Vax trials pre-date emergence of first 4 major Corona Variants — Omicron an Ominous Orchestrated Omen?

This heretical investigation shows the correlations between countries that hosted Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ trials prior to four of the five biggest ‘variant outbreaks’ emerging in the very same nations of interest. In the cases of the first four variants — Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma — the ‘variant outbreaks’ surged in the nation of interest amid mass ‘vaccine’ roll-outs.

However, in the case of the Omicron variant, a variation on the ‘variants epistemology’ occurred. The widely reported ‘emergence’ of ‘Omicron’ in Botswana and South Africa were attributed to the date of November 11th and 12th of 2021, respectively.

Despite the variant meta-data showing 20 nations — including South Africa — with ‘earliest sample dates’ occurring prior to Botswana’s discovery, the news record shows several nations conveniently found Omicron cases in the days after the World Health Organization named variant B.1.1.529 as Omicron on 26 November 2021.

This anomaly in the case of the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) cannot be easily explained away as human error, as can be with the previous four major variants. This ‘oddity’ was crucial to feeding a narrative that Omicrons alleged transmissibility was higher than the four previous variants of concern. The delay of Omicron’s discovery — and its sudden magical appearance in many countries — conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed at the beginning of the Northern Hemispheres winter. Omicron was the crazy outlier that gave the game away of the scientific fraud, medical malfeasance and stealthy democide occurring.

Citing doctors, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards finds that the global mass ‘vaccine’ programs were a live product demonstration to show that the mRNA technology worked. This proof of concept global experiment was predicated on the top-down universal decision to use synthesized mRNA that would instruct cells to mass manufacture spike protein in the manufacture of Covid-19 injecticides.

The spike protein code became a vector for the uncontrolled expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within human cells, as well as a global experiment to field test the lipid nano-packages used to courier the synthesized mRNA that would instruct cells to mass manufacture spike proteins.

Correlation, a Canadian research group, estimated that the injecticides killed 13 million worldwide. This estimate followed from three years of work by Canadian multi-discipliniary scientist, Dr Denis Rancourt, who spent the course of the ‘covid-period’ making the case that the lock-downs, and associated measures, including the global mass ‘vaccine’ programs had caused excess deaths. His teams work has paid off.

Rancourt et al interrogated the all cause mortality data to log, track and analyse the excess deaths by state, time and demographics including age, health and wealth and found strong statistical correlations revealing a disease outbreak displaying sensitivities to state borders, demographics and financial incentives. These oddities prove an oligarchic-elite plot deploying themed event elements, narrative plot developments and improvised counter-moves to la résistance, consistent with the objectives of eugenicists whose ideas, prejudices and strategic goals were supposed to have ended with the Nazis.

Key Finding: The synthesized mRNA, transported by the lipid fat nano-particles, and used to instruct cells to mass manufacture spike proteins — became the mechanism for an explosion in Covid-19 cases, a proliferation of variants, and surges in vaccine adverse events, including deaths. The sudden magical appearance of Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) is a departure from the first four variants — Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma — since these ‘variant outbreaks’ surged in the nation of interest amid mass ‘vaccine’ roll-outs following ‘vaccine’ trials. The delay of Omicron’s discovery conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed, at the beginning of the Northern Hemispheres winter. Epidemiologists took their cues from the news. The variants provided the cover-story to mask the cause for the surges in casualties: bioweapon injecticides.

By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards [Updated 13 November 2023]

Vaccine Trials Connection in a World Governed by Worse Case Scenarios

In a world governed by worse case scenarios, cities, countries and committees across the planet performed like synchronized swim teams competing in heats with themed variant routines of Medical Martial Law at the onset of the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’.[1]

This live theater created the impression — if not the meta-data — that health departments, law enforcement officials and government authorities were contestants in the planet’s first ‘Corona World Games’, when they imposed edicts with unseemly haste — evidently — to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.[2] Such edicts were ostensibly triggered once the World Health Organization declared the SARS-Cov-2 disease a pandemic on 11 March 2020, at time when the world death toll was under 5000 mortals.[3]

This minuscule fatality figure — which would barely register as a sneeze, let alone an influenza epidemic in world’s most populous countries — was evidently enough for the WHO to gaslight the planet. The WHO could easily emotionally hijack the world, in part, because in 2009 — and just weeks before the H1-N1 Swine Flu outbreak— this UN health standards and regulatory authority removed the threshold standard of scale from its pandemic definition. With this chess move, a pandemic could be declared without the crucial threshold of proportional threat.[4]

The behavior modifications that have occurred so far — such as submitting to QR-code mass surveillance, corona testing, nationwide house arrests, social distancing, mask wearing, quarantines, long queues for food, watching daily advisories, workplace compliance practices, and mass vaccinations — have presaged the objective to segregate society with a stealthy medical apartheid system featuring vaccine passports.[5]

The central creed of the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ holds that every negative impact of the measures taken should always to be blamed on the disease Covid-19. Because SARS-Cov-2 was conveniently cast as a novel species-jumping jet-setting virus, the official narrative spun about the Covid Pandemic instantaneously became sacred cow dogma. A global intolerance to critical counter-evidence was packaged with the contagion of fear-porn, because newsrooms that comprise the Global Media Cartel became a super-spreader vector for brainwashing mass populations to accept the ‘new normal’.

Biocracy by Bioterrorism? The New Normal documentary (2021) critically questioned the broad spectrum pandemic measures and presented a big picture far-reaching technological treadmill trajectory being fast-tracked while whole nations were subjected to medical house-arrest.

Attempts to transmit such critical counter-evidence to other humans were deemed as life-threatening misinformation, disinformation or conspiracy theories.[6] The climate across the global media-scape suddenly changed such that skepticism was, in effect, recast as a ‘thoughtcrime’ with a spooky synchronicity indicating that a new global hegemonic bloc of scientism was being forged and with a pandemic chosen as the Trojan Horse vehicle. In essence, critical thinking was designated a mental illness.[7]

Yet, such coordinated capitulation by governments to the draconian ‘health’ measures relied upon on a work-shopped spectacle of crisis spreading as a contagion of fear through the global news-chain — as I have shown in part 3 of my Corona World Games investigative series entitled, “All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War”. Indeed, the military-grade psychological warfare operation — which had been work-shopped since prior to the 9/11 Coup D’état — was deployed to construct a global ideological block that could be wielded by the Biocracy Bandits to forge a totalitarian technocratic global biosecurity system.

The goal of the Biocracy Bandits and other confederates, that I call the Totalitarian Bandits, is to shape a new reality in which a Techno-Feudal World Order becomes the operating system over humanity enslaved under a Pandemic Paradigm. The detectable logic underpinning this epic gambit for universal empire, is that any alternatives are to be permanently foreclosed due to total control over the structural forces, most especially technological development.[8]

To this end, the Global Media Cartel was weaponized to emotionally hijack news audiences with fear and hope. Since hope as a motivator is the only thing more powerful than the emotion of fear, it was (and remains) crucial for ruling élites to keep hope tightly regulated — lest the Totalitarian Bandits lose control of their structural systems of control amid great transformations.

This fear-porn news came packaged with the preferred ‘solution’ of a rapid mass surge in vaccine production.

Despite dozens of large-scale efficacy trials for various Covid-19 vaccines and redoubled efforts to develop boosters to combat the alleged new strains of the at-large SARS-COV-2 virus — five major corona ‘variant outbreaks’ have occurred around the world.[9]

With the ‘discovery’ of the so-called ‘Omicron variant’ on November 22 of 2021, fears that the ‘pandemic’ was far from over went viral as an emotional contagion of fear-porn through the global news-chain. The palpable contagion of fear occurred with the same unseemly haste as the time when Covid-19 was first declared a pandemic.[10]

With little debate to counter the official crisis narrative — except at the margins — Omicron quickly toppled Delta’s infamy even before the new variant had been alleged to have killed a single mortal human.

This investigation shows the correlations between countries that hosted Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ trials prior to the biggest ‘variant outbreaks’ emerging in the very same nations of interest. In the cases of the first four variants, the ‘variant outbreaks’ surged in the nation of interest amid mass ‘vaccine’ roll-outs.

However, in the case of the Omicron variant, a variation on the ‘variants epistemology’ occurred.

The lag time between the initial Omicron ‘variant outbreak’ attributed to Botswana, and its spread across the entire planet was four weeks.[11]

Yet, Omicron’s near-instantaneous spread as an emotional contagion of fear-porn through the global news-chain belies a hegemonic capture of newsrooms across the global media cartel. Indeed, the military-grade psychological warfare operation — which had been work-shopped since prior to the 9/11 Coup D’état — was deployed to construct an global ideological hegemonic block that could be wielded by the Biocracy Bandits to forge a totalitarian technocratic global biosecurity system.

