In this dispatch, Steve Snoopman focusses on the potential chicanery to arrive at the ‘group of 33’ Air NZ employees contesting the arilines corona injecticide mandate to codify damage control, since the number 33 was used frequently throughout the early phases of the plandemic to signal cooperation across the numerous jurisdictions of the UN system, including NZ. And he shows how GeoNet’s 6.7M earthquake alert on the fifth anniversary of New Zealand being thrown into a 33-day nationwide lockdown, appears to have been a codified threat, since the initial report claimed the quake’s depth was 33 kms. This is not the first time that GNS Science’s GeoNet has produced data for political purposes, Snoopman finds. This ‘coincidence’ of events appears to telegraph a warning to the Establishment to limit the damage.
The curious appearance of the number 33 in the quake meta-data of 25/03 coinciding with an employment court case where 33 Air New Zealand staff are challenging the airline’s corona injecticide policy, leads former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve Snoopman to survey the related striking uncanny coincidences.
He detects signalling that appears to telegraph a self-binding dynamic, wherein colluding players in a ‘syndicate’ double-down to manage their machinations.
He focusses on the potential chicanery to arrive at the group of 33 Air New Zealand employees to codify damage control, since the number 33 was used frequently throughout the earlier phases of the plandemic to signal cooperation across the numerous jurisdictions of the United Nations system, including New Zealand.
Five years ago this week, at one minute to midnight on March 25 2020, New Zealand was callously thrown into a nationwide shutdown at Level 4 — that would last for 33 days.
On March 25 2025, GeoNet sent out an alert that a 6.7M earthquake struck at a depth of 33 kms. This alert was relayed through the newswires, via Reuters. Yet, this depth was revised to 12 kms, as though GeoNet sat around waiting for nearly an hour for the Earth’s tectonic plates to produce another 12km aftershock at 3:58pm (NZST)
Indeed, the depth of 33 kms appears twice in GeoNet’s metadata, measuring 6.9M and 6.7M at 2.59pm NZST (New Zealand Standard Time). The time the quake struck is recorded between 2:43:09 and 2:43:13 NZST, or a 4 second spread measured globally.
Or, did GeoNet have a recording for 12 kms to start with? It’s hard to know because GeoNet’s data sequence as it appears in the “Location History”, starts approximately one minute 40 seconds after every seismic sensing institution, including GeoNet, state the earthquake struck. Russia recorded 6.5M quake at 02:43:10 (NZST) at 10kms.
GeoNet settled on 6.8M 12kms down, indicating this average in the first minute.
Thus, there appears to be chicanery afoot to explain away why the 33 kms depth figure was the only aftershock to appear in GeoNet’s data set for almost an hour, while the newswires only had this piece of 33 kms metadata to report with the strength of 6.7M. GeoNet had recorded over 100 aftershocks in the first four minutes, the last a 6.9M aftershock at 2:47:44 pm was claimed to be at a depth of 101.5 kms, followed by an 11 minute gap, with two aftershocks said to be at a depth of 33 kms, at 2:59pm.
Curiously, GeoNet reported the earthquake struck 155 kms northwest of Snares Islands, an uninhabited group designated as among New Zealand’s outlying islands beyond the jurisdiction of territorial authority. The islands were named in 1791 as Snares by HMS Discovery Captain George Vancouver, because he viewed them as a shipping hazard.
Whereas, U.S. Geologial Service referenced the nearest populated town, Riverton.
This would not be the first time that GeoNet has produced earthquake data for political purposes. In 2012, the GeoNet/GNS Science reported the Canterbury tectonic plates clocked up 13,000 aftershocks between September 4 2010 and September 2012. The Kaikōura Earthquake was also reported to be close to clocking up 13,000 shocks.
As Snoopman has shown in his dispatch titled, “Codified Cartel Collusion Featuring ‘13’ in the Christchurch Construction Bonanza”, there was an active city rebuild syndicate of seismic proportions. They dropped their bags of illuminati to signal their cooperation as cartel members, in keeping with game theory applied to economics. This cartel chicanery continued with the Kaikōura Quake, and just happened to feature the first American warship to visit New Zealand in 33 years. The USS Sampson, an Arleigh Burke Class destroyer was able to assist with the evacuation of stranded civilians.
This rescue and evacuation was a public relations boon for the U.S. Navy, after the ANZUS military alliance rift was ripped open into a deep chasm following the French-sponsored Rainbow Warrior Bombing of 10 July 1985. In his dispatch, Ghoulish Grandstanding Amid Genuine Grief, Snoopman drew upon the theory, technologies, and tactics to present the case that the Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes may have been engineered in a long geopolitical game to re-integrate New Zealand back into the Western Alliance, while signalling to Western Elites attuned to such psyho-dramas, that stiff punishments were being inflicted as a price to pay for ‘defecting’.
