Letters to the Future from the Time of ‘The Crazy’ [Dispatch No. 001]
How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket and why I’d rather be wrong than lose my friends, family and freedom In this heretical first Letter to…
How the World is going to Hell in a Corona Hand-Basket and why I’d rather be wrong than lose my friends, family and freedom In this heretical first Letter to…
Summary Version of a Heretical Trailblazing Essay In this summary of the groundbreaking heretical essay, “Deep History of Waitangi: The Queen Victoria Connection”, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards proves that the British…
This heretical investigation shows the anatomy of medical democide inflicted upon an unwitting American people under the rubric of the so-called global pandemic. The mass execution of patients with courses…
Origins of Institutionalized Abortion Linked to Eugenics Movement’s Repugnant ‘Hereditary Hygiene’ Ideology & Continues the Age-Old Quest to Control the World’s Most Coveted ‘Resource’ — Vagina The world’s leading cause…
Tribal Leaders call for international intervention; Northern Territory Chief Minister orders hard lockdown; revokes ‘5 reasons’ to leaving homes in Binjari & Rockhole By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards ➼ Indigenous Australians…
This letter calls on the MEDSAFE NZ to embargo the paediatric version of the Pfizer Comirnaty mRNA COVID-19 vaccine with a due diligence moratorium, rather than rubber stamp Pfizer’s application,…
New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, spins the record claiming her Government has held true to its promise to never mandate vaccinations for all NZers — while The BMJ reveals…
In this exposé, numerous New Zealand newsrooms, including The New Zealand Herald, Newshub and Newstalk ZB are shown to share the same ultimate owners as the pharmaceutical manufacturer, Pfizer. Among…
New Zealand’s first female Māori Governor General incorrectly claimed that her earliest predecessor, William Hobson, forged a partnership between the British Crown and Māori in 1840. The brutal truth is…
In this exposé, the New Zealand news brand, Newshub, is shown to share the same ultimate owners as the pharmaceutical manufacturer, Pfizer. The two biggest owners of AT&T, which owns…