Amid the new hegemonic ideological Corona group-think, Omicron was cast as the new supreme leader of fear-porn news, which required the world to suspend its disbelief that public and private health was the one sector possessing a magical immunity from corruption, collusion and conspiracy. Because the central creed of the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ has become sacred cow dogma, the Establishment Media Missionaries did not explain why exactly the new variant had the super-power to trigger volatility in financial markets, and therefore cause the kind of ‘Whack a Mole’ calamity that the world’s bankers had caused a dozen years prior.[12]

The Establishment Media Missionaries claimed investors either feared the variant’s possible impacts on economic growth, supply chains and inflationary pressures.[13] Or, because speculators saw a lucrative opportunity to short markets. These explanations were quite predictable narrative elements. The global media cartel has played a primary role to act as a vector for transmitting fear-porn and hopium, within tightly bound narrative framings.

Quite. Wholly. Absolutely. Fully. Entirely. Totally. Completely. Utterly.

Curiously, Omicron was catapulted to world infamy before it was fingered for killing a single human during the ‘silly season’ of 2021.[14] Yet, ironically, Omicron was blamed for killing the ‘Santa Claus rally’ of Christmas retail spending.

Omicron’s variation from the out-break narrative pattern of the four previous variants, in essence, represented a narrative break-out plot element. This is a crucial anomaly or oddity. Since in philosophy, epistemology is the study of the origin of knowledge, the rationality of belief and related issues to particular branches of knowledge, this departure from the out-break narrative pattern reveals both the continuities and variances of the ‘pandemic’ plot-line — as I shall show.

And because Omicron’s infamy — before it tallied up any ‘kills’ — constitutes a narrative break-out plot element, the entire epistemology, or origins, of what we know about SARS-Cov-2 and its variants, needs a thorough re-examination.

Especially, since epistemology is a branch of philosophy.

And, particularly, since it is crucial to comprehend the dominant philosophy of any historical period in order to clearly analyze the historical conflicts. [Editor’s Note: see “How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket” for an analysis of the present tectonic geo-political shifts that underpin this Global Corona Coup D’état].[15] Therefore, it is critical to also establish whether or not the claimed origins of the variants outbreaks are a natural evolution of a virus during a pandemic are true. And if they are not true, what does this result tell us about the origins of the pandemic itself?

The Global Media Cartel — along with their predatory philanthropist-funded fact-checker adjuncts — have claimed that the ‘Covid-19 vaccines’ could not be the cause of the ‘variants’, because the ‘variants’ have all emerged after the ‘vaccines’ were distributed.[16]

However, this ‘debunking’ view is challenge-able.

The official Corona narrative excludes the fact that across all countries where the biggest ‘variants outbreaks’ emerged prior to Omicron — and that were said to have caused the most deaths — that there were also ‘vaccine trials’ that preceded the mass deployment of the ‘vaccines’.

Prior to the ‘emergence’ of ‘Omicron’ in Botswana — after it was first reported November 22th 2021 to the Botswana Ministry of Health and its claimed ‘spread’ across the world[17] — the previous big ‘variant outbreaks’ were Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma.

What follows is a summary of vaccine-related events relevant to the emergence of each variant pertaining to the country widely reported to have been the origin of the major variants. As such, the profiled nations are: United Kingdom for the emergence of the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7); South Africa for the emergence of the Beta variant (B.1.351); India for the emergence of the Delta variant B.1.617.2; Brazil for the emergence of the Gamma Variant (P.1) and the reported emergence of the fifth major variant, Omicron B.1.1.529, in Botswana. This profiling shows that Omicron B.1.1.529 stands out as the oddity, since the Covid-19 variant meta-data reveals that the B.1.1.529 sequence samples were collected in 20 nations prior to Botswana’s first sample date.

Additionally, this profiling also includes the Commonwealth of Australia for the emergence of Alpha and Delta variants, and the United States of America for the emergence of Delta variant.

These two additional countries are included because of their political, martial, commercial, and cultural symbolic value to the American Empire, since it is one of the Echelon ‘Five Eyes’ surveillance nations comprising the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.[18] The population of 5 million in the Australian City of Melbourne, Victoria, were subjected to six lock-downs totalling 262 days between March 2020 and mid-October 2021.[19]

The United States of America is included because it is the dominant political, military, economic and cultural powerhouse of the American Empire. Yet, it has clocked up the highest Covid-19 death toll — 1.01 million out of 6.33 million — despite the country’s territories having highly resourced public and private health systems as CNN reported gas-lighted.[20]

The Militarization of Public Health: By late June 2022, the world Covid 19 death toll reached 6.33 million [CNN,29 June 2022].

Forbes followed up, with this emergent corona narrative plot development, that Snoopman calls the ‘Dire Global Covid Death Toll Variant’, to report gas-light that the World Health Organization ‘estimated’ almost 15 million died due to the covid pandemic. The fact that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director-General, had unilaterally declared a pandemic on March 11 2020, when the global death count attributed to covid-19 was under 5000, did not get a mention in any of the news coverage (as far as the Snoopman could tell) demonstrated a consistent lack of reflexivity. This is a smarty-pants way of saying the news media ‘neglected’ to reflect on their own contribution to the globalized fear porn that occurred in early 2020.

As my alter-ego, the Snoopman has articulated in part 2 of his series “New Zealand’s Stealthy Pivot to Police State Status“ entitled ”Lying by Numbers, Hyped Fear-Porn News and the U.N.’s 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise, starring ❛Covid-19❜”, newsrooms — for the most part — unwittingly became vectors for a work-shopped emotional contagion that spread the spectacle of crisis in the absence of substantive data. Worse, once the inevitable backlash occurred with a three week long occupation of Parliament Grounds — which was inspired by the Canadian Trucker Convoy — New Zealand’s media doubled down and were complicit in covering up the police violence to shift the bad optics away from the Government and onto the Freedom Village. Ergo, in spite of newsrooms being handed counter-stories on a platter, they spun negative yarns about the protesters like the white-coated spin-doctors working for the Big Pharma cartel.

The Economist updated estimate that the world toll of excess deaths caused by ‘covid’ is 27 million (November 14 2023), while the official tally stands at 7 million. This death toll masks the bioweapon-injecticide casualties list.

The excess deaths as depicted per 100,000 human mortals, is illustrated below; the first map (at left) displays the estimated excess deaths, while the second map (at right) shows official deaths.

The variants provided the cover-story to mask the cause for surges in casualties: bioweapon injecticides.

Snapshots of the Corona Variants

The pattern of vaccine trials preceding large variants outbreaks is clear. Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ trials were conducted prior to four of the five biggest ‘variant outbreaks’ — Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma — emerging in the very same nations of interest, prior to mass ‘vaccine’ roll-outs. The ‘variant outbreaks’ surged amid mass vaccination programs.

However, variant Omicron B.1.1.529 stands out as the oddity, since the Covid-19 variant meta-data reveals that B.1.1.529 sequence samples were collected in 20 nations prior to Botswana’s first sample date.

The Rise of Alpha (B.1.1.7)United Kingdom Population = 67 Million

In the United Kingdom, the first ‘vaccine’ trial started 24 March 2020. Supposedly, after pressure from Her Majesty’s Government, the University of Oxford Vaccine Group collaborated with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, to trial the ‘vaccine’ codenamed AZD1222. On 22 May 2020, Oxford University announced Phase2/3 trials on human subjects had begun.[21]

Subsequently the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) was identified 3 September 2020,[22] prior to the first ‘vaccine’ deployments, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, 8 December 2020 and 4 January 2021, respectively.[23]

Between these two dates, Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) was designated a ‘variant of concern’ on December 18th 2020, and subsequently, the Alpha wave started in the UK in January 2021.[24] The British Medical Journal (BMJ) claims the ‘Alpha variant’ “drove the UK’s second wave”, which surged from January 11 and began its decline from March 22 2021, two months before the ‘Delta variant’ began its assent on the sequencing charts in 2021.[25]

The Rise of Alpha: Following Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ trials on human subjects beginning in May 2020, the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) was identified 3 September 2020. Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) was designated a ‘variant of concern’ on December 18th 2020, and in January 2021, the Alpha wave started in the UK amid mass vaccinations.

The Oxford-Astra-Zeneca ‘vaccine’, Vaxzevria, was also trialled in South Africa and Brazil.[26]

The Rise of Beta (B.1.351) South Africa Population = 59.3 Million

In South Africa, the first ‘vaccine’ trial started on June 24 2020. Subsequently the Beta variant (B.1.351) was claimed to have been identified on October 15 2020 in Nelson Mandela Bay, according to a widely cited study in Nature by Tegally et al; although it’s early sample date is attributed as September 1 2020, and the earliest report date as 8 October 2020 in South Africa, according to Cov-Lineages.Org.[27] AstraZeneca’s Vaxveria ‘vaccine’ was introduced to the South African population on December 8 2020 and ten days later, the Beta Variant was designated by the World Health Organization as a ‘variant of concern’, on December 18th 2020 — the same day that the Alpha variant was also conferred with ‘variant of concern’ status.[28] The roll-out of one million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine was halted on February 6 2021, and South Africa switched to the Johnson & Johnson 10 days later, 17 February 2021. Subsequently, the Beta B.1.351 variant outbreak was said to have become severe in South Africa from April 2021.[29]

The Rise of Beta: In South Africa, the first ‘vaccine’ trial started on June 24 2020. Subsequently the Beta variant (B.1.351) was identified on October 15 2020 in Nelson Mandela Bay. AstraZeneca’s Vaxveria ‘vaccine’ was introduced to the South African population on December 8 2020. The Beta B.1.351 variant outbreak was said to have become severe in South Africa from April 2021.