And in his follow up dispatch, “Disaster Militarization Down Under?”, Snoopman also explored the uncanny coincidences of military exercises, visits by U.S. officials and the presence of seismic survey ships associated with the timing of both earthquakes.
Ergo, it seems a self-binding dynamic is playing out, whereby New Zealand’s Old Boys Network — who operate at the nexus between the corporate world and the public state, and who in essence comprise part of N.Z.’s Deep State — are doubling down to limit the damage in the concurrent employment case regarding Air New Zealand’s corona ‘vaccine’ policy. The precedent of a highly favourable win for the complainants against the airline would likely send shock waves through corporate New Zealand.
The 6.8M earthquake northwest of the Snares Islands — that are located beyond territorial authority — indicates the quake’s initial reported depth of 33 kilometres on the fifth anniversary of NZ’s first nationwide lockdown, was telegraphing a threat to contain the ‘backlash from below’, lest the rebellion sinks the ‘ship of state’.
In part 1 of his “Terror Archipelago Down Under” series, Snoopman showed the curious coincidences of calamities, catastrophes, or crises, that appear to riff-off historical events. The history riffs link by thematic elements to the crisis at hand.
Such events trigger damage control by an administration’s authorities, including the police, following a disaster, a bungled operation, or an emergency response failure, or as a result of attempts to contain resistance ‘from below’. The sitting governments that are embroiled in the cover-ups, conflicts or clashes — become vulnerable to exploitation by élite criminal networks, provided they can control the crisis rituals.
Therefore, it would appear that the pattern of metaphor-laden shock events continue to be deployed as signals intelligence via the public media to telegraph threats, caution and who to scapegoat in order to de-risk a scandal snowballing into a crisis.
The announced ‘shutting up shop’ of 33 Flight Centre stores across New Zealand on March 23 of 2020, was but one metaphor-laden event to program the monkeys of the South Pacific archipelago to comply with the looming 33-day lockdown — amid a contagion of stupidity spread virally via newsrooms, lunchrooms and boardrooms.
As such, the alert by GeoNet of an earthquake widely reported to have struck at a depth of 33 kilometres while 33 Air New Zealand staff contest the airline’s corona ‘vax’ policy in the employment court, appears to be too uncanny to be a coincidence.
It would seem that an ‘outlier group’ contrived this meta-data to perform like a refracted cracked mirror to the Government’s Alert Level 4 for the country to self-isolate five years ago. And to heighten the historic hysteria, Sir Ashley Bloomfield re-surfaced on a ‘podcast’, like a psychic vampire from a ‘Corona Zombie Apocalypse’ ep.
As the Snoopman demonstrated in part 2 of his heretical “Corona World Games” series, entitled “Dropped Bag of Covid Illuminati”, the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was treated as a ‘live exercise’ by the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, and the world’s major and significant states. The meta-data of covid cases, death tolls and key associated events of this ‘corona plandemic’ were encoded with numbers, especially 33, between January 22 and 30 August 30, 2020. Officials deployed the number 33 to signal collusion by chalking up this milestone number.
The cohort of thirty-three Air NZ staff is mostly comprised of pilots and engineers, whose salaries are higher than the flight attendants, some of who are in the group of 33. There were more Air New Zealand employees who wanted to pursue their cases against the airline, but they could not afford the legal fees. It would be possible to restrict the cohort to 33 with a cost-benefit pitch, amid high legal fees. The law firm representing the group of 33 Air NZ employees is Dentons, who have also represented the New Zealand Medical Council, who have persecuted doctors for speaking out against the ‘pandemic’ lockdowns, ‘vaccine’ safety and the coercion of ‘vax’ mandates.
The timing and number of 33 Air New Zealand staff in the employment court to challenge the airline’s corona injecticide policy, appears to signal an effort by the Establishment to control this backlash. To be super-clear, I’m not saying the Air NZ staff in the case are deep state operatives. The Establishment is skillful in chess plays.
The ‘group of 33’ may have been ensnared into a strategic metaphor-laden game, in which the number of complainants was limited to due to the expense, more than three years after the airline imposed the vax mandates, in cahoots with NZ’s legal fraternity.
Ergo, the lockdowns, the quarantines, the contact-tracing, the QR-codes, the PCR and RAT tests, the traffic light system, and the ‘vaccine’ mandates could not have occurred without New Zealand’s tier-1 legal firms failing to do their due diligence to scope out whether the sudden, global shutdowns of whole nations was a geopolitical plot.
