To the Justice Committee Secretariat,
RE: Objections to the Coroners Amendment Bill 2022
- 1. I have grave concerns that the move to allow coroners and their associates to categorize deaths as “unascertained natural causes” will advance a deterioration of New Zealand’s public health system.
- 2. My concern is that this amendment to provide a new category of “unascertained natural causes” will supply a new mechanism of ‘screening actions’, that eases the way for coroners to author or sponsor subsequent ‘unwitting misdeeds’.
- 3. The investigative work of Coronial Services would be strengthened by having doctors work along side lawyers, since they would be better placed to detect wrongdoing that may cause spikes of excess deaths across segments of the population.
- 4. New Zealand’s regulatory dependency on overseas agencies exposes the heath system to the phenomenon of an imported form of ‘regulatory capture’, whereby regulatory agencies come to be dominated by the industries or interests they are charged with regulating.
- 5. This move to introduce a new category of death by “unascertained natural causes” occurs not only after the Government’s pandemic emergency powers have been laid to rest. This provision to categorize deaths by “unascertained natural causes” also occurs at a time when Medsafe has 3550 serious adverse events following the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ on its books.
- 6. Moreover, this regulatory provision to leave the cause(s) of deaths uncertain happens at a time when excess deaths are showing up in All Cause Mortality data across the Western ‘liberal democracies’, including New Zealand.i
- 7. Therefore, I have provided a summary of facts, evidence and counter-narratives to show that the Corona Pandemic was overhyped, while the measures taken exacerbated the impacts to public health. I finish with remedies for consideration.
Without prejudice and with grace,
Steve Edwards

Objections to the Coroners Amendment Bill 2022
- 8. The Coroners Amendment Bill is framed as a move to facilitate “better access to justice for families and whānau interacting with the coronial system… [and to] free up the coroners’ time to work on reducing the number of active coronial cases.”ii
- 9. However, one of the provisions confers the coroner with the power to declare deaths of uncertain cause(s), as being from “unascertained natural causes”, which allows for coroners and associates to sign off deaths without inquests, inquiries or even post mortems.
- 10. In subsection (2c) of section 10 — which adds the crucial amendment to section 64 subsection (2) of the Coroners ACT 2006iii — “unascertained natural causes” has been inserted.

- 11. My concern is that this amendment to provide a new category of deaths with “unascertained natural causes” will supply a new mechanism of ‘screening actions’, that eases the way for coroners to author or sponsor subsequent ‘unwitting misdeeds’.
- 12. I object. The medical system have enough systemic mechanisms to screen-off robust investigations and set-up the consequences of ‘unwitting misdeeds’.
- 13. For instance, as the law presently stands, only lawyers can become coroners. And because NZ’s pathologists — who perform autopsies and other tests to determine cause of death — are doctors, they risk the ire of the fundamentalist Medical Council if they make links to adverse vaccine effects.iv

- 14. The Medical Council of New Zealand ran roughshod over the right to informed consent about the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, by promoting Medical Apartheid regarding their support for the vaccine mandates, and by swinging a wrecking ball between doctor-patient relationships, and by censuring its dissenting members.
- 15. And, domestically numerous doctors were targeted by the Medical Council.
- 16. For example, Dr Bernard Conlon of the Murupara Medical Center came under investigation by the Medical Council for making public remarks at a Māori health expo in August 2021, where he questioned “informed consent” for children and pregnant women regarding the Covid-19 Pfizer ‘vaccine’.v
- 17. Ironically, a recent Canadian documentary entitled, Uninformed Consent, makes a compelling case that because the stage 3 human clinical trials for Pfizer’s Cominarty shots, and others Covid ‘vaccines’, were ongoing during mass vaccinations, this means an uncontrolled global experiment occurred.vi