The Rise of Delta (B.1.617.2) • India • United States of America • Australia

• India • Delta (B.1.617.2) Population = 1.38 Billion

In India, three ‘vaccines’ were trialled before the Delta Variant was first identified in the world’s second most populous nation on October 2020.[30] In July 2020, Indian vaccine manufacturer Zydus Cadila began Phase 1 testing of a DNA-based skin-patch vaccine, and then launched Phase 2 Trial on August 6. Then, Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine began Phase 2/3 Trials in India on October 17 2020. And on November 16 2020, Biological E. Limited commenced a Phase I/II clinical trial of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, marketed as Covaxin.[31] Vaccine administration to the Indian population began on 16 January 2021.[32]

Amid the vaccine trails, the earliest documented samples for the Delta variant B.1.617.2 were said to have been collected in October 2020, according to the World Health Organization,[33] and New Scientist magazine.[34] However, Cov-Lineages.Org claims the Delta variant was first detected March 1 2021.[35] Although Delta B.1.617.2 became the most commonly reported variant from mid-April 2021,[36] it took the World Health Organization until 11 May 2021 to categorize B.1.617.2 as a variant of concern, and until May 31st for the World Health Organization to name variant B.1.617.2 as Delta.[37]

The Rise of Delta: In India, three ‘vaccines’ were trialled before the Delta Variant was first identified in the world’s second most populous nation on October 2020. The earliest documented samples for the Delta variant B.1.617.2 were said to have been collected in October 2020. Vaccine administration to the Indian population began on 16 January 2021. Delta B.1.617.2 became the most commonly reported variant from mid-April 2021

Curiously, four other countries — Paraguay, Russia, Slovenia, and Ivory Coast — share the same earliest sample date of March 1 2021, as the nation of India, where the Delta variant B.1.617.2 was alleged to have been first detected.

In quick succession, earliest sample dates were recorded for: Mexico on March 2, and then the following day, the Czech Republic, the United Sates and the Democratic Republic of Congo also detected Delta variant samples.

Detecting Delta: Ironically, four other countries — Paraguay, Russia, Slovenia, and Ivory Coast — share the same earliest sample date of March 1 2021, as the nation of India, where the Delta variant B.1.617.2 was alleged to have been first detected.

In India, the injecticide campaign death toll was 3.7 million, according to Dr Denis Rancourt.

According to Dr Denis Rancourt, a huge in peak in mortality occurred during a four-month period from April to July 2021 following a concerted vaccine drive on 1 March 2021, after an initially poor implementation when the first vaccines were deployed on January 16 2021. This vaccine drive started on March 1st 2021, for Indians of 60 years and older and those over 45 years and having “co-morbidities” (among 20 listed co-morbidities) and was extended to all residents over 45 years on 1 April 2021 (April Fools’ Day); and coincided with the government’s four-day Teeka Utsav (‘Vaccine Festival’) from 11 to 14, in which some 100 million vaccine doses were administered by its completion. India’s injecticide program caused fatalities in 1 out of 100 injections, the Canadian research scientist found.

Indian Democide: Denis Rancourt found in his review of India excess mortality data that the rise in covid deaths (orange line) and non-covid deaths (blue line) in 2021, particularly in April to June and taper off in July, occurred in parallel to the vaccine drive.

This surge in deaths from the start of April 2023 can be seen in World-O-Meter’s data for India, although this metadata aggregator attributes the toll to the coronavirus rather than the measures imposed.

When the World-O-Meter’s covid-attributed data for India, is compared to the separated deaths of covid and non-covid deaths that Dr Denis Rancourt’s study drew attention to with two graphs side-by-side, for 2020 and 2021, one can see how academics, health officials and institutionally-tied scientists avoided pairing but the blindingly obvious data-sets: all cause mortality data and vaccine deployment.

Yet, when India’s all cause mortality data and vaccine deployment data are lined-up, one can that peaks in covid and non-covid deaths in 2021 in the collage of graphics below (top-right), tracks with the large peak for the middle of 2021 (bottom right) — it’s clear the excess deaths occur synchronously with the jab roll-out.

Therefore, in India, the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant outbreak not only emerged prior to the vaccine roll-out, but also Peak Delta occurred early during the injecticide deployment. Moreover, the surge in deaths are concurrent to the expansion of the injecticide drive. Dr Rancourt estimated 3.7 million excess deaths due to the injecticides.

• United States • Delta (B.1.617.2) Population = 329 Million

In the United States of America, in January 2020, BioNTech created genetic instructions for building the coronavirus spike protein, according to The New York Times.[38] In March 2020, BioNTech partnered with Pfizer. Moderna began clinical trials for a Covid-19 vaccine in March 2020, after filing vaccine Patent application No. 16368270 on March 28th 2019 for the SARS-beta coronavirus. Pfizer-BioNTech Phase 1 clinical trial began in May 2020 and the Phase2/3 Trial was launched on July 27 with 30,000 volunteers.

On July 27 2020, a Phase 3 Trial of Spikevax was commenced after Moderna claimed its candidate protected monkeys from the coronavirus.[39] Also in July 2020, Johnson & Johnson began Phase1/2 Trials, and then launched a Phase 3 Trial in September 2020. Then in March 2021, Moderna began a phase 1 Trial of a new mRNA vaccine designed to combat the Beta variant. Mass vaccinations of Pfizer’s Comirnaty began on 14 December 2020, Moderna’s Spikevax in February 2021, and Johnson& Johnson’s Janssen on 1 March 2021.[40]

The public media widely reported Delta was first detected in the United States in March 2021.[41] However, attributes the 12 March 2020 and 21 August 2020 as the date that the Delta variant B.1.617.2 was first found in the United States.[42] In May 2021, the Delta Wave spread across the US.

The Rise of Delta in the US: Three Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials began in mid 2020. Mass vaccinations began in mid-December 2020. The public media widely reported Delta was first detected in the United States in March 2021. However, attributes the dates 12 March 2020 and 21 August 2020 as the dates that the Delta variant B.1.617.2 was first found in the United States. In May 2021, the Delta Wave spread across the US.

Officially, 1.138 million Americans died from the coronavirus, according to the WHO, as at 8 November 2023.

According to the World-O-Meter, 1.181 million Americans died from the coronavirus, as at 13 November 2023.

According to Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center, the total US covid death toll was 1,123,836 as at 10 March 2023, or three after the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020.

The Correlation research group showed that vaccination programs in the United States began after the overall death rates began to taper off. Those pre-vaccination peaks were achieved first by imposing lock-downs and associated measures that impacted poverty stricken obese people, diabetics, and the mentally and physically disabled. Moreover, the prescribing of remdesivir (marketed as Veklury) and used in combination with ventilators, and while denying courses of Ivermectin, hydroxy-chloroquine and supplements such as zinc, vitamins D and C — also contributed to the death peaks prior to the vaccination period.

Pre-vax measures killed one million. The death toll rose after this enormous damage; the jabs killed an estimated 330,000.

Spiked Lives Matter: The first vertical grey line depicts the date 11 March 2020, when the WHO declared a global pandemic, and the second (broken) vertical grey line depicts the vaccine rollouts, thereby showing the course of all deaths (blue line) in the United States.

The Correlation research group estimated the covid-period measures in the US — including coercing the population to take injecticides — killed 1.3 million poor and disabled residents to week five of 2022.

At that time, World-O-Meter death toll attributed to coronavirus numbered 943,000.

Dr Rancourt’s research group also estimated 330,000 deaths were caused by injecticide programs, which were coincident with high degrees of poverty, disability, obesity, diabetes, and high medication rates in states where ‘vaccine equity programs’ were implemented.

When compared to the World Health Organization and World-O-Meter daily deaths meta-data that attributed death toll spikes to covid, the Correlation group’s graphic shows (see below) the vaccines had the effect of arresting the sharp death toll decline occurring at the end of 2020 and early 2021, followed by two distinguishable peaks with the deployment of the first and second shots and first of the boosters.

United States of Eugenics: When compared to the World Health Organization and World-O-Meter meta-data that attributed death toll spikes to covid, the Correlation group’s graphic (bottom) shows the vaccines had the effect of arresting the sharp death toll decline occurring at the end of 2020 and early 2021, followed by two distinguishable peaks with the deployment of the first and second shots and first of the boosters.

Therefore, it can be seen that in the United States, the injecticide programs advanced the casualty lists, adding to the US death toll already clocked up by those across those states that inflicted hard measures to compliment the totalitarian lockdowns, including suppressing the use of ivermectin, while prescribing remdesivir.