Therefore, the continued codifying of events with the number 33 indicates this self-binding dynamic has set in, to continue the group game. The players synchronized moves are detectable in the meta-data, since they in effect post themselves as ‘hostages’, as game theory could predict. Such ‘hostage exchanges’ occur in plain sight because most humans are ‘outside the club’ and are not privy to the tactical tricks.
As the rebellion sustains its momentum, the plandemic aftershocks reverberate with the recividist character, ‘Thirty Three’, who leaves a trail of poops in the meta-data.
Naturally, the media’s coverage has been scant, lest the rebellion snowballs.
NB: The 25.03.2025 quake was 1st reported to be at a depth of 33kms by GeoNet.

Doctoring Quake Data as a Form of Signals Intelligence?
Five years ago this week, at one minute to midnight on March 25 2020, New Zealand was callously thrown into a nationwide shutdown at Level 4 — that would last for 33 days.
On March 25 2025 at 2:43 PM, GeoNet recorded a Magnitude 6.8 earthquake off the coast of the South Island on Tuesday at a depth of 12 kilometers. Tellingly, the depth was initially reported to be 33 kilometers, according to Stuff, a newspaper chain.

This depth was subsequently altered to 12 kilometres, without any curiosity arousal.

Reuters, the newswire, reported GeoNet’s alert that claimed the quake’s 33 km depth, and was located about 160km north west of the Snares Islands. In 1791, this island group was named Snares by HMS Discovery Captain George Vancouver, because he considered the islands to be a shipping hazard. The islands are designated an Area Outside Territorial Authority, and are listed with the New Zealand Outlying Islands.
On GeoNet’s “Recent Earthquakes” page, it only displays three shakes and all three shocks just happen be at the depth of 12 kms, like a committee decided to settle on this meta-data after waiting nearly an hour to ‘register’ an aftershock following the two registered shocks at a depth of 33 kms, measuring 6.9M and 6.7M at 2.59 NZST.
During Daylight Saving 29.09.24 to 6.04.2025, NZ Standard Time runs 13 hours ahead of Universal Time Coordination used to record when seismic events happen.
Since GeoNet sent out the 33km depth figure to THE major newswire Reuters, which is picked up by every newsroom, and it was this 33km figure that was reported by multiple newsrooms, it is clear that SOMEONE wanted the 33 km figure emphasized.
This depth figure of 33 kms was also reported by Al Jazeera, Radio NZ and Stuff.
Strangely, nearly an hour passed before more aftershocks were recorded by GeoNet.
The U.S. Geologial Service reported the M6.7 quake, and referenced the nearest populated town, Riverton, in the district of Southland rather than the Snares Islands.
Like USGS, the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System also recorded the 6.7M at a depth of 21ks depth, noting the time of 1:43 UTC (12.43PM local time).

The Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre reported a 7M quake at 1:43:12 UTC with a depth of 9kms. GeoNet’s alert reporting the 33.0 kms depth figure occurred at 1:59 Universal Time Coordinated (UTC); by then over a 100 jolts were recorded.
The Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Obninsk, Russia (GSRAS) also recorded the earthquake struck at 01:43:10 UTC, with a similar 6.5M jolt at a depth of 10kms. And the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany (GFZ) recorded Magnitude 6.6 (Mw) quake at 01:43:13.6 UTC at a depth of 24 kms.
But, when it came to GeoNet, which is an agency of the New Zealand Geological Service, somehow their seismographs only started recording data approximately one minute and 40 seconds after the quake struck, at 2:44:51 pm rather than at 2:43:10 pm.
Ergo, it looks like there is a group at GeoNet acting like an ‘Area Outside Territorial Authority’, who have avoided publicly registering the first jolt was around 6.7M, and that it occurred during lunch, between 2:43:10 pm and 2:43:13 pm, and not at 33 kms.
GeoNet is claiming that the earthquake struck at 2:43pm occurred at 12kms depth, yet its data displayed in ‘Location History’ only shows this figure at 3:58 pm (2:58 UTC).
Because GeoNet’s data sequence does not start until 2:44:51 rather than at 2:43:10, the public cannot check when the first shock occurred and the aftershocks until 2.44.51.
Indeed, it seems GeoNet has hidden, tampered, and produced false data with the purpose to perhaps signal caution, threats and a cover-up is needed in regard to the concurrent Air New Zealand employment court case. A major win for the complainants from Air New Zealand would send shock waves through corporate NZ.
N.B. The 25.03.2025 quake was 1st reported to be at a depth of 33kms by GeoNet in an alert sent to newswires, including Reuters. But, GeoNet’s first recorded event was 5.2M jolt at 40.3kms deep at 01:44 UTC, then a 6.9M shock at 101kms depth at 1:47 UTC, and two shocks at 33kms depth (6.9M at 1.59.23 UTC and 6.7M at 1.59.31 UTC) and a 6.8M shock at 12kms at 2:58:24 UTC, which became the revised figure.