- 18. This live product demonstration upon humanity also breaches the Nuremberg Code because test subjects have to know they are being experimented with in order to freely consent.
- 19. Evidently, in the UK, doctors can be appointed as coroners as well as lawyers.
- 20. In this way, this partitioning off of doctors from becoming coroners acts as a form of structural ‘screening actions’, whereby the sponsoring of ‘unwitting misdeeds’ is baked into Coronial Services.
- 21. Therefore, the investigative work of Coronial Services would be strengthened by having doctors work along side lawyers, since they would be better placed to detect wrongdoing that may cause spikes of excess deaths across segments of the population.
- 22. This latest move by the Crown to allow systemic uncertainty is, I contend, consistent with a structure of contrived ignorance as identified more generally by U.S. litigator David Luban his 2007 book, Legal Ethics and Human Dignity, and in his paper “Contrived Ignorance”, published in The Georgetown Law Journal in 1999.vii

- 23. In his modelling for the “Structure of Contrived Ignorance”, Luban saw screening actions and so-called unwitting misdeeds as a unitary whole rather than separated by time-frames.
- 24. Luban proposed viewing the version of the self that wittingly performed screening actions to preserve his or her own oblivion as the principle actor, while the agent is the later self at the time of the unwitting misdeed, who effectively ratifies the earlier self’s choice to compartmentalize or screen off potential knowledge of wrong-doing.
- 25. In making his point that “in criminal law, wilful ignorance is grounds for conviction, rather than acquittal,” Luban was in essence, laying out the gaps in catching and convicting group enterprises that contrive ignorance.
- 26. New Zealand’s health system is heavily dependent on regulatory infrastructure based overseas, such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as the World Health Organization (WHO).
- 27. This regulatory dependency exposes New Zealanders to an imported form of ‘regulatory capture’, whereby regulatory agencies come to be dominated by the industries or interests they are charged with regulating.viii

- 28. In his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, presented the picture of a Medical Industrial Complex — comprised of the pharmaceutical corporations, hospitals and medical schools — and fused with the intelligence agencies such as the CIA and MI6 through agents working on multiple foundation, university and regulatory boards who planned pandemic exercises, supervised pandemic responses and censored credible counter-voices.
- 29. RFK Jr said Anthony Fauci’s playbook had been to over-hype or fabricate pandemics in order to accelerate implementation of work-shopped militarized response measures, boost Big Pharma profits and set a technocratic system of totalitarian control.ix
- 30. It turns out that Fauci has come to control the public health apparatus of the United States (and across the world) by building a network of federal fund-dependent scientists, doctors and medical schools, including having 300 loyal ‘principle investigators’ to fix drug trials.
- 31. Moreover, because health regulators such as the FDA, the NIH, CDC and the WHO are largely dependent on either Big Pharma, predatory philanthropist foundations and their labyrinthine funding mechanisms — players such as Dr Fauci, Bill Gates and Robert Kadlec (among many others) have constructed a Global Health Cartel, Kennedy found.
- 32. In the documentary Uninformed Consent, several public health experts spoke of the regulatory capture in Canada and the United States and its deleterious impacts on sound science, public health and the erosion of body autonomy.x
- 33. The latest data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a total of 1,418,220 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 16, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total of 31,074 reports of deaths.xi
- 34. The VAERS database is evidently one of ten in the United States.xii Under-reporting of possible post-vaccine injuries, illnesses and deaths is a problem.xiii
- 35. Moreover, this regulatory provision to leave the cause(s) of deaths uncertain happens at a time when excess deaths are showing up in All Cause Mortality data across the Western liberal democracies, including New Zealand.xiv NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science report that New Zealand’s excess deaths are currently running at 30% above normal.xv

- 36. Amid growing concerns in the public domain about widespread adverse events reported in New Zealand and overseas — I caution parliamentarians as lawmakers about exacerbating the impacts of regulatory capture occurring in the United States, the Unite Kingdom and in Geneva, Switzerland, where the World Health Organization is headquartered.
- 37. I note that as the public submissions to the select committee hearing for this Coroner’s Amendment Bill closes September 28th, this juncture is two days after the Government’s emergency powers for the ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ has ended.

