-up of the prima facie evidence of a false flag operation, including the significance of the key sign: simultaneous exercises occurring concurrent to the attacks.
To sum-up, the on-the ground circumstantial coincidences included: (1) the timing of Brenton Tarrant’s arrival at the Deans Ave mosque with red-clad figures, and torquoise-colored vehicles; (2) Mr Tarrant breaking from his mayhem inside Al Noor Mosque twice, and once at the rear of his vehicle, to shoot at Muslims attempting to escape the killing zone marked with red vehicles; (3) traffic slowing the passage of the bus as Brenton Tarrant speeds through the Riccarton Road and Deans Ave intersection; (4) and the repetition of 19 minutes in the Police response with three key meta-data that appear to riff off The Koran as an allegory encoded with the metonic cycle.

The bus obscuring the terrorist’s escape not only provided the Police with an excuse. It also, rather shabbily, deflected attention from the fact that the first Armed Offenders Squad members arrived in a red-colored car, which is consistent with a ‘friend’ designation in an exercise. Commissioner Bush’s semantic description that NZ Police were “on the scene” within six minutes of receiving the first emergency call, ignored the fact that the red-coloured AOS car, in effect, demarcated a wide cordon of the killing zone. And this meant the ‘first responders’ had already decided to ‘leg it’ to Al Noor Mosque when they radioed in, while Tarrant made his escape. This widened corden was in accordance with police training that had not kept pace with innovations in emergency response training to mass shootings in the United States, as I pointed out in part 2.
It would appear that Tarrant screwed up by forgetting a lighter, since it would seem setting the mosque ablaze was the plan. A torched mosque would have been consistent with the apparent scripting of the attack, to riff off verse 30 and 31 of Chapter 74 in the Quran, which refers to nineteen angels as guardians over the fire.

According to the Police, the investigation into the mass shooting was controlled from the top, meaning Police Commissione Mike Bush became the “single point of truth“.
As I reported in part 1, Police Commissioner Mike Bush was asked by a reporter during a 5:30pm media briefing dated March 17 2019, when did the Police receive the gunman’s email that had been sent to the Prime Minister and others. The reporter asked was there enough time for the police to respond. Commissioner Bush answered:
“No, by the time, um, we were advised of that email, this attack had taken place.”
— Police Commissioner Mike Bush, Media Briefing, 5:30pm March 17 2019
However, the Royal Commission stated that the Police National Command were sent the email at 1:40pm by Parliamentary Security, the same minute they the security team rang South Comms head-quartered in Christchurch.
During April of 2019, Commissioner Bush was asked when the Police Timeline of Events would be ready. The Police Commissioner said it was taking time because all the devices on which data of the events were recorded needed to be checked for accuracy.

The subsequent Police Timeline makes it seem that the Police did not receive the manifesto until after Tarrant was in custody.
However, while it is crucial that South Comms appears to have not been forwarded the email and manifesto, the Royal Commission report makes it clear that National Command HQ were sent the email and manifesto at 1:40pm.
Although this belated time is 8 minutes after it was received at Government HQ, Tarrant was at Al Noor Mosque inflicting mayhem for six minutes.
Moreover, the uncanny coincidences that Police reached Masjid Al Noor Mosque at 1:51pm, or nineteen minutes after the shooter’s email was sent to 34 recipients, including the New Zealand Government’s HQ., at 1:32pm.
And when the first Police arrived at Linwood Islamic Center, at 13:59pm, it was nineteen minutes after the Police were rung at 13:40:44 by Parliamentary Security. And when the shooter was apprehended, also at 13:59pm, it was nineteen minutes after South Comms Police received a direct dial call from Parliament’s Security Team.
As I stated in part 1, the Government, the Police and the NZ Security Intelligence Service covered-up the emergency response failure at Government Headquarters, since any smart nine year-old with a laptop and internet connection could have worked out in one minute where Brenton Tarrant was headed.
And, as I stated in part 2, the Government, the Police and the NZ Security Intelligence Service covered-up the fact that the multinational training exercises occurring concurrent to the shooting exacerbated the the emergency response failure at Government Headquarters.