There appears to be chicanery afoot to explain away why the 33 kms depth was the only aftershock to appear in GeoNet’s data set from 2:59 pm for almost an hour, while the newswires only had this piece of metadata to report with the strength of 6.7M.
It may appear outlandish to doctor earthquake data for political purposes. And yet, the metadata indicates that an ‘outlier group’ have posted themselves as hostages to send an SOS message to the world, to be cautious about the employment case related to the cohort of 33 Air New Zealand staff challenging the airline’s covid ‘vax’ policy.
Doctoring Case Data as a Form of Signals Intelligence?
It may also seem to like a broad brush with which to paint the Air NZ crew case.
The circumstances of an employment court case underway in which thirty three Air New Zealand staff are challenging the airline’s covid injecticide policy deserves scrutiny. The lawyer representing the 33 Air NZ staff is Charlotte Parkhill at law firm, Dentons Kensington Swan. Dentons lawyers also represent the New Zealand Medical Council, who have persecuted numerous NZ doctors, nurses and other health professionals over their stances, views and practices that the Council deems as heretical to the Corona Cult, scientism and a threat to the contagion of stupidity.
Dr Sam Bailey, told Reality Check Radio host Paul Brennan that the board members of the Medical Council have legal backgrounds, and are white-ant political appointees.
Parkhill is also chairwoman of the Auckland Business Chamber, which represents big business interests. In 2019, Kensington Swan merged with Dentons, a global law firm.
My information is that there were more Air New Zealand employees who wanted to pursue their cases against the airline, but they could not afford the legal fees. The cohort of thirty-three Air NZ staff is mostly comprised of pilots and engineers, who are higher salaries than the flight attendants, some of who are in the group of 33.
Also on this fifth anniversary, New Zealand’s former Director General of Health, Sir Ashley Bloomfield, warned via a Stuff podcast that “another pandemic is coming”.
Naturally, the muppet-stream media (MSM) programs their audience of brainwashed monkeys to think about preparedness options to the wrong question, asking: “It’s been five years since NZ’s first lockdown. How do we prepare for the next pandemic?”
During the onset of the plandemic in the southern autumn of 2020, the Ardern Government signalled its compliance to the United Nations’ second global pandemic exercise. The U.N.’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s had issued a directive for member nations to conduct at least two such exercises, with at least one involving the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen — by September 2020.
The first global pandemic exercise was Event 201, that took place in Gotham City on October 18th 2019, and featured the natural zoonotic outbreak of a species-jumping, jet-setting zoonotic bat-pig coronavirus, actually occurred precisely one month after the U.N.’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), published its forebodingly titled report, “A World At Risk”. Among the members of this GPMB was Big Pharma’s sugar daddy, Dr. Antony Fauci, who had become the J. Edgar Hoover of public health as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) —for 38 years. Fauci was ‘the gift that kept on giving’ cash, white coats and rigged trials.
The South Pacific archipelago of New Zealand maintained a nationwide house arrest regime with the highest Level 4 ‘lockdown’ for 33 days, amid a state of emergency.
When N.Z. had been at Alert Level 3 for 33 days, ‘Sensitive’ Cabinet Papers were ‘leaked’ to newspaper chain, Stuff, showing that N.Z.’s National Crisis Management Centre believed the country could have been at Alert Level 1. That thinking was contingent upon no community transmissions in 28 days, and on confidence in the border restrictions regime that took advantage of the far-flung archipelago’s natural moat, the South Pacific Ocean. This strategic leak provided some controversy, while also working to signal that New Zealand was adhering to the forces governing Corona World Games by maintaining this second 33-day lock-down period.

The flight booking franchise, Flight Centre, symbolically signalled New Zealand was about to close it’s borders when its boss announced it would shut 33 stores nationwide.
In his book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, found border shutdowns, business closures and quarantining of the healthy were frequent pandemic script elements in 17 pandemic exercises that had preceded the plandemic. And all 17 outbreak exercises favored mass vaccinations as the primary solution to ‘re-win freedom’, he observed.
Bobby Kennedy also said the 17 pandemic scenarios discounted the efficacy of existing therapeutics, avoided mention of the value of exercise, sunshine and healthy diet, or ignored the effectiveness of immunity boosting supplements.

On March 17 2020, Air NZ announced that 13 trans-Tasman routes were closing.
Thirteen has long been used for ‘procuring marriage agreements’ among the brotherhoods across the world. The number signifies unity and fraternal love.
As I showed in “13 in the Numbers of Chris Luxon’s Career Path”, the prime number 13 and its multiples, are deployed in creepy communications, and signal solidarity, codify caution and telegraph objectives in plain site across ‘the news’. This pattern was also obvious when Air New Zealand passengers were in effect served a ransom note (15.02.2025) five days ahead of the airline’s $100m stock buyback announcement.