- 38. The strategic ‘rescue’ solution for the ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ were vaccines — in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s Influenza Pandemic Plan of 2017. The Influenza Pandemic Response Plan of 2017 stated the Ministry of Health’s “intelligence system” would rely on data from international institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO).xvi
- 39. The WHO could easily emotionally hijack the world, in part, because in 2009 — and just weeks before the H1-N1 Swine Flu outbreak— this UN health standards and regulatory authority removed the threshold standard of scale from its pandemic definition. With this chess move, a pandemic could be declared without the crucial threshold of proportional threat.xvii

- 40. It turns out, the World Health Organisation (WHO) dismissed criticisms about it’s conflicts of interests with pharmaceutical industry ties as “conspiracies”, following its pandemic declaration for the H1N1 Avian Flu outbreak of 2009 which triggered contracts for vaccine development.xviii
- 41. Medsafe NZ’s latest COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events report, dated August 31 2022 stated that 11,682,248 doses had been administered, with 64,061 adverse events reported and 3550 deemed serious.xix
- 42. Throughout the pandemic, the Ministry of Health failed or avoided making post-vaccine adverse events mandatory to report, including deaths. As such, the reporting system lacks the signals that would otherwise alert pathologists, coroners and health officials that there are problems with particular vaccines.
- 43. This means it is possible for doctors, nurses and administrators to dismiss people’s concerns as anxiety. The failure to conduct tests such as a D-Dimer blood test, that measures D-dimer, which is a protein fragment that the body makes when a blood clot dissolves in the bodyxx — means many people experiencing post-vaccine blood-clots may have gone undiagnosed.
- 44. The Ministry of Health forewent the opportunity to set in place mandatory Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) signal mechanisms that would have triggered a product recall. The MOH failed to fix the problem when complaints arose about the Gardosil HPV vaccine causing injuries and deaths in 2015.xxi

- 45. One has to wonder if there would be more resistance to this “unascertained natural causes” provision if the medical profession in New Zealand — as with elsewhere around the so-called ‘Western liberal democracies’ — had not been subjected to rife systemic intimidation.
- 46. The pressure to submit to the hegemonic dogma of the Corona Cult that set like cement in early 2020,xxii has been chronicled by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science, Covid Plan B and Health Forum NZ.xxiii
- 47. Meanwhile, the members of the ‘in-groups’ such as One Health Aotearoa, the Medical Council of New Zealand and NZ Doctors whose narrative has been consistent with the Crown-funded Te Pūnaha Matatini, have enjoyed ample voice in NZ’s bigoted mainstream media-scape.xxiv
- 48. This systemic intimidation of the medical profession by the NZ Medical Council that has occurred through the over-hyped ‘Corona Pandemic’ cannot be positive for robust dialogue that could inform the Crown’s Coronial Services about the foreseeable harms of foregoing investigation of deaths by apparent natural causes.
- 49. It would appear the NZ Medical Council’s stigmatizing, persecution and disciplining of dissenting doctors throughout the pandemic occurs, in part, because it is affiliated with America’s Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB).xxv
- 50. And it would seem the Medical Council of New Zealand membership in the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA), also impairs its capacity for autonomy, and therefore the independence of the doctor-patient relationship to arrive at informed consent.

- 51. The Federation of State Medical Boards shares the same address as the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA), of which the Medical Council of New Zealand, is a member.xxvi This address is in Tarrant County, about halfway between Dallas and Forth Worth at 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Euless, Texas.
- 52. The FSMB is a private tax-exempt corporation that maintains a disciplinary register of licensed allopathic medical doctors, inflicts sanctions that impairs the jurisdictions in which doctors can practice and claims to support state medical boards.
- 53. There are two FSMB entities. One is the Federation of State Medical Boards Research and Education Foundation, with is legally domiciled in Illinois, and was formed in 1980, and in 2019 had gross receipts of $198,000 and with total assets of $3.38 million. The FSMB Foundation’s parent organization, the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States Inc. — which shares the same physical address in Texas — but is legally domiciled in New England and was formed in 1966, and in 2018, had gross receipts of $74 million and total assets of $57.8 million.xxvii