Not only in this part, I have presented prima facie evidence of a professional hit-team supporting the clichéd pseudo commando patsy, which is consistent with investigations of deep state black operations. This part 3, “A ‘Thin Blue Line’ Emergency Response Failure Amid the 2019 ‘Ides of March‘ Christchurch Mosques Massacre” also shows circumstantial evidence that the terror attack appears to have scripted to riff off the Islamic faith’s holy book, the Quran.
These spooky coincidences with chapter 74 of The Koran lining up with the mayhem, capture and grief on the 74th day of 2019, that occurred following the transmittal of the 74-page manifesto to the Prime Minister — would have made Kiwis question the official narrative if a trial had occurred. Especially since the Prime Minister is also the Minister of National Security and Intelligence. And particularly because the bureaucracy recently made responsible for dealing with threatening communications was also a recipient of the email, along with the head of said bureaucracy.
Usually when suspects change their story or when too many coincidences pile-up, the Police get suspicious — except when it is the Police, the SIS, the SAS and the Government changing the story in association with the media, it seems.

Moreover, the predictable recognition by media about the presence of Special Tactics Groups, Armed Offenders Squads and Army Special Air Service personnel in the immediate aftermath of the shootings supposedly forced Police to acknowledge there were training exercises. This created a limited hangout spree of media coverage wherein the egos of milk and toast reporters are stroked for being observant.
However, limited hangout stories are baked into black-ops planning to deflect attention from the cover-up as the fast-moving clustered events play-out. Thus, while milk and toast reporters think they have a scoop, they miss the key signs of false flag black operations including the pattern of exercises working as a cover to take the scenarios ’live’.
In part 4, I will show how the Australian gym instructor-turned-B-Grade clichéd pseudo-commando character achieved for New Zealand’s National Security State, and its US-NATO partners what no corporate funded political lobby group, think-tank, or political party could achieve by legal above-board means.

Since the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has oversight of national security and because the Prime Minister is also the Minister of National Security and Intelligence, the evidence strongly indicates that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Cabinet was the prime target in a coup d’état with a novel Trojan Horse twist.