A fuel-efficient jet carrying students was deemed to be 1300 kgs too heavy, after it was ‘over-fuelled’. An Air NZ official said that thirteen passengers needed to disembark with their baggage, or everyone’s baggage would have been removed. Such a threat is consistent with applied game theory. The power rituals create meta-data of crimes.
During the first 33-day nationwide curfew at Level 4, Andrew Coster became the country’s 33rd Police Commissioner on April 4 (4.4.2020). Coster — who is the son of Professor Gregor Coster, who at the time was Dean of Victoria University’s Faculty of Health in Wellington — oversaw the development of firearms reforms introduced by the Government following the March 2019 Christchurch Mosques Massacre.
Thus, it is intriguing to recall when Ardern’s image was projected on the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai against the night sky, in the aftermath of the Ides of March Mosques Massacre, it created the surface impression that peace comes through cathartic rituals following catalytic crises that bind Christians and Muslims. But, also this apparent military-grade civic scorcery signalled a dark global reset was on the horizon, that would involve a more brazen alchemical psychodrama, as I alluded to in May 2019.
Yet, it didn’t occur to the Snoopman that the skyscraper looked like a gigantic hypodermic needle haunting the world, while carrying the image of Jacinda Ardern, as if to signal she had the ambition to reign over an eternal night on Earth. After all, the image of the gaunt ‘Scarlet Woman’ superimposed onto the Burj Khalifa Tower, was the epitome of psychotic projection in a sanitized show that looked, sounded, felt, smelt and slinked like a demonic alchemical psychodrama to process the planet with group fear, ritualized rage and contained hope. It now appears as if in March 2019, the South Pacific archipelago became, once again, a stage-set for a global voodoo show.
Ironically, during the injecticide program in 2021, and its excess deaths aftermath, the World Economic Forum-trained ‘leader’ become widely derided in N.Z. as ‘Jabcinda’.

On April 13th 2020, 1News reported there were 33 Covid-19 cases associated with the Rosewood Rest Home cluster. This rest home cluster was part of the psycho-drama.
On April 30th 2020, the New Zealand Herald reported there were 33 countries that had still reported no coronavirus cases. Among them were Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Niue, Nauru, Kiribati, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
Earlier, New Zealand was one of 33 countries that had sent medical supplies to help China fight the coronavirus, as Associated Press of Pakistan reported on February 15 2020 that China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang had said.
As the Snoopman demonstrated in part 2 of his heretical “Corona World Games” series, entitled “Dropped Bag of Covid Illuminati” the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was treated as a ‘live exercise’ by the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, and the world’s major and significant states. The meta-data of covid cases, death tolls and key associated events of this ‘corona plandemic’ were encoded with numbers, especially 33, between January 22 and 30 August 30, 2020. Officials deployed the number 33 to signal collusion by chalking up this milestone number.
Not coincidently, New York State clocked up a Covid death toll of 33,000 first, on 31st August 2020, making the deadline, and in effect won a gold medal in what the Snoopman coined as the ‘Corona World Games’, which had had many rehearsals.
Ergo, during the Corona World Games, key players ‘dropped their bags of illuminati’.
Analysis to ‘33’ Reverberates in Plandemic Aftershocks
The numerical ‘drops’ lurk like special agents in the meta-data of events to signal solidarity, as well as caution to gatekeepers to manage scandals, crises and probes.
33 is considered the Master Teacher, according to Master Numerologist, Hans Decoz.
Therefore, it would appear on the fifth anniversary of New Zealand being thrown into a nationwide Level 4 shutdown at Level 4, that would last for 33 days, the South Poacific archipelago’s deep state is signalling caution to gatekeepers to manage the probes underway in the employment court, and ahead of the Covid Royal Commission.
A 6.8M earthquake northwest of the Snares Islands — that are located beyond territorial authority — indicates the quake’s initial reported depth of 33 kilometres on the fifth anniversary of NZ’s first nationwide lockdown, was telegraphing a threat to contain the ‘backlash from below’, lest the rebellion sinks the ‘ship of state’.
Since GeoNet sent out the 33km depth figure over the newswires and since nearly an hour passed before more aftershocks were recorded, GeoNet’s activities are suspicious.
Particularly, since the Snares Islands group was referenced rather than Riverton.
Especially, because Snares Islands is uninhabited and are designated an Area Outside Territorial Authority, and therefore the subtext of this referent suggests a group acting unlawfully beyond the jurisdiction of New Zealand’s authorities to ‘jolt’ its politics.