- 54. It is therefore ironic to note that while the Chair of Medical Council of New Zealand was involved abroad in a taskforce focussed on addressing systemic racism, implicit bias, health equity in medical regulation and patient care — NZ’s Medical Council was practising domestic bigotry.
- 55. For example, in March 2021, Curtis James Walker, MD, who is the Chair of Medical Council of New Zealand, became a member of the FSMB’s ad hoc Task Force on Health Equity and Medical Regulation.xxviii

- 56. Dr Walker’s involvement in this initiative is ironic because among the NZ doctors under investigation by the Medical Council in 2021 was Dr Bernard Conlon, who said he had never seen the management of health protocols be the same for a 75 year old and a 15 year old. In an interview on November 13 2021 in Murupara, Dr Conlon also said:
“[Workers] are being treated more like livestock than citizens by their own government. And if that doesn’t sadden anyone’s heart, their eyes are not open to what is happening in New Zealand at the moment. The fear about the pandemic has morphed into an ugly kind of bullying originating at the government level.”xxix

- 57. The Chair-Elect of the IAMRA, Joan Simeon, is also the CEO of the Medical Council of New Zealand. Simeon was also listed as a director in 2018.xxx The Secretary of the IAMRA, Dr. Humayun Chaudhry, is also the President and CEO of the FSMB.
- 58. Therefore, the Medical Council of New Zealand is entwined with the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities and the Federation of State Medical Boards. And the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities and the Federation of State Medical Boards are linked through Dr. Humayun Chaudhry, as well as its physical address in Texas.

- 59. Critics of the Ministry of Health’s Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM) reporting system have claimed there is a slow pace in investigating the complaints regarding alleged vaccine-induced injuries, illnesses and deaths. New Zealand’s health system appears to be poorly resourced to detect and deal with such issues.
- 60. According to a NZ Government Press release dated 31 August 2022, the Budget 2022 delivered the Coronial Services an operating funding of $28.5 million over four years. This operating budget equates to $7.1 million per annum. A further $1.6 million of capital funding was allocated to help reduce the coronial caseload, to include the appointment of four new permanent coroners and support staff.xxxi

- 61. By way of comparison, Te Pūnaha Matatini research group located at Auckland University, announced 15 Oct 2020, it had secured its future with CoRE funding to 2028 of $30 million. From 1 July 2021, the Centre’s funding rose from $2.1 million per annum to $4 million per annum through to the end of 2028.xxxii
- 62. One of Te Pūnaha Matatini’s projects, the “COVID-19 Modelling Aotearoa”, was used as the scientific basis to brainwash New Zealanders to comply with ‘lockdown’ edicts, ‘testing’ measures and ‘vaccine’ mandates.xxxiii
- 63. Another of Te Pūnaha Matatini’s projects, The Disinformation Project, was used to attack those that challenged the official narrative, dissented against the Medical Martial Law edicts, and warned of the impacts, including the predictable ‘vaccine’ injuries, illnesses and deaths.xxxiv
- 64. Because there has been such a blackout of counter-evidence, New Zealand’s doctors, pathologists and coroners may not be aware that the Covid-19 death tolls around the world were boosted by orders of magnitude by various malicious means.

- 65. I briefly recount some of the counter-evidence here, because I believe New Zealand’s parliamentarians will be able to better serve their constituents as lawmakers when they digest the censored facts, evidence and logic.
- 66. Amid the early stories about a virulent out-break projected to kill millions, the propaganda to ‘flatten the curve’ with lock-downs actually worked to sow the narrative seeds of the Biocracy Bandits’ final solution to ‘rescue’ humanity: vaccines.xxxv
- 67. Yet, the early surge in deaths attributed to Covid-19 were exacerbated by the pandemic measures, as well as political interference in early treatments protocols that suppressed of the use of existing therapeutics such as ivermectin, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, while lethal drug protocols such as remdesivir or midazolam were used in the US and UK to boost the Covid death statistics.xxxvi
- 68. In New Zealand, in April 2020, when a handful of New Zealand academics formed a group called Covid Plan B, they argued that the lock-downs were disproportionate to the threat. Despite the group being founded by Dr Simon Thornley, a senior lecturer of epidemiology at Auckland University, the Covid Plan B group were labelled as ‘contrarian’ by Dr Michael Baker the same month.xxxvii