As I stated in part 1, because the mass shooting appeared to have served as a deus ex machina plot device, to resolve an impossible impassé whose narrative roots extended back to the 1980s. A full restoration of N.Z.’s security alliance with the U.S.-NATO Military Empire under a Labour-led Government some 33 years after the 1985 bombing of Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior presented ‘bad optics’.
Especially, because the Ardern lacked an election mandate to commit to a $20 billion military upgrade inherited from the Key-era. Absent popular acclaim, there was no way for the Ardern Government to navigate the awkwardness of failing to pass the ‘political hygiene test’. Ides of March Christchurch Massacre
Since New Zealanders remain unaware of the over-arching meta-objective underpinning that episode of French state-sponsored terrorism, which was to send a ‘Morse Code’ signal out to Western Élites to gain control over their domestic activist movements. The Overlords of the ‘Western Alliance’ feared any further challenges to their power during the Cold War would be exploited by the Russian Empire.
That is the real reason why the Beehive’s Official Terrorism Committee limited the scope of the investigation into the sinking of Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship — to mitigate fallout with France, the FIVE Eyes Echelon spy network and the ‘Western Alliance’.
If New Zealanders did comprehend that this proven historical terrorism event in 1985 came packaged with a hidden geopolitical objective — and was encoded with metaphorical symbolism — they might have wondered if the ODESC national emergency group, that convened in the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch Mosques Massacre, also set the stage for a cover-up of New Zealand’s Darkest Day.
And Kiwis might have wondered if the shoe were on the other foot, and the horrific attacks had instead been inflicted upon white Christian first families of Christchurch at churches or chapels in the posh suburbs of Fendalton and Merivale — would the non-adversarial closed sessions of the Royal Commission have withstood a backlash?
After-all, white Christian first families of Christchurch are a well-resourced community with such deep roots. On the other hand, many Muslims who have emigrated to New Zealand have done so as refugees despite economic, cultural and language challenges, meaning their linkages to New Zealand are relatively weak.
But, then the shooting would have had to occur on a Sunday, and that wouldn’t have lined up with the ‘Ides of March’ theme encoded with a drawn-out 74-page manifesto sent like it was a symbolic final warning to the Prime Minister eight minutes before ‘show-time’. Since a proven case of state-sponsored terrorism was inflicted by a state that formerly took part in the Crusades against Islam’s hold over the ‘Holy Lands’ you really would think that the top brass at Canterbury CIB would wonder if the mosques massacre were themed with metaphors for deciphering.
Or perhaps the top brass at Canterbury CIB readily recognised the embedded metaphors because they were part of what looked, moved and smelt like a false flag black op with a Trojan Horse twist. After all, the odd fashion choice to dress Brenton Harrison Tarrant in a cloak at his first court appearance on March 16 2019 appears to have been a codified communication to signal Canterbury CIB was advancing the game — in keeping with game theory.
If we take the adage ‘terrorism is theater’ that was coined by former U.S. Special Operations Officer, Brian Michael Jenkins, while he worked as a Research Analyst in Terrorism at the Rand Corporation in 1973-74, to mean the real targets of terrorism are not the victims, but the audience, who might be the primary target audience of the Christchurch Ides of March Mosques Massacres?
Jenkins made this observation while working at the Rand Corporation — a key American think-tank, where game theory strategies were developed during the ‘Cold War’ to stabilize the power structures of the Russia Empire and the Western Empire.
Game theory strategies such as ‘Hostage Exchanges’ are used by nation states, international syndicates and monopolistic cartels to stabilize power structures while aggressive colluding rivals seek to construct new areas of market dominance by illegal, fraudulent and repugnant means that harm their more dynamic, innovative smaller and peaceful competitors, societies or organizations cast as enemies.
Since Jenkins made his observation to point out that terrorism is designed to induce shock, fear and submission on the watching audience — and the prima facie evidence presented in this series indicates a false flag black operation — it would seem the primary target audience were those global elites attuned to decrypting the ‘Morse Code’ embedded in such events.

Therefore, the top brass at Canterbury CIB and Department of Corrections in the Christchurch Justice Precinct seem to have been posting themselves as hostages since such ‘hostage exchanges’ are rituals that communicate a provisional promise to cooperate if other players post hostages too. The game requires an implied threat, which amounts to defection on the next move if the other player does not post a hostage.
The data of such parallel moves made prior, during and after false flag attacks can be arranged as clustered events to reveal the anatomy of a criminogenic environment, since élite criminal actors exploit the speed of the unfolding power crimes by controlling the crisis rituals.

Thus, the occurrence of the then-accused murderer appearing for the first time in the Christchurch High Court wearing a cloak suggests that the top brass at Canterbury CIB and Department of Corrections were communicating ‘the fix was in’.
Given that grey sweat pants and sweat shirts are common prisoner apparel, it is a striking coincidence that Brenton Tarrant was dressed as ‘the cloaked one’, since this fashion choice appeared to riff chapter 74 of The Koran, entitled Al-Muddathir.
As such, I can only conclude that the NZ’s National Security Group is either poorly advised about false flag black ops, or it maintains a contrived ignorance game lest swift punishments follow defections for supplying full disclosures to hood-winked Kiwis.
In any case, the NZ’s National Security Group, the Government, Canterbury CIB, the Parliamentary Security Team and Royal Commission covered up the emergency response failure — and is a serious breach of section 240 of the Crimes Act 1961, which deals with crime of deceit.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com