N.B. New Zealand’s geographical location on the Pacfic ‘Ring of Fire’ means it is an easy target for amplifying these geological forces with geophysical warfare technologies. See link below: Disaster Militarization Down Under?
This would not be the first time that GeoNet has produced earthquake data for political purposes. In 2012, the EarthQuake Commission’s GeoNet/GNS Science reported the Canterbury tectonic plates clocked up 13,000 aftershocks between September 4 2010 and September 2012, and this 13,000 figure was widely repeated.
And just like its Canterbury predecessor, the Kaikōura Earthquake Sequence also boasted nearly 13,000 aftershocks before the tectonic milestone was reached. As I have shown in my dispatch titled, “Codified Cartel Collusion Featuring ‘13’ in the Christchurch Construction Bonanza”, there was an active city rebuild syndicate of seismic proportions. They dropped their bags of illuminati to signal their cooperation as cartel members, in keeping with game theory applied to economics. This cartel chicanery continued with the Kaikōura Quake, and just happened to feature the first American warship to visit New Zealand in 33 years. The USS Sampson, an Arleigh Burke Class destroyer was able to assist with the evacuation of stranded civilians.
Ergo, as with the Christchurch Earthquake of 22.02.2011, which had been a propaganda win for NZ Defence Forces between three exercises, the Kaikōura Earthquake of 13 November 2016 (UTC) was a public relations boon for the U.S. Navy, after the ANZUS military alliance rift was ripped open into a deep chasm following the French-sponsored Rainbow Warrior Bombing of 10 July 1985. In my dispatch, Ghoulish Grandstanding Amid Genuine Grief, I drew upon the theory, technologies, and tactics to present the case that the Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes may have been engineered in a long geopolitical game to re-integrate New Zealand back into the Western Alliance, while signalling to Western Elites attuned to such psyho-dramas, that stiff punishments were being inflicted as a price to pay for ‘defecting’.
And in my follow up dispatch, “Disaster Militarization Down Under?”, I also explored the uncanny coincidences of military exercises, visits by U.S. officials and the presence of seismic survey ships associated with the timing of both earthquakes.
Furthermore, in my Darkest Day Deception series, I make the case that the Christchurch Mosque attacks appeared to be an alchemical wedding to embroil a Labour-led Government in a cover-up in the 33rd year after the Rainbow Warrrior Bombing. The massacre — which occurred on the 74th day of the year, or the Ides of March — commenced eight minutes after a sparsely-filled 74-page ‘manifesto’ was sent to the Beehive, and it unfolded with uncanny spooky synchronicity with Chapter 74 of The Koran, which translates to ‘The Cloaked One’. It was therefore predictable that when the accused-lone wolf pseudo-commando character walked into the Christchurch District Court the next morning, he was wearing a canvas cloak. Such attire is standard for prisoners deemed to be suicidal. Clearly, a gunman accused of slaughtering 51 and injuring 49 Muslims was suicidal, since he risked getting pelted.
Thus, the timing of the 33 km depth ‘data glitch’ coinciding with the 33 Air NZ staff contesting the air carrier’s mandatory corona injecticide regime in the employment court — appears to signal an effort by the Establishment to control this backlash.
And, perhaps to influence the Royal Commission in its Phase 2 Inquiry. To be super-clear, I’m not saying the Air NZ staff in this case are deep state operatives. It would be easy to control the number of complainants, to ‘revise’ the strength of claims, or to talk some out of making the muster with a cost-benefit pitch, amid high legal fees.
The ‘group of 33’ may have been ensnared into a strategic metaphor-laden game, in which the number of complainants was limited to due to the expense, more than three years after the airline imposed the jab mandates, in cahoots with NZ’s legal fraternity.
For example, Bell Gully bragged in late 2020 that they were proud to have supported Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) “in its role leading New Zealand’s global negotiations for the Vaccine Strategy Task Force, advising officials from MBIE, the Ministry of Health, PHARMAC, MFAT and The Treasury on securing a portfolio of COVID-19 vaccines, with sufficient vaccines to cover the Realm of New Zealand (Tokelau, the Cook Islands and Niue) and New Zealand’s Polynesian neighbours (Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu) should their governments wish to take these up.”
And Dentons Kensington Swan acted as a Corona Cult vector stating that the workers’ pathway to ‘greater freedoms’ was via vaccination. Essentially, humans were livestock. Like the other top-tier law firms, Simpson Grierson, Chapman Tripp and Buddle Findlay also broadly supported the ‘vaccine’ mandates as a legal framework, with nuances of legal opinion, criticisms and token concerns about employee rights. Evidently, due dilligence doesn’t involve scoping the obvious geopolitical chess. And Russell McVeagh announced a vaccine free workspace, and claimed the right know the health status of staff and visitors, in keeping with the new normal Corona Cult.