- 69. Dr Baker, who was also a member of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group, claimed his owns views on elimination were based on the evidence, such as death tolls overseas.xxxviii
- 70. However, Dr Baker seemed oblivious to the fact that across numerous jurisdictions of the U.N. member state system, the disproportionate lockdown measures included the shutting down of hospital services for all but those in critical care, shoving patients into nursing homes, and the curtailment of clinic visits.xxxix
- 71. Indeed, former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Dr Denis Rancourt and his team found in several All Cause Mortality studies that pandemic measures across the world continued to impact society’s most vulnerable amidst a global program of democide. In June 2020, Dr Rancourt showed that across multiple jurisdictions of Europe and North America, the lockdowns triggered by WHO’s pandemic declaration of March 11 2020 resulted in clear death spikes in April and May of 2020.xl

- 72. These death spikes were used to amplify the contagion of fear-porn that had escalated through the global news-chain since January and February 2020.
- 73. In a follow-up study, published in October 2021, Rancourt and his team focussed on the United States, and showed such measures continued to impact society’s most vulnerable amidst a global program of democide. The authors of the study entitled, “Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data”, blamed “large-scale medical and government responses” for causing one million excess deaths in most vulnerable and underprivileged residents of the USA in the COVID‑era.xli

- 74. Meanwhile, lethal drugs such as remdesivir were favored by health officials in the US, as I showed in my investigation Pharmageddon — How masked bandits in the US FDA, NIH & CDC used Gilead’s Remdesivir to democide ‘Covid-19 patients’.xlii By December 1 2021, Gilead’s Veklury and the generic anti-viral Remdesivir have been made available to more than nine million patients around the world, including 6.5 million people in 127 middle- and low-income countries including New Zealand.

- 75. The deaths caused by Remdesivir, as well as the midazolam and morphine combination were often attributed to ‘Covid Pneumonia’.xliii In short, a democide program through the United Nations’ system underpinned the world covid death toll.
- 76. In the documentary, Uninformed Consent, medical experts argued the use of known effective therapeutics such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were besmirched and banned.
- 77. In my investigation “V is for Variant Voodoo”, I showed how the delay of Omicron’s ‘discovery’ — and its sudden magical appearance in many countries — conveniently stoked fears to coerce the ‘booster hesitant’ to receive booster shots, or to break the will of hold-outs to get jabbed at the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere’s winter.xliv
- 78. In a panel discussion with The Highwire health news show host, Del Bigtree, the creator of mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone said the Covid jabs were “all risk and no benefit” and the mass vaccine programs needed to be stopped immediately.xlv
- 79. If a statistical value of life metric were applied to investigating deaths — as it is for traffic fatalities — then perhaps the resourcing factors would resolve the speed, thoroughness and expertise issues that appear to be inhibiting the investigations into possible vaccine deaths.
- 80. Presently, the Value of Statistical Life (VoSL) in New Zealand is set at $4.7 million for a person that dies a sudden death in a traffic crash.xlvi

- 81. This metric was originally developed at the request of the US Congress, because the political lawmakers needed a measure of the value of the US Government’s investment in training pilots for the US Air Force, in order to better match resource allocation to maintain their safety.
- 82. Is it possible that vaccine impacts metrics are being sabotaged to avoid triggering product recall thresholds?
- 83. If one were to take the number of vaccinated in the population, and multiply the dosed number by the probable rate of product failure causing serious injuries, illnesses and deaths, and then multiple that value by the average out of court settlement to arrive at a metric for total costs to the ACC system — what range of thresholds for a product recall would such an affidavit-backed peer-reviewed coroner’s report produce?
- 84. Has MEDSAFE considered or applied any such Value of Statistical Life (VoSL) or product recall metrics in its assessments for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and its performance?
- 85. Why exactly did Finance Minister, Grant Robertson, refuse on 26 November 2021 to publicly release the Pfizer contract — as per the lawyer-at-large Sue Grey’s OIA request?

