Or: Why Didn’t the Flight-booking Computers say ‘No’ to a Flight over War-zone?

MH17 vs Ukrainian SU-25? Russian Defense Ministry claims a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet was within 5-10 km of the Malaysian aircraft.
MH17 vs Ukrainian SU-25? Russian Defense Ministry claims a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet was within 5-10 km of the Malaysian aircraft.

 Snoopman, 22 July 2014


Genuflection Rituals: Guilty by Insinuation

Before we accept the standard ‘Genuflection Rituals’ that many of the major Anglo-Saxon media missionaries perform in their role as adjuncts to the US-NATO-Bilderberg Group-Wall Street-City of London Zionist Israel Nexus, it’s crucial to test the official story.

As InfoWars producer Alex Jones defines Flag Flag Operations in his documentary, TerrorStorm, they are, “Covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to appear as though they were carried out by other entities.

The ‘Guilt by Insinuation’ approach, whereby Putin’s Russian regime is guilty because ‘separatist rebels’ have been blamed for the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, is in a ‘negative word way’, non-forensic.


Merriam Webster to the Rescue!

Full Definition of NON-

1:  not :  other than :  reverse of :  absence of <nontoxic> <nonlinear>
2:  of little or no consequence :  unimportant :  worthless <nonissues> <nonsystem>
3:  lacking the usual especially positive characteristics of the thing specified <noncelebration> <nonart>


In other words, where is the science? The data record of the MH17 that day and in previous weeks and ditto for other airliners? The Black-boxes? The Kiev flight controllers communications? Who authorized the flight paths over a war-zone? The forensic evidence of the missile(s) that hit the plane?

Usually, the plane is reconstructed as part of an investigation to determine what happened. Notice the omissions!

Notice the ‘speed politics’.


Computer Didn’t say ‘No’?

Why didn’t the flight booking computer say No” when the passengers were booking their flights? Do travel agency and airline flight bookings’ programs not have an algorithm below the vegan option to check with a ‘cross’, that says:

x = Flight over War-zone  – “No thanks, I don’t want to become a ‘+’ statistic in World Domination (WD) plots between major and significant world powers, and militants angry with said powers’ WD-PLOTS for theirr remaining plots of land. Get me out of here pronto Tonto!

    Change of Plan? MH17 flight path appears to have been changed by Kiev air traffic controllers.
Change of Plan? MH17 flight path appears to have been changed by Kiev air traffic controllers.

Get my drift? Are we seeing a covert strategy for the centralization of aviation control, so that civilian airspace jurisdictions become merged with military jurisdictions?

Are we witnessing a ‘deep state’ criminal network that is creating airliner incidents to capture global media coverage (two for Malaysian Airlines this year), to justify a political shift to consolidate control of air travel?

Cui bono? (Who benefits?) Major weapons manufacturers developing aviation security technologies, including the capacity to takeover and remotely control aircraft in the event of ‘hijackings’ by ‘terrorist’ groups, for one, could be beneficiaries.

Think it couldn’t happen? Do you know about Operations Gladio? If you don’t, read “When Black Propel Us” and watch “TerrorStorm” (See link below).


By day, Snoopman works undercover as an ordinary mortal, editing news at a television station. By night, Snoopman researches the wicked deeds of the powerful, and is Editor-in-Chief at Snoopman News. (See Snoopman News for pictures and sourced references).



Malaysian Airlines MH17 Was Ordered to Fly over the East Ukraine Warzone at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/malaysian-airlines…/5392540

Malaysian Airlines MH370 and MH17. A Criminologist Questions: What are the Probabilities? Is it a Mere Coincidence? at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/malaysian-airlines…/5392265

How American Propaganda Works: “Guilt By Insinuation” at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-american…/5392573

MH 370 – Immediate Beneficiaries of the “Missing
Plane” – Peeling Away More Layers Of The Onion.
By Matthias Chang – Future FastForward
29th April, 2014 at:

TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism. Alex Jones Productions (2007) at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrXgLhkv21Y
When Black Things Propel Us – Snoopman News