Meanwhile, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts saw opportunity in the plandemic for adapting to a ‘brave new world’ of hi-tech business technologies, rather than calling out the totalitarian lurch the nation had pivoted to with unseemly speed, like other UN states.
Ergo, the lockdowns, the quarantines, the contact-tracing, the QR-codes, the PCR and RAT tests, the traffic light system, and the ‘vaccine’ mandates could not have occurred without New Zealand’s tier-1 legal firms failing to do their due diligence to scope out whether the sudden, global shutdowns of whole nations was a geopolitical plot.
Absent such major institutional skepticism, it would appear that an ‘outlier group’ has contrived the quake meta-data for an inaccurate alert, to follow the commencement of the Air New Zealand staff’s corona jab case, to perform like a refracted cracked mirror to the Government’s 33-day Alert Level 4 for the country to self-isolate five years ago.

These unrelated events indicate that key insiders associated with those events, have had one eye on playing New Zealand’s part in the Anglo-American Empire.
And the continued codifying of events with the number 33 indicates a self-binding dynamic has set in, to advance the group game. The players’ synchronized moves are detectable in the meta-data, since they in effect post themselves as ‘hostages’.
In other words, since such signalling was obvious to those attuned to such numerical ‘drops’, even before the World Health Organizaton declared a pandemic on March 11 2020 — you have to wonder how much the top spooks at SIS Down Under inform their Director, a career bureaucrat who quite possibly believes the official narrative of 9/11.
Indeed, the date March 11, corresponds to thirty three, since according to the rules of numerology, the date 03.11 yields 33 by multiplying 3 times 11, the top master number.
During this totalitarian lurch to police state formation, New Zealand’s Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) failed the country. ‘The Service’, evidently, didn’t ‘Know the Signs’ of applied game theory amidst a staged reset. Yet, the signs were obvious.
Game theory was developed during the Cold War to stabilize the power structures of the Russian Empire and the American Empire. In their paper, “Resolving social conflicts through hostage posting: theoretical and empirical considerations”, Gideon Keren and Werner Raub noted that “tacit communications of threats and promises are two major message strategies used to influence the behaviours of others”. Being seen to advance the game with parallel, or mirrored moves, is a mechanism to construct stability and is predicated on a provisional promise to cooperate, if other players post hostages too. These rituals create data for criminal investigations into crime of power.
The ‘game’ implies punishments if defections occur instead of cooperation signalled as hosting postings, which can many forms. For example, posting directors on multiple corporate boards, cross-ownership of stocks, bonds and securities, and performative press conferences with symbol-laden numerical or metaphorical drops.

Such hostage exchanges work as vectors for the transmission of corruption, collusion and conspiracy, amid contrived ignorance performed by key players visible in metadata.
To pull off this global psychological warfare operation, or psy-op, the advancement of the ‘Corona World Games’ narrative occurred in coordinated moves by federal, state and county officials across the United Nations system, and were performed as ‘Hostage Posting Rituals’ to signal ‘cooperation’, as game theory predicts.
As I showed in my Corona World Games series, a ‘Covid Cartel’ made synchronistic moves to signal their cooperation to advance the plandemic, in accordance with numerous pandemic simulation exercises that had rehearsed all the features of the draconian measures inflicted on about two-thirds of the world’s population.
These synchronistic moves included embedding news conferences with the number 33, to signify unity among the key insiders occupying key administrative posts in various jurisdictions across the United Nations’ system of member states.
This creepy signalling occurred during the early phases of the so-called ‘pandemic’, by way of federal, state and county officials dropping the number 33 into the corona figures as cases, deaths and crisis meta-data to codify their compliance.
In 2015 and 2018, the front-man for the ‘Global Health’ Syndicate, Bill Gates, ‘warned’ that the next pandemic could kill 33 million. The centi-billionaire predatory philanthropist projected this 33 million toll death threat during his 2015 TedTalk, titled, “The Next Outbreak? We’re Not Ready”. At this TedTalk, Gates lobbied for ‘germ games’ rather than more war games, after showing his model projecting 33 million deaths by referencing the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic which started toward the end of World War I, a conflict that was engineered by a Secret British Elite.
At the widely reported 2018 Shattuck Lecture at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, Boston, Gates also ‘warned’ that in the next pandemic, 33 million people could die worldwide after six months. The Gates Foundation sponsored GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative, with $750 million in seed funding and made $4.1 billion in funding commitments to the umbrella group bteween 2000 and 2020.
And so, isn’t it uncanny that when Ardern’s image was projected on the Burj Khalifa Tower against the night sky in the aftermath of the Ides of March Mosques Massacre, the skyscraper was in effect transformed into the inverse of a bat-signal in Gotham? After all, the Burj Khalifa Tower looked a gigantic hypodermic needle, did it not?