- 86. Is there not a historical precedence of both National and Labour coalition governments entering into contracts with a manufacturer to protect proprietary information, whereby ‘commercial sensitivity’, economic calculus and political egos were deemed more important than public and environmental health? Recall the controversy of the painted apple moth aerial spraying over Auckland’s Eastern suburbs in 1996 and the Western suburbs in 2002?
- 87. It was subsequently shown the science was not settled because the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) scientists had a poor understanding of the life cycle of the apple moth, which made the spraying ineffective. Consequently, MAF shifted course to release sterile males in 2003 to interfere with the breeding process.xlvii
- 88. Finally, the provision to change the forms from “the prescribed form” with “an approved form” does not describe what the material changes about/in/of that pertain to the forms, nor why this change in the forms’ description occurs.
- 89. To sum up, I have grave concerns that the move to allow coroners and their associates to categorize deaths as “unascertained natural causes” will advance a structure of contrived ignorance that is already endemic to New Zealand’s public health system, justice system and political system.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy.
This is not medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Any mention of drugs, dosages, or doctors is for informational purposes only and not for medical use. Consult a medical professional.
i NZDSOS. August 31, 2022. Excess Deaths Are Getting Attention https://nzdsos.com/2022/08/31/excess-deaths-are-getting-attention/
ii Coroners Amendment Bill. NZ Parliament. Retrieved from: https://legislation.govt.nz/bill/government/2022/0157/latest/whole.html#LMS737286
iiiSection 64. Duties of coroner who decides not to open inquiry. Coroners Act 2006https://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2006/0038/latest/DLM377800.html
ivNZDSOS. (September 28, 2022). Brave Funeral Directors Speak as Coroners Run & Hide from Deaths Related to C-19. Retrieved from: https://nzdsos.com/2022/09/28/brave-funeral-directors-speak-as-coroners-run-hide-from-related-to-c-19/
vThe Truth Will Be Told. (December 1, 2021). EP 1 | A TOWN STANDS UP Murupara, New Zealand. https://rumble.com/vq1x2c-the-truth-will-be-told-ep-1-a-town-stands-up.html
viUninformed Consent. (2022). Retrieved from: https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Uninformed-Consent-(2022):6
viiDavid Luban. (1999). “Contrived Ignorance”. The Georgetown Law Journal. Retrieved from: https://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/facpub/1751/; David Luban. (2007). Legal Ethics and Human Dignity. Cambridge University Press.
viiiRegulatory capture – definition and meaning https://marketbusinessnews.com/financial-glossary/regulatory-capture-definition-meaning/
ixPeak Prosperity. September 17th, 2021. Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed: An Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. https://odysee.com/@Chris_Martenson:2/Kennedy:e
xUninformed Consent. (2022). https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Uninformed-Consent-(2022):6
xiMegan Redshaw. (23 September 2022). 1.4 Million Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Canadian Woman Dies 7 Minutes After Bivalent Booster Shot. Children’s Health Defense. https://www.globalresearch.ca/1-4-million-adverse-events-after-covid-vaccines-reported-to-vaers-canadian-woman-dies-7-minutes-after-bivalent-booster-shot/5794463
xiiThe Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda – Discussion Between Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Mary Holland, & Dr. Mercola Dr. Joseph Mercola – Take Control of Your Health. https://soundcloud.com/drmercola/the-truth-about-the-global. https://soundcloud.com/drmercola/the-truth-about-the-global
xiiiShin Jie Yong. (Jul 18, 2021). Underreporting and Post-Vaccine Deaths in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Explained https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/underreporting-and-post-vaccine-deaths-in-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system-vaers-explained-14fe22b2a65f