• Australia • Delta (B.1.617.2) Population = 25.6 Million

In Australia, Spybiotech, a company spun off from the University of Oxford, announced in September 2020 that Phase1/2 Trials had begun. Spybiotech had licensed their ‘vaccine’ to the Serum Institute of India (SII), whom was contracted to run the trial in Australia. However, The New York Times reported July 20 2021 that the vaccine trial record had not been updated since September 2020.[43]

Another ‘vaccine’ development project by University of Oxford, in collaboration with manufacturer CSL, encountered difficulties when some volunteers returned false positive tests for HIV and was abandoned on December 10 2020. In the same December month of 2020, the Alpha variant surged in Australia.

The Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) approved four vaccines for Australian use in 2021. The Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine was approved on 25 January,[44] the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine on 16 February,[45] Janssen vaccine on 25 June[46] and the Moderna vaccine on 9 August.[47] On Monday 22 February 2021, Australia’s COVID-19 mass vaccination began, and this date marked the peak of the Alpha variant.

Starting with frontline workers, from healthcare staff to hotel quarantine employees and police, and residents of aged care homes, 60,000 doses were set to be given in the first week.

During late March 2021, the Delta Wave emerged in Australia and surged in June 2021.[48]

The Rise of Delta in Australia: In December 2020, the Alpha variant surged in Australia following failed vaccine trials. Mass vaccinations began in February 2021, and in late March 2021, the Delta Wave emerged in Australia and surged in June 2021.

Officially, Australia’s Covid death toll stood at 23,342 as of 4 October 2023, according to the WHO.

Similarly, Australia clocked up almost 23,000 deaths attributed to the coronavirus on World-O-Meter.

Yet, in the 13-month period prior to vaccine rollout gearing up across Australia, there were no excess deaths detected since a pandemic was declared (mid-March 2020 through mid-April 2021). The Canadian Correlation research group, led by Dr Denis Rancourt, found this 13-month period was followed by a marked increase in mortality in mid-April 2021, synchronous with the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine prioritizing elderly, disabled and aboriginal residents. During this excess mortality in the vaccination period from mid-April 2021 through August 2022, there was a 14 % larger all-cause mortality rate than in recent pre-vaccination periods of same time duration with an estimated 31,000 excess deaths, which is more than twice the deaths registered, 13,900, as from or with COVID-19 at that time.

However, according to the meta-data on World-O-Meter, there was a marked rise in the coronavirus death toll that occurred on January 13 2021, with 60 daily deaths, and peaked 13 days later at 111, which was one day after the Australian Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) approved the first of four vaccines use in 2021. Australian daily deaths dropped to a low of 16 on March 13, before rising again.

The early rise in January 2021 may have been concurrent with the use of remdesivir as a democide measure to stealthily convince officials, fool the news media and nudge public opinion that Australia needed a nationwide vaccine program. Australia’s covid mass injecticide drive began from 22 February 2021, which coincided with variant peak Alpha. The injecticide drive started with frontline workers, from healthcare staff to hotel quarantine employees and police, and residents of aged care homes.

The Australian covid death toll was 947, as at January 13, 2021. The highest daily death toll attributed to coronavirus for Australia was 257, which occurred on 16 September 2021, according to the meta-data on World-O-Meter. Thus, the estimated 31,000 excess deaths, attributed by The Canadian Correlation research group, led by Dr Denis Rancourt through to August 2022 may be in part attributable to the lockdown associated measures, including the use of remdesivir to manufacture the ‘coronavirus’ death toll.

In addition, Rancourt et al found a sharp peak in all-cause mortality (mid-January to mid-February 2022; 2,600 deaths) which was synchronous with the rapid rollout of the booster (9.4 million booster doses, same time period), and is not due to a climatic heatwave.

When compared to the World Health Organization and World-O-Meter daily deaths meta-data that attributed death toll spikes to covid, the Correlation group’s graphic, below, shows the vaccines had the effect of arresting, followed by three distinguishable peaks with the mass deployment of the first and second shots and the first of the boosters.

The synchronous impacts of the vaccine drive across all Australian states, can be seen with corresponding three peak in excess deaths.

The World-O-Meter graph attributing death tolls, from February 15 2020 to August 22 2022, to the coronavirus, which stood at approximately 13,300, took off from January 13 2022. This synchronous ‘take-off’ began with the third dose (first booster), which Rancourt et al drew attention to in their study.

Therefore, the strong correlations between the injecticide rollout across Australia and the rise in deaths demonstrates that the vaccination programs caused excess deaths of Australian citizens.

The Rise of Gamma (P.1) Brazil = 213 Million

In Brazil, two main Covid-19 vaccines were marketed to the mass population. A Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company, Sinovac developed CoronaVac, while AstraZeneca’s shots were distributed through the Covax Facility, which was an initiative backed by the World Health Organization, ostensibly to ensure poorer countries received fair and equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines.[49] On June 12 2020, Sinovac Biotech partnered with Brazil-based Instituto Butantan to advance its Covid-19 vaccine candidate, CoronaVac, into Phase III clinical trials[50]. On June 20th 2020, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine trial began in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and a site in the North East of Brazil. The Gamma Variant (P.1) was identified on 15 December 2020 in Manaus, the largest city in Amazon region of Brazil, despite its earliest sample date being recorded as 1 October 2020.[51] Brazil’s vaccine deployment began on January 17 2021. The Gamma Wave surged from January 25th 2021 and lasted through to April.[52] In the same month of April, Brazil’s vaccine regulator rejected Sputnik V, but after tense exchanges, Brazil green-lighted Spuknik V in June 2021. The Delta variant was also said to have hit Brazil hard and began to surge at the beginning of July 2021.[53]

The Rise of Gamma: In June 2020, clinical trials began in Brazil for CoronaVac, produced by Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company, Sinovac, and the Oxford-AstraZeneca. The earliest sample date of the Gamma Variant (P.1) was recorded as 1 October 2020. Brazil’s vaccine deployment began on January 17 2021. The Gamma Wave surged from January 25th 2021 and lasted through to April.

Therefore, the meta-data reveals the first four of the five biggest ‘variant outbreaks’ — Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma — emerged in the very same nations of interest after the commencement of vaccine trails. The ‘variant outbreaks’ surged amid mass vaccination programs.

As I shall show, the reported emergence of the fifth major variant, Omicron B.1.1.529, in Botswana evidently occurred when four foreign diplomats tested positive for COVID-19 as they tried to leave the Southern African nation, after entering Botswana four days prior from neighboring South Africa. However, variant Omicron B.1.1.529 stands out as the oddity, since the Covid-19 variant meta-data reveals that B.1.1.529 sequence samples were collected in 20 nations prior to Botswana’s first sample date.

This ‘oddity’ fed a narrative that Omicron’s transmissibility was higher than the four previous variants of concern.

The delay of Omicron’s discovery — and its sudden magical appearance in many countries — conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed.

Curiously, it was not until after Botswana’s mass vaccinations began in June 2021 that the nation’s Delta outbreak surged.

Previously, Botswana’s Beta outbreak surged after neighboring South Africa, the variant’s reported country of origin, began mass vaccinations beginning in December 2020, following vaccine trials in June 2020.

Beta and Delta: Botswana’s Beta outbreak (peach) surged after neighboring South Africa, the variant’s reported country of origin — began mass vaccinations in December 2020 — following South Africa’s vaccine trails commencing in June 2020. Botswana’s Delta outbreak (green) surged after mass vaccinations began in mid-June 2021.

The Rise of Omicron (B.1.1.529) • Botswana = 2.5 Million • South Africa = 59.3 Million

In Botswana in April 2020, the Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) at Claremont College California, started work to design and produce low-cost COVID-19 vaccines derived from genetically modifying plants. Mass vaccination started on 26 March 2021, initially with AstraZeneca‘s Covishield vaccine.[54] In early June of 2021 Science magazine reported that Pfizer and Moderna pulled out of a eight-country trial of sub-Saharan African nations, which would have included Botswana.[55] Consequently, Botswana did not participate in any Covid-19 trials clinical trials involving humans by the time interviews occurred between 1–28 February 2021 for a study entitled, “Acceptance rate and risk perception towards the COVID-19 vaccine in Botswana”, published by PLOS on 4 February 2022.[56] On 11 June Botswana’s President Mokgweetsi Masisi received the first Pfizer-BioNTech ‘vaccine’.[57] On 24 June Botswana received 200,000 doses of the Chinese-made Sinovac-CoronaVac.[58] By early July, 473 000 doses of the AstraZeneca-Covishield, Pfizer and Sinovac vaccines had been administered to the population numbering 2.35 million.[59] In mid-August 2021, it was publicly reported that the KGI team was working with the Botswana Vaccine Institute and the Botswana government to secure funding to build a facility in Botswana to produce COVID-19 vaccines.[60] On 18 September, Botswana received the first 101,760 of 401,280 Oxford-AstraZeneca doses donated by Germany. On 23 September, Botswana received 50,400 doses of the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine donated by South Africa.[61] On 14 October, Botswana received a first batch of 49,200 doses under the supply agreement with Moderna reached in June 2021.[62]

The Rise of Omicron: Mass vaccinations began in Botswana on 11 June 2021, the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) was supposedly ‘first’ identified in Botswana on November 11 2021. It would appear that no clinical trials involving humans occurred in Botswana prior to the World Health Organization naming of the Omicron variant on Friday November 26th 2021.