During the Corona Hostage Crisis of March 11 2020 to 26 September 2022, scientists, doctors and nurses outside ‘The Covid Club’ were (and continue to be) excluded, ignored, or Ostracised. The Covid Club’s favoured ‘solutions’, such as a global race to develop, deploy and deluge the world with injecticides, contact tracing apps, and ‘immunity passports’ — took on a warped logic belying a planet under siege by mysterious forces skilled in casting spells. Yet, many human monkeys living in the archipelago of New Zealand scoffed at the idea that the nation had been reset on an accelerated track to police state status. The confusion has to do with perceptions.
A hegemonic block of scientism had taken hold with a polarising effect on public discourses, the international medical profession and the private lives of humans cast as human monkeys in an epic geopolitical chess game to establish a global pandemic industry, in order to forge a totalitarian world system of technofeudalist police states.
It may seem loopy that the Air NZ group is being played. Yet, I have tracked 13 crisis events that appear to thematically riff off NZ’s history. And I have pointed out their anomalies, and how the events embroiled each new administration in a cover-up, that would work to compromise the sitting Government and ‘jolt’ the political trajectory of the country. And I have presented a case that the public media is used as a vector for this network to communicate their chess moves, to signal authorship, cooperation, narrative, scapegoats, to warn, telegraph trajectory and to convey psychotic humour.
Over the course of hacked time, each new government administration seems to undergo a reset that alters the mandated political trajectory of New Zealand.

If the possibility of deliberate historical riffing seems too ‘Doctor Evil’ and that such mechanisms to signal authorship, narrative, scapegoats, to warn, telegraph trajectory and to convey psychotic humour — would all be known to political science professors, muckraking reporters and civil authorities with prosecution powers, recall that Justice Mahon’s Erebus Report was not tabled in NZ’s Parliament until nearly 20 years after the crash of Air New Zealand Flight TE901 in Antarctica on 28 November 1979.
While his report did not touch upon the apparent historical riffs that I detect, it’s critical to recall the cover-up continued with the subsequent snuffed police probe.
Erebus Commissioner Peter Mahon suspected someone wanted the DC-10 to crash.
Indeed, Mahon wrote in his report that he totally rejected numerous claims about errors. For instance, he rejected the assertion that “the misleading flight plan radioed to McMurdo on the morning of the fatal flight was not deliberate, but the result of yet another computer mistake”, as Navigation Section witnesses tried to persuade him.
Ergo, Air New Zealand, Civil Aviation and the Beehive have BAGGAGE — writ large.

Thus, it now appears as if the South Pacific archipelago became, once again, a stage-set for a global voodoo show on 15 March 2019, to signal a dark world reset was on the horizon. New Zealand’s premiere puppet played the ‘Scarlet Woman’, haunting the world with syrupy performances of cognitive empathy, as evil narcissists can only do.
And as rebellion sustains its momentum, the plandemic aftershocks reverberate with the recividist character, ‘Thirty Three’, who leaves a trail of poops in the meta-data.
Naturally, the media’s coverage has been scant, lest the rebellion snowballs.
Amid widespread symbol illiteracy that besets the planet, transnational networks have cast themselves as like dark wizards and witches practicing symbol sorcery.
Ergo, the planet’s Overlords and their well-resourced highly paid armies of professionals treat the vast swathes of humanity like muggles ignorant of their ‘magical powers’, to stage creepy, spooky events to achieve far-reaching objectives.
See related:
Disaster Militarization Down Under? Were the Christchurch and Kaikōura Earthquakes Engineered?
Ghoulish Grandstanding Amid Genuine Grief: Why the Christchurch Earthquake 13th Anniversary Signals a Group Game
Corona World Games — Part 2: Dropped Bag of Covid Illuminati — 33’s in United Nation’s Second Pandemic Exercise
Air New Zealand $100m Stock Buyback follows Overweight Jet Delayed at Wellington Airport
Terror Archipelago Down Under — Part 1: Industrial Sabotage, Ritual Terrorism, and Police State Formation in New Zealand
Lux Luthor’s Secret Worship of Mammon— Pt 2: 13 in the Numbers of Chris Luxon’s Career Path
Darkest Day Deception 3 part series
Back when Steve Snoopman was ‘Snoopboy’, he delivered the Auckland Star during the dark days of the Reagan White House. He forged his superpower to ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ while writing a thesis on the Global Financial Crisis. Upon quipping that Batman had failed to bust any Gotham banker balls — since his ass is owned by DC Comics — he consequently realised New Zealand needed a Snoopman.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com
Steve Snoopman also posts on The Snoopman Files [at] https://stevesnoopman.substack.com/