xiv NZDSOS. August 31, 2022. Excess Deaths Are Getting Attention https://nzdsos.com/2022/08/31/excess-deaths-are-getting-attention/
xvNZDSOS. (August 29, 2022). The Normalisation of Sudden Death Drags On. https://nzdsos.com/2022/08/29/the-normalisation-of-sudden-death-drags-on/
xviNew Zealand Ministry of Health. (2017). “New Zealand Influenza Pandemic Plan A framework for action” (Released 2017). Retrieved from: https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/influenza-pandemic-plan-framework-action-2nd-edn-aug17.pdf; Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards. (29 August 2021). The Origins of the NZ Government’s Covid Elimination Strategy, Lockdown Laws and Mass Vaccination Drive. New Zealand’s Stealthy Pivot to Police State Status — Part 1: https://snoopman.net.nz/2021/08/29/new-zealands-stealthy-pivot-to-police-state-status-part-1-the-origins-of-nzs-covid-elimination-strategy-lockdown-laws-and-mass-vaccination-drive/
xviiTrust WHO. (2017). https://www.bitchute.com/video/kEn3iVabHtao/
xviii D. Cohen. (2010). Conflicts of Interest. WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20525679/; Natural Health Community. (3/12/2020). Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic During The Time Of Swine Flu And Caused Vaccine Injury To 1000’s Of Children Causing Brain Injuries And Narcolepsy?. Retrieved from: https://nein-zu-diesem-epidemiengesetz.ch/wp-content/uploads/WHO-Swine-Flu-Conspiracies-British-Medical-Journal-2010.pdf
xixMedsafe NZ. (14 September 2022). Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines: Safety Report #45 – 31 August 2022 https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/safety-report-45.asp
xxD-Dimer Test. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/22045-d-dimer-test
xxi Paula Penfold. (November 2015). “Cause or Coincidence”. TV3. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/shows/2015/11/cause-or-coincidence-teen-dies-after-gardasil-vaccine.html; Paula Penfold, What Happened? Where is Your Brave 2015 Self? August 25, 2022. https://nzdsos.com/2022/08/25/paula-penfold-what-happened/; Lynda’s Videos – 2022. https://thehealthforumnz.co.nz/media-gallery/
xxii Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards. (September 20, 2022). Frame My Freedom – Why the News Media Plays New Zealand’s Freedom Movement. https://dailytelegraph.co.nz/spotlight/frame-my-freedom-why-the-news-media-plays-new-zealands-freedom-movement/
xxiii Our Posts. Covid Plan B. https://www.covidplanb.co.nz/category/our-posts/; The Health Forum NZ. https://thehealthforumnz.co.nz/news/
xxiv Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards. (4 September 2021). Lying by Numbers, Hyped Fear-Porn News and the U.N.’s 2nd Global Pandemic Exercise, starring ‘Covid-19’. New Zealand’s Stealthy Pivot to Police State Status — Part 2. https://snoopman.net.nz/2021/09/04/new-zealands-stealthy-pivot-to-police-state-status-part-2-lying-by-numbers-hyped-fear-porn-news-and-the-u-n-s-2nd-global-pandemic-exercise-starring-%e2%9d%9bcovid-19/
xxvFSMB Launches Task Force on Health Equity and Medical Regulation https://www.fsmb.org/advocacy/news-releases/fsmb-launches-task-force-on-health-equity-and-medical-regulation
xxvi Membership Listing. International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities. https://www.iamra.com/membership-listing
xxvii Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States Inc. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax. IRS. https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/751092490_201904_990O_2020101617384402.pdf
xxviii FSMB. March 31, 2021. FSMB Launches Task Force on Health Equity and Medical Regulation. https://www.fsmb.org/advocacy/news-releases/fsmb-launches-task-force-on-health-equity-and-medical-regulation
xxixThe Truth Will Be Told. (December 1, 2021). EP 1 | A TOWN STANDS UP Murupara, New Zealand. https://rumble.com/vq1x2c-the-truth-will-be-told-ep-1-a-town-stands-up.html
xxx International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities Inc. (2019). Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax. IRS. https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/202188876_201904_990EZ_2020100617351996.pdf
xxxi Aupito William Sio. (19 May 2022). Coronial delays addressed by Budget 2022. https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/coronial-delays-addressed-budget-2022