Subsequently, the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) was supposedly ‘first’ identified in Botswana on November 11 2021, when four foreign diplomats tested positive for COVID-19 as they tried to leave the Southern African nation.[63] Genomic sequencing confirmed the variant on Wednesday November 24, and South Africa’s Health officials reported the variant to the World Health Organization the same day.[64] Remarkably, this news came the same day that the Government of South Africa asked Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer Inc. to suspend delivery of Covid-19 vaccines, because the county claimed it had enough stock amid plunging demand, which was construed as ‘vaccine hesitancy’.[65] Two days later, the World Health Organization designated COVID-19 variant Omicron (B.1.1.529) as a variant of concern. By Sunday November 28 2021, Britain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Australia and Hong Kong confirmed Omicron cases. With this apparent delay of 13 days between the Omicron’s ‘first detection’ in neighboring Botswana to the South African Health Ministry’s reporting to WHO, the narrative was seeded that Omicron had rapidly spread via air travel from Botswana and the Republic of South Africa.[66]

The World Health Organization attributes the earliest documented samples to “multiple countries” in November 2021.[67]

The Rise of Omicron in South Africa: The Covid-19 first vaccine trials began in June 2020 in South Africa. The earliest sequence sample of the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) in South Africa was attributed to 12 October 2021. However, genomic sequencing was not confirmed for the variant until Wednesday November 24, the same day that neighboring Botswana reported the variant to the World Health Organization.

The optics of Botswana variant meta-data presents a picture that the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) was the new supreme ruler of Covid-19 clades in the Southern Africa nation of 2.3 million inhabitants.

Optics of Omnipotence: Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) [depicted at the right-hand side in lilac, pink, purple, and blue] took over as the new supreme ruler of Covid-19 clades in the Southern Africa nation of Botswana from Delta [Green], which deposed Beta [peach]. [Source: CoVariants]

Botswana’s Omicron wave, which began in November 2021, is ongoing in June 2022.[68]

In the next section, I show variant Omicron B.1.1.529 stands out as the oddity, since the Covid-19 variant meta-data reveals that B.1.1.529 sequence samples were collected in 20 nations prior to Botswana’s first sample date.

This ‘oddity’ fed a narrative that Omicron’s transmissibility was higher than the four previous variants of concern.

For example, a study published by JMIR, entitled “Has Omicron Changed the Evolution of the Pandemic?” assumed that the since the variant B.1.1.529 was allegedly first identified in Botswana on November 11 2021, they would take sub-Saharan Africa as their region to study its transmission. The Kansas University research group’s rationale was that sub-Saharan Africa “offers an ideal setting for a natural experiment” and because in the past, “ most outbreaks were primarily driven by a single variant.”

By ignoring the meta-data showing that earliest samples for variant Omicron B.1.1.529 were collected as far back as September 2 2021 in the United States of America — and another 19 countries prior to Botswana winning the gong as the first nation to identify the world’s allegedly most transmissible of Covid-19 variants — this Kansas University research group ignored a fundamental function of epidemiology: determining origin and cause of an outbreak.

Omicron Clade and its new Aliases: Curiously, five countries — India, Paraguay, Russia, Slovenia, and Ivory Coast — share the same earliest sample date of March 1 2021 for the Delta variant B.1.617.2. Yet, the India is alleged to have been the nation that first detected the new variant.

The assumption underpinning the Kansas University’s JMIR research paper appeared to be that since a country’s health officials are the first to publicly notify the identification of a new variant, then such notification automatically means the new variant emerged in that nation.

The delay of Omicron’s discovery — and its sudden magical appearance in many countries — conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed.

Variant Data Anomalies?

This profiling of the big ‘variant outbreaks’ — Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Omicron — reveals certain anomalies or oddities.

Among the curious anomalies in the metadata are the varying dates on variant emergence. This happens due to human error as sequence data is uploaded from individual labs to the GISAID database, Scripps said in an email to a Snoopman News’ source.

For instance, the WHO claims the earliest documented sequences for the ‘Alpha variant’ being recorded in September 2020 in the United Kingdom.[69]

Naming Hesitancy: Despite the earliest ‘Alpha variant’ samples are recorded 3 September 2020 in the United Kingdom, the WHO does not upgrade B.1.1.7 as a variant of concern until 18 December 2020, the same day as the Beta variant.

Yet, the World Health Organization claims is the ‘Beta variant’ was first documented in South Africa in May 2020.[70]

In its “Covid-19: How many variants are there, and what do we know about them?” published on 19 August 2021,[71] The British Medical Journal (BMJ) agreed with the World Health Organization that the first documented samples of the Beta variant were in South Africa during May 2020, because The BMJ appeared to check only one WHO webpage.

Curiously, other credible sources[72] assert the ‘Beta variant’ was first ‘identified’ in October 2020 in Nelson Mandela Bay South Africa, including the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,[73]the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC),[74] the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control[75] the CoVariants[76] and Cov-Lineages.[77] as well as New Scientist magazine,[78] Nature journal and The New York Times.[79]

Indeed, in a story headlined “South Africa announces a new coronavirus variant”, The New York Times recorded on December 18 2020 that the South African Health Department had reported on 18 December 2020 the Beta variant’s emergence.

Cov-Lineages attributes the Beta variant earliest sample date to September 1 2020, and records the earliest report date as 8 October 2020 in South Africa.[80]

It seems The BMJ neglected to read Nature’s article of 9 March 2021, entitled, “Detection of a SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern in South Africa”, by a team of epidemiologists, who ‘identified’ the Beta B.1.351 from alleged samples said to have been collected on October 15 2020. Houriiyah Tegally et al found that the ‘variant’ emerged in early August after likely mutating through intrahost evolution during the middle of July to the end of August 2020, in Nelson Mandela Bay.[81] attributes the 12 March 2020 and 21 August 2020 as the date that the Delta B.1.617.2 was first found in the United States.[82]

Curiously, five — India, Paraguay, Russia, Slovenia, and Ivory Coast — share the same earliest sample date of March 1 2021 for the Delta variant B.1.617.2. Yet, the India is alleged to have been the nation that first detected the new variant.

However, while anomalies in reporting the earliest samples and reporting those results to the WHO for the variants Alpha, Beta, Gamma — and even Delta — can be attributed to human error, the record of oddities in the reporting of Omicron B.1.1.529 cannot be so easily explained away.

The apparent ‘emergence’ of ‘Omicron’ in Botswana and South Africa — and claimed ‘spread’ of variants across the world — suffers from what appears to be epidemiological obtuseness, if not a cover-up. In any case, it can be fairly said that epidemiologists took their cues from the news.

The ‘emergence’ of ‘Omicron’ in Botswana and South Africa are attributed to the date of November 11th and 12th of 2021, respectively, in the public media.

Yet, the earliest sequence was traced to the United States America on 2 September 2021.[83]

The second country was Nigeria, 7 September 2021, which was six days after two of Nigeria’s 36 states announced a ban on the unvaccinated from banks, places of worship, and federal buildings to combat ‘hesitancy’.[84] Nigeria, is the most populous African country and the economic giant of the continent, ranking as the world’s 27st largest economy. In May 2020, The New York Times portrayed Nigeria as one of several African ‘hotspots’ at a time when the nation’s second-largest city, Kano, had registered 33 Covid-19 deaths.[85]

In other words, the detection of the lineage B.1.1.529 occurred more than two months before the global media cartel reported, incorrectly, that the Omicron variant was first traced to tests in Botswana and South Africa, on November 11 and 12, respectively.[86]

Moreover, South Africa’s earliest sequence detection date was attributed to 12 October 2021, or one full month prior to South Africa reporting the lineage B.1.1.529, according to Cov-Lineages.[87]

Other nations where the earliest Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) sequences were traced before Botswana and South Africa were catapulted to the world’s attention, were: Thailand and the Republic of Congo on 12 September 2021, Israel on 29 September, India on 2 October, Austria on September 25, and and Israel on the same day, 29 September 2021, Italy on and the United Kingdom on 7 October, Australia on 9 October, Paraguay on 10 October, Belgium on 11 October, South Africa on October 12, Slovakia on 22 October, Chile and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on October 26, Cameroon and Canada on October 29 October, Malaysia on 8 November, and Ghana on 10 October.[88]

The variant was also identified in the Czech Republic on 11 November and in France on 12 November 2021, the same days as the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) was first reported to have been detected in Botswana and South Africa, respectively. Hong Kong and the Netherlands reported the Omicron variant was detected on 13 November 2021.

Optics of Obtuseness: Despite the variant meta-data showing 20 nations — including South Africa — with ‘earliest sample dates’ occurring prior to Botswana’s discovery, the news record shows several nations conveniently found Omicron cases in the days after the World Health Organization named variant B.1.1.529 as Omicron on 26 November 2021. [Source: Global report, Table 3: B.1.1.529 —]

As Dutch health officials have now confirmed that Omicron was detected in the country in “two test samples that were taken on November 19 and November 23”.

As ABC News reported 6 December 2021, in a story headlined — “Omicron was already spreading in the Netherlands before it had a name. Could it have European origins?” — Dutch health officials confirmed that Omicron was detected in the country in “two test samples that were taken on November 19 and November 23.” In other words, the variant was already in the Netherlands by the time it was reported to the WHO on November 24 by South African health officials.[89]

As the controversy swirled, a deflection story headlined “Netherlands detects 13 cases of coronavirus Omicron variant” seemed an attempt to protect the Dutch Government from flak since the story attributed the case detections to travellers from South Africa at a date of Friday 26th November — the same day that the WHO designated B.1.1.529 as a Variant of Concern and named it Omicron.[90]

According to Cov-Lineage.Org, the earliest sequence for Omicron in the Netherlands was reported to be November 13th, the day after the earliest detection date from South Africa, of which the southern portion, called the Cape Colony, was once a colonial possession of the Dutch Empire.

Intriguingly, within two weeks of Omicron becoming a household name worldwide, all government employees from Nigeria — the second country where the variant B.1.1.529 was traced on 7 September — were required from December 1, 2021 to show proof of COVID-19 ‘vaccination’ or present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result within 72 hours. If Nigerian government employees did not comply, they could not gain access to their offices in all locations within Nigeria — as the Gates Foundation-funded GAVI, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, bragged 22 February 2022.[91]

It is fascinating that the United States — with all of its infectious diseases labs, hospitals, medical schools, health regulators and biosecurity research laboratories — evidently did not identify the Omicron variant B.1.1.529 until after the World Health Organization named B.1.1.529 as the Omicron variant. Especially, since the variant lineages metadata records that America is distinguished for being the nation with the earliest sample date, September 2 2021.

Within a month of the so-called Botswana-South Africa outbreak, the Omicron variant had reportedly ‘spread’ around the globe.

In early December of 2021, Agenomic sequencing expert, Professor Mads Albertsen, from Aalborg University in Denmark, ventured that countries that had found no cases of Omicron probably hadn’t looked hard enough. Professor Albertsen said he saw the same pattern when earlier variants emerged. “Countries that sequenced and analysed samples found it,” he said. “The rest didn’t.”[92]

Some nations could perhaps hide behind the subterfuge that at various times they were swamped by the demands of analyzing ballooning tests, which were erroneously designated as ‘cases’ if ‘positive’ results of particles were construed to represent a SARS-Cov-2 infection. However, such ballooning of tests analysis is an operational matter where skilled executive management can delegate organizational resources to include a functional level with an eagle eye view.

This Omicron outbreak occurred at a time when there was growing mainstream debate about competing strategies to achieve so-called ‘vaccine equity’ because the perpetually ‘developing countries’ struggled to afford the Covid-19 vaccines produced by Big Pharma.

This ‘vaccine equity’ debate has been advanced to confront what is construed as a structural form of Medical Apartheid, whereby the rich world was said to have an unfair ‘privilege’ of early access to the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’. However, this manipulative argument — packaged as it was with work-shopped emotional hijacking — ignores the fact that the African continent’s Covid-19 death toll was far lower than other regions.[93] To date, the African death toll stands at 255,000 people out of a continental population of 1.4 billion. The argument has been raised that less testing means less diagnosis of Covid-19 as the cause of death.[94]

Covid Counterpoints: Panelists included Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Heather Gessling, Dr. Brian McDonald and Dr. John Littell. Moderated by Rob Nelson (ABC, UPN, Fox). [Published 23 September 2021, Pandemic Health]

However, a ‘pandemic of cases’ emerged in 2020 and 2021 from the PCR ‘tests’, which do not actually measure whether a person is infectious, sick or diseased. A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) ‘test’ is not a diagnostic tool. But, rather a PCR scan magnifies samples and can find particles of anything in the human body and a process to produce more out of minuscule material.[95]

The ‘pandemic of cases’ added to the fear-porn and transformed masses of duped healthy free-range humans into scared, compliant hypochondriacs.

Once the world was sold the narrative that Omicron emerged in Botswana and South Africa, the argument was advanced that African nations needed to step up its border control screening regime and accelerate the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out — with the support of WHO and other relevant international agencies.[96]

Therefore, it would appear the belated ‘discovery’ of the ‘Omicron variant’ qualifies as the epidemiological equivalent of an epistemological cover-up. The narrative that Omicron’s transmissibility was higher than the four previous variants of concern was afforded by the voodoo to delay Omicron’s discovery.

Omicron’s sudden magical appearance in many countries conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed, at the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere’s winter.

Moreover, there is voodoo inherent to the first four biggest ‘variant outbreaks’ emerging in the very same countries that hosted Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ trials prior to those variants being identified as — Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma — and their subsequent surge as ‘variant outbreaks’ in the nation of interest amid mass ‘vaccine’ roll-outs.

The mainstream media avoided mentioning that vaccine trials occurred prior to the new variants being identified in the very same countries where the variants outbreaks later emerged during mass vaccination programs — as dissident journalist ‘Whats Her Face’ pointed out in August 2021 with her signature sarcastic wit in, The Rise of the Variants.

Therefore, the finger of blame pointed at Botswana belies a structural contrived ignorance that involved screening actions to avoid detecting the emergence of a new variant. Since this avoidance occurred in multiple countries, it would appear an outbreak of dirty politics trumped sound science, good public health practice and wise moral forebearance.

In the next-section, I summarize the views of scientists, doctors and investigators who claim that the ‘Covid-19 vaccines’ are dangerous injectibles marketed under the guise of ‘gene therapy’, and would predictably drive the production of variants’.[97]

Intra-Host Evolution’ to Mask ‘Vaccine’ Driven Variants?

In the field epidemiology, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants is viewed as a phenomenon of intra-host evolution amid a naturally occurring spread of ‘global outbreaks’ among herds of human stock.[98]

Yet, the vaccinated still transmitted Covid-19 variants,[99] despite a widespread perception that the vaccines were tested for their efficacy to prevent transmission.[100]

Veterinary virologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche has stated mass vaccinations during a pandemic is the wrong action because a synergy occurs between high viral infectivity and high vaccine coverage rates, which drives the expansion of naturally selected more infectious, vaccine-immune SARS-Cov-2 variants.

“Continued mass vaccination will only lead to a further increase in morbidity and hospitalization rates, which will subsequently culminate in a huge case fatality wave when expansion of more infectious, vaccine-resistant variants will explode.” because it causes a huge case fatality wave when expansion of more infectious, vaccine-resistant variants explode,” wrote Vanden Bossche.[101]

Dr Mike Yeardon refutes the solution that universal vaccination is the only way to end the pandemic.[102]

US cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough MD concurs, adding that the ‘vaccine’ is a bioweapon.[103]

McCullough co-authored a paper with Jessica Rose, entitled, “A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products,”[104] which had been peer-reviewed, published and was subsequently abruptly withdrawn from Elsverier five days prior to the US FDA approving the Pfizer’s vaccine for 5 to 11 year old children.[105] McCullough and Rose wrote:

“COVID-19 injectable products are novel and have a genetic, pathogenic mechanism of action causing uncontrolled expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within human cells.”

Synthesized genetic mRNA sequences have been used in most of the ‘Covid-19 vaccines’. Therefore, the aforementioned statement by McCullough and Rose supports the supposition that the Covid-19 shots — which contain mRNA nano particles — act as a vector for stimulating the mass uncontrolled replication of the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins.

Mass vaccinations amid a pandemic creates more variants. Indeed, universal vaccinations causes selection for more potent mutants.[106]

Indeed, the dogma of intra-host evolution theory in the Covid-19 literature on variant transmission tends to ignore the role of mass vaccinations driving variant creation amid a pandemic. This intra-host evolution dogma also excludes discussion of the patented modifications to the coronaviruses,[107] and also fails to challenge the invented idea of asymptomatic transmission.[108]

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said that Professor Ralph Baric made major contributions bioengineering the coronavirus over a two-decade period from 1999 to 2019 to make it pathogenic to human lung tissue and the cardiovascular system.[109] For instance, Professor Baric was among three inventors who patented techniques for producing a recombinant coronavirus, after filing for a patent on their work on April 19th 2002. This patent described the creation of helper RNA cells, which allegedly made the replicon RNA infectious because it was said to be able to complete viral replication with a structural protein coding sequence. This patent application was filed seven months before the first ‘SARS-COV epidemic’ emerged in November 2002.

In Plandemic Indoctornation, Doctor David Martin asserted there are over 1300 patents issued and held by recipients of multiple streams of funding through institutions such as the Gates Foundation, EcoHealth Alliance, the Sherlock BioScience through Open Philanthropy — and all have links to Dr Antony Fauci’s NAIAD funding sources.[110]

Indeed, the Salk Institute’s Salk News reported 30 April 2021 that a paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, “showed conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level.” Salk News stated the virus spike proteins play a key role in the disease itself in addition to helping the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. Salk also claimed the virus spike proteins behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines.[111]

The Salk Institute’s researchers corroborated the findings of a paper entitled, “Blood clots and TAM receptor signalling in COVID-19 pathogenesis” published in Nature Reviews Immunology in July 2020, found that high incidences of blood clotting were associated with Covid-19.[112]

As I showed in — Pharmageddon: How masked bandits in the US FDA, NIH & CDC used Gilead’s Remdesivir to democide ‘Covid-19 patients’ — Professor Baric also developed the alleged anti-viral, remdesivir, which he modified for the treatment of Covid-19 patients, after the drug was pulled from a trial to treat Ebola in 2018 because it killed 53% of patients in its cohort.[113]

The widespread deployment of Remdesivir occurred despite US health officials and the drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Pharmaceuticals, knowing that Remdesivir caused multiple organ failure, including impairing kidney function, before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization of May 1 2020. Indeed, in May 2020, when the NIH’s COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel recommended Remdesivir for hospitalized Covid-19 patients with severe disease over Ivermectin, Chrlorquine and Hydroxychloroquine, this board of scientists, doctors and health officials minimized the risk of toxicity to such patients with impaired kidneys.

In other words, people died in large numbers due to lack of correct early treatment as a consequence of political interference in hospitals, clinics and nursing homes, which was the result of political capture of the public health agencies by Big Pharma, predatory philanthropists, and alignments with intelligence agencies.[114]

A Work-shopped Totalitarian Takeover?

The crisis spectacle of soaring deaths tolls in April and May of 2020 across many jurisdictions was part of the mimetic Trojan Horse contagion designed to emotionally hijack näive populations into submitting to an unstated Medical Martial Law paradigm.[115]

The invented idea of asymptomatic transmission — which held that healthy people with no symptoms were capable of spreading Covid-19 — is so negligible, it was never worth worrying about, wrote Dr Mike Yeardon in his summary of counterpoints entitled, “The Covid Lies”.

This bunk theory of asymptomatic transmission was also part of this transmission of disinformation memes spread as an emotional contagion to gaslight the world into submission to the paradigm of governance by worse case scenarios.

One critical conduit for the transmission of worst case scenarios was the Imperial College of London’s Covid-19 Research Team, led by Professor Neil Ferguson. The Imperial College Covid-19 Research Team was one of two research groups that were instrumental in providing the ‘scientific’ propaganda to convince the world that subjecting whole societies to house arrest or ‘lock-downs’ were necessary to avoid worse case scenarios manifesting. The Imperial College and the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

On March 16th 2020, the Imperial College published its 18-month periodic ‘social distancing lock-down’ models, along with its projected worst-case death tolls that were used by many governments to justify society-wide house arrest regimes. Professor ‘Lockdown’ – as Dr Ferguson came to be called — estimated that up to 510,000 people could die in the United Kingdom and as many as 2.2 million people in the United States, if drastic shutdowns of those countries did not occur.[116]

On March 26th 2020, the Imperial College of London estimated that in the absence of interventions, COVID-19 would result in 7.0 billion infections and 40 million deaths globally in 2020. With mitigation strategies — the dependent scientists and doctors of the Gates Foundation’s predatory philanthropy added, 20 million lives could be saved, but it was likely that the world’s poorest would suffer the most.[117]

Under fire from doctors and scientists to release the data upon which he based his models, Dr Ferguson tweeted on 22 March 2020 that his lock-down modelling was based on 13-year old computer code to model flu pandemics and he admitted this information was undocumented. Ferguson’s lack of transparency would appear to breach the fundamental tenet of the scientific method since modelling, testing and experimental methods are supposed to be able to withstand audits by ones’ peers.[118]

Between 2002 and 2020, Imperial College of London received $263m from the pro-mass vaccine Gates Foundation for ‘global health’ projects.

The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle also projected high death toll estimates when it modelled for a regime to corral the world’s populations with ‘social distancing’ and ‘contact tracing’ – a model that effectively sought to cast humans as covid pre-crime suspects. The IHME received $279 million from the Gates Foundation in 2017 to produce models and collect health data.

Foundation Fiefdom: The Imperial College of London received $263m for ‘global health’ from the Gates Foundation between 2002 and 2020, modelled for periodic house arrests over 18-months.

Moreover, in their study, Rose and McCullough found the risk of COVID-19-Injection-Related Myocarditis was unacceptably high, especially for males. Myocarditis can manifest as sudden death, chest pain or heart failure.

In their article, “The Dangers of Covid-19 Booster Shots and Vaccines: Boosting Blood Clots and Leaky Vessels”, Doctors for Covid Ethics warn that the gene-based mRNA Covid-19 vaccine’s instruct the endothelial cells that line blood vessels to start producing spike protein. The problem is the spike protein has a sharp spike protruding from the cell wall causing ruptures with the bloodstream.[119]

Killer lymphocytes — which are trained for combat — travel from the lymph nodes and lymphoid organs to the area, thinking the cells are infected, attack those endothelial cells, which causes damage to the cell walls that line the blood vessels. This damage provokes clot formation.[120]

This is critical, because there have now been 12.03 billion doses administered globally, with 66.4% of the world population receiving at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, as at 25 June 2022 (London Time) according to the University of Oxford.[121]

A total of 6.33 million deaths have been attributed to Covid-19 worldwide.[122]

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization estimated 9.5 million excess deaths had occurred between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021, over and above deaths directly attributable to COVID-19.[123] The WHO claimed the excess mortality associated with COVID-19 is a way to quantify the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic. The UN’s public health regulator spun the excess mortality data to attribute the cause for the broad surge in deaths to the pandemic, rather than to the WHO’s role in gas-lighting the planet into adopting unsafe, unwise and unlawful Medical Martial Law measures.

Indeed, Dr Denis Rancourt discovered striking peaks in deaths occurred in places where central, state or county governments had imposed draconian ‘pandemic’ measures immediately after the World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration of March 11 2020. The former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, interrogated All Cause Mortality data, which measures the total number of deaths by place, time and demographic, across numerous jurisdictions.

In his paper “All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response” published in June 2020, Dr Rancourt studied the All Cause Mortality data across multiple jurisdictions of Europe and North America. Dr Rancourt showed that the lockdowns triggered by WHO’s pandemic declaration of March 11 2020 resulted in clear death spikes in April and May of 2020. Strikingly, Dr Rancourt also found that there was no “COVID peak” in any of the seven states that declined to impose a lockdown: Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and Arkansas.

Covid Peak Mortality Spikes: The vertical red line in each of these graphs indicates the date at which the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic, and therefore, the All Cause Mortality data reveals a spike in lockdown deaths, meaning the mortality occurred as a consequence of Medical Martial Law measures.

Across numerous jurisdictions of the U.N. member state system, the disproportionate lockdown measures included the shutting down of hospital services for all but those in critical care, the curtailment of clinic visits and the widespread shutdown of economic activity.

As Rancourt et al showed in a comprehensive study, published in October 2021, that focussed on the United States, such measures continue to impact society’s most vulnerable amidst a global program of democide. The authors of the study entitled, “Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data”, blamed “large-scale medical and government responses” for causing one million excess deaths in most vulnerable and underprivileged residents of the USA in the COVID‑era.

Damning All Cause Mortality: In this study by Rancourt, Baudin and Mercier, published in October 2021, the authors blamed “large-scale medical and government responses” for causing one million excess deaths in the most vulnerable and underprivileged residents of the USA in the COVID‑era.

In May 2022, the WHO reported that 20 countries account for more than 80% of the estimated global excess mortality for the January 2020 to December 2021 period.

Conspicuously, several of the nations profiled in my present exposé, “V is for Vaccine Voodoo”, are in the WHO’s 20 country cohort: the United Kingdom, South Africa, India, Brazil and the United States. And, Nigeria — where meta-data for the Omicron variant dated back to 7 September 2021 — also made the WHO’s top 20 excess deaths list. Australia didn’t make this list, which suggests that the prolonged repeated cruel lock-downs in Melbourne weren’t inflicted out of a belief that they were necessary. But, rather, the largely liberal left population provided a valuable opportunity for totalitarian-minded state technocrats to experiment with an expansion of Medical Martial Law powers.

WHO stated:

“Twenty countries, representing approximately 50% of the global population, account for over 80% of the estimated global excess mortality for the January 2020 to December 2021 period. These countries are Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, the Russian Federation, South Africa, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United States of America (USA).”

In the time of the ‘pandemic’, the Covid-19 death tolls up to June 29 2022 were: the United Kingdom, 180,000; Brazil 670,000; India 525,000; United States, 1.01 million, Australia 9800 and Botswana 2700.[124]

In the United States, there were 29,162 Covid-19 vaccine deaths between December 14, 2020 and June 24, 2022 reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and published by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[125] This figure is low, since under-reporting to the VAERS data base is systemic. A 2011 report by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, found that less than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events were formally logged.[126]

Another metric that serves as a proxy for the surge in deaths associated with the broad spectrum pandemic measures, including vaccines, is life insurance payouts. For example, the fifth largest life insurance company in the U.S. paid out 163% more in death benefits for working clients age 18 to 64 in 2021 over the previous year, according to records filed with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services. The Lincoln National Insurance Company paid out $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021 for death benefits under group life insurance polices. This means Lincoln National’s payouts increased from 2019 to 2020 by 9%, before ballooning 163% in 2021.[127] Previously, the CEO of One America insurance company, Scott Davidson, reported that deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021 above pre-pandemic figures.[128]

German virologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi says the vaccine’s synthesized mRNA, that are couriered by lipid nano packages into the circulatory system, and stimulating the mass manufacture of spike proteins, are the ultimate cause of blood clots.[129] The virologist warns Covid-19 boosters are amplifying the harms because the immune systems responses become more intense, since foreign synthesized genes have been instructed to penetrate cells, replicate, and circulate throughout the body.[130]

The gene-based Covid ‘vaccines’ induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein in many organs, which induces autoimmune like inflammation, blood-clotting and clotting-induced adverse events, and can lead to grave organ damage and catastrophic organ failure.

A study from Stockholm University, entitled “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro” found a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines. Because the SARS–CoV–2 spike proteins can weaken the DNA repair system, this study signals a safety issue with full-length spike-based vaccines impairing adaptive immunity. This critical paper by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei was published 13 October 2021 and was subsequently retracted 10 May 2022.[131]

Dr Andrew Kaufman goes further, essentially offers a geopolitical diagnosis that humanity has been subjected to an epic global psychological operation to gaslight humans to walk into their own demise. Kaufman claims the ruse involves the presentation of computer generated genetic sequences containing the all-important synthesized spike protein.[132]

Numerous dissenting medical professionals from across the world that health authorities, hospitals and clinics are either under-reporting, or fixing, the meta-data to hide ‘vaccine’ deaths, injuries and illnesses amplified by the ‘Covid-19 vaccines’.

In other words, the true toll of ‘vaccine’ deaths, injuries and illnesses may be hidden in the meta-data of Covid-19 cases and death tolls, as well in the excess deaths captured by All Cause Mortality estimates.

Poignantly, Robert F. Kennedy Jr says that the mandating of the Covid-19 vaccines for children in the United States was crucial for Big Pharma, because the vaccine manufacturers gained extended protection from being sued for vaccine injuries and deaths. Without this extended protection, the original Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted for injecting Covid shots into adults would have run out. With this chess move, Big Pharma gained law suit immunity in cases that affected not only children, but also adults.[133]

Therefore, the pattern underpinning these variants suggests that either the ‘vaccine’ trial candidates worked as a mechanism to spread the variants via the volunteers.

Or, perhaps that the deployment of computer-codes for bio-engineered spike proteins became conduits for constructed contagions by some other mechanisms. It may turn out that the synthetic nano-spike proteins and peptides were altered with new computer-codes for manufacturing and deployed as traceable ‘vaccine’ batches to drive new ‘variants’ in target populations to achieve varying objectives.

Therefore, it is critical to establish whether or not the claimed origins of the variants outbreaks are a natural evolution of a virus during a pandemic are true. And if they are not true, what does this result tell us about the origins of the pandemic itself?

Omicron’s variation from the out-break narrative pattern of the four previous variants, in essence, represented a narrative break-out plot element.

The global mass vaccine programs were, in effect, a live product demonstration to show that the mRNA technology worked, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi said in a recent Doctors for Covid Ethics symposium.[134] This proof of concept global experiment was predicated on the top-down universal decision to use mRNA technology to stimulate the mass manufacture of spike proteins.

The mRNA technology ingredient became a vector for the uncontrolled expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within human cells.

In turn, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — and the nano-technologies used to transport the synthesized mRNA technology — became the basis for an explosion in Covid-19 cases, a proliferation of variants, and surges in vaccine adverse events, including deaths.

This global experiment has succeeded in achieving the ‘proof of concept’ that mRNA nano-technology worked whereby the human body cells could be instructed to mass replicate the synthesized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which would essentially cause a bio-war within the human body. In the most dire of cases, the human immune system would be drawn into a catastrophic fight with itself. In essence, the Covid-19 gene-based injectibles create an auto-immune disease-type response, Dr Bhakdi said.

The success of bio-engineering the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to be the linchpin target for the major Covid-19 vaccines was pre-programmed, says Dr Bhakdi. The German virologist views the Gain of Function research and development on the SARS virus as a deliberate weaponization.

Furthermore, he says the mRNA lipid fat nano-particles are positively charged, which has the effect that they bind to the negatively charged molecules in cells. This binding of lipid fat nano-particles to molecules in cells causes loss of cellular energy, which can lead to a catastrophic loss of body functionality. Dr Bhakdi says the boosters compound the problem and will have the effect of reducing life expectancy.

The German virologist predicts that gene-based injectible agents will become the norm for any future pandemic, as well for presently controllable infectious diseases. He expects the mRNA to be used in all future vaccines beyond Great Corona Hostage Crisis, because the live product demonstration has shown their effectiveness at impairing body functionality and therefore the efficacy of positively-charged synthetic nano-fats for reducing life expectancy.

Dr Bhakdi’s prognosis is if gene-based injecticles become the norm, such an eventuality will spell the downfall of humankind with the complicity of the medical profession.[135]

Despite Omicron’s sudden emergence as the new supreme leader brazenly brandishing its power to evoke fear, this continuity masked over its inbuilt character trait as a narrative break-out plot element. The meta-data shows 20 nations — including South Africa — recorded ‘earliest sample dates’ occurring prior to Botswana’s discovery. Yet, the news record shows several nations conveniently found Omicron cases in the days after the World Health Organization named variant B.1.1.529 as Omicron on 26 November 2021.

The sudden magical appearance of Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) is a departure from the first four variants — Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma — since these ‘variant outbreaks’ surged in the nation of interest amid mass ‘vaccine’ roll-outs following ‘vaccine’ trials. The delay of Omicron’s discovery conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed, at the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere’s winter.

Subsequent studies show that epidemiologists have essentially taken their cues from ‘the news’, rather than place themselves at variance with the dominant narrative of the variants.

The synthesized mRNA, transported by the lipid fat nano-particles, and used to instruct cells to mass manufacture spike proteins — became the mechanism for an explosion in Covid-19 cases, a proliferation of variants, and surges in vaccine adverse events, including deaths.

The variances of the ‘pandemic’ plot-line thrown up by variation from the out-break narrative pattern of the four previous variants, in essence, suggest that numerous countries avoided reporting detection of variant B.1.1.529 — lest they suffered the stigmatizing repercussions of becoming the scapegoated nation.

Dr Judy Mikowitz told documentarian Mikki Willis that science funding is controlled to such an extent that it is difficult to get studies funded, let alone published, if those projects genuinely seek to discover whether or not orthodox views on big health issues are correct.[136] In a follow-up interview, Dr Mikovitz said even flu shots would drive the pandemic because the influenza vaccines contain coronaviruses.[137]

In recent interviews following the publication of his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, said Fauci’s playbook has been to over-hype or fabricate pandemics in order to accelerate implementation of work-shopped militarized response measures, boost Big Pharma profits and set a system of totalitarian control.

Kennedy — whose uncle was assassinated because his vision was to forge a genuine peace based on supportive co-development rather than a peace enforced by an imperial Pax Americana paradigm[138] — warned that humanity needed to act effectively and quickly to counter the turn-key totalitarianism that is presently being fast-tracked.[139]


Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled  “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.

Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]

See related report: How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket >> Letters to the Future from the Time of ‘The Crazy’ [Dispatch No. 001]


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[97] Doctors for COVID Ethics,viii America’s Frontline Doctors,ix Covid Medical Network,x Great Barrington Declaration,xi Vaccine Choice Canada,xii Children’s Health Defense,xiii Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance,xiv Voices for Freedom,xv Covid Plan B,xvi and New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Sciencexvii

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[120] Dr. Bhakdi Explains COVID Vaccine Effects: Interview with Dr. Mercola, Global Research.; Dr Sucharit Bhakdi On The Pfizer Vaccine. Voices For Freedom Sept 28 2021; How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells: Dr. Charles Hoffe >>

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[130] Doctors for COVID Ethics. (June 13, 2022). Sucharit Bhakdi: The fundamental mechanism of damage is simple and universal. SESSION 1 : mRNA Vaccines – A Serious Threat to Mankind With Polly Tommey and Michael Palmer. D4CE Symposium IV – Session I. Retrieved from:; Dr. Peter Breggin and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. (June 25, 2022). mRNA a Serious Threat to Mankind. Dr. Peter Breggin’s recent interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi of D4CE. Retrieved from:

[131] Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei. (13 October 2021). SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D) J Recombination In Vitro. Retrieved from:

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