xxxii Te Pūnaha Matatini secures future with CoRE funding to 2028. https://www.tepunahamatatini.ac.nz/2020/10/15/te-punaha-matatini-secures-future-with-core-funding-to-2028/
xxxiii“COVID-19 Modelling Aotearoa”. https://www.tepunahamatatini.ac.nz/covid-19/
xxxiv The Disinformation Project. (May 2022). “The murmuration of information disorders”. https://thedisinfoproject.org/2022/05/18/working-paper-the-murmuration-of-information-disorders/; Thomas Manch. (May 18 2022). Parliament protest created ‘explosion’ in numbers consuming online misinformation. Stuff. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/128680414/parliament-protest-created-explosion-in-numbers-consuming-online-misinformation; Fire and Fury. (August 12 2022). Stuff Circuit. https://interactives.stuff.co.nz/2022/08/circuit/fire-and-fury-disinformation-in-new-zealand/
xxxv Uninformed Consent. (2022). https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Uninformed-Consent-(2022):6
xxxvi The New Normal. (2021). Happen Network. https://www.thriveon.com/media/the-new-normal-documentary-by-happen-network; 8 prominent doctors & scientists engage in a remarkable exchange >> https://3speak.tv/watch?v=pandemichealth%2Fraukfhng; Pandemic 3: Ivermectin. https://fb.watch/fppiqXSpnU/; Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards. (13 January 2022). Pharmageddon. https://snoopman.net.nz/2022/01/13/pharmageddon-part-1-how-masked-bandits-in-the-us-fda-nih-cdc-used-gileads-remdesivir-to-democide-covid-19-patients-across-america-in-cahoots-with-the/
xxxvii ‘Contrarian’ Academics Oppose NZ Lockdown | Newsroom https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2020/04/14/1127726/contrarian-academics-oppose-nz-lockdown
xxxviii Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministry/leadership-ministry/expert-groups/covid-19-technical-advisory-group
xxxix Plandemic II: Indoctornation. https://odysee.com/@UNCENSORED:c/PLANDEMIC2:1; https://www.thriveon.com/media/the-new-normal-documentary-by-happen-network/; Happen Network (Jan 14th 2021). The New Normal. Retrieved from: https://www.thriveon.com/media/the-new-normal-documentary-by-happen-network
xl Covid. Denis Rancourt. https://denisrancourt.ca/categories.php?id=1&name=covid; Dr. Denis G. Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, and Dr. Jérémie Mercier (October 26, 2021). Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data. Global Research. https://truthundercover.com/exhaustive-study-no-pandemic-death-by-totalitarian-rule/; Denis Rancourt. (2020-06-02). All-cause mortality during COVID-19 – No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response. https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=9&name=2020_06_02_all_cause_mortality_during_covid_19_no_plague_and_a_likely_signature_of_mass_homicide_by_government_response
xli Dr. Denis G. Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, and Dr. Jérémie Mercier (October 26, 2021). Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data. Global Research. https://truthundercover.com/exhaustive-study-no-pandemic-death-by-totalitarian-rule/
xlii Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards. (13 January 2022). Pharmageddon — How masked bandits in the US FDA, NIH & CDC used Gilead’s Remdesivir to democide ‘Covid-19 patients. https://snoopman.net.nz/2022/01/13/pharmageddon-part-1-how-masked-bandits-in-the-us-fda-nih-cdc-used-gileads-remdesivir-to-democide-covid-19-patients-across-america-in-cahoots-with-the/
xliii A Good Death? https://odysee.com/@Belfasteye.com:9/aGoodDeath:1
xliv Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards. (4 July 2022). V is for Variant Voodoo. https://snoopman.net.nz/2022/07/04/v-is-for-variant-voodoo/
xlvSunfellow On COVID-19. (July 16, 2022). Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Pierre Kory: “Stop Vaccinating!” Sunfellow On COVID-19 Published https://rumble.com/v1chxp3-dr.-malone-dr.-urso-dr.-kory-stop-vaccinating.html
xlviTHOMAS COUGHLAN. 21 February 2019). Is a life worth $4.7 million? https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/110753822/is-a-life-worth-47-million
xlvii Aerial manoeuvres in the apple moth war 17 May, 2004 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/aerial-manoeuvres-in-the-apple-moth-war/7LNISUICEXH6DMF3SAEOWF